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 The Third Age

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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 7:42 pm

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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptySat Jul 05, 2014 7:14 am


"Oh, okay then. I guess I could use a bit of a rest." Jaden said gleefully as his excitement started to increase. Finally! Something interesting had happened in this bland and generic town. Just the fact that he might have something to do soon made the entire atmosphere around Jaden feel much livelier. Even the breeze flowing though his silver hair felt more refreshing with each passing second.

"Alright then, you lead the way to the inn then." Jaden said, eager to get to the inn so that he could hear what the black horse man was up to. There were so many possibilities of what he could be doing that Jaden could hardly contain his fake self. However, he didn't show too much of this and instead just smiled a bit wider and he waited for the man to lead him towards the inn.
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptySun Jul 06, 2014 3:25 am

((Well, now that I've let these two exploit the fact that I've been working my academic ass off, I think it's time we get this show back on the road. Whatdayasay?))

She had let them sleep until sunrise. She wasn't sure how long they were used to, but it would have to be enough. They were all already an inconvenience. All she needed was the walking corpse, but now there three more. Not enough food for them all. Or water. She had only borrowed two horses. And so, she'd decided to take them all to the nearest town.

Fenn was an innocent enough town. Farmland stretched for miles around it, now barren due to the cold. In a few weeks, however, the townspeople would begin the planting season and turn the cluster of dwellings and shops into a hustle and bustle of productivity.

Coming down from the foothills and into the flatlands of Beorem made it evident that Spring was coming soon. The River Fenn had become engorged thanks to the melting snow running down the hills and into its banks. Following the river took a good part of the day, and the Ranger let them stop for few breaks, only to eat and relieve themselves.

A few hours from sundown, the town came into view. Only a faint whisp of smoke on the horizon gave a clue to its location. They would have to hurry. In those last few hours, the Ranger pushed the small company at a breakneck pace, using the promise of a hot meal and warm bed as encouragement.

The made the gates just as they were closing. For a few moments it seemed as if the guards were adamant about their refusal to allow the group in. The Ranger exposed her arm, bearing her tattoo to the men and explaining she was escorting the group. They then proceeded to open the gates. It was good to know that the reputation as a Ranger would not earn her a place on the chopping block in every town she visited. She had passed through this town a few times in her travels and knew they were freinds to her order. While she had never done any favors for the people herself, she saw no reason not to take advantage of the hospitality due to her fellows.

Once inside the walls, she led the group to a local inn. The town was no great feat of planning, with crisscrossing roads mapped from old hunting paths and small, brick and wood dwellings. Still, the place was quaint and pleasant, a world a little by itself, unoccupied by the troubles of the outside. Cozy.

Opening the doors to the inn, she informed her group to make themselves comfortable. She would arrange rooms for the night and breakfast in the morning. Any drinks tonight, however, would be from their own purses. While speaking with the keeper, she arranged herself to have her own room, at the end of the upstairs hall. She needed her own space to think and sleep. The others would have to settle for rooms shared between pairs.

She handed them all their keys and told them to all share the rooms as they wished. Then, ordering up a quick drink from the barman, she retired to a booth situated in the far corner of the tavern, hood thrown well over her face. Soon, a noticeably uneasy sever delivered the drink to her table, which she proceeded to slowly nurse inbetween sips from her pipe, which she occasionally had to re-light.

The tavern itself was normal enough. A roaring fire threw light and shadows all throughout the room, warming the space in its comforting glow. The typical host of drunk men and women enjoying their night populated the tables, singing songs and spinning stories. Occasionally, one particularly drunk and dramatic patron would jump up on a table and offer a toast to something or the other, perhaps following by leading the room in a little show of his own design. All in all, a happy little place in its own happy little part of the world.
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptySun Jul 06, 2014 5:33 pm

