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 Up the mountain without a paddle

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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptyWed Feb 12, 2014 9:08 pm

First topic message reminder :

It all had happened so fast, Sorren heard about the tallest mountain in the area and wanted to go see it for himself, maybe confront some fears. Everyone was out again so he started to talk to this pokemon, telling her of his plans, he was out the door and on his way before he could blink. he didn't even know her name.

"Hey! Uh sorry about this, but I don't think we've had time for introductions, I'm Sorren of Team Titans." Sorren said, with the enthusiasm of this pokemon, he wouldn't have to wait for long for a reply. maybe a millisecond.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptyFri Feb 14, 2014 10:26 pm

"Thank you for your offer, but I don't think I could use it well. Having ten arms may be useful, but they are too short to really throw anything well. They are useful for strangling though. As for the "cave" thing, I am pretty certain, that we are in a cave right now. Up there's the blue roof of that cave. Can't you see it? And there's a hole in it, which serves as the main light source from what I have found out. The entrance to this cave is somewhere in the Serene Cave to be exact."
How could this Pokémon not know, that it was living in a cave? Then again, he probably hadn't known anything else up to now and was just assuming things off of vague clues without any real basis.
Some day Revira would find a way to prove this to him. Maybe she would even get an award for doing so!
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptyFri Feb 14, 2014 10:37 pm

no, that's not a roof, that's the sky, It goes on pretty much forever. Most astronomers believe that we live on a giant round ball so giant that it appears flat, but if you get up high enough the land curves. It's evident through the use of telescopes that the moon is another one of these balls of rock, and the stars in the night sky are thought to be The same as the Sun, that giant bright light. which astronomers believe is a giant ball of energy of some kind. I mean there are stories about pokemon who come from space like clefairy and deoxys, and tales of ships flying in the sky. You can walk as long as you want, you will never find a wall." Sorren explained as they walked.

His parents made sure that he was well educated. He was very curious when young and tended to ask questions like what's the sun? and why is the sky blue? So he knew the basics of a lot of subjects. He just hoped that the Omanyte had an open mind. He deposited the stun seed into his bag and continued on.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptyFri Feb 14, 2014 10:49 pm

"Interesting. But how can you be so sure about that? It would be impossible to say for certain, that there is no ceiling up there at all. Maybe there is one, and noone went far enough to find it yet. Oh, and to be exact, a cave is not just defined by having some rocks or other stuff on top of it. It actually requires specific climatic qualities to be a cave."
It was surprising for Revira, that someone would not know a simple thing such as this. Libraries did exist; she had seen one in Grassveil Town. So that could not be the reason for this lack of general knowledge. But what could it be then? Not wating to sound rude, the Omanyte decided not to inquire further.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptyFri Feb 14, 2014 11:07 pm

"Reflections, That's how i know. you know how you see your reflection on polished wood but it can be a bit blury? well everything reflects light, just differently. what lights up the moon? the sun, the light from the sun is illuminating the moon how can it do that if it's dark outside? well that's because the moon and the sun are in different places then the earth. This has been the thinking for as long as civilization has existed, I have roamed countless hundreds of miles in my travels, never have i heard it otherwise until now. let me ask you the same question, how can you be sure that there is a ceiling up their? and what's above it? what are the stars in the night sky and what is the moon?" Sorren Said, pressing a little on the ignorant little snail.

He was frustrated. Firstly because someone wouldn't believe him, secondly that someone could be so... stupid. It's like thinking the sun was pulled across the sky by arceus itself! Sorren sighed. This was going to be a long walk.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptyFri Feb 14, 2014 11:14 pm

"Then maybe those "sun" and "moon" things are in this cave as well. You can not say for certain, that there is not a ceiling beyond all those things. Maybe it is too far to see it, but it isn't possible to rule out that possibility either. Just because there are other things floating around, that does not provide a valid counter to my argument. Furthermore I did not claim, that it was certain for this area to be a cave. I only suggested the possibility."
Revira sighed. Why wouldn't the Torchic listen to her? There had to be a reason for that, but it probably wouldn't be anything she could take care of today. Thus she settled on trying to convince him, that his expectations may not always lead him to the truth.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptyFri Feb 14, 2014 11:30 pm

"I could argue with you all day, instead I suggest you go to a library and read up on astronomy. and maybe some basic physics." Sorren said, tired of trying to change the view of someone so stubborn in their beliefs.

Sorren kicked a rock off a ledge and down the mountain. they were higher up, but there was a cliff, impossible to climb, but there was one imperfection. A ramp, that seemed almost out of place lead up between the cliffs, lik somone took a knife to the mountain. The 'stairs'.

once he was up the ramp he turned around and it was gone. They were definitely higher up. You could see for quite a distance, the mountains around them were starting to seem less imposing and a stream in a valley was so small it might have well been a piece of string.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptyFri Feb 14, 2014 11:41 pm

"I could suggest for you to do the same. And maybe some philosophy as well. It proves to be interesting reading material and furthermore helps to add weight to your points in debates."
Not seeing any further point in trying to convince someone, who didn't even consider her points, Revira then silently followed the orange bird up the mountain.
As they went up higher and higher, the view quickly turned even more amazing.
The small Water type soon felt even smaller than she usually did, seeing, how incredibly vast this particular cave was.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptyFri Feb 14, 2014 11:52 pm

"I've actualy read a book" Sorren mumbled undet his breath.

