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 Blade12's character records

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Posts : 665
Poké : 1360
Join date : 2014-11-21
Location : Retinen, Regienland

Blade12's character records Empty
PostSubject: Blade12's character records   Blade12's character records EmptySat Nov 22, 2014 8:19 pm

» Link to Original Bio: Link to bio
» Name: Deimos
» Gender: Male
» Species: Absol, the Disaster Pokémon (359)
» Affiliation: Windrose Scouts, Officially second in command.
» Home Dungeon: Windrose Library, Fallen Leaf Copse

» Level: 34 (4 gained from events)
» Energy: 50
» Ability: Super Luck
» Moveset:
- Shadow Claw (TM)
- Blizzard (TM)
- Sucker Punch (Egg move)
- Stone Edge (TM)
- Detect (Level 33)
- Night Slash (Level 29)
» Forgotten Moves: Feint, Quick Attack, Pursuit, Taunt, Bite, Double team, Slash, Swords Dance

» Inventory: (Italicized - Not for trade | @ - Equipped)
@ Joy Ribbon (Equipped at page 10)


Food items:






» Total Page Count: 30
» Total spare posts: 149 (16 Levels)
» Active Thread Limit: 7
» Threads:
Misty adventure (Closed)
The wanderer (Closed)
A new morning(Finished)
Pond pondering (Closed)
Just another day...(Closed)
Back to the mountain! (Closed)
road to recovery? (On hold)
The pursuit of joy (Closed)
The nice day (On hold)
An exciting tale (On hold)
A Knight, A Spy and a Princess (Closed)
A day in the forest (Closed)
Exploring the island for food, treasure and friendship (Closed)
A nighttime stroll (Deimos has exited the thread)
Hunting in the forest (Closed)
Of Dark Types and Dragons (Closed)
Aura, Emotion and Disaster (Closed)
The day of reckoning (finished)
Fallen dreams (Locked)
Carnivores are a thing?(closed)
On the hunt for foes (WS Challenge thread)(Finished)
An emotional experience(Closed)
An evening at the pond(Finished)
Autumn hues (Locked)
A muddy night (on hold)
What will happen now (Closed as advised)
A first encounter (Complete)
A first adventure together (Complete)
Acquaintances no more (Completed)
Getting an assignment (Closed as advised)
I'm fine, don't worry (Completed)
A gift of gratitude (Closed as advised)
Wanderers be a wandering (Closed)
Disaster Bones (Closed)
Dark business in Shadowhue (Locked temporarily)
Braving the Mysterious Swampland (Complete)
Crunchy Leaves (locked for the time being until Draco recovers)
Spirits of the misty hill (WS rumour investigation) (Temporarily closed due to sol being on RP Hiatus)
Plains, Plainly (Locked as Amaru advised)
Dark & Complex
The Dark Complex (Accessed via Dark and Complex)
Catalyst, spooky scary
Phantom Roses
A Frozen Mountain
Merry Christmas Windrose
A Book Nerd And A Regular Nerd
Autumn leaves don't fall, they fly
Duel amidst the autumn leaves

» Active Threads:

A Fiery Family Reunion (feat. Deimos + Tina)
The World We Know
Bug off Egghead (Easter 2021)
An Elektrikes first holiday easter 2021
Beyond the known, below zero

» Relationships:
Russel the Mothim (Superior):
Tina the Fennekin (Friends?):
Yigo the Sandslash (Friend):
Alki the Jigglypuff (Aquaintance):
Sosio the Fletchinder (Aquaintance):
Viktoria the Riolu (Aquaintance):
Hidon the Charmander (Hostile Aquaintance):
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Blade12's character records
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