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 The Third Age

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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 7:42 pm

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Last edited by Jax on Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:51 am; edited 3 times in total
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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptyWed Jul 16, 2014 5:25 pm

The bartender takes both the Elf's and the man's orders, sliding their drinks down the bar handily.


((As for Mira, I guess I have to skip again.))
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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptyWed Jul 16, 2014 11:38 pm


The demon chuckled. While he did not manage to affect the succubus, her pitiful attempt at a retort was quite amusing. More amusing however was the reaction of this other fellow - Ryx, whose complexion began to resemble that of spinach more and more. He might not have succeeded in getting all of them to fear him, but it was a start. With time he would never have to share a room with any of these people again. But right now there wasn't much else to do that wouldn't get the city guards on his lower abdomen. The traveler would have to wait until the tavern's patrons would be out of earshot.
Maybe he could find a maggot somewhere to see, whether the succubus was telling the truth...
Quickly sneaking outside and after a bit of searching the assassin found the carcass of...something, rotten beyond all recognition. If he wouldn't have had to live with his own rotting flesh, the Shal'kesh would probably have believed for the sight and smell to be quite repulsing.
Maggots, worms and other creatures of the sort were crawling all over it, causing the corpse to twitch and pulse. Grex weached into the wriggling mess, pulling out a handfull of the creatures.
With these in hand, he walked back into the tavern, grinning mischievously.
He calmly extended his hand towards the succubus with the words:
"Here you go. I didn't want to make you wait.".
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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptyFri Jul 18, 2014 6:00 pm

Ayume watches the dead man leave, smiling a little as she wondered what he was up to now.

Though the smile stayed when he returned, She actually felt a little sickened when he extended a handful of maggots to her.

He really wanted her gone didn't he?

She chuckles a little, mostly to herself. Fine, he wanted a show?

She'll give him one.

She herself reached forward, taking out a small handful of what he held as she spoke, "Sure. I was getting hungry anyways."

This wasn't the worst thing she had to swallow at least.

Weren't maggots also a great source of protein?

She observed her own small handful of wiggling creatures a moment before popping them into her mouth, squishing them briefly before swallowing.

She refused to shiver from the awful taste.

Or be called out on a bluff.

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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptyFri Jul 18, 2014 7:05 pm

Elise didn't particularly enjoy being inside the tavern.

She figured that the whole group would disband after they got through the gates, but the Fey insisted that they stay at least for the night. The Wood Elf at the time shrugged, who was she to refuse free lodging and food for the night? But now...She was somewhat regretting that decision.

Why do we have to share rooms? she thought slightly annoyed. Sure, that would certainly cut back the amount of gold that Mia would have to pay, but...there wasn't much difference between choosing a rotting corpse, and a (if she thought that woman was who she was) succubus. Then again, there was that other Wood Elf, which lodging with him wouldn't be that bad but...he was a guy. Elise sighed, choosing to remain silent, and observe instead of doing much. Somewhere along the line, she slumped over, asleep.

Within a minute she jerked awake, cursing herself silently. She seriously needed some sort of retraining. Falling asleep in an inn, with drunks, and potential robbers was something that even people with half a mind knew not to do. Quickly turning towards her attention towards the other people, she noticed that 'Ryx and the Corpse wasn't seated where they were, yet the Demon girl was sitting alone. For a moment, Elise stiffened, believing the latter to have eaten the former, but upon closer inspection, her fellow Wood Elf was at the counter, probably getting himself drunk, or whatever. Just as she concluded that the Demon boy was getting himself a 'snack', she soon heard the door opening, and turning to observe who the newcomer was, lo and behold, it appeared that he did got himself a snack. A handful of squirming bugs to be exact.

She shrugged. Elise herself had eaten her own fair share of worms, maggots and beetles, and although maggots tasted bizarre at best, they were quite substantial, plus beetles were tasteless. Anyways, after the third time she had bugs as food, she gotten used to the taste. Honestly, she wondered why everyone was repulsed by eating them...But apparently not everyone seemed grossed out by the thought. The Demon guy gave the Succubus the critters he retrieved, and in turn, she ate them.

