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 Bad first step. (Closed)

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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptySun Dec 29, 2019 8:01 am

Grassveil town was everything Alfonse expected it to be, so many Pokemon walking around and shops littering the area. Alfonse got a very good look at these things as he ran away from them in order to throw up everything he had. Struggling to stand properly and bent over with the jaw on his head shifting left and right wildly as he hurled his lunch. "Regret, Regret. Regret." Alfonse painfully got out as he hurled again.

Noticeable he ran away from inside a traders wagon that was being carried by two Rapidash. "Who even goes that fa-" another wave of nausea came but luckily he was able to keep it down this time. Still the Mawile looked quite the sight hunched over hands near the ground, jaw wilting swinging as he waited for the feeling of nausea and dizziness to go down.

Last edited by Mathenus on Fri Jan 03, 2020 7:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptySun Dec 29, 2019 9:16 am

Robin wouldn't have, normally, been bold enough to approach strangers in the street. Kiba had been a rare exception, as she'd feared the little Zorua was about to get his head removed from his shoulders, before learning that what she assumed to be blood was simply red paint. Now, that had been an adventurous day, to put it mildly. She was making a rather leisurely pace through town, keeping her head down like she usually did, when she saw a rather unfortunate Mawile. She winced in what was both disgust and sympathy. Poor guy was drawing quite a few odd looks...

"H-hey, you alright?" She managed weakly before her better mind caught up to her. He must have been sick, that was the only thing that made sense. She'd be lying if she pretended to be comfortable, but she could hardly leave him here on his own. Then again, wasn't lying what she did best? She didn't care at all for the eyes on her, but she was locked in now, she she offered what she hoped was a comforting smile. "If you aren't feeling well, I can help get you to the hospital-"
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptySun Dec 29, 2019 9:38 am

Alfonse knew people would be giving him odd looks, even in his hometown he always caught the eye of someone when this happens. Though this time someone was concerned enough to walk over and check if he's ok, not wanting to worry this stranger Alfonse forced a smile and raised his hand. "Don't worry, I'm fine." He said clearly being the opposite of that.

Shaking his head as the feeling slowly left he stood up straight, jaw on his head slowing down till it completely stopped. "I'm not sick, well not exactly uhh." He scrached his head thinking of the best way to word this. "I always get sick when riding anything. Carts, flying types, water. Something about the movement messes me up and I can't help but do that sorry show." Shaking his head he gives a small sigh. "It leaves when I stand on solid ground for a while."

"Though new town, bad first impression." He mentioned mostly to himself looking around and seeing passers by looking at him, yep bad first impression.
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyMon Dec 30, 2019 5:57 am

Ah. She felt a little silly for being so concerned over motion sickness, of all things. "Well, I'm glad you're alright!" Not as grateful as she was self-conscious to find herself at the heart of such a scene, she thought with a slight pang of guilt. He... still looked less than fine, but at least he didn't seem to be in danger. She supposed that would have to be enough. "So you're new to Grassveil, huh?" She added, quite eager to leave that little mess behind them. Far behind them. Preferably before she got roped into cleaning it up. She trotted down one of the streets, motioning for the Mawile to follow.

"I'm pretty new myself. What brought you here? The dojo, the police station... the guild?" That last one always seem to draw the most attention, easily the focus of many starry-eyed adventurers, as she had quickly learned. Perhaps that was why it didn't appeal to Robin. She wasn't built to live in the spotlight.
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyMon Dec 30, 2019 6:24 am

Alfonse nodded when she mentioned him being new, watching her trot down the street, more then happy to put what just happened behind him he followed suit walking next to the stranger. Noticing the pause when she mentioned the guild Alfonse gave a small laugh under his breath. "I suppose most come here for the guild huh, well I'm no different." He admitted with a shrug. "But the Dojo sounds interesting also, might be another good place to check out."

His eyes went a bit wide realizing he didn't even know this Vulpix, or at least didn't know her name. "Sorry, must've forgot but I'm Alfonse. Thanks for making sure i was ok, not that many tend to." He mentioned with a smile. "Though you said you're new too huh? Why'd you come to Grassveil." He thought it only fair as she had asked him the same.
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyMon Dec 30, 2019 6:42 am

Ah, that was the tricky thing about questions. They were all well and good, until they were returned her way. Her own story was one she wasn't too inclined to share at the moment, and so she merely shrugged her shoulders, feigning thoughtfulness. "Hmm... there was no real reason, really. I suppose it was just time for a change." A change from standing in shadows, forcing herself into the woods whenever she felt so much as a flicker of discontentment, a change from watching and waiting for her to slip and prove herself the bad omen they always knew she was.

