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 The Third Age

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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 7:42 pm

First topic message reminder :


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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptySun Jun 22, 2014 5:45 am

The female began to climb a tree, perhaps to get a glimpse of the surrounding area. When 'Ryx called out to her, she startled and lost her footing, falling to the snow-covered ground. She held her head in a hand as she looked up at him, her pupils contracting as they focused on him.

"No I'm fine, Wood-Brother." She replied, and then blinked, as if surprised. She got to her feet, thankfully looking unharmed. "I'm Elise. Would you kindly enlighten me about your name?" she asked both politely and cautiously.

'Ryx gave a small bow at his waist to his female kin. "I am the one known as Ingeir'Ryx to our fellow people, my lady, though you may call me by the shortened 'Ryx, if you prefer. I apologize for the rough treatment by our mutual acquaintance earlier tonight. I could teach her a lesson if you so desire? A beautiful lady like yourself deserves a much gentler treatment." He smiled at Elise charmingly, glad to find one of his own out here, far from where he expected to ever find another elf.
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptyMon Jun 23, 2014 1:08 am

((Skipping my own post here. Not much for Mira to do. Guys, wrap up the stuff you've got going on. We've got to time skip to the town eventually.))

Last edited by Jax on Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptyMon Jun 23, 2014 1:12 am

(Skipping my post as well. Grex has nothing to do at the moment.)
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptyWed Jun 25, 2014 3:02 pm

So 'Ryx definitely had manners, which was a relief. That probably meant the Wood Elf bore no harm, and so Elise relaxed accordingly, giving a faint smile of her own.. "No, it's fine thank you. There is no need for harm to come if it is not necessary 'Ryx." She replied kindly to him. Although she had to wonder why did he venture far out, alone just like her. If a Wood Elf were to leave their little group, there had to be a reason. Either 'Ryx went out of his own accord, maybe seeking for adventure or he was banished.

If someone in her tribe had the choice of being Banished Forever, or dead...they would probably choose the latter. They simply could not stand being marooned somewhere, and being forced to live on their own accord, depending on how far away they are from the nearest town, or if they are left on an island, they would have no contact with any sort whatsoever. Most of them grew mad in a week...being able to survive, but might as well be gone. But there was no need for such drastic measures in...at least a millennium. Plus, she highly doubted that 'Ryx had lost his mind. She almost asked him about what happened, but then quickly realized that would probably be rude.
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 5:35 am

(SkiPping my post...)
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 6:00 am

"No, it's fine thank you. There is no need for harm to come if it is not necessary 'Ryx."

'Ryx smiled at Elise. "Well, then I suppose I can forgive the ruffian. She's only a Fae, after all," he stated off-handedly. "Do you want to share our camp for the night? I know how lonely it can get, being a Wood Elf with no Clan. I like to share the night with a fellow Wood Elf now and again. I was surprised to find a woman such as yourself alone in this wilderness. It's dangerous if you don't know how to take care of yourself, after all."

'Ryx turned toward the campsite. "You're always welcome in my company, if you wanted to travel together for a time. I'd hate for anything to happen to a woman of your beauty, all alone in the rough wilderness." He began walking back, expecting the other Elf to follow him. After all, she was a woman alone. Surely she needed a man to look after her.

OOC: um. yeah. trying to wrap it up, Jax! ^_^
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptySat Jun 28, 2014 12:23 am

((Saku and Lex are just going to post back and forth until they get done with their thing here.))
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptySun Jun 29, 2014 5:40 am


dice roll:

Raymond had his horse at full gallop as he began to approach Fenn. Once he neared the gates, he slowed down to a trot. One of the guards stopped him, standing in front of him. "Halt, what business do you have coming here so late?" the guard asked as his fellow guard placed his hand on his sword's hilt. Raymond shot a small glare at the other guard, though his hood hid it as he turned towards the one walking up to him. "Just coming in for a good night's rest and to restock my supplies tomorrow. I'm on my way to Beorem to see some family of mine," he told the guard.