At least the two Demons got good taste.
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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 4:44 am

'Ryx nodded gratefully at the barman as he took his drink and swallowed it quickly, trying to forget the continued disgusting conversation between the two demons behind him. From the sounds of it, the walking corpse had tried to call the succubus' bluff and had brought a handful of maggots for her to eat. 'Ryx called for a second drink loudly, trying to drown his imagination as she gulped down the maggots. He shuddered as he tried not to lose what little he had in his stomach. 'Ryx downed three more glasses before he was too drunk to care about the two disgusting demons. Unfortunately for him, five drinks had significantly lowered his inhibitions, so when a drunken human stumbled into him and made him spill his sixth drink, 'Ryx lost his usually cool temper and dumped what was remaining of his drink on the human's head and pushed him backwards. The drunken human fell onto another table, crashing to the floor with the contents of said table. He rose to his feet and demanded what 'Ryx's problem was; and the men who had been sitting at the table that had fallen over were wondering too. 'Ryx merely turned his nose up at the humans, and that's how the bar fight started.
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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 5:08 am

((Congratulations! You've begun a bar fight, one of the most sacred of literary cliches! Enjoy your just rewards! Here's hoping you make it out conscious...

Thanks to the Random Generator, you'll be fighting 19 drunk farm-men. Don't worry, not all at once. You'll only be going mano-a-mano. Still, good luck getting through all of them.

19 Bar Ruffians: Level 1

HP: 8

STR: 27
DEX: 38
CON: 34
INT: 40
WIS: 38
CHA: 40

As far as turns go, here are the rules:

A turn will last until you either

A) Defeat 3 opponents.
B) Lose HP to opponent 2 or 3. If you lose HP against opponent 1 just keep going.

Good luck! Oh, and do expect a surprise or two...

Resume normal posting order.

Ryx gets 5 XP for taking some initiative and starting something.))

Last edited by Jax on Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:16 pm; edited 3 times in total
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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 6:44 am

"Alright then. Just don't end up too drunk to the point that you can't talk." Jaden said, chuckling at the thought of seeing a bumbling Raymond roaming around the lobby. The thought reminded him of a time where his father had gotten drunk and told random stories about himself and others. It ended with a lot of embarrassment, laughter, and slap marks from his mother. This was one of the more memorable times of Jaden's childhood, those these kinds of memories were bittersweet. He thought that it was probably for the best if he didn't think about this for too long. Instead, Jaden walked over to the hooded female at the other end of the lobby and proceeded to make conversation with her.

"Hello there. My name is Jaden, and I was wondering if you could let me and my friend over there at the bar use your room." Jaden said, pointing to Raymond as he sat at the bar. Looking at the hooded female, he could feel an intimidating aura come from her. This intimidating feeling didn't scared Jaden in the slightest, though that may be due to his fake optimism. If anything, he felt somewhat excited to see what this person would do in response to his question.
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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptyMon Jul 28, 2014 3:04 am

((Pikoo is docked 3 HP for failing to notice the fight, leaving his character with 12 of 15 HP. Rai has been skipped and will be docked 2 HP for failing to react to the fight, leaving him with 8 of 10 HP. ))


Mira raised her head to acknowledge the voice above her. Her eyes widened, however, when she noticed the far more pressing issue of a beer glass hurtling towards the man's head caught her attention. Though she shouted, she wasn't quick enough to pull him out of the way and the glass broke over his skull.

She quickly leapt from her booth in the corner and tossed the stranger into it where he would be momentarily safe. As one man flew across a table not a foot from her, it became clear that a brawl had broken out, thanks most likely to some idiot who couldn't hold his drink in his gullet.

As she attempted to get her bearings, another glass hurtled in her direction. With no time to duck, she turned her shoulder into the glass and felt it shatter on impact. Her shoulder would be sore, but she would be fine.

The wolf-woman growled and locked eyes with the drunk how had tossed the glass. He snickered. Mira decided it was time to run crowd control and make sure this brawl didn't get out of control. The mug tossed was first. She tossed off her cloak which floated over the stranger now occupying her booth. When the man noted her ears, tail, and finally noticed the fact that she was a good deal taller than him, standing at roughly 6'7", the smirk disappeared.

She leapt over one of the low wooden tables and kicked out at the man, who stumbled backwards out of reach. His hand gripped a chair for balance, which was quickly tossed through the air towards Mira. This time she ducked. Behind her, someone yelped at the chair caught them in the back. The Ranger then closed the gap and smashed her fist into the man's chin, tossing him into the table behind.

From the side, another man rushed her. She swung around her leg and slammed her shin into his stomach. He doubled over as the air rushed out of him and then Mira proceeded to crack her knee against his nose, knocking him out cold.

