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 Up the mountain without a paddle

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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptyWed Feb 12, 2014 9:08 pm

First topic message reminder :

It all had happened so fast, Sorren heard about the tallest mountain in the area and wanted to go see it for himself, maybe confront some fears. Everyone was out again so he started to talk to this pokemon, telling her of his plans, he was out the door and on his way before he could blink. he didn't even know her name.

"Hey! Uh sorry about this, but I don't think we've had time for introductions, I'm Sorren of Team Titans." Sorren said, with the enthusiasm of this pokemon, he wouldn't have to wait for long for a reply. maybe a millisecond.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 8:29 pm

"Can we wait, i used up a lot of fire in that fight" Sorren said.

He was a little tired and the fire didn't come from nowhere. He took a closer look at the knocked out spearow, and found the item it was carrying to be a max elixir. Sorren was about to pocket it when he realized what it did.

"Nevermind, found a max elixir!" Sorren said, before downing the bottle. as soon as he was done he thought he might have used to much, because he was feeling way to energetic, but he shoved the thought out of his mind, they had a mountain to climb.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 8:36 pm

"Your choice I guess. I'm still full of energy. Frequent exercise helps to clear mind, body and spirit. The Elders back at the sanctuary have a really great program. You should try it out sometim-...ohh, yeah, you don't have tentacles. Sorry, my bad!
So, where should we go to next? Do you have any specific direction in mind? I don't really know, where these Absol-thingies could be. Also this mountain looks pretty much the same to me, no matter from which angle you look at it. Hmm...if I was a tribe, where would I be?"
Even though he did not agree with her theories, Revira greatly enjoyed traveling with Sorren.
He may be a pessimistic cynic, but it was nice to have company.
Being alone was so boring...
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 8:44 pm

"Well that is pretty obvious, up. This is a mountain after all." Sorren said, running up the barren incline.

Mountain dungeons were really easy to traverse because doungeons didn't work well vertically so the stairs were always straightforward and easy to find. Sorren passed a flaming bush, he must have set that on fire, and pressed on. He didn't have much in the way of enthusiasm for the trip, becuase he wasn't doing much other then going to the top to get a view, but he felt like he could run around the world if he felt like it.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 9:05 pm

"Well, we could go further up, but I'm not too sure, whether those Absol would actually be there. I mean it should be colder the further up you get and there are these purple clouds around the peak. Maybe they're on a lower level somewhere. Then again you're the Pokémon with experience here. Upwards it is then."
As the two of them traveled further up the mountain, Revira couldn't help herself, but try to imagine, what those creatures would be like. What they'd look like. Hopefully they'd look cute.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 9:19 pm

"So, how old are you anyway?" Sorren asked as the acended the mountain.

He was genuinely curious. After all the Omanyte had done some childish things, but it was a good fighter. In fact pretty much everything about Revira was either a mystery, or insanity. Sorren didn't want to have a debate about caves again, that much was for sure.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 9:39 pm

"Oh, me? I'm 112 years old right now. So I'm still pretty young. Being old is boring anyway. Most of the time the Elders just sit around and debate. I hope I won't be like that when I'm older."
Revira actually was quite surprised by the Torchic's sudden interest in her age, but she decided not to let it show. The Omanyte liked to talk about things she was knowledgeable about, even if they were things, that anyone would expect her to know.
It would certainly be interesting to see his reaction.
He probably wouldn't have expected of her to still be this young, would he?
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 9:47 pm

"Ok that's it!" Sorren said, stopping. "I don't know anything about you and anything i do is complete insanity! I would like an explanation for everything you've said up until now. Why do you believe we are in a cave? Why did you think that it was safe to aproach a pokemon in a dungeon? I don't care if i have to hear your life story, i want to understand why you are so... so ignorant about everything!"