It wasn't a complete lie, he was tired of lying on the ground and was hoping to restock on supplies. He was also going to see his family in Beorem. He just failed to mention the parts about killing a few people. Nothing wrong with that at all. People always forget to mention minor details such as that.

The guard nodded, "Well alright, I suppose you can come on in, but try to make it to a town before nightfall, you look pretty mean lookin' with that hood 'n all. Open up the gates boys!" he said, calling up to the guards at the top of the wall. With a loud creak the gates began to open up for Raymond. He nodded towards the guard he spoke to, setting his horse to a slow trot as he entered the town. It was a pretty run down place, being a backwater town and all, but to Raymond it suit him just fine. He could easily dump the bodies of the men he was going to kill into the river nearby, if he felt like being that generous to them.
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptySun Jun 29, 2014 2:17 pm


Jaden had searched for some kind of interest in this backwater town for what felt like hours. Everything about this place was just plain bland. No kinds of royalty around. No strong knights roaming the place. Even the cool breeze that flu past his silver hair and the dirt roads that be walked upon with his iron clad feet felt too famillier to feel somewhat refreshing. The generic nature of this town was making Karen all the more frustrated as he had nothing to do and no one to talk to. He still kept his usual smile on his face due to his principles, but in the inside of his current facade of happiness was a unbelievably bored man. It seem as if nothing would happen here no matter how much he looked....at least that's what he thought at that time.

Nearly a few seconds after these hopeless thoughts entered his mind, Jaden saw a man on a black horse trot through another path near him. He had seen several knights on horses before, but never a pure black horse like this. "Finally, something interesting! Hello over there, black horse man!" Jaden said in his child like voice as he walked towards the man on the black horse. His smile was getting even wider by the minute as his fake persona was getting more and more excited. After what felt like an eternity of boredom in this town, there was finally something potentially interesting. If anything else, he could at least have someone to talk to.

Last edited by pokepikoo on Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptySun Jun 29, 2014 6:33 pm

"Do you want to share our camp for the night? I know how lonely it can get, being a Wood Elf with no Clan. I like to share the night with a fellow Wood Elf now and again. I was surprised to find a woman such as yourself alone in this wilderness. It's dangerous if you don't know how to take care of yourself, after all."

Elise sighed. 'Ryx did put some good points out. Why resist good shelter that was being offered to them if they didn't have to? Plus she thought she heard something about a capital so maybe Hopeful Light would have taken them to there. And maybe just once it would be nice to be with another person. For the last time of course. Presumably they would split up, and then maybe never see each other again. Probably for the best after all. She could take care of herself, and the more people although, they are definitely safer, they are easier to track, much much slower, and alongside other things.

"You're always welcome in my company, if you wanted to travel together for a time. I'd hate for anything to happen to a woman of your beauty, all alone in the rough wilderness."

The Wood Elf blinked. What 'Ryx just stated was completely opposite of where her train of thought was going. Elise tried to think for a moment before deciding it was best just to decline right there. There was no need to keep anyone excited about something if her mind was already set in stone. As expected, she walked to the campsite, but she quickly told 'Ryx, "Thanks for the offer, but no thank you. I can take care of myself, and for other reasons, I don't believe it is good to form a partnership right now."

OOC: I think that we're about done unless Lexa wants to put a reaction post or something ^^
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptyMon Jun 30, 2014 12:22 am


As Raymond trotted through the town he looked around, going over his plan of attack on the two men who he would kill. Taking a quick inventory check, he made sure his two machetes could be pulled out of their sheaths correctly. He then checked on his armor, making sure it didn't acquire any dents and scratches on his journey here. After that he put on his bracers and threw a few quick punches at an imaginary enemy before taking back the reins of his horse.