It was surprising. Maybe the reason was, that he secretly kept watch himself as well, but noone in this camp had attempted to kill him over the night. Whether this was because of loyalty, kindness or reduced intelligence would have to be determined later. In any case the ranger was pushing them to continue their travels.
And while marching through the frigid snow and ice certainly was not too enjoyable a thing, the traveler lightened his mood with the thought, that this time he was not being dragged along in ropes at least. But then a faint cloud of smoke became visible over the horizon and involuntarily the Shal'kesh's body tensed up a bit as he remembered the wolf-woman's intentions.
She was trying to get them to the nearest town. What if this town was one that knew him already?
If it had been one he had robbed recently, then their stay might end up being decidedly less peaceful than anyone in the group would have hoped. But there wasn't much he could do about it.
The ranger was an expert marksman and did not need the others. That meant that she would have no qualms about pursuing him if he were to be trying to flee.
And so the dreadfully awaited moment drew nearer and nearer as the city walls emerged from behind the horizon. And then it happened. As they reached the gates, there was an awful lot of talking between the guards and the fey. Had they remembered his face?
The demon's grip around his dagger tightened, prepared to fight should the need to do so emerge.
But luckily for a reason the Shal'kesh could not discern the guards then opened the gate anyway.
These guards were strange, moronic creatures indeed, but as long as that was going to lead to them not attacking the traveler, Grex didn't mind at all.
Despite the curious, questioning glares the townsfolk threw his way, the group then managed to reach a tavern, apparently the place they were going to be spending the night.
And that is when the unthinkable happened.
The ranger wanted for him to share a room with someone.
Was she out of her mind?
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 7:17 pm

((I've heard Saku may be experiencing some IRL issues that are interfering with posting. I'm putting her on Hiatus until further notice.))
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptyWed Jul 09, 2014 1:50 am

She had no trouble sleePing at all. In fact she slept more peacefully than ever before.
The next day was full of travel though, the leader of the group apparently wanting to get them to the nearest town.
She noticed the guards were unwillful to let them in until the woman leader showed a tattoo. Strange... She had to know more about that.
As she passed through town, her natural succubus aura drew the attention of some men. She smirked, it would be fun to toy with them. But she didn't NEED to.
When they finally reached the inn, she learned the wonderful news that she wanted the group to SHARE rooms.
Oh this was delicious. She hoped to be with rotting man.
She needed entertainment somehow anyways.
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Location : Right behind you with a knife.

The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptyWed Jul 09, 2014 11:22 pm

I'm going through some stuff right now and I'm not in the right mind-set to write 'Ryx's over-bearingly-cheerful character, so I'm skipping my turn for now. (Still going to post in Super, Jax)
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptyThu Jul 10, 2014 2:29 am

It had only taken a few minutes for Raymond to lead Jaden to the quaint little inn. When he entered the building, Jaden felt a comforting atmosphere that seemed to fill the cozy looking areas within the inn. He couldn't fully explain it, but the inn had felt like a home away from home. However, these comfortable feeling weren't too important to him at this moment. What was important was that Raymond would now tell him about what he was doing.

"This is a nice inn. Anyways, let's get a room so that you can tell me about what you're doing?" Jaden said, turning towards Raymond and looking at him with anticipation. His curiosity for Raymond's endeavors had continued to increase as they made their way to the inn. Now that they were there, Jaden could finally get to know about his intentions.
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptyThu Jul 10, 2014 5:25 pm

Raymond spent a few minutes outside setting his horse up outside the inn before he followed Jayden inside. As he entered, Jaden had turned around to face him, wanting to get a room to discuss Raymond's business. "Yes, yes, no need to be so excited about it," Raymond said, waving his hand a bit as he headed towards the owner to get a room.

(sorry for short post, distracted by work stuff)
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptyThu Jul 10, 2014 6:10 pm

((Inn Keep))

The Inn Keeper informs Raymond that they're all out of rooms.

"Just gave the last of'em to that strange lass over in the corner," he says, pointing to a hooded figure in the corner booth, "You may be able to talk to her, but there's not much more I can do for ya. If you want a drink, however, that I can help ya with."

He smiles from behind his thick mustache, hoping you'll accept his offer.


