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 Under Da' Sea! [Open]

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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 6:07 am

There was a small splash as a golden shape made a flip from the land into the waters of the sea. The golden shape was a fish, a Magikarp to be exact on matter of species. He relished the feel of water completely enveloping him, the temperature was cool and perfect for his species. He moved his tail fins and propelled himself forward, eager to reach the Coral Forest which was said to have items that held the potential to make one appear stronger than before. The fish was desperate for that kind of item, though he already had a light pink ribbon wrapped around him just bast the yellow spikes and jest before his tail fin began.

The ribbon was a Joy Ribbon, he had found it on his first day in Grassveil, a seemingly frustrated Archen had tossed it along with some boxes he had gotten appraised. He decided to hide the items away somewhere near Grassveil under a bush. It was a pain to get them there though, since he had to wrap the ribbon around it using only his mouth and flopping about. Proteus decided to try to never keep fragile things with him since they would probably get damaged. At least until he received a secure bag that prevented things from breaking in it of some sort.

Proteus was the name of this small fish like pokemon, his name meaning "The Old Man of the Sea". His parents had named him that in hopes that he would be more wise in decisions and giving advice, seeing as they saw old age as wisdom. The magikarp gave terrible advice though, and often got himself into trouble with everything. Proteus didn't mean to give such terrible advice though, he doesn't even realize he's giving such advice since he full heatedly believes it.

He swam into the depths of the sea, noticing the coral's beautiful colors begin to stand out against the seabed in different colors of the world. He was not interested in the beauty of it though, since he didn't have enough knowledge to really appreciate such things. He instead swam towards the colorful reef, searching underneath the tall, the short and the thick for anything that could be like the rumored item that could allow him to become strong enough to leap over even waterfalls like the eldest in his school. Currently, he was so weak that even a slight push in the water current would send him miles away, or until the current ended.

Proteus was overcome with dread when he felt something begin to pull at him, yet push him at the same time. The magikarp screamed as he was suddenly dragged and tossed about by the currents. He was tossed about to and for, some currents leading up and then flowing into another current that dragged him back down again. It was quite a while until he reached still water again, but by this time he was completely dizzy and floating upside down. He would have looked like a golden piece of sushi gifted to them by the gods to any predators nearby since he was out in open sea with the coral forest just below him.

His dazed state finally disappeared and he found that he was upside down and in open waters. He gave a small cry of fear before diving back into the cover of the tall coral where there was less of a chance to be spotted by predators thanks to his bright golden color giving  him some kind of camouflage. He wondered if there were any friendly pokemon out in this area.
[Dear god 602 words...*shrugs* eh i've typed longer..]
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 5:22 pm

A rather more drab looking fish pokemon swam gently through the pastel coloured coral. She blinked at the golden shape being dragged through the currents and followed it, her curiosity getting the better of her. Whatever it was shined in the light that filtered in from the surface of the water. It was pretty.
Staying under the cover of the coral, she swiftly tailed the golden form, observing it until it came to a standstill. From here she hovered behind a few clumps of coral, eyes trained on the gold object as it hovered there in the water.

It was a few more moments before the dull scaled fish moved closer, however upon doing so it realised that the object she had followed was in fact not an object at all. In fact it was an oddly coloured Magikarp. She paused among the pastel coral forest as the Magikarp seemed to return to life all of a sudden, crying out before swimming at quite a speed back down under the cover of the pastel trees.

The decidedly drab looking Feebas swam a short distance away from the bright, golden Magikarp, her curiosity piqued. For a moment he did not realise she was there, which was a feat considering she stood out like a sore thumb among the beautiful, brightly coloured coral.
"Hello," she blinked, smiling at the stranger, "Who are you?"
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 5:44 pm

"Hello, who are you?"

The voice startled the golden fish, he gave a yell and swam forward before turning around to face the creature that had startled him. He looked at the fish in front of him, he was facing at the fish sideways seeing as he couldn't see that well in front of him since his eyes were completely apart on different sides of body. Proteus tilted a bit as a poochyena would tilt its head on confusion, What is this pokemon? he wondered. The pokemon wasn't the prettiest thing in the world, is was a tan color with darker spots. He wondered what the purpose of the triangle like structure on its head was, it did not look like it would work very well as a fin. His golden spikes worked more as a defense than find, and often got him caught in the coral. Proteus only got the sense to respond after realizing he had not spoken for quite a while.

"O-Oh! Sorry, I'm Proteus!"

Proteus had assumed that the pokemon was friendly from its friendly demeanor. He finally righted himself so he was not tilting and was facing the pokemon at an angle. It was difficult to focus on things with his eyes how they were, he wondered just what conditions his ancestors had been in to get these kind of eyes. Why was his species so weak anyways? They were at the bottom of the food chain! Maybe its changing starting with me or something... he thought before finally listening to the strange pokemon's response.
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 7:21 pm

"Serenne," she provided her own name in response. It was a slightly gentler sounding version of the word Serene, clear even at first glance of the word. Though the name itself didn't particularly suit the Feebas as she was now, it was a symbol of her parents' love for her, and spoke a message of how beautiful they thought their child to be even though she had yet to evolve.
"I haven't seen you around before," she continued, keeping the conversation moving as her curiosity was fully intact, "And why are your scales gold? I thought Magikarp had red scales..."

