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PostSubject: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptyFri Dec 05, 2014 12:18 am

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This was all that went through the Lucario's head as she walked onward to the base of the Chasm, she was wearing her normal scarf and black trench coat with her bag at her side moving slightly as she walked, she felt like a idiot as she walked a steel type fighting in a volcano she is the genius.

She looks at her item's and sees the stick she randomly picked up once, she felt like setting it on fire and using it to swipe at some Pokemon that seemed to be a fun way to pass the time. She mentally shrugged knowing that most here were fire type's so that would be a bad idea.

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NPC Rper

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PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 2:14 pm

Varda nodded in agreement, understanding that perhaps the story was just a story and nothing of the kind had ever happened... Maybe it was a story to try to explain something the Pokémon didn't know and had no idea how to deal with. Some seemed to be very afraid of the unknown, so even a fake story might make them feel better about the mysterious evolutionary stones. The Swablu was fine with mysteries, but in this case, the mysterious origin of something they were looking for would be working against them.

As he kept following Noel, a strange hissing sound caught the bird's attention. He looked around, trying to see if he could find the source of the sound... But no luck. It seemed like it was coming from behind the rock wall that had been protecting their path for a while, but said cliff was starting to end the further down the path they walked. Varda looked at the Lucario before he took some faster hops to get past her, wanting to peek behind the wall.

The Swablu looked around the corner very carefully, trying to keep most of his body hidden. He saw two fox-like Pokémon, one looking so much like Tina that he almost called out to her, believing it to be her... But the large, bipedal fox with a stick in front of her seemed to be a feral Pokémon, which to the bird suggested that the small fox covering behind the larger one was also a feral one, not Tina. The large fox Pokémon was hissing angrily as it waved its stick towards a strange lava-snail. It almost seemed like it was trying to protect the smaller fox.
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PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 4:17 pm

Noel noticed Varda go on ahead and decided ti speed up jext to him,she didn't need to peek over the corner to notice two Pokemon on the other side one smaller then the.other as noel just taps Varda on the shoulder. "Better just leave no point in findig fights" noel said always the one to avoid fightinf when she could
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NPC Rper

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PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 5:30 pm

Varda immediately looked behind him when he felt the tap, looking up at Noel. The fighting Pokémon hadn't seemed to notice the two of them, so they were safe and could just walk away. Like the Lucario had said, there was no point to just fight when they could avoid it... But as the bird looked back to the scene, he started to feel uncertain. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but the two fox-like Pokémon probably were family. Was the large fox protecting the smaller fox from the lava slug?

"...Do you think they will be fine if we leave them alone?" The Swablu turned to look at Noel again, tilting his head to the side. If the strange snail was bothering the family of foxes and for some reason, the large fox couldn't help the smaller one... What if something bad would happen?

Current Energy: 7 (9 -3 from the enemy roll +1 from the new page)
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PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 6:03 pm

Noel thought about it for a moment before deciding, last tine she helped a feral Pokemon she got attacked by it but other tines they proved to be allies ao noel sighed. "Ya we should help" she said as she takes out one blast seed and chuck's it right at the slug she wanted to make it seem like tye were just leaving so she could attack hin without his knowledge
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NPC Rper

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PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 6:22 pm

Varda turned to look at his friend over his shoulder as well as he could with his pudgy body, waiting for her response. It took her a while of quiet thinking, but eventually – with a sigh – she agreed that the two of them should help. Instead of rushing right into the battle and possibly agitating the large, protective fox Pokémon, the Lucario instead threw a seed towards the lava slug... Which then landed on the Pokémon's shell with a rather harmless plink before it erupted into flames!

Clearly, it was something that surprised all the feral Pokémon behind the wall and for a moment, it seemed like no one knew what to do. The snail-like Pokémon seemed to be going in slow circles as the explosion's fire damage went on, though the fire itself didn't seem to be hurting it that much. It was still a distraction the large feral fox used to its advantage, scooping up the smaller fox into its arms before it started to run away from the scene, leaving the snail on its own.

The Swablu cooed as he looked at what had happened, turning around to look at Noel with sparkling eyes. It was surprising how such a small item could turn the tides of a battle!
"Oh, what was that?" He finally couldn't hold it in anymore, he had to know more,
"It was a... Seed? Where do you get such seeds?"
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PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 6:30 pm

Noel smirked as her plan seemed to work greatly as Varda looked at her with those eye's again noel laughed at the birda curiosity. "That was a blast seed they can be found near grassveil picked some up before i came here, you can also eat them and breath fire" noel said as she reached for another but didn't have one. With a small sigh sje returned to her normal position.

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NPC Rper

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Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 6:44 pm

Varda seemed to be just as amazed, despite hearing that the seeds were basically found where he had been living for a while. Even if they could be found nearby, it didn't make their effect any less magnificent in his eyes. It was clear that they were useful – and the fact that someone could breathe fire if they ate one sounded very interesting! He was a bit surprised that he had never managed to find a seed like that on his own... But then again, he didn't really know what he was looking for!