From across a table, another ruffian taunted her, saying something along the lines of calling her mother a whore and her father a bastard. Though she didn't know her father or mother well, this was still not a smart move. She tossed the table he hid behind aside and lashed out at the man's throat. He threw up one hand and with the other threw a sloppy hook which was easily dodged. She grabbed his wrist and twisted it, turning the drunk until his back was too her. Mira pressed his wrist against the back of his head and using the leverage, slammed his forehead down into the nearest table. He slumped over, out cold.

Mira practically snorted. She threw out her arms and asked, "Next?"
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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptyMon Jul 28, 2014 3:56 am


"Hmph, not bad.", the traveler had to admit, clapping slowly.
"You seem to be awfully dedicated to share your room with a rotting, demonic, possibly murderous creature such as I am. You are either exceptionally stupid, suicidal or have the weirdest turn-ons I have ever heard of. Probably all of these things."
Why was this creature so adamant on sharing a room with him of all beings? Maybe she really was sent to kill him.
"Well then, I guess-"
A chair went flying, crashing into a wall somewhere.
"I guess I have a job to take care of. If you'll excuse me..."
The traveler left the group he had been traveling with, instead joining the crowd of farmers, who all seemed to be trying to get one guy, luckily terrified enough of his appearance to try attacking him instead. Grabbing what he could find, mostly glasses and mugs filled with various alcohols, he started launching them over the other brawlers and right into the barkeep's face. It was not all that common for situations to present themselves and the demon was determined to get something out of this.
The gentleman's facial expression turned quite sour as some sort of brew was dripping down his face.
Angrily he came storming into the crowd, futilely trying to tame the uproar.
In the meantime Grex had slipped out again and quickly positioned himself behind the counter, taking a quick look around and grabbing all the money he could find.
Then for a second the traveler returned to the crowd, effortlessly swiping a room key from one of the patrons. Swiftly the Shal'kesh hurried to the guest rooms, trying to open them all with the freshly-stolen key. Finally one of the locks did not refuse the key, instead opening just as it should. The money needed to be hidden for now. But where? Not being able to think of a better place for the moment, the Shal'kesh used his dagger to cut open the bottom of the foot end of the mattress, storing the stolen money inside. He then put the mattress back in its place, swiftly leaving the room and locking it again. Now the evidence would need to disappear until they were ready to depart again. But where to hide the key? Sometimes the best solution to a problem is the most simple one.
One quick motion and the key was securely residing in the demon's chest cavity.
Noone would search there, that was for certain. Now, where were we? Ah, right. Bar Brawl.
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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptyMon Jul 28, 2014 9:15 pm


Elise sighed, about to turn back to her table of one, quickly losing interest in this tavern, nothing much seemed to be happening, and all was rather quiet.

Of course, then some moron who was probably drunk off their ass decided to start what was inevitable in a place like this. A bar fight.

Having turned mostly back, Elise didn't really see what happened, but the shattering of glass, and the sounds of tables being thrown into a wall, or other people, surely caught her attention. Quickly Elise got to her feet, planning to try and either make it to the room she was at, or just straight out of there, when a grizzled, staggering man who probably had one to many drinks lumbered over to her, trying to grab her arm.

The slowness of the man was almost laughable, and the Wood Elf quickly stepped to the side, while the farmer lunged at her, Elise made a movement almost as if she was shoving air. With a sound not unlike a cork being pulled out of a bottle, a condensed ball of air slammed itself into the man's gut, knocking him onto the ground. He soon fell unconscious.

Elise sighed, now she would really have to lea-

Her eyes widened, at the muffled sound of the floor creaking behind her, and instinctively Elise tried to move to the right, however the man's fist just barely missed her head. The guy must have been the other guy's friend, or maybe he was just looking for a fight. Either way, she whirled around to face the attacker, and due to her surprise, a loud crackle of electricity soon hit the guy in the arm. Stumbling to grab the singed hair and skin, it was rather easy to trip the already almost delirious man onto the floor.

At this point, the blood rushed to Elise's head. Turning towards the crowd who seemed to be ganging up on this one guy, she didn't know exactly what she was trying to do, but somehow she caused this small club-like piece of earth to clobber someone in the back of the head, casing him to slump over. Fortunately, a few people seemed to have their attention diverted from the individual. Unfortunately, the person they did try to target was herself.

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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptyTue Jul 29, 2014 9:06 pm


Ayume smiles and chuckles, "You might possibly be quite right on that statement Rotting Man." She hears the crash of a fight as a chair flew by and smashed against the wall. Rotting man excused himself.