Hopefully When Revira actually gets to reading she can find out the truth. Wonder what other horrible misconceptions she had about the world. For sorren's sake he hoped she didn't talk about them.

Sorren heard a pebble fall out of place and turned his attention towards the sound. Three pokemon were advancing on them. Alright Revira, let's try this your way.

"We mean you no harm, we only want to pass through." Sorren said.

This dice is not existing.
This dice is not existing.
This dice is not existing.

{{Seriosly pick the pokemon this time, I can't be the one always throwing out the encounters and dictating what pokemon they are!}}
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 12:12 am

(Darn, I hate making descisions.)

Happy to hear, that Sorren had decided to try and talk to the other Pokémon first, Revira slowly managed to turn around to spot a Spearow being flanked by a Rampardos and a Steelix, making it look comically tiny in comparison.
"Yeah, we're just exploring the area! But since we're here already, do you need help with anything?"
Since both Sorren and the Omanyte were in the area and technically intruding on these Pokemon's property, it was only polite to ask, whether they might be requiring any help and pffering one's assistance in return.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 12:20 am

"throw these two off the mountain" The spearow said, ignoring the two explore's Attempts at being friendly.

Before Sorren knew what was happening the steelix was on top of him. The spearow had taken off and was circling around using gust. the rampardos was charging at Riviera. Sorren Focused his energy and the rapid fired two embers, one aimed at the rampardos and another at the steelex's face Not having time to check on the other pokemon, Sorren rolled away from the steelex and focussed his energy again as the steelex started curling around him.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 7:17 pm

"Now that didn't work out as planned...", Revira commented, obviously disappointed.
"Well, guess we have no choice."
As the Rampardos appeared to be the biggest threat to her health at the moment, it was the first target of Revira's Water Pulse attack, the impact causing it to stray from its intended course and to crash into a nearby cliff face instead.
The Spearow's Gust attacks meanwhile didn't have much effect on the fossil Pokémon, only damaging her slightly. In retaliation the Water type channeled freezing energies in front of her face, launching an Aurora Beam at the fiendish Flying type.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 7:28 pm

Sorren was ready, with more acting then thinking he spun around as fast as he could, the Metal rock body of the Steelex coming closer and closer,

"CRITICAL FIRESTORM!" Sorren yelled before launching an ember attack while spinning, causing projectiles to go everywhere, hitting the steelix for massive damage. before it could recover sorren was on it, running towards the face with smoke trailing from his beak. One point blank Ember later and the Steelex was down.

Sorren took a moment to catch his breath. He noted that Revira was fighting. That was good. And was that an aurora beam? Nice.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 7:55 pm

As the rainbow-coloured beam hit the Flying type, t was thrown back for a bit, trying to regain its balance.

Thus the Water type's attention was once more caught by the rampaging Rampardos, which seemed to have recovered from its meeting with the cliff. Once more it tried to charge towards Revira, this time darting from side to side to provide less of a target.
This certainly would make it difficult to hit with the effective moves available to her.
Luckily the Rock type had a better idea.
Just as the Rampardos was about to ram into her, she jumped onto its face, clinging onto its head by using Constrict.
Blinded and missing resistance, the enemy could not prevent itself from charging too far and quickly darted over the edge of the mountain.
A terrifying screech could be heard as it descended to the ground. The Omanyte meanwhile had jumped off of the Pokémon's head mid-fall and was now holding onto the vertical rock, slowly crawling back upwards.
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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 8:09 pm

with the rampardos out of the way and quick check to make sure Revira was ok Sorren started firing Ember rapid fire at the spearow, it dodged mostly, but Sorren had hit it a couple of times. The spearow made the mistake of flying low to ram into sorren who finished it off with an ember/scratch combo.

"YOU OK?" Sorren yelled to the Omanyte. taking his gaze off the quirky pokemon he saw something on the spearow, never mind that, he had to pay attention to Revira.

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Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Up the mountain without a paddle   Up the mountain without a paddle - Page 2 EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 8:21 pm

"Guess so. Pretty much.", the fossil Pokémon responded.
"Being able to hang on walls is a pretty useful ability in my opinion.
Now if only I could see where I was going when I swim..."
After quite some time the Water type had reached the edge of the cliff again, dragging herself onto the flat ground once more.
"So, I hope they've learned their lesson and will be friendier to the next explorers. Shall we continue?"
Immediately the Omanyte's cheerful attitude was back, as if that encounter never had existed.
What sense was there in burdening oneself with what had been after all?
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