Raymond blinked as he heard someone call out "black horse man!" Looking over he found himself staring at a man in silver armor with equally silver hair. An odd combination in Raymond's mind, as he's never seen a person who appeared so young to have the hair of an elder. Normally he would try to escape conversation, but the man seemed harmless enough, and was definitely not one of his targets. "Um... Hello there? May I help you?" he asked, keeping his hood up to keep his face obscured.

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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptyMon Jun 30, 2014 1:08 am


Jaden had eventually ran up next to the man on his black horse, still eyeing it with intense curiosity. What kind of land could this intimidating yet seemingly magestic made have come from? Maybe some kind of dark forest where monsters roam. Or perhaps a realm of pure darkness where all light is removed from existence. Well, probably not any of those things. That horse was mostly likely just a normal horse that just happened to be black. Jaden had probably heard too many stories about the many different places in this world and just let his mind flow like the nearby river waters. That man would probably think of Jaden as being infected with some kind of mental illness as he spent a good couple minutes just standing there, looking at the horse and the man. Other than the black horse, Jaden was also becoming interested in the man himself. He seemed to give off an eerie vibe that interested Jaden even more, which made him want to interact with this man and see what happened.

"Oh hi there! I was just roaming around town looking for something to do for the longest time. Then I saw you trotting along with that black horse of yours and figured that something interesting would happen if I tagged along with you. So, what are you doing?" Jaden said as he looked up to the man, wondering what "activities" he may be partaking in.
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 12:22 am


Dice roll:

The horse was indeed a regular black horse, if a shy one at that. The horse whinnied and stomped it's foot as the man stared at it, uncomfortable with his stares. Raymond twisted his mouth in a slight frown as the strange man continued eyeing his horse and him. Why is this man acting like such a child? For all he knew, the man could have been one of Raymond's targets and have gotten his head cut off in an instant. The only thing stopping Raymond from doing it anyways was that the man was so flashy with his silver armor Raymond was sure someone was watching them.

"I'm here on a pit stop. Soon I'll be going to Beorem to visit family," Raymond said again, retelling his lie from earlier, which would hopefully work on this guy like it did the guards.
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 12:56 am


Wisdom Check
Jaden rolls for WIS: 36. Roll: 7
Check successful

Jaden listened to the black horse man as he talked, letting the small breeze fly through his silver hair as it flowed within it. While listeneing to the man, he felt as if what he was saying might not be the full truth. While Jaden wasn't the smartest guy around, he was generally a good judge of character. From the look of this man and his demeanor, he didn't seem like the kind of guy that would just be doing something as plain as he had described. Jaden couldn't say for sure if this was completely true. However, since he couldn't prove if it was false or not, all he could do was go with his gut and see what happens.

"Ah come on, you've gotta be doing something more interesting then that. I know that this place is boring but someone like you has gotta have something else to do other than take a pit stop. I just have that feeling when I'm around certain people and you happen to be one of them. So, what are you really doing? Anything interesting? Maybe involving battle? I would love that!" Jaden said, perking up on the outside as his "love" for battle had gotten him excited, despite not knowing if that was part of this man's agenda.
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The Third Age - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 6 EmptySat Jul 05, 2014 6:29 am


Raymond sighed a bit, how come this man had to be smarter than the guards of the town? "Well I am doing some business here but..." he trailed off, trying to decide whether or not he should tell the complete truth or not. Taking a moment to way his options, Raymond finally sighed in defeat. "Alright, let's find an inn to stay for the night then I'll tell ya why I'm here," he said, spurring his horse a bit to get it into a trot.

Raymond wondered if it was wise to even bring this strange man into this. Even though he wasn't one of Raymond's targets, he could be connected to one of them, plus there was the off chance he would end up killed by getting dragged into Raymond's personal war. Raymond shook his head, clearing his thoughts. The man made this choice, it won't be Raymond's fault if he ends up injured or dead. At least, Raymond hoped so.
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