Last edited by SereneLittleRose on Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 7:36 pm

"They do, I'm just a different type of magikarp!"
Proteus was pleased to have someone to speak to, he could tell this fish all about how the Magikarp nation was moving forward and were evolving to be able to fly. He smiled and continued.
"You see, my golden color stands me out from the rest but that's just appearance. What's different about me is that I can actually FLY! Thing is I can only fly under certain conditions, I haven't exactly figured out what those conditions are yet, but I can't wait until I evolve and see how I'm different from my brethren!"
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 8:42 pm

"Cool!" grinned the Feebas in reply, "I don't really stand out at all so it must feel awesome to be so unique," she smiled wondering what it must be like to fly. The Magikarp's golden scales also reminded her of her dreams to find at least one of the Seven Treasures that were told about in tales passed down through certain groups of Pokemon. She wondered how she would ever gain the strength or information to look for one, but she knew she had to at least try.
"So what brings you here to the Coral Forests?"
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 8:50 pm

"I came to find these strange seeds that make you stronger instantly!" Proteus chimed. He swam in a circle and was about to speak more when a current decided it was time to carry the magikarp away. Proteus yelled in surprise as he was pushed downwards at an angle, he was pushed gently into the seabed where he looked around in confusion. He spotted a strange shape not too far away, the strange shape startled him and he swam back up to the feebas. This pokemon was probably more friendly than the shape. "What's that!?" he asked, pointing at the shape.
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<Item is on purpose, Proteus got startled by an item xD>
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 9:05 pm

"I believe it's a TM..." blinked Serenne, slowly swimming down to it, "My parents used to tell me about them but I've never seen one before..."
The Feebas used her small blue fins to pick up the TM. It looked almost like a plain transparent crystal, with it's edges polished, though uneven. You could almost imagine it like an icy meteor that crashed here and froze into the state it was now. The inside appeared to be partially blue, as if marking the type of the move it contained within. As far as Serenne knew, no one knew where TMs came from or how they were made... there were only theories. Turning it over with her fin, she found it to be a Water Pulse TM. Smiling, she used her tail to swim back up to the Magikarp, handing the TM to him.
"Technically you found it so I believe you should keep it," she smiled.
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptySun Jul 14, 2013 9:18 pm

The magikarp stared at the item as the feebas explained what the TM was and what it did, "Thanks!" he spoke happily. He put the item into the pockets that his Joy ribbon had made when he had asked a pokemon at Grassviel to tie the ribbon onto him. He looked to the feebas and smiled, "So, what are you doing here? It's a bit dangerous here, but thanks to the coral we have more places to hide."
Proteus hadn't realized that the last bit of information was useless to the conversation and he had in fact just been blabbing. He knew nothing of tms, since most of his life had been swimming around in a school of magikarp and running from Sharpedos and Wailords.
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptyTue Jul 16, 2013 1:05 am

"Actually I live here," smiled the Feebas, "Though I tend to stand out because of my dull scale colour. Especially because of how bright the coral around here is."
Serenne paused before changing the subject of conversation to something she was more curious about, "So how did you learn of these seeds that apparently make you stronger?" she asked.
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptyTue Jul 16, 2013 1:24 am

"Huh, I've never seen your species before," the magikarp spoke, he wondered just how strong this pokemon was. Could it help him in his search? I guess I'll just ask! he thought, then aloud he asked the strange dull scaled pokemon, "Would you like to come with me? I haven't found anything other than that thing you had called a TM, and it's a bit dangerous to go about alone, right?" He smiled as much as a magikarp could smile.
Although, a shape swam its way through the coral. It moved through the water with relative ease compared to the magikarp, who had issues with the currents to just stay in place.
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This dice is not existing.
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptyWed Jul 17, 2013 7:34 am

"Sure!" grinned the Feebas, excited to spend more time with this new friend she appeared to have made. Plus, she didn't mind helping another Pokemon, especially when she knew the ways of the coral forest quite well... though nothing was exactly the same when you went back, it being a mystery dungeon after all.
"So these seeds... do they look special somehow? Or are they just like normal seeds?" asked Serenne, though she caught sight of something swimming in their direction through the coral and may have missed the Magikarp's answer. Recognizing it as a hostile presence rather than a friendly one, Serenne grabbed Proteus' fin with her own and dragged him further down into the coral layer, where she attempted to hide from the Buizel she had spotted nearby.
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptyWed Jul 17, 2013 8:01 am

"Well...They're uh...Joyous and uh...happy!" The magikarp had no clue on what the seeds looked like. He simply heard that they were there, they were strong, and they were helpful. He was startled when he was suddenly dragged down into the coral with ease by the Feebas. He was confused at first until he looked up to see a Buizel cruising about in the water, it's tail spun like a propeller as it propelled itself forward, munching on a Gummi. "What's that?" he asked the feebas, a bit loud before realizing he should have spoke in a lower tone. The Buizel noticed, but wasn't sure. It looked about with a half eaten Blue Gummi in its mouth, trying to search for any signs of life.
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptyWed Jul 17, 2013 8:18 am

Serenne hushed the Magikarp with a small, whispered 'Shh' sound and continued to observe the Buizel as it swam, not daring to speak again until it had gone far enough away that it would not hear them if they spoke in quiet voices.
"That's a Buizel," the Feebas explained, "They're really fast swimmers because of their tails, so it's best not to run into one unless you know you can handle it. Especially because most Buizel around here tend to be rather hostile."
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Under Da' Sea! [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Under Da' Sea! [Open]   Under Da' Sea! [Open] EmptyWed Jul 17, 2013 8:30 am

"Hostile? Nonsense! We can ask him for information on the joy seeds!" The Magikarp chimed happily. He gave a rather weak but rapid swish of his tail and propelled himself into the open. He lifted his fin to wave at the distant Buizel, "Heyo! Buizel! We kind of need your help over here, you see, we're looking for these things called joy seeds and...OH SNAP HE'S COMING RIGHT FOR ME!" the Magikarp screamed as he turned and dove back into the coral. The buizel hadn't noticed where the golden sushi had gone, but he did know that he had seen some.
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