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 An Autumn Quest

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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 3:29 am

A small Vulpix was sitting by the edge of a lake, her head dipped as she drank in the cold, fresh water. The Fox Pokemon seemed relaxed, at peace besides the lake, which almost seemed to have been dyed red and orange from the perpetually Autumn island. It was clear what had drawn the young explorer here, rumors of treasure and a new Mystery Dungeon. And for once, those rumors had proven true.

It had been something of a trip to get here, a three day long walk through Serene Cave. But it was already worth the journey. Who knew what was waiting to be found here? If she was lucky, then maybe she could be one of the ones who found something. Even if she wasn’t, well, she wouldn’t have really minded. Wasn’t half the fun in these things trying to find the treasure in the first place? Assuming there was a treasure to be found, anyways.

And so Lumina sat up, her guild bag slung over her back and a light blue Heal Ribbon wrapped around her right forepaw. She stepped gingerly over a path of stepping stones, cautiously trying to not fall in the water. She knew how to swim just fine, but being in water for too long might be harmful to her, being a fire type and all.

As she neared the island, she gazed into the forest, trying to tell what might lie ahead. She shifted her Treasure Bag, taking in the scent of the crisp Autumn leaves. Whatever was waiting for her, she would be ready.

Energy: 16
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 3:35 am

Noel breathes in once it was a small shallow breath but it hid some heavy thoughts behind it she was standing a full fledged Lucario with her once long scarf now only nearing the middle of the lucario's back and her bag at her side as she walked over to the stepping stones

She had heard a lot about this place some rumors of a large treasure she felt like she would see someone she knew because of the rumors she breathes in again and walks along the stones to the main island.

She wasn't using her aura sense now but she could feel some energy from this place she liked it though the smell the colors were all so beautiful reminded her of home.

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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 3:45 am

Raze, a Pichu was wondering around until he had found this place, although it looked familiar to him somehow... it reminded him of his parents, could his parents be in here? Could his solitary journey end here? He wondering so many things, but then again, mystery dungeons were... well, mysterious, it could just appear like another dungeon, but inside it could be very different, but still, taking what small chances he had, he mustered his courage, stepping inside, prepared to face what dangers lied ahead, his explorer bag at his side, his blue scarf around his neck, "May you both be safe..." He whispered to himself.

Energy : 16- 11= 5

Last edited by Raze on Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 3:49 am

Lumina had made it to the bank of the island, landing safely by the edge of the forest. The worst she had gotten from her trip across the stepping stones was a wet forepaw. A stray leaf had been crushed under her paw when she made the final leap to the island, her ears perked as she listened carefully for any unusual noises. And that was when she could've sworn she had someone talking. This caught her interest, as most feral Pokemon didn't bother to talk. Intrigued, she walked in the vague direction from where she heard the voice, and spotted a Pichu. "Hello." She called clearly in greeting, hoping to let the stranger know that she wasn't feral and check if he was in the process.
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 3:54 am

Noel had walked along the path she had chosen a slightly wrong path as it had a large gab between the main island and where she was so with a small sight Noel jumped over the large gap and landed clean on the other side with a small slide she had stopped.

Noel spent the three days she was in serene cave to get used to her new form it was easy and her aura sense had reached the peak that they could go so she instantly noticed two colors that spoke to the girl she knew them "Lumina and Raze" Noel says as she walks over to where they are
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 4:00 am

The Pichu looked behind him, seeing that it was a Vulpix that he had heard, "Hello there" He replied to the Vulpix, but another voice catching his attention, a familiar voice too, looking to where it had came from, it was Noel, he wondered what she would be doing here, perhaps training because she had just evolved, but he was here for a different purpose, "Hi there Noel, good to see you again" He said to her cheerfully.
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 4:05 am

Lumina's ears perked. She had changed, but that scarf was unmistakable, and there was only one Riolu - Lucario now - that the Vulpix had ever told her name. "It's nice to see you, Noel." She replied, a small smile on her face. It had been a while since she'd seen the Riolu. Or maybe it just felt that way, with how much exploring they'd done together lately. She had called the Pichu 'Raze', did her friend know this Pokemon? "When'd you evolve?" She questioned, her head tilting slightly. "And Raze, I presume... it's nice to meet you, too. You've met Noel?"
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 4:09 am