Though, that side comment about not many people making sure he was alright... was concerning, and it didn't escape her. Perhaps they weren't as different as she'd thought.

"I don't live in Grassveil, but it's a convenient place to stop and pick up supplies. It's a safe town, not to mention lively enough that I can find more or less everything I need here. I just picked up some better drawing supplies." She continued, her tone breezy and light. "I may not live here, but I do have a decent sense of direction. Would you like me to show you to the guild?"
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyMon Dec 30, 2019 7:00 am

As she shrugged her shoulders and gave an answer Alfonse felt like her answer was leaving much to be desired, though he quickly dropped this thought out of his mind. After all he just met them a few minutes ago they were perfect strangers. "I suppose I understand that, heck that's partly why I left my hometown, Got tired of seeing the same place day in and out." Deciding to leave the discussion at that he looked around while they walked, almost a bit mesmerized about the hustle and shops. He would definitely come back here, though probably when he had actual money.

Then her offer reminded him, he had no idea where the guild even was. "Are you sure? I'd appreciate it but I don't wanna take up your time." He offered a way out, Alfosne was sure he'd be able to find it eventually yet also didn't want to turn away help.
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyTue Dec 31, 2019 5:24 am

"It'll take no time at all, really. Just follow me." Came Robin's easy answer. Granted, she would have said that exact same line regardless of how far it was. But it was truthful this time, at least. The guild wasn't too much out of her way. "While we're walking, what was your hometown like?" She was already prepared her own lie for when the question was likely returned. "Mine was pretty peaceful, this small little town in the middle of the woods. This little place where everyone knew each other. We didn't have anything in the way of trade, so seeing a place as bustling as Grassveil still takes some getting used to. I think I'm doing alright, though."

It wasn't a lie. Just not the full truth.
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyTue Dec 31, 2019 5:51 am

Well Alfonse wasn't one to turn down help, especially when he has no idea what he's doing. Before he could ask anything though he got a question first, giving it a moment's thought he decided the best way to say it. "I grew up in Rainfront town, just a few days from here. A lot of water Pokemon around. It was pretty quiet for the most part just my mom, dad and their old teammate living there." His face scrunched up a bit thinking on something. "Suppose that's why I left though, figured there was more to see out here ya know?" Not sure if they'd understand what he meant Alfonse gave a shrug.

Hearing on her hometown though was interesting, a town in the woods sounded much more interesting to Alfonse. "Huh sounds nice, maybe I'll visit it sometime." Though that end part made him add something. "I'm sure you're doing great, heck better then me after all." He said with a smile, after all she knew where she was going.
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyWed Jan 01, 2020 12:14 am

Rainfront, huh? His own life sounded peaceful, and she couldn't fight back a flicker of envy, even if only for the moment. No, it was no's fault but her own, that her own life hadn't been so calm. That comment on her old town, though, made a dark spike of laughter bubble up in Robin's throat. She couldn't suffocate it in time, and so her only hope was that she'd managed to turn it into something that sounded more cheerful than defeated and wry.

"That sounds peaceful. I bet I'd enjoy Rainfront, too." She added, purposefully leaving any thoughts on her old town behind her. "And, c'mon, don't be too hard on yourself. I'm sure you'll pick up anything you don't know soon." A pause, then, as Robin slowed down ever so slightly. "So your parents were also guild pokemon? Is that why you wanted to join it?"

She had to admit, she was curious about the guild's appeal. She never really felt like she 'got it', so to speak, herself.
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyWed Jan 01, 2020 4:18 pm

Peaceful, yeah that probably was the best way to describe it. Thinking on it made Alfonse feel a bit off, he wasn't already homesick was he? "Yeah, it's a nice town. The beach is really nice most of the time. There's also an Inn, never been inside myself but it has its own private beach."

Alfonse let out a small laugh when she tried to cheer him up. "Yeah don't worry, I'm sure I'll get everything down soon. It'll be a cinch." There was his overwhelming confidence shining through, with a smile and a nod he was sure he'd be fine.

