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 Venus' Character Records

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Posts : 452
Poké : 3230
Join date : 2019-12-08
Location : Mapleland

Venus' Character Records Empty
PostSubject: Venus' Character Records   Venus' Character Records EmptyTue Dec 10, 2019 12:57 pm

Choose Your Character:

Venus' Character Records Vulpix-alola
Robin Pyralis
The Shapeshifter

Venus' Character Records Ralts
Phosphor Arcadio
The Cutlass

Venus' Character Records Snivy
Stella Astalon
The Annoyance

Venus' Character Records Salandit
Evelyn Kimura
The Phantom

Venus' Character Records Porygon
The Discoverer

Shared Inventory:

Healing Items:

Flavor Items:

Other Items:

Last edited by Venusian on Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:33 pm; edited 115 times in total
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Posts : 452
Poké : 3230
Join date : 2019-12-08
Location : Mapleland

Venus' Character Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: Venus' Character Records   Venus' Character Records EmptyFri Jan 10, 2020 12:26 pm

Venus' Character Records 9fb

and now you're finally finding out
that I'm not supposed to get better
but I said I won't be quite like this forever
'cause I'm a liar and a thief.

“You must remember, my dear lady, the most important rule of any successful illusion: First, the people must want to believe in it.”
― Libba Bray, The Sweet Far Thing

» Link to Original Bio: Robin the Alolan Vulpix
» Name: Robin Pyralis
» Gender: Female
» Text Color: #c0fff8, ice blue.
» Species: Alolan Vulpix, #037, the Fox Pokemon
» Affiliation: Novice Windrose Scout

» Level: 15
» Next Level: 2/5 pages, 7/15 bonus posts
» Energy: 26 (11 BE + 15)
» Ability: Snow Warning
» Moveset:
- Hypnosis (Egg)
- Icy Wind (Level 16)
- Blizzard (TM)
- Dark Pulse (TM)
- Locked (800 poke)
- Locked (800 poke)

» Forgotten Moves:
- Tail Whip (Level 1)
- Powder Snow (Level 1)
- Roar (Level 7)
- Spite (Level 12)

» Final Moveset:
- Freeze-Dry (Egg)
- Moonblast (Egg)
- Extrasensory (Level 28)
- Sheer Cold (Level 48)
- Aurora Veil (Level 44 / TM)
- Blizzard (Level 56 / TM)

» Personal Items:
- Winter Laurel Crown (Held Item)
When worn, reduces the cost of rolled berries to 0. The first time in a thread that a Berry would be consumed, it is not consumed.
- Time Flower
- Distortion Seed

» Active Threads:
- How Not to Freeze to Death (2 pages, Alki the Jigglypuff)
- The World We Know (0 pages, Tec the Porygon, Deimos the Absol, Russell the Mothim)
- What the Hec, Tec?! [Event] (0 pages, Tec the Porygon, Damien the Girafarig)
- Spooky Hours with the Scout Squad (0 pages, Lucas the Tynamo)
- Picking Up Eggs [Easter 2021] (1 page, Valen the Pikipek)

» Archived Threads:
- Merry Christmas, Windrose! (0 pages, 1 bonus post, Deimos the Absol, Tec the Porygon)
- Why Are These Trees Fabulous? (6 pages, Osiris the Dratini)
- R & R (2 pages, 2 bonus posts, Rex the Onix)
- Bad First Step (1 page, 1 bonus post, Alfonse the Mawile)
- Beat it, Punk! [Halloween 2019] (4 pages, 1 bonus post, Chance the Zorua)
- Exciting Things to Sea (4 pages, 5 bonus posts, Alki the Jigglypuff)
- No Man's Island (2 pages, Sosio the Fletchinder)
- Devolution (1 page, 1 bonus post, Krikka the Umbreon)
- What's the Stitch? (0 pages, 1 bonus post, Acro the Archeops)
- Search and Rescue (0 pages, 4 bonus posts, Saido the Nickit)

» Unboosted Pages: 11
» Joy Pages: 10
» Cursed Pages: 0
» Bonus Posts: 16
» Boosts: Joy Ribbon equipped from Levels 7-14. Consumed 1 Happy Meal. 1 free level from Pokemon Day.

» Playlist:


Art Gallery! (Click to view):

and you tried to change, didn't you?
closed your mouth more
tried to be softer
less volatile, less awake

- Warsan Shire


Last edited by Venusian on Mon Apr 26, 2021 7:38 am; edited 30 times in total
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Posts : 452
Poké : 3230
Join date : 2019-12-08
Location : Mapleland

Venus' Character Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: Venus' Character Records   Venus' Character Records EmptyWed Jan 29, 2020 12:39 am

Venus' Character Records MeKD7yH

No matter what they try,
they won’t take away our will to fight
So if you shoot them down, we can make it right
We’ll make it right

"Your sibling, after all, is the only other person in the world who understands how fucked up your parents made you."
― Deb Caletti, The Nature of Jade