Well, this was enjoyable entertainment. Drunken men fighting. She would be more happy to just sit back and re- ..

One of the bar ruffians comes at her, pulling his fist back to strike. Of course she couldn't just enjoy the view. She ducks to the side, feeling the air caused by the swing of the man's fist go across her side. This wasn't exactly what she wanted..

She brought her own fist up, aiming at the underside of the man's ribcage to knock the air out of him. He wasn't drunken enough to have been caught by it though, the man flinching back out of the way of her punch.

Why didn't she practice fighting more?

She seen another hit coming, she went to dodge, but ended up right against the wall, forgetting how close she was already to it. Her breathe caught in her throat a moment as fear actually shot through her just before she felt a sharp pain of the man's fist hitting her in the temple.

She fell to the floor, her thoughts fading to black as she went unconscious.
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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptySat Aug 02, 2014 6:21 am


'Ryx reeled backward as the man he had pushed into the table punched him in the face, waking him up from his drunken stupor. The room was still spinning, but he was AWAKE now. He grabbed his staff from where it had fallen and swung it at the man, knocking him out cold easily.

'Ryx dodged the attack from another man, who had attempted to grab him, perhaps to smash him into a wall or some such nonsense. But 'Ryx was deadly with his Staff, and brought it swinging around to crash against the man's temple, splitting skin this time and leaving the man sprawled on the floor, bleeding out the gash.

'Ryx looked around, spinning his staff menacingly. Another man came at him swinging punches, but 'Ryx side-stepped and swung his staff again. His aim was way off though, and completely missed the man altogether. The room spun dizzily, and 'Ryx laughed drunkenly as he dodged another of his opponent's blows. He jabbed his staff at the man, aiming for his stomach, but his grip slipped and 'Ryx ended up striking the man below his belly... right where the man's sweet spot was. The drunken man immediately collapsed, groaning in pain. 'Ryx winced. As a male himself, he would never direct an attack there on purpose, knowing how painful that would be. But still, a spade's a spade, right? That was just one more man down. 'Ryx looked around again, wondering who would be foolish enough to attack a Wood Elf again after he had just downed three opponents so easily.
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The Third Age - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 8 EmptySat Aug 09, 2014 8:25 pm


Jaden hadn't noticed that a brawl had begun to stir up in the bar, having been focused on introducing himself to the hooded female. However, this would soon have to be postponed as a beer bottle smash into his back from afar. While this should have angered him, it instead excited Jaden's battle loving persona. There was finally something happening here, instead of a promise for something. Although inside Jaden still disliked fighting, he figured that at the very least it was something to do rather than just stand and do nothing.

He saw a large man charging towards him and immediately moved to block his attack. He was pushed back a little bit, but isn't injured. Jaden then proceeded to attack as well lunging his fist towards the man. However, he blocked the attack just as Jaden blocked his before. The ruffian then picked up a broken beer bottle off of a nearby table and tossed it towards Jaden, which his easily dodged due to the man having poor accuracy at best. He saw this opportunity to strike with his fist once again, but the man blocked just as easily as before.  Both of them tried to land a powerful punch on the other, but ended up dodging the attacks this time instead of blocking. When the ruffian moved to attack again, Jaden found himself against a wall and unable to avoid. He was tackled to the ground by the obviously drunken man, making a large dent on the floor of the bar. However, while he was in pain from the attack, Jaden used this opportunity to deal some damage as well due to the man not being able to dodge him in this scenario. In a swift movement, Jaden pushed the man off slightly and and grabbed him by the chest with both of his arms. He then lunged the man into a nearby table with seemingly no effort and saw him go unconscious from the attack.

Jaden wasn't done fighting yet though. Two more large that he assumed were the other ruffian's associates started charging towards him. The first of the two charged towards him, attempting to smash him into the wall. He was easily outmaneuvered by Jaden, who then proceeded to elbow him in the gut before punching him into the wall. He was knocked out now like his friend would soon be.

The man charged in the same way as the man before, and was dodged by Jaden just as easily. However, when Jaden moved to elbow him, the man put his arms in the way of his attack, showing that he had a bit more competence than his friend. This meant very little though as Jaden block his next assault of punches before delivering his own that sent the man flying into a wall, smashing into the unconscious body of his associate. Jaden thought that he probably could've finished them off sooner if he had used his blade, but he didn't need it for them. He would save his weapon for an important battle where he would need, which definitely wasn't this.
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