But that question of his parents made him shake his head no. "Nah they were never part of the guild, my parents were treasure hunters. Wandering around together, looking for rare treasure and such. In fact they were a bit iffy about me going to the guild." Saying it out loud made him think a bit more on why he wanted to join. "I want to join cause I want to get stronger, I figured the guild training would help with that. Also I'm mostly just checking it out now, don't know for sure if I'll join."

While talking though Alfonse realized he failed to ask something. "Oh you said you don't live in Grassveil though? Where do you stay? If you don't mind me asking." Halfway through that he felt a bit odd asking but he was curious.
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyThu Jan 02, 2020 2:08 am

Rainfront sounded... calm. Perhaps being somewhere like that wouldn't be so bad, in Robin's eyes. She'd trade adventure for peace most any day. Still, it looked like she'd been off the mark this time. Unaffiliated treasure hunters? That sounded like quite the life. "They must've had a lot of stories to tell, huh?" She wondered to herself if they'd ever ended up finding something special, but that kind of question seemed like it would sound rude if it was spoken aloud, and so she forced it down.

"Getting stronger, huh?" He was far from the first pokemon to have mentioned such a goal, and honestly... Robin couldn't claim to understand the appeal. It seemed that this one was quite different from her, in every way that mattered. "Why do you want that, if you don't mind me asking?" Maybe he could help her understand.

"... Oh. Well, honestly, I don't... live anywhere, per say. But I can stay at the Windrose Library if I can't pay for lodgings for the night, so I... guess that's the closest thing to home I have."

Ha. That came out far more depressing than she'd meant.
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyThu Jan 02, 2020 5:37 pm

"Yeah, they have tons of stories, used to tell me about them all the time. Never really made a name for themselves, they told me that didn't matter much to them though." He wasn't ashamed to admit they didn't get much actual treasure, his parents didn't seem to mind so why would he? "Maybe I can find something to add to their collection, wouldn't that be cool." Alfonse a bit happy while talking about treasure, Apple didn't fall that far from the tree.

But that question about strength made him pause for a moment, he hadn't really thought about it much. Taking a second to think he finally came up with something. "I suppose my main reason is I like fighting, ever since I was a kid I've enjoyed battle. Apparently my mom was the same way, so getting stronger would let me fight stronger opponents and go to tougher places. I know a lot might feel the same but that's just difference in opinion I suppose." giving a small shrug at the end, he didn't know if she'd understand but that's just how he felt.

Though her reply on where she lived did give him a pang of guilt for asking, specially after talking about his home. "Ahh I see, W-well you mentioned drawing supplies right, you an artist?" quickly changing the subject thinking she might not want to talk more on that subject.
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyFri Jan 03, 2020 12:52 am

He supposed? It didn't sound like it was something he'd thought about a great deal, which meant, to Robin, that it was more of an instinct. Some innate drive that she just... lacked. If it was something intrinsic, she doubted it could be explained to her. Not in a way that would help her truly understand.That was a bit of a pity, but she shrugged it off. Still, his upbringing sounded pleasant, to her. Living in a medium-sized, quiet town, with an inn and a beach.

"I think I understand." She agreed amicably, even though she didn't understand in the least. "Well, I hope you find some treasure of your own someday, Alfonse! That'd be exciting."

"And, ah... no, I'm not an artist. I just try to have a visual reference when I report on mystery dungeons." Surely he didn't want to hear about her writing reports. That was even duller than usual. His life sounded much more interesting. "We're almost at the guild. I've heard good things of it. Apparently the guildmaster is very kind, and they accept a wide variety of pokemon there." She mused. "If you do decide to join it, I'm sure you'll fit in just fine."
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Bad first step. (Closed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bad first step. (Closed)   Bad first step. (Closed) EmptyFri Jan 03, 2020 6:56 am

Alfonse simply nodded hoping he finds something as well, but that report thing was what interested him the most. "You write reports on dungeons? That's actually pretty neat, never was one for writing myself. I get antsy sitting around too long." He felt like asking more but if they were close to the guild then it might be best to not try and start a possibly long conversation.

"Yeah I've heard good things too, I'm sure I'll fit right in if I do join." still having that smile he paused for a moment before continuing. "Thanks a lot for showing me the way, it's nice to chat with someone once in a while. Who knew my motion sickness would lead to a nice chat." He was having quite a bit of fun with this, gave him some things to think about as well with his goals.
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