"How do you know that it's a Blast Seed? I know the seeds are slightly different even if they look almost identical, but... What is a Blast Seed's tell? Does it smell funny?" The bird continued to ask his questions, curious about these seeds. He often found many kinds of orbs and seeds, but he usually did not know their effects before he had brought them to someone in town who could tell him. Maybe if he heard how he could recognize a Blast Seed from Noel, he would know what he was looking for.
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PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 7:20 pm

Noel thinos for a second it was her survival training which helped her gain the senses to find out which item was which. "Well a blast seed is normally full ot a black powder that explodes when it is eaten and when it is thrown hard enough. At a surface. The way you find one is hold it up to tje sin the. Seed is slightly seethrough, black means blast yellow means stun and there are a few others like quick seee that are clear" noel says to try and help varda
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NPC Rper

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Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 8:00 pm

Varda quickly glanced towards the lava-slug in the distance while the Lucario thought in silence for a moment, wanting to know what the feral Pokémon was up to. The effects of the seed had stopped, leaving the snail's thick shell slightly charred. While it was looking around, possibly looking for either where the seed came from or where the foxes ran off to... It didn't seem to have noticed the Swablu or Noel. In fact, it was slowly making its way to an entirely different direction.

The little bird looked back at his friend when she started to explain, his eyes full of curiosity. He did know that the seeds were slightly different and that one could see how they were different, but often he would have to have that pointed out to him. He nodded to signal that he understood. The Blast Seed would have some kind of black powder inside it, which could be seen through the translucent skin. That was something Varda was going to have to remember for the future.
"Thank you, that should be helpful!"

The Swablu started to continued to walk down the path now that they were safe. The heat was starting to get to him again, so he dug into his bag and produced another Sitrus berry, eating it and quenching his thirst.

Current Energy: 22 (7 +15 from the Sitrus berry)
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Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 11:07 pm

Noel looks over and glances at the lava slug thing as it left the area, she wondered qhy it would b attack the other feral Pokemon but decided that was nature thibgs attack and kill eachoher here no rules now. "No problem" she says wjtg a smirk as she walks onward.

Rezikun carried out 2 launched of one Fiery Chasm :
Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 Typhlo10 , Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 Fennek10
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NPC Rper

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PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 11:19 pm

Varda smiled, skipping along happily. He felt better after eating and his tongue no longer felt like it was so dry it might crack. He even found some new strength in his legs as he hopped along, continuing with the Lucario down the path they had taken. Despite their dangerous surroundings, everything seemed to become quite calm again. The area close to lava never was absolutely silent as the bubbling of molten rock continued, and the air smelled of ash and smoke and sulfur... It wasn't a pleasant place and the dark volcanic rock that covered the ground seemed to go as far as the eye could see, but it was surprisingly calm for what it was.

All that stopped in a moment, however. Suddenly, a fearsome roar pierced the quiet atmosphere and shook the ground – or perhaps it was the Pokémon's large body as it jumped down from above, dropping down the cliff right in front of the Swablu and Noel. It was like a large badger with a cream belly and dark back, but as it stood on its hind legs, it even managed to seem slightly bear-like. It roared again, its back erupting into flames.
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PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptySun Dec 14, 2014 10:36 pm

Noel smirked at bird as she noticed a new found strength in him and continued onward with some new strength. She then sensed a strong aura coming she looked up just in time to notice the falling Pokemon crash down to the earth kicking up dust and ash as he lands. Noel was shocked at this and got into a defensive position as she heard the Pokemon scream at them.

"Looks bad eh" noel says as she takes out one of her seeds, it was a stun seed and she was going to freeze the fire Pokemon with it so they could strike it. A bit away was the same Pokemon Varda and Noel helped watching the fight go down w if she would help or not was unknown
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NPC Rper

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Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 12:55 am

Varda felt his small body shake with the earth as the large and heavy Pokémon crashed and roared. A large cloud of ash was kicked up into the air and as it dispersed, the two Pokémon found themselves face to face with something rather strong and large! The little bird was dwarfed by the new Pokémon, his eyes glancing up to look at the tall figure. It did take a while for him to realize that this wasn't a very good situation to be in. He took a small step back as his eyes looked towards Noel, worried. It did look rather back, considering that they were against such a large Pokémon that seemed to be angry!

Any Pokémon nearby left rather fast when they heard the Typhlosion roar again, quickly scurrying away. No one seemed to want to be on the receiving end of the large Pokémon's wrath now that they had the chance to escape, perhaps using the distraction of the Swablu and the Lucario to their advantage. The Typhlosion opened its mouth as it prepared to breathe fire on the smaller Pokémon in front of it.
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PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 1:00 am

Noel does what she does best and as the large fire type on front of them fire's the blast she grabs Varda and jumps out of the way of the huge fire blast. If she got hit with that she wasn't sure if she would get back up so dodging was the only way she would be able to do this fight.

She lands on the side and takes note that his mouth was open after firing the blast so she takes the seed she had in hand and tossed it at the Pokemon. With any luck it would land in his mouth and paralyze him though even if he closed his mouth the seed would still do it but it would last longer if he ate it
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NPC Rper

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Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freaking hot (open)   Freaking hot (open) - Page 4 EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 11:44 am

A fiery blast was shot from the large Fire Pokémon's mouth, and before Varda could even react, he had been grabbed and lifted into the air by familiar paws. Noel was the much speedier one of the two, but their attacker also seemed to be a rather fast Pokémon despite its size. The Swablu couldn't really compete, so it was a good thing that he was pulled aside just as the flames hit the ground and scorched it – though considering how dark the ground already was, that was something that could barely be seen.

The Typhlosion had missed, but it wasn't going to let that be the case a second time. It had plenty more energy to keep fighting, sucking in air as it prepared for another fiery breath. It was at that moment when the Lucario had thrown the seed towards it however, causing the Pokémon to suck in the seed as it took a deep breath. The Typhlosion let out a cough as it tried to spit out the seed that had rudely intruded its mouth, but it was too late. Even such a small seed's effects became apparent, the large Pokémon's limbs going numb and rigid. Even though it tried to fight, it could not avoid having its entire body solidify.
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