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 The hunt for joy.

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The hunt for joy. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptyMon Jan 12, 2015 5:04 am

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Start Level: 12

Jak {10} -16 from travels

Jak had heard there was a special kind of ribbon you can get that would help improve your experience as you fought in dungeons and other places. It was called a Joy Ribbon oddly. It sounded like a odd name for a ribbon to him. Someone had mentioned that they are found in Black Mist Mountain. It was quite a ways out there to travel. He did expect to have to camp out for a bit as he went there. He thought maybe he could give it to someone as a gift or get one for himself. He was not entirely sure at the time.

He thought for a bit as he traveled.

One night he set up a camp for the night and noticed a storm was coming. It was coming fast. He found a nearby cave to wait for it to past. After a while he noticed the storm might be a while so he would have to set up a camp there for now...

As the storm had hit. There was a massive amount of lightning in it. The sheer amount of it was a little worrying. There was no rain at first but as the wind started to pick up. The rain came down like a waterfall. The amount of thunder occurring was immense. "Glad I am not out there..." He said with a sigh.

Then suddenly a very powerful bright ball of energy appears next to the cave. Jak was a bit freaked out as being that far from it still felt like he was about to be hit with a very powerful electrical attack. He went towards the back of the cave as the ball of energy moved slowly past it then shot towards the direction of the town he had left. "Oh god that does not look good! What is that!" he said with a frightful tone.

It then vanished as it got some distance. Never reaching the town only to have an extremely powerful bang occur that hurt his head pretty badly.
'Why was that sooooo loud....' he though as he held onto his head in pain. As his head started to feel better he looked around the cave to see if anyone else was in there.. He did not want to go to sleep to find out someone had been staying in there the whole time waiting for him.
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The hunt for joy. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 1:33 am

Noel smirks at herself how could she be so moronic she shouldn't be thinking about this now. She should just focus on all this that is going on right now. She needed to be the stronger of the two and she needed to be aware if someone tried to kill them. She looked around ready incase something tried to come at them. She was always ready
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PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 1:47 am

Jak {9} +1 from page
Jak looked up towards the mountain. The clouds around them were slowly parting away. He glanced back towards Noel as they walked along the path along the mountain. It was going to be a long journey however the storm’s damage seemed pretty immense. He noticed up ahead that several trees were down along the path, blocking the pathway up the mountain. Jak sighed and then looked back towards Noel. “Would you like to do the honors?” he said hinting towards her previous use of force palm as she had done in the Ruins at monochrome falls. There were a lot of trees in that one spot though. He was not entirely sure if the it would go through that many trees. Last time she had gone through a stone wall but it was not as thick as all these tree’s combined.
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The hunt for joy. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 5:56 am

Noel walked onward hands in her pockets as she did so watching the sky as she walked. The damage done was bad but wasn't so bad nothing they couldn't get over or punch through. "Gladly" she said as she walked over and knelt down. Waiting for a second she then jumped right at the tree and force palmed it away. All the rubble behind it also broke as it flew away. Some of it off the mountain and the rest on the mountain. "Let's move" she said as she started walking onward. Anything that needed blasting she could destroy
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PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 6:02 am

Jak {9}
Jak nodded as he saw the trees were no match to the Lucario. He looked up towards the mountain. It did oddly seem darker up there even though it was higher up towards the sky… In more direct light from the sun. “Why do they call this Black Mist Mountain… Only thing I see is that it seems darker near the top then it should be…” he asked. He was quite curious to why it would be named that. Although it would seem a bit obvious, he was over analyzing the name thinking of it as if there was another reason.
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The hunt for joy. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 6:14 am

"Normally this place is surrounded in a dark mist which gave it's name black mist mountain. But we must be lucky or maybe something is blocking it" she said as another idea popped into her head. "I heard there was a tribe of Absol here i don't remember if they were friendly or not so best just avoid it" Noel said as she walked putting her hands back into her pockets. "So tell me more of this Joey" Noel asks wondering what this electric type was like
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PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 6:21 am

Jak {9}
Jak listened to Noel inform him the reason of the name of the mountains. She suspected the mist was being blocked though or they were just being plain lucky. “Odd.” He said to himself. Then Noel asked him to tell her more about Joey.
“Joey? He was one of my closest friends in the village. Although he was quite a prankster.” He said with a light chuckle. “He loves storms from what I could remember. He would never be in the village during one. The others just let him be as they couldn’t stop him during them.” He continued. “He is quite energetic and is a good friend. We used to get in trouble together.” He chuckled. “The only time I ever got a bit upset with him was this one prank he attempted. He got in some serious trouble for it though in the end. “ he said as he grabbed his tail. “He decided to have our other friend fill a sack with water and put it over the doorway of my home… as I exited it fell on me…” he said while holding his tail. He then released it. “Overall though. Is pranks are harmless and are funny most of the time. Ever since that prank he has been a lot more careful about them.” He said with a smile.
He looked towards the mountain. “He was very energetic…” he finished for now.
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PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 7:28 pm

"Storms huh" Noel then remembered what happened to her during one. "I got hit by lightning once. Hurt a lot" Noel said as she listened to the rest. "So he dropped water on you and almost killed you"noel said. Noel walked on having nothing else to really talk about. She did notice the ground had started to gain a weird mist about it. Noel stopped then bent down looking at the ground as she saw the black mist float up from the cracks. "That ain't good" Noel said as she stood up. It looked like they'd be surrounded by mist in no time
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The hunt for joy. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 7:49 pm