((No posting from Mira's side. I'm just watching you all mingle at this point. So interact, damnit. Figure out who rooms with who, at the least. That should lead to some good conversation. Btw, expect me to handle all NPCs as I just did above.))
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptyThu Jul 10, 2014 11:18 pm


"Now this is going to be interesting. Who here yearns for the smell of rotting flesh to accompany then through the night? For my festering, maggot-infested flesh to lay beside them, the gruesome worms possibly crawling all over them?"
Hopefully this was going to work. Creeping others out of wanting to share a room with him was pretty much the traveler's only option to have some peace and quiet as well as a minimum amount of safety in this place. That and he simply didn't want to be forced into close proximity with any of those other people. Especially not the demon. She couldn't be trusted.
"Or maybe I could kill the barkeep and use his room...", he muttered to himself.
It may have sounded like an empty, playful threat to anyone listening closely enough to understand what he was saying, but to the demon it wasn't that. The more he thought about the situation he was in, the more he found himself actually considering to follow through with this. But first he had to see whether his words might save him the trouble.
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptyFri Jul 11, 2014 4:34 pm

((Saku's still on hiatus.))
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptyFri Jul 11, 2014 7:40 pm


Ayume smirks and chuckles, walking over near Grex and standing beside him "Sure I would LOVE to spend a night with you. After all...those greasy little maggots crawling all over my skin might turn into a delicious, slimy, wiggling midnight snack. The only decision to be made is if I should swallow it whole so I can feel it writhing in my throat. Or if I bite it to feel it's guts just burst into my mouth."

He wanted to play disgusting? Alright. She'd be disgusting.

All this was fun for her anyways.
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Location : Right behind you with a knife.

The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptySat Jul 12, 2014 5:12 am


'Ryx sighed as they entered the inn, glad to finally be in civilization again. After years living in a large human city, he had gotten used to the sights and sounds of human civilization and though he would never admit it to anyone but himself, being back in the empty wilderness had unnerved him. Mira told everyone to choose a room-mate, and 'Ryx rolled his eyes as the rotting corpse attempted to be disgusting. As if he would ever want to sleep in the same room as a demon! The corpse would probably kill him in his sleep anyway. 'Ryx would prefer to board with his fellow wood elf, but he didn't know if she was staying. He noticed that she was being rather quiet, and turned his attention back to the group, in time to hear the other demon respond to the walking corpse.

"Sure I would LOVE to spend a night with you. After all...those greasy little maggots crawling all over my skin might turn into a delicious, slimy, wiggling midnight snack. The only decision to be made is if I should swallow it whole so I can feel it writhing in my throat. Or if I bite it to feel it's guts just burst into my mouth." 'Ryx gagged at overhearing this. What kind of monsters were these demons? He shook his head and walked to the bar, needing something to down the sickly taste in his mouth from nearly losing his lunch.

"Might I buy a tankard of ale, good sir?" he requested of the barkeep, focusing on the money in his hand as he reached out to place it on the bar, trying not to think of the female demon's comments.
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptySat Jul 12, 2014 5:37 am

"Ahh, we don't get a room. That's not good." Jaden said, giving a childish pouty face to the Inn Keeper to show his disappointment. He also chuckled on the inside, remembering how he had done this in the past whenever he didn't get something he really wanted. It reminded Jaden of the nicer, less complicated days where he could just be himself and fully enjoy life instead of playing his own personality like a puppet. However, he didn't think about this too much at the moment. What he did think about was the robbed figure that the Inn Keeper pointed himself and Raymond towards.

"Maybe if we talk to her, she can get us a room or something. Then you could tell me about what you're doing. Plus, we could make a new friend." Jaden said as he looked back to Raymond again with curiosity in his eyes.

Last edited by pokepikoo on Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Third Age - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 7 EmptyWed Jul 16, 2014 3:33 pm

Raymond glanced over at the hooded woman before turning back to the innkeep, "Yeah, I'm gonna need a drink or two tonight," he said. He then looked over at Jaden and waved him off. "Introduce us to her, hopefully we'll get a room with her and then we can talk about the business I'm doing here," he said, taking a seat at the bar as he waited on his drink. As he waited he did another check on his armor and weapons to pass the time as his drink was prepared.
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