"Heh nice to see you to lumina have you shrunk?" Noel says in her new mature voice she was obviously joking as she looked at raze still laughing on the inside because of how tall she was as she places one hand "ya we met in grassveil he tried to get me to join his exploration team" Noel says with a small smirk she was still the wanderer everyone knew and loved
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 4:21 am

He looked at the Vulpix, "Yeah, that's about it, it's good to meet you too Lumina, I presume" He gave her a warm smile, before turning to look at Noel again, "Still training with your new form? Good to know you are well" He said in a calm voice, it was good to know that he had Noel with him in this place, along with another Pokémon he had never seen, but since the Vulpix was friends with Noel, he thought that the Vulpix wasn't a bad Pokémon.
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 4:26 am

The Vulpix's expression briefly twitched into an annoyed one as Noel made a remark about her height. "Just you wait until I'm a Ninetales..." She murmured back. Well, at least evolution hadn't changed her personality. She turned her attention back to the Pichu, Raze, giving him a quick nod to confirm that he had guessed her name correctly. She didn't know this other Pokemon very well, but if Noel trusted him, then that would be good enough for her. "If you don't mind me asking, what brought you two here?" She asked, glanced between the Pichu and the Lucario.
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 4:31 am

Noel let out a small laugh and regained her smirk she was always happy to get some emotion out of the cold vulpix even if it was mostly anger "heh ya can't wait" Noel says as she crosses her arms below the spike on her chest she ah poked herself once on it lucky no one was there.

Noel thinks a bit "I heard rumors of a treasure here so I decided to come check it out seems like a good test for my new form" Noel says with a smirk as normal
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 4:44 am

The Pichu smiled slightly at them, they seemed good friends, he hoped he could be good friends with them too, "I'm here looking for my parents..." He looked down, he didn't care about any treasure, all he wanted was his family back, but the chances of that was slim, it has been weeks seen he had last saw them, he had even thought for a moment of giving up, but that wasn't the time, he belived that his parents were still alive, all he had to do was to try his best until he found them... or die trying, he became determined, looking up again, at his surroundings, before looking back at the two pokémon "Well... shall we get going?" He asked them.
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 4:47 am

The Vulpix found it interesting, how the two had came here for wildly different reasons. Personally, she had just heard the word on the wind and grew curious. "I'd be alright with that, Raze. This Mystery Dungeon is still new, so no one can really be sure what's here, or how dangerous it is. Some company would be helpful." She noted, gazing into the forest as she tried to tell what might be up ahead.

PhantomSun carried out 5 launched of one Fallen Leaf Copse :
An Autumn Quest 5fx71xO , An Autumn Quest GCVSLNN , An Autumn Quest KFxqTKX , An Autumn Quest Rmy6L5r , An Autumn Quest GCVSLNN
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 4:54 am

Noel nods happy to have some support to help her find whatever was here she felt like making this discovery might make her famous or at least get her something nice maybe a jewel or something no one knew this about Noel but she loved gems of any kind as she looked at the path and smiles "let me lumina" she says as her eyes go blue and her head things go up as she looks ahead sensing some aura from that direction "some Pokemon up ahead" she tells them.

Rezikun carried out 5 launched of one Fallen Leaf Copse :
An Autumn Quest YRU707e , An Autumn Quest 5cNwMM5 , An Autumn Quest Seh7LU4 , An Autumn Quest Cg1bFr4 , An Autumn Quest OLuhrcy
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An Autumn Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Autumn Quest   An Autumn Quest EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 5:05 am

The Pichu looked in the direction looked at the direction that Noel was looking at, most likely feral pokémon, until bushes by his side began to rustle, and he stepped back slowly, a Furret and a Deerling jumping out of the bushes, "More pokémon here, and they don't seem to happy..." He looked at them, he got slightly nervous, he hadn't battled in a long time, so he wasn't so experienced.
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