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 Perpetual Autumn

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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 4:56 pm

It had been a day or so since Arietta's last venture to the forest that was on the minds of most explorers at this point in time. Even only in those few hours, she had heard multiple chatterings of pokemon who had opted to take the trip there after hearing about the sights and promises of treasure that the newly discovered dungeon held. Quite a few foolish treasure hunters who had never set foot in a dungeon before had turned tail and fled after being attacked by some of the more feral residents of the forest, but hearing those stories of defeat had only strengthened Arietta's will to unravel the mysteries of Fallen Leaf Copse and the shrine that lay within.

She had also happened to run into Brian once again after returning to Grassveil, and upon conveying her intentions to return to the forest of perpetual autumn, the Chimchar had agreed to go with her. With her friend, and her new move Flame Charge in tow, Arie felt like nothing could beat them now, and perched neatly in a tree on the very outskirts of the forested island as she awaited the appearance of Brian.

Energy: 6
17 - 11 for entry

(ooc// totally need to clear this with u pikoo but if anything's not okay i'll just edit ^-^')
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyTue Jan 20, 2015 9:42 pm

After a failed attempt to explore the newly found dungeon, Brian had headed back to the town a little disappointed. Due to the time and circumstances, he wasn't able to fully explore the Fallen Leaf Copse and find out what secrets it held within. However, this wouldn't discourage him from having another shot at this exploration. Especially now that his friend Arie was gonna be going with him once again.

"Exploring this place will be much easier with the both of us going together." Brian thought as he walked toward the entrance so that he could meet up with his feathered friend. It didn't take too long for him to get there and see Arie waiting for him. "Hey Arie, I'm here and ready to explore!" He said enthusiastically as he ran towards her and the entrance, excited to go into the Fallen Leaf Copse again.

Energy: 24 - 11 = 13
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyTue Jan 20, 2015 10:01 pm

Arashi bounded and leaped into the forest she had yet to explore.  The Shinx had been wanting to venture through the place for a while now, but had never gotten to it until today.  She admired the beauty quickly as she looked for hidden secrets and spots on the island forest.  Her thirst for adventure was quickly stopped when she heard another voice somewhere nearby.  Once she heard the word "explore" she went towards the direction she had heard the noise come from.  Once she got near, she saw a Chimchar and a Fletchling perched on a tree.  Arashi started to move more slowly, not wanting to interrupt anything.  When she got closer, she called out "Hey there!" to the two Pokemon

Energy: 16-11=5

Last edited by Suds on Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyThu Jan 22, 2015 12:08 am

Arie grinned as broadly as a bird could express with their beak as she spotted Brian approaching.
"Awesome!" she replied cheerfully, taking off from her perch and performing a small loop of excitement in the air, already looking forward to heading back into the forest of autumn to discover the secrets that lay within it's boundaries. Meeting the Chimchar half-way and coming to a hover in front of him, Arietta's wing flaps disturbed small amounts of dust from the ground.

Before she could voice her determination to succeed this time around and before they could head into the forest to begin their exploration, Arietta heard the movement of something in the bushes. Quickly turning to focus on where the sound originated from, Arie spotted a Shinx moving towards them. Before she could even think to guard herself in case the new face was an attacker of some description, the Shinx had called out to them with a cheerful greeting. Blinking, and looking from Brian back to the Shinx, Arie called back with a chirrup.
"Hello there!"
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyThu Jan 22, 2015 12:30 am

It was good to see Arie is such high spirits. With both her and Brian psyched up and focused on exploring the Fallen Leaf Copse, he knew that this would go much better then the last time. Though he figured that she wouldn't act in any other way, as Arie always seemed energetic and optimistic no matter what the situation was. In a way, she was kinda like Brian in that regard. However, now was a time for exploring and not comparing personality traits.

Before the two could get to that, another Pokemon decided to show up. He didn't recognize what exactly it was due to his small knowledge of different Pokemon, but he at least knew that she didn't mean any harm from the way she spoke. "Hello there. You exploring this place too?"
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyThu Jan 22, 2015 1:11 am

The Shinx nodded to the Chimchar's question of her exploration.  "Yep, I've been wanting to explore this place for a while now!  Just never got to it, but nice meeting you two." Arashi said with a grin on her blue furred face.

As she got even closer, the multicolored leaves on the earthy floor crunched and blew away when she took each step.  The small breeze brought the smell of fresh autumn, a smell she normally wouldn't find anywhere else in all seasons year-round.  With the dew of early morning on the grass and leaves mixing with the scent, Arashi was in heaven.  The beauty was something she could get used to, and she would get used to.  Once she got right up to them, she told them her name, and asked for theirs, with a slight bit of quietness you wouldn't expect from her if you knew her adventurous and daring tendencies.
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyThu Jan 22, 2015 1:58 am

Arietta smiled cheerfully at the newly dubbed Arashi the Shinx after hearing that she had been wanting to explore the area just as they did.
"We were here not too long ago," she replied, Arashi's enthusiasm reminding her of herself only a few days ago.
"But we didn't get very far so we're back now to try again."

