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 Road to Recovery?

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Road to Recovery? Empty
PostSubject: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyMon Feb 16, 2015 11:03 pm

It was a normal day at the pond. Nothing out of the ordinary there. It was pretty quiet there also. No one was there at the moment. It had been a few days after the intense storm that had occured near black mist mountain range. The day was warm and sunny. No sign of any storms to come for the next couple days from the way it has been going. One could never truly know what nature would throw at you though.

Along a path a Spiritomb had been slowly making its way towards the area. It was grumbling about the whole incident that took place. Barely being audible to others. If others were to see him. It would probably look like he was pissed off about something. His movements slow, He obviously was still recovering from some kind of battle that took place. "I swear... I will get them back for this..." he continued to grumble to himself.

The Spiritomb's name was Animae. There was not a soul that knew this name though. The only name others knew him by was Raverous...
He made his way to the pond. He was obviously not in the best of shape. That didn't stop him from getting where he wanted to go though. Nothing ever satisfies him then to do what he wants done. He wanted to get back to grassveil, or at least close enough to it. It was the only place he could think of where that Charmander had went. 'He has to be here... That Gardevoir was at that house when I first saw her... I will have my revenge on that runt of a Charmander...' he thought to himself.

He was currently unaware of any other pokemon in the area. He didn't care at that moment anyways. It is not like they are going to do anything to him... From what he thought at least. No one should really assume such thoughts.
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Road to Recovery? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyMon Feb 16, 2015 11:18 pm

A shiny Zorua had also been making her way to the pond, but on a more secluded path. Leaping from tree to tree was Ramira, a cloaked Zorua who had a red scarf with a green gem embroidered on it. The hood of the cloak was currently covering her face, hiding the vicious red eyes that could be the last thing you saw if you messed with her. Eyes glinting under her hood, Ramira smirked as she dropped down and curled up under the tree she had stopped on. Her destination had been reached.
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Road to Recovery? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyMon Feb 16, 2015 11:58 pm

The Small Pond near the Grassveil Town was known all around for peace, tranquility, and above all, relaxation. Spring was in the air, thus little blossoms started to poke out of the ground, almost ready to bloom. The sun was warm, but not hot and the soft bed of grass was almost a perfect place to take a nap.

Of course, why would someone waste time like that?

Shadows danced on the ground, going to and from tree to tree. Although they seemed to be moving relatively quick, there was not a sound, not even a telltale woosh of air. If one would look up, they would see a Gligar with a grin on his face, enjoying the cool breeze on his face and wings. Finally he looked down, spotting the Zoura which lay to rest under the tree. Thinking he could make a new friend, he drew his arms closer to his body, which caused him to head straight to the ground in an attempt to greet the Pokémon. Unfortunately in his excitement he forgot that he would have to put his wings out again to land.


Bo smacked headfirst into the grass, which luckily softened the crash, but then clods of dirt and grass flew everywhere. He stood up, rubbing his head, "Sorry about that." Bo chattered to nobody in particular, before turning around and noticing the Spiritomb, "Hello friend! How are you doing today?" he asked giving a wave, forgetting about his...less than ideal landing.
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Road to Recovery? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyTue Feb 17, 2015 12:23 pm

After the rather long trip Deimos had taken to the mountains previously, where he encountered that friend Ramira had previously mentioned, he had found himself heading back towards the relatively small body of water that collectively was known as the small pond. Considering the amount of times he'd come to this area to rest and take time to think, Deimos thought of it as a suitable place for such activities... he merely was hoping it was unoccupied at the moment, he wouldn't want to cause a disturbance.

Passing through the tree line, Deimos's first action was just to head right towards the pond, at which point he planned merely to sit, to think... he had no clue that others were already there, admittedly, he didn't care whatsoever. Sitting down in front of the body of water, Deimos lowered his head so he was looking at the surface of the Tranquil waters, his mind going off into his typical domain of thought... his family... those he'd left behind... and somewhat to that talk before, he understood now, even though it still felt relatively complex to him... he understood, and at the moment, that was what mattered.
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Road to Recovery? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyTue Feb 17, 2015 5:53 pm

Animae [sup]Raverous, Remitis[color]
The Spiritomb looked up at the shouting coming from above. He moved to the side as the pokemon slammed into the ground where he previously was. He mentally laughed inside at the thought of how much that must of hurt.

It then apologized for its sudden intrusion. Then asked him how he was doing.
'Is this pokemon crazy or something. It just slammed into the ground and is acting as if it didn't hurt at all...' he thought to himself.

He immediately put away all of his emotions before responded. "Fine." he said in a very plain tone. It sounded almost emotionless. He started to continue in the direction he had been walking preparing to just leave the pokemon.
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PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyTue Feb 17, 2015 6:04 pm

Ramira jumped with a start. "Uhm.... Hello. I'm uh, fine, thank you." She told the Gligar. This had been a little unexpected, and the shiny Zorua hadn't actually been prepared for such a situation. She decided to just get back to attempting to rest to calm her thoughts. Shaking her head, Ramira curled up and closed her eyes, hoping the other Pokemon would ignore her. The dark type still hadn't noticed Deimos yet, but he was the one she was actually looking for. 'Ah, well....... he'll be here sooner or later, I'm sure.' Ramira thought.
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Road to Recovery? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2015 3:11 am

"That's good to hear."