» Link to Original Bio: Phosphor the Ralts
» Name: Phosphor Arcadio
» Gender: Male
» Text Color: #cc99ff, lilac.
» Species: Ralts, #280, the Feeling Pokemon
» Affiliation: Grassveil Guild, Team Daybreak (Grey Rank)

» Level: 7
» Next Level: 1/5 pages, 2/15 bonus posts
» Energy: 15 (8 BE + 7)
» Ability: Telepathy
» Moveset:
- Knock Off (Egg)
- Confusion (Level 6)
- Icy Wind (TM)
- Double Team (Level 3)
- Locked (800 poke)
- Locked (800 poke)

» Forgotten Moves:
- Growl (Level 1)
- Disarming Voice (Level 1)

» Final Moveset:
- Knock Off (Egg)
- Teleport (Level 15, Kirlia)
- Life Dew (Level 23, Kirlia)
- Psycho Cut (Level 42, Gallade)
- Solar Blade (TM, Gallade)
- Drain Punch (TM, Gallade)

» Personal Items:
- Cheek Pouch Pouch
When worn, if the wearer eats a berry, they will gain 5 energy regardless of the berry they’ve consumed while still applying the effect of the berry. This stacks with berries that already restore energy, so eating an Oran Berry will grant you 15 energy instead of the usual 10.

» Active Threads:
- A Rainy Encounter (0 pages, Saido the Nickit)
- Maybe The Real Treasure Is The Friends We Made Along The Way (2 pages, Darcy the Skitty)
- SF-002: "Shadowhue Forest" (1 page, Tec the Porygon, Alki the Jigglypuff)
- Back to School Blues (2 pages, Tatsu the Honedge)
- Bug off, Egghead! (1 page, Deimos the Absol)

» Archived Threads:
- Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad House (0 pages, 2 posts, Stella the Snivy, Nobi the Hoppip)

» Unboosted Pages: 6
» Joy Pages: 0
» Cursed Pages: 0
» Bonus Posts: 2
» Boosts: 1 free level from Pokemon Day.

"I hate wise men because they are lazy, cowardly, and prudent. [...] The wise man's life is empty and sterile, for it is free from contradiction and despair. An existence full of irreconcilable contradictions is so much richer and creative. The wise man's resignation springs from inner void, not inner fire. I would rather die of fire than of void."
- Emil M. Cioran, On the Heights of Despair


Last edited by Venusian on Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:11 pm; edited 21 times in total
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Posts : 452
Poké : 3230
Join date : 2019-12-08
Location : Mapleland

Venus' Character Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: Venus' Character Records   Venus' Character Records EmptyWed Nov 18, 2020 6:42 pm

Venus' Character Records Tumblr_nk7v6wBSg61sapaufo1_500

I want the world
I want the whole world
I want to lock it
All up in my pocket
It's my bar of chocolate
Give it to me now

“Not everything is about you," Clary said furiously.
"Possibly," Jace said, "but you do have to admit that the majority of things are.”

- Cassandra Clare, City of Glass

» Link to Adoption Application: Adopting Stella the Snivy
» Name: Stella Astalon
» Gender: Female
» Text Color: #33cc99, green.
» Species: Snivy, #495, the Grass Snake Pokemon
» Affiliation: Aileron Guild, Team Radiance

» Level: 8
» Next Level: 2/5 pages, 12/15 bonus posts
» Energy: 22 (14 BE + 8)
» Ability: Contrary
» Moveset:
- Magical Leaf (Egg)
- Leer (Level 4)
- Vine Whip (Level 7)
- Nature Power (TM)
- Locked (800 poke)
- Locked (800 poke)

» Forgotten Moves:
- Tackle (Level 1)

» Final Moveset:
- Mirror Coat (Egg)
- Knock Off (Tutor)
- Synthesis (Tutor)
- Dragon Pulse (Tutor)
- Nature Power (TM)
- Leaf Storm (Level 62, Serperior)

» Personal Items:
- None

» Active Threads:
- A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event] (0 pages, Vixey the Vulpix, Alki the Jigglypuff)
- Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad House (0 pages, Phosphor the Ralts, Nobi the Hoppip)

» Archived Threads:

» Pre-adoption Threads:
Click to view:

» Unboosted Pages: 10
» Joy Pages: 0
» Cursed Pages: 0
» Bonus Posts: 12
» Boosts: 1 free level from Pokemon Day.

"If I’m conceited enough to believe I’m invincible, then maybe it will take me doing the very thing I swore I would never do to understand that I’m not as wonderful as I thought I was."
- Craig D. Lounsbrough


Last edited by Venusian on Wed Apr 21, 2021 5:02 am; edited 5 times in total
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Posts : 452
Poké : 3230
Join date : 2019-12-08
Location : Mapleland

Venus' Character Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: Venus' Character Records   Venus' Character Records EmptyFri Nov 20, 2020 1:39 am

Venus' Character Records Tumblr_oim7tsE7cz1rpn9eno1_540

All that's golden is never real
And I won't play fair with you this time
All that's golden is never so
And I'll be thankful when you let go
(You know, you know, you know, you know that you go too far)