The Fletchling seemed rather happy despite the fact that she had just described what could only be classed as a failed exploration. Nevertheless she was clearly determined not to let that bother her and her brown eyes subtly illustrated this fact to the outside world. Out of both politeness and innate cheerfulness, Arie was eager to return the Shinx's gesture of trust by also introducing herself.
"I'm Arietta, pleased to meet you too," she smiled warmly.
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyThu Jan 22, 2015 3:24 am

Brian smiled upon hearing the Pokemon's response. She seemed to have as much enthusiasm about going to this place as both him and Arie did. "What she said. We tried coming here before but due to some certain circumstances, we couldn't really go in to deep. This time it's gonna be a different story. Name's Brian by the way. Nice to meet ya." He said, his warm smile staying on his face while he talked. It was always nice to meet other Pokemon with the same excitement and curiosity he did. Being around people like this was never a bad thing.
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyThu Jan 22, 2015 8:07 pm

Arashi's eyes glimmered and her ears perked up when she heard that they had already ventured out here, even if they didn't go very far. They had her undivided attention when Arietta mentioned more exploration. The dew on the leaves had found its way onto the paws of the Shinx, and the morning smell of autumn was breathtakingly pleasant.

"Adventure, you say? Hmm, well, if you don't mind, I could tag along. I love exploring as much as I can!" Arashi beamed at the Chimchar and Fletchling. "Plus, I could be a big help in case anything were to go amiss."
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyThu Jan 22, 2015 9:37 pm

The Shinx seemed to be just as enthusiastic as she and Brian were about exploring the forest, and so with a quick glance to the Chimchar to make sure it was fine by him, responded cheerfully.
"Of course you can tag along!" she grinned, flying in a ring around Arashi before coming to a hover once again in front of the Shinx, "The more the merrier after all, right?!"

With a third member added to their little group, Arietta landed neatly on the ground for a moment.
"Well since our introductions are already out of the way I say we start moving! This forest ain't gonna explore itself after all!" the Fletchling grinned, a determined look in her brown eyes.
After a moment's pause, Arietta took the chance to dramatically point forwards using one wing, in the direction that she and Brian had intended to properly enter the orange hued forest.
"Onwaaaaard!" she cheered excitedly, promptly taking off into the air with a few gentle wing flaps.
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyFri Jan 23, 2015 1:54 am

Brian liked the idea of having more Pokemon come along on this exploration. Having more Pokemon around would make this alot more fun, at least to him."What she said...again. We'd be happy to have you along. More Pokemon means more fun. Now then, lets get going!" He said, grinning even wider now that there was someone new was with him and Arie. With that settled, he walked on forward as his feathered friend started flying, now wanting to be left behind.
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyFri Jan 23, 2015 8:00 pm

The Shinx beamed with glee of being able to join the duo. "This is going to be so much fun!" Arashi said with a happy tone in her voice. She bounded down after them, soon passing by Brian. Her excitement was evident in her body language, her face one large smile, her feet bouncing on the ground. She tried to contain it once she realized that she was starting to go a bit too far ahead of the others. The pretty autumn leaves crunched underneath her paws, and the breeze brought more of the smell of autumn and early morning. She could here far away bird Pokemon chirping as she waited for the Chimchar and Fletchling to catch up.
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptyFri Jan 23, 2015 9:08 pm

Arietta darted ahead with a burst of sudden energy, tucking her wings in after the first few flaps in order to make her body more aerodynamic. The Fletchling then shot upwards into the air, unfurling her wings slowly as she twirled around, giving herself a 360 degree view of the orange hued treetops. As she finally slowed to a complete stop, she hovered in the air for a brief moment, pinpointing the location of Brian and their new Shinx friend.

With their location obtained between the orange leaves, Arie stopped flapping her wings and tucked them to her body once again. She allowed herself to free fall back down towards the ground, enjoying the rush that it gave her. The Shinx appeared to have bounded a few leagues ahead of Brian, but what Arashi didn't realise was that the Fletchling was never one to be left behind. Her energy meant that she was determined to out speed anyone, even if that wasn't actually possible at her current strength.

Well versed in all sorts of aerial manoeuvres, Arietta knew exactly when to extend her wings again and did so just before it looked like she was going to hit the ground face first. Making a sharp turn, Arie then headed for Arashi, rising to a height where she just missing colliding head first with the Shinx. As she passed over Arashi, Arietta extended one of her black feet and playfully tapped the Shinx's star shaped tail tip. After clearing the Electric type, Arie turned once again and came to an abrupt hover a short distance away.
"C'mon slowpokes you're gonna get left behind!"
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptySat Jan 24, 2015 1:53 am

"Hey, fat chance? No way I'm gonna be left behind!" Brian said, smirking as Arie made her taunt. He was always a competitive type of guy, growing up in a competitive environment with an even more competitive family. He was used to competing with other Pokemon at random, and this was one of those moments where this side of him showed even more. Brian started to speed up his running, going much faster so he could keep up with Arie's fast flying. Knowing that this might not be enough, he also started to jump off of some nearby trees, using the momentum to get some more speed. Soon Brian found himself catching up to his flying friend, smirking as he started to pass her.

pokepikoo carried out 2 launched of one Fallen Leaf Copse :
Perpetual Autumn 7R7f359 , Perpetual Autumn N0xFnHW
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn EmptySat Jan 24, 2015 2:18 am

Arashi, now left behind by Brian and Arie, looked up with a grin on her face. To her, this was just another challenge for her to complete. As she bounded off after them at an even faster speed, she knew she wouldn't fail at this challenge. Pretty soon she had already caught up with Arie, and the smell of the wind in her face soon got a smell of something else other than dew and fresh morning autumn. Then her fur started to glow, but she didn't realize in all of the commotion of the quote on quote "race." The wind in her ears drowned out the sound of most things around her, and she quickly passed by the Flechling and the Shinx was behind Brian.
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Perpetual Autumn Empty
PostSubject: Re: Perpetual Autumn   Perpetual Autumn Empty

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