Sorren had his feathers severely ruffled. He sat down on a rock to await the Omanyte reply. He didn't know or didn't care if he had hurt her feelings. Enough was enough and sorren wanted answers.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 9:59 pm

"I-what? Why are you like this all of a sudden? You could be more polite you know..."
Revira didn't know, whether she should be angry or sad because of Sorren's sudden outburst.
"Well, my theory is, that we are in a cave, because next to where I live an earthquake recently opened up a cave entrance. I walked through it and discovered this place here. As for why I believe in talking to Pokémon before attacking them - why shouldn't I? If that Pokémon truly would be evil, then the worst, that could happen, is that you'll be attacked, which would have happened anyway. But if the Pokémon is friendly and you attack it, you may have lost a potential friend forever. And there is not much worse than that. Also Everything has a reason. And noone can be evil simply because they are being evil. That would be a circular argument. They certainly believe to be doing the right thing themselves."
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 10:11 pm

"OK, that doesn't really answer any of my questions. So you came from a cave? is that what you are saying? As for talking before fighting, i'm fine with that, but don't walk right up to a pokemon and introduce yourself! especially in a dungeon. I admit, giving them the benefit of the doubt is something I have not considered in a long time, but even if i do, I'm not going to walk right into mauling range! You have to be Suspicious. you are expecting the best from pokemon, and that is usually not how things go." Sorren said, out of breath.

He did not address the comment of being polite, he was never good at being social anyway. The more he learns about Revira the less sense she seems to make, hopefully if he dug deep eghnough they could come to an understanding. If not they might just have to split up. Sorren didn't know how much longer he could take of this.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 10:45 pm

"I may or may not have been living inside a cave. Our little discussion and our apparently different definitions of the word "cave" have made me doubt that. And how else should I convey a sense of openness to others if not by approaching them? If I show any suspicions, then they would be less likely to accept me. And should one of them attack, then that's what the thing on my back is there for."
Why was the Torchic so suspicious of others?
While some Pokémon might attack them, that shouldn't discourage one from approaching them and trying to talk with them! Waiting for a response, the Omanyte stopped moving, resting next to the Fire type.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 11:04 pm

this was going to be a long talk. Sorren needed to know however, so he pushed on.

"Ok, as for the definition of cave i'll just let science prove you wrong whenever you get the chance to go to a library. can you describe the place you lived? did you get any trade? meet any travelers? that sort of thing? also just so you know Approaching a wild pokemon is seen by them as a sighn of aggression, since you are already in their territory they will either let you run or attack you, you won't have the first option if you approach them." Sorren said.

Come on just start making some sense! was she sheltered all her life? lived in some weird subterranean city out of a fantasy novel? So many expressions of frustration sorren could use if he only had arms.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 11:16 pm

"Travelers? Well...there were other Pokemon coming over to our part of the city, but I don't think one could count that as traveling. Until that entrance to this cave opened up, none of us have ever met a Pokémon not from the city. Well, we didn't even know, that there was anything else to be exact. Also the Pokémon here are weird. Why would approaching someone be aggressive? I don't get it..."
This world definitely was different from the one the Omanyte had been used to for all her life.
So many strange things...Pokémon acting strangely and then there was Sorren, who seemingly refused to understand anything.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 11:25 pm

"No one really knows how pokemon get like that, some say it can be cured, others just think that they have lost the spark of life. Even if you could cure them, you couldn't cure every wild pokemon in the world. That's just too big a task. So you lived in a city your whole life and never got to see anywhere else? then why are you reluctant to believe that your world was not just a small part of something bigger and different? The blackness of the sky in the night is nothingness, not rock, just empty space that goes on forever. Whether you believe it or not that is the reality of the world you now find yourself in." Sorren said, a touch of sympathy in his voice.

So she was sheltered. it makes sense then that she wouldn't know too much about the world and it's mysteries. There were still a few things bugging him, but Sorren wanted to hear Revira's response first.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 11:34 pm

"I have never claimed for the blackness to be rock. I have claimed for it to possibly be obscuring a ceiling behind it. Now then, I am not reluctant to accept new things. I just want to make all the bad things like those mean Pokémon as peaceful as they are back home. I know, that it is possible after all. And even if I can not cure all Pokémon in the world, I can start. If noone does start, then nothing would ever be finished after all."

This Pokémon was making less and less sense by the minute.
Well, she didn't have anything better to do, so Revira might as well try to answer a few more of his questions.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 11:40 pm

"I wish you could do that, I really do, maybe you can make a difference, I don't know. Anyway when you said you were 112 years old, how long do you measure years?" Sorren asked.

He was coming to terms with what this pokemon had to deal with. Sorren just hoped that her ignorance wouldn't cost her dearly someday. He also hoped that she wasn't 112, because that would just be depressing.
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