Bo then blinked. Everyone appeared to be busy with something, or straight up leaving. He shrugged, although he did wonder why they went to Small Pond in the first place if they were just were going to leave the moment they entered. But he didn't stop to ponder about this, instead he waved goodbye to the Spiritomb and turned around, intending to climb up the trees again and glide around some more. Instead he saw a figure by the lake and walked over towards it, wondering what that Pokémon was doing. He waddled over towards Demios.

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PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2015 8:44 am

Deimos merely kept sitting there in silence, his thoughts far from what was currently occurring at the pond... How would they all react? Would they be happy or disgusted? This was the main question Deimos was worried about... He didn't want matters to go further south. Notcing the reflection of a Gligar on the water, he sighed... He didn't need this interruption to his train of thought. Glancing around, he noticed the presence of a Spiritomb as well... These kinds of entities were not here last time, that much was for certain. He admittedly still had not noticed Ramira, he'd been lost in thought when she had spoken after all.

"Please leave me be... I'm trying to think in peace. I'd rather not be distracted by others at the moment." Deimos spoke towards the Gligar before turning his focus back to the tranquil waters, clearly not wanting to speak with the Gligar at this moment in time.
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Road to Recovery? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2015 5:37 pm

Animae Raverous,Remitis

The spiritomb walked away from the glingar. He was a little disturbed to find out he had someone nearby the entire time he had been walking.
He attempted to ignore any further contact with others. [i]'great... why are there so many Pokemon here...' he thought to himself.

As he continued to walk away from the crowd of Pokemon. Once he believed he was away from any other disturbances. He continued his thoughts about his previous encounter with the Charmander named Jak.
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Road to Recovery? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2015 6:55 pm

Ramira finally noticed Deimos as he spoke up. "DEIMOS!" The Zorua yelped, running over to him and hugging him. "I was so tired at first I couldn't find you!" She said, smiling at the Absol. The dark type hadn't seen or heard him at first at all, but now it was clear he was in clear sight. 'How silly was I to think he wasn't here!' Ramira laughed inside her head. What a goofy thing for her to do.... That almost never happened to the dark type at all, ever.
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Road to Recovery? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 8:31 pm

Bo nodded immediately at the Absol's request.

"Sure thing! I'll leave in a mo--.....mom....." The Gligar stopped to think, "....momen.....Moment!" he finished triumphantly, before heading in a different direction. He immediately stopped at the sight of Ramira running over to Demios, and smiled, although he (luckily) knew not to interfere. Instead he climbed up a tree, and started gliding around again, enjoying the wind on his face once more.
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PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 8:58 pm

Having been focused on his thoughts at the time, Ramira's sudden call and her hugging was quite unexpected... Deimos hadn't even been aware she was present. Deimos had no clue how he was supposed to react to what he assumed was a showing of affection... Should he go along with it? Or not? Either way, he hoped that it wouldn't result in the two becoming the centre of attention... He absolutely detested it after all. "Hello Ramira... I'd not realised you were here..." Deimos spoke, he didn't react physically to what she had done, but this was due to his own cluelessness... Nothing more, nothing less.
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PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 9:11 pm

Animae Raverous, Remitis

The spiritomb stayed in the shadows of the trees as he traversed around the pond to avoid the others. He was being a bit stubborn about going to another location at the moment. Who knows why that is...

As he traversed through the trees he wound up at the same spot again where the others were. "bah." he said in a very low tone. He then instead just walked past the others towards the opposite side of the pond. He was not going to get involved in any of their 'lifes' at the moment. He was too busy thinking about what to do about that charmander...
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PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 9:58 pm

"I hadn't realized you at first, either. How are you?" The Zorua grinned at her friend. It had been quite a long time since she had seen him, and finally decided to climb off so as to not make the scene look awkward. Ramira's thoughts were flooded with things like, 'How is he really? Has he run into any problems? What happened while we were apart?', and much, much more. The dark type smiled again, and she felt like this was the first time they had actually gotten to relax without attacks or dilemmas. She barely noticed the Spiritomb mutter, "Bah." and float to the other side of the pond.
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PostSubject: Re: Road to Recovery?   Road to Recovery? EmptyFri Feb 20, 2015 10:17 pm

Bo circled around the pond a few times, his mind having taken off the moment he jumped off the tree. He wondered how his team was doing. It had been a while since they all met together as a group after all. He landed before jumping off again, and this time cut across the water, noticing the purple blur which whizzed across the surface of the blue waters. He blinked. To be honest, the waters here reminded him of a time when a Lillypup tried to get him to swim....

Then he saw the same Spiritomb. The Gligar's interest was soon caught. It didn't leave after all. Bo would have waved from the sky, but then he probably would have crashed again. Instead he landed on a tree nearby and hopped down, "Hello again!"
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