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 A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event]

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A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event] Empty
PostSubject: A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event]   A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event] EmptySun Jan 10, 2021 2:35 am

Vixey, for her part, was tired of all the smog and muck and general ugliness of Grima Outpost. How she'd ended up in such a trash-bag of a place was beyond her, but the young Vulpix was mindful enough to know that such a town was beneath her. And to think she'd even been robbed! She had no clue how, or why, fate had directed her to a place like Grima. But she knew that she wasn't bound to it, not in a million years. She breathed a small puff of fire as her ears perked up. Her tails flowed back and forth gently in the wind, as the fire type paused to get her bearings.

Why was she in a mystery dungeon?

To get famous, of course!

She'd thought long and hard about this plan, and decided that it made nothing but sense. There was some giant legendary causing havoc, or starting wars, or... something along those lines. The details were unimportant. It was a bad pokemon. And he'd been causing said trouble for... years, had it been? Or maybe months? She hadn't been aware of it until the last week or so, but... It'd be better to go with years. It made her sound better. In any case, some bad pokemon was causing trouble to the whole world for years, and if she was the one to stop them? She'd be famous! World famous! And no one with that level of fame was in Grima, right?

She'd be drowning in invitations to guilds all across the world. The one in Grassveil seemed nice, but Aileron was for the really famous explorers, right?

"That's where I'm going to be..." Vixey mumbled under her breath, lifting her head up high as she ventured further into the mystery dungeon.
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A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event]   A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event] EmptyWed Jan 13, 2021 2:43 am

The missions at Aileron were dreadful. They were so clearly below her caliber! Her options were finding a Technical Machine for a pokemon who was clearly a filthy criminal, escorting a Wurmple of all things, dealing with a spoiled brat for ages, finding some piece of junk off the ground, or taking a Zorua on a shopping trip. No. She could rise to much greater things, if given half a chance to prove herself, but the guildmaster had laughed her off.

Laughed her off! Her! She looked down sternly on the Snivy, firmly telling her that she would have to work her way up and prove herself just like everyone else. There hadn't been any laughter involved, perhaps, but Stella had sensed the derision. She balled her hands into fists, her steps forceful and her tone snide. "Dusty old bird should go back to being extinct." She huffed. "Just wait and see, ma'am."

Stella would prove what she was made of. There was no way that the hag could justify locking her down at gray rank after this. She would free Everspring Vale from the tyrant's tyranny, and end this holy war once and for all! She would prove that she was the strongest grass type in the world! You didn't see the Grassveil guildmaster marching her way out here, did you?

Stella would claim her rightful rank and crown. Nothing and nobody could stop her. ... wait, what was that? She heard a slight mumble somewhere behind her, snapping to attention. She had to be aware, after all, these were dangerous surroundings. The pokemon approached her looked harmless, though. Downright cuddly, even, with fluffy orange tails and big brown eyes.

Stella had considered recruiting her to the cause, but, well... hmm. On second thought, she might at least make a good distraction. "Hail, traveler." She announced boldly. "My name is Stella of Team Radiance, the most powerful team of Aileron, here to strike down the legendary pokemon terrorizing the Vale." She declared, holding out a hand to the Vulpix. Surely with an introduction with that, the hapless stranger would join her!

"You may accompany me to witness the fall of Regigigas." Having another pokemon there to witness this... that would only add to her glory! Bringing along the little fox would work out, actually, Stella saw no downsides to this.

Stella's Energy: 1
(21 - 20 from entry.)
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A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event]   A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event] EmptyWed Jan 20, 2021 2:07 am

Alki wasn't sure what Extinct meant, but she knew enough to know that whoever was saying the word wasn't happy. A snivy stomped about, huffing and puffing about a bird and dust and... lots of other things. Honestly? It scared Alki. She'd been... Well, she'd wanted to actually come out here and steal from people. What with the whole legendary or... Was it a legendary? Scary Pokemon, out here and causing trouble, she figured lots of would be heroes would come out here trying to solve the problem.

And they typically carried lots of money, right? Heroes had to be rich...

But this snivy? She wasn't quite sure if she was hero material, but she was definitely scary enough. She'd probably beat her up if she tried to steal from her. And then laugh at her.

Alki peered at her from behind a nearby rock, before making up her mind. It wasn't worth the risk to steal from her. She definitely seemed like the aggressive type. Maybe she should... Well... What should she do?


Vixey cocked her head, quite unsure on how best to address this stranger. A grass type, huh? Vixey shifted her front paws about awkwardly. She'd learned her lesson in regards to underestimating someone for their typing, but at the same time...

A grass type? What was she doing way out here? And trying to play hero, no less! Vixey nodded, a small smirk appearing on her face before quickly vanishing. Appearances could be deceiving.

She supposed.

"I'll do more than just witness," Vixey said, her aura oozing unmerited confidence. She smirked at the Snivy, before offering a small wink, ears perked up as she held her head up high. "My name's Vixey, and I'm gonna be the one to fix up this whole mess! Get me a ticket to a nice guild, like Grassveil or Aileron!" She could appreciate Stella's confidence. That was good! But Vixey had come here to solve the Regigas problem, and solve it she would!

She refrained from saying as such to Stella. She had a feeling she wouldn't take that fact well.            


Alki remained hidden, staring at the two Pokemon. They... seemed rather similar. They were a bit too far away for her to hear clearly, but she'd heard a team name. Radiance. And from Aileron, too! The famous guild. Were they a team?

Arceus, they really would have beaten her up, wouldn't they have? And arrested her too, probably. Aileron was good. At least, that's what she'd heard. Maybe she should introduce herself? She'd rather not commit any crimes with two aileron guild-mons nearby... And hey! Maybe if she helped out, she'd get some sort of reward, too! There had to be a reward for fixing this whole problem, right?
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A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event]   A Level 7 Grass Type Saves the World [Event] EmptyWed Jan 20, 2021 5:38 am

Interesting. Interesting indeed. A grin crossed Stella's face. So she had a bit of fire to her, then? Perhaps this would be interesting. "Grassveil? Please, they take any common trash off the streets." Full of idiots, the lot of them. Their guildmaster was just another old woman sat in her room, doing nothing to solve this problem. Their members were strong only in numbers, and they knew nothing of loyalty, being easily forgotten and replaced by her own team.

Replaced! Her! She'd learned from her mistakes and made a solo team, after that. Their loss, not welcoming back the strongest grass type in the world with open arms. Having gotten her snide comment towards Grassveil's guild out of her system, the Snivy raised her head proudly. "But, hmm... I wonder. Do you truly think you're good enough for Aileron?" She mused. It was something she genuinely wondered, despite the harshness of her words. She hadn't intended for them to be venomous, merely an honest question, poised more at herself than the Vulpix.

"If you impress me, perhaps I can put in a good word for you." She decided. "Assuming you don't get in my way, of course." Perhaps it was foolish, to give out her favor so easily. That would diminish it, yes? But going against Regigigas took spirit, she would give the vulpine that. If she did well, she had well-earned her place among the skies.

Still, her manner of speak was a little bit plain. Even her name was a bit... simple. Stella didn't believe 'get me' was proper grammar. The poor vulpine wasn't especially bright. Still! She could contribute, in some way, or at least attempt to do so as she witnessed Stella's quest for glory. As the Snivy brazenly lifted her head, there was... something in the bushes. Someone, rather, a flash of pink catching her eye. She would have missed it if the pokemon was any other color. However, they were not.

"It's quite rude to eavesdrop. Get out here." She huffed, ordering the creeping pinkling to reveal itself.
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