“She's more delicate than you'd think," I say. She's glass. I'm glass. We're all glass, busted up, unrecognizable from our original selves. We walk around in fragments. It's a circus act.”
― Rivers Solomon, An Unkindness of Ghosts

» Link to Original Bio: Evelyn the Salandit
» Name: Evelyn Kimura
» Gender: Female
» Text Color: #ff3366, pinkish-red.
» Species: Salandit, #757, the Toxic Lizard Pokemon
» Affiliation: Outlaw, Cafe Sawsbuck, Desert Rose

» Level: 7
» Next Level: 2/3 pages, 5/9 bonus posts
» Energy: 23 (14 BE + 7 + 2)
» Ability: Corrosion
» Moveset:
- Knock Off (Egg)
- Fire Blast (TM)
- Leech Life (TM)
- Toxic (TM)
- Locked (800 poke)
- Locked (800 poke)

» Forgotten Moves:
- Poison Gas (Level 1)
- Scratch (Level 1)
- Smog (Level 5)

» Final Moveset:
- Knock Off (Egg)
- Venoshock (Level 35)
- Venom Drench (Level 45)
- Fire Blast (TM)
- Leech Life (TM)
- Toxic (TM)

» Personal Items:
- Joy Ribbon (Equipped)

» Active Threads:
- 0/5 Stars on Yelp (1 page, Rui the Skiddo, Viktoria the Riolu)
- A Min(i)or Problem (0 pages, Rui the Skiddo, Darcy the Skitty, Viktoria the Riolu)
- Game's Over [Event] (2 pages, Viktoria the Riolu)
- You'll Never See It Coming [Event] (0 pages, Rui the Skiddo)

» Archived Threads:
- Christmas Among Friends (0 pages, 1 bonus post, Rui the Skiddo, Darcy the Skitty, Josie the Pichu)
- Shell Shocked [Easter 2021] (2 pages, 4 bonus posts, Darios the Heracross)

» Unboosted Pages: 0
» Joy Pages: 5
» Cursed Pages: 0
» Bonus Posts: 5
» Boosts: Joy Ribbon equipped at Level 5. Dyed her orange marking pinkish-red with a Kasib Berry. (Example in art gallery.) Consumed two life seeds for +2 energy. 1 free level from Pokemon Day.

Art Gallery (Click to view!):

Tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us.
These, our bodies, possessed by light.
Tell me we'll never get used to it.

- Richard Siken, Crush


Last edited by Venusian on Wed Apr 21, 2021 11:43 pm; edited 19 times in total
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Posts : 452
Poké : 3230
Join date : 2019-12-08
Location : Mapleland

Venus' Character Records Empty
PostSubject: Re: Venus' Character Records   Venus' Character Records EmptyFri Dec 04, 2020 10:22 am

Venus' Character Records Ff6

What about them in the factories?
Who never sleep, who never dream?
Everything is happening
Everything is happening at the same time

“Your soul is bigger than your programming.”
― Claudia Gray, Defy the Stars

» Link to Adoption Application: Adopting Tec the Porygon
» Name: Tec
» Gender: Agender (Male-presenting)
» Text Color: #aaf0bd, light green.
» Species: Porygon, #137, the Virtual Pokemon
» Affiliation: Novice Windrose Scout

» Level: 7
» Next Level: 0/3 pages, 0/9 bonus posts
» Energy: 21 (14 BE + 7)
» Ability: Download
» Moveset:
- Conversion2 (Level 1)
- Sharpen (Level 1)
- Thief (TM)
- Psychic (TM)
- Locked (800 poke)
- Locked (800 poke)

» Forgotten Moves:
- Conversion (Level 1)
- Tackle (Level 1)
- Recycle (Level 5)

» Final Moveset:
- Recover (Level 35)
- Discharge (Level 40)
- Psychic (TM)
- Thief (TM)
- Protect (TM)
- Teleport (TM)

» Personal Items:
- A bag, to carry new discoveries.
- Joy Ribbon (Held)

» Active Threads:
- The World We Know (0 pages, Robin the Alolan Vulpix, Deimos the Absol, Russell the Mothim)
- SF-002: "Shadowhue Forest" (1 page, Phosphor the Ralts, Alki the Jigglypuff)
- What the Hec, Tec?! [Event] (0 pages, Tec the Porygon, Damien the Girafarig)

» Archived Threads:
- Merry Christmas, Windrose! (0 pages, 1 bonus post, Deimos the Absol, Robin the Alolan Vulpix)
- CF-001: "Coral Forests" (3 pages, 6 bonus posts, Viktoria the Riolu)

» Pre-adoption Threads:
Click to view:

» Unboosted Pages: 4
» Joy Pages: 0
» Cursed Pages: 0
» Bonus Posts: 15
» Boosts: 1 free level from Pokemon Day. Joy Ribbon equipped at level 7.

"Emotional and creative intelligence: the final frontier. These are the voyages of AI. Its mission: to explore strange new emotions and creative worlds. To seek out empathy and the artistic muse. To boldly go where no robot has gone before!”
― Khang Kijarro Nguyen

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PostSubject: Re: Venus' Character Records   Venus' Character Records Empty

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