Jak {9}
Jak nodded as she recapped the prank mishap. “Yea… It was not the most pleasant day in my life. He was extremely sorry about it…” he said as he released his tail. He looked at the ground as he also noticed the odd mist coming from it… “What… What is happening?” He said a little bit worried. The mist was very dark. It was completely unnatural and Jak did not like it. He built a flame and blasted the ground with some embers as he watched it seep from the ground. The mist moved away from it briefly and then immediately surrounded the area the fire had been once it went out on the ground.
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The hunt for joy. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 9:11 pm

"I only pulled one prank and it ended up going wrong" she said as she scratched the back of her head. She looked at the mist for a second before deciding to put his suspension at ease. "I'm sure it'll be fine just hard to see for a bit" Noel said with a smile and pointed to a cave. "Let's try there" Noel said as she walked onward to the small cave. It wasn't like the cave that lead to the top but it looked like it was made by something. Noel wanted to know what.
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The hunt for joy. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 9:18 pm

Jak {9}
Jak listened to Noel. She stated she pulled on prank once however it ended up going wrong. “I think you told me about that one he said in reply.” He said in reply before she stated it would be fine in the mist and that it would only be hard to see. When Noel stated the mist was only going to make it a bit harder to see, he was relieved to not hear anything else about it. He was glad it wasn’t like poison gas or anything. Then Noel pointed to a small cave and stated that they should try going there. To Jak, the cave did not look very natural… “That does not look very natural.” He said as he walked towards the cave alongside Noel. He was very curious about why it was shaped in such a way.
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The hunt for joy. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptyMon Jan 19, 2015 12:50 am

"Ya I did the time I dug a pitfall" Noel said as she walked into the cave. The cracks on the walls were good enough to show enough light so things could be seen. She wished she could see the other end but it seems to be a long cave. They could go around the other path but it looked more dangerous then this cave. "I hope nothing attacks us" Noel said as she moved her paws on her pockets and her head held high
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The hunt for joy. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptyMon Jan 19, 2015 12:57 am

Jak {9}
Jak listened to Noel as they were walking into the cave. It was pretty dark in there however his tail did light it up some bit. The small cracks in the walls shown some light as they walked but it was not enough to see the end of the cave. Jak wondered what exactly could make this kind of cave. It was pretty round. It was also quite large too. He looked towards Noel as she had put her hands in her pockets. He then focused his attention ahead of him, attempting to see if anything lied ahead of them. It was near impossible to tell though.
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PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptyMon Jan 19, 2015 6:23 am

Noel walked on until she felt something under them. Her advanced senses allowed her to react faster as she pushed Jak out if the way. She couldn't do the same for herself as the ground gives way under her. She fell down but her bag snagged on a sharp stone and stayed up next to Jak. Noel hit the ground hard right on a sharp rock. She managed to keep herself from shouting in pain but the damage was done and a small gash was on the back of her head. "Ow" she said as she got up and looked around. To add to her bad luck she was to high for her to jump out and to high for Jak to jump down. To make matters worse her House orb fell and crashed to the ground.

Rezikun carried out 10 launched of one Black Mist Mountain :
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The hunt for joy. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptyMon Jan 19, 2015 6:38 am

Jak {9}

Jak was walking along the path with Noel. Noel sensed something and pushed Jak out of the way as the ground immediately gave way afterwords. "Noel!" he shouted as he saw her fall into the hole. Her bag got snagged on one of the rocks partly into the hole. Just out of reach from Jak however he could get down into it a little to get to it. However if he was not careful then he could fall in the hole with Noel. He saw a flash as some glass like object hit the ground below where noel had fell. Immediately there was a rush of pokemon. Jak curses as the situation was getting drastically worse. He looked in his bag to see what he could do. When he looked down towards Noel he noticed it was definitely too far down for him to jump. Noel also had a gash on her head from what he saw. "I have to get down there." he said to himself as he frantically looked in his bag for something of use... He noticed the two petrify orbs in his bag and some blast seeds. He took them all out and put them down next to him. He took aim at the two largest of the pokemon with the Petrify orbs and threw them at them. One hit its mark however the other one he could not tell if it did.

"Noel! If you can hear me. Stand clear of the pokemon down there!" he shouted down as he threw a blast seed in between each group of pokemon. He now only had one last blast seed for when it recovered. After he had thrown those items at the pokemon below. He noticed a berry was right next to him. A sitrus berry. "Noel! Catch!" he threw the sitrus berry down to her. He hoped the berry would help her out if the head injury took a lot out of her. There was no way he could reach her in time before those pokemon would attack. He had hoped the blast seeds would scare them off or knock them out before anything else happened.

[Inventory Changes]
-2 Petrify Orbs
-4 Blast Seeds.
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The hunt for joy. - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The hunt for joy.   The hunt for joy. - Page 4 EmptyMon Jan 19, 2015 6:56 am

Noel slowly rise from where she was. She looked ahead and saw the Pokemon walking and one flying at her. She felt something hit her nose as she instantly grabs it. She looked up to see something orange. He head was leaking blood as she looked and she then looked at the berry and ate it. She felt the wound close thanks to the berries healing properties. The damage was done though and her head felt like someone was beating it and there was blood on her scarf and coat. "Alright let's go" she said as she got into a fighting stance.

She was still down while Jak threw the item's but some of the Pokemon looked a bit hurt. The small one's were frozen. Noel dashed at the large green one as it swiped at her. She dodged under the claws as she sends a sky uppercut at him. He went flying as Noel stopped and jumped to avoid a nose dive from the flying Pokemon. She kicked it's back and turned to get hit by the steel types. She went flying into a wall. She fell on her knees with a small trail of blood falling from her mouth. She wipes it away as she dashed again this time ducking below a attack and using her Force palm to deal some damage to him.

She swore under her breath as they tried again. She did her best to dodge but some moves got her and knocked her down. She could barely think straight but she managed to get up and spin kick the flying rock in the neck. It fainted and fell to the ground with a loud thud
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