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 The Third Age

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The Third Age - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 7:42 pm

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PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 02, 2014 9:03 pm

As exhausting as it may be, the traveler had no choice, but to hop forward through the snow, his movement obviously severely impaired.
It may not be the best way to spend one's time, but there hadn't really been anything else he wanted to do anyway.
As the group made their way through the landscape, the demon carefully tried to pay attention to his surroundings. While there was no reason to distrust the woman for the moment, there was not much reason to trust her either, and there could always be another ambush of course.
And this time the Shal'kesh would hopefully be able to dodge.

Then suddenly something unexpected happened.
For no apparent reason the gag was being undone, the journeyman finally able to speak again.
"Oh, really? My hands are bound? It never occurred to me, that that might be the reason I can't move them. Thank you!", he sarcastically responded.
"So this is going to take a while I guess. Well, if I remember correctly, it should have been three days ago. It's not too difficult when half of humanity, dwarven- and elvenkind is trying to kill you as soon as they spot you."
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PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 02, 2014 9:12 pm

The first words from the thief's mouth were cutting. Fair enough. Traveling with his wounds must have been difficult. Once they acquired mounts, the going would be much easier. Still, she was in no mood for the lip. "If you want to speak sharply with me, demon, I can always gag you once again."

As they marched on, the ranger tried to strike up conversation, hoping to build rapport.

"Why didn't you run? Most folk would have turned tail in fled in your position, but you fought. Of course, you did not fair especially well, but the effort is to be applauded. I suspect you do much better in a more... Slanted sort of encounter."
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PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 02, 2014 9:25 pm

And the woman was threatening him. Great. This journey was going to be fun.
"You are forgetting one important point. You need me. More specifically you need me to give a specific testimony in front of some authority. And I doubt you'd want to risk me not doing so."
Luckily the traveler had one thing he could use to gain at least a little advantage.
"As for your question. Two words: Ranged weaponry. Now for a question of mine: Why do you care?"
And so the duo made their way through the freezing wastes, traveling who-knows-where.
At least all this time without much to do gave the demon the opportunity to think.
It would be interesting to see, where this journey would lead them, but it would most likely cost some valuable time, that would better be used to continue on the Shal'kesh's quest.
Oh well, he would have to see.
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The Third Age - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 02, 2014 9:40 pm

"The gag will only shut you up for myself. When the time comes for you to speak to others. It can be removed. In turn, you seem to overlook your position and overestimate your importance. Your word is just another piece of evidence. I have others besides your testimony."

In only a few moments of speaking, the thief had already begun to wear on her nerves. His speech was blunt and coarse, but not ignorant or simple. She slouched in her heart, hoping the demon's mood would improve once he was off his feet.

"When we get to town, I'm going to barter for some horses. I hope you know how to ride. You seem the type to take to travel, if on foot. I would suspect you don't have much to spend in ways of luxuries like a horse on a thief's salary."
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The Third Age - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 02, 2014 9:55 pm

Great. So he was just traveling along for decoration.
"Oh, you'd be surprised, how little the prize of an object matters in my profession. When acquiring them at least. And yes, I know, how to ride. I can't do it well right now though, which may or may not be your fault."
Even though his situation may not be the best, it still was amusing to see, how much Grex could get on the woman's nerves.
"Also it is you, who seems to be overlooking a few things.
First: You should have noticed by now, that I am not really concerned with my position as you call it.
Second: Even if you have other evidence, a conflicting piece of testimony could still do quite some damage to your argument in front of whichever institution we are traveling to.
And third: You are trying to understate my importance for you. Would my testimony be just another piece of evidence, you would not have gone through such great lengths to get me to give it. You did take care of my wounds, you did not leave me in that cave, you accept being slowed down because I am with you, you plan on spening ressources on a horse you would not require without me and then you would have to find a way to keep me alive through this journey, which might be difficult because of my species. I think that makes it obvious, that I am of significant importance to your case."
This would be interesting, seeing the ranger's response to his arguments.
Would she be upset?
Would she have a counterargument?
And why was she in need of testimony?
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PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 02, 2014 10:15 pm

The woman trudged along in the snow for a time before she answered again.

"At the very least, I'm glad to see you're not an imbecile.

"For what it's worth, I didn't help you because I need you. However, you are coming with me because I need you.

"Also, I would ask you not to attribute wounds of your own misfortune to my fault. Gratitude, it would seem is not your strong suit..."

She grabbed the demons binds and yanked him to a stop.

"When we reach town, you won't be accompanying me. At that point, I can either gag you again and trap you to a tree or I can leave you some freedom to wait. One would be much more comfortable for you. Do you have any of your quick witted reasons as to why you should be awarded the latter?"
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PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 02, 2014 10:30 pm

The traveler grinned.
"Gratitude is a thing I do not feel the need to show. What sense is there in trying to improve someone's disposition towards you after they have already done what you wanted them to do?"
Having traveled alone for most of his existence he could remember, the demon had never had the need to display thanks or anything of the sort. There would be little reason for a thief and assassin to do such after all.
"As for how I will be spending my time while you are shopping, not tying me to a tree would allow me to hide from travelers, which might be passing by.
Whether those travelers would be friendly and untie me or hostile and kill me, that would not be a desirable outcome for you. Other than that I do not have any arguments. After all you can not trust me and you are showing at least basic common sense in not doing so. Not that I care for what it matters.
Comfortable is just a subjective term after all."
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PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 02, 2014 10:51 pm

The woman simply sighed beneath her hood, her breath fogging in the air.

"Very well."

She was silent from then on.

By the time they reached the outskirts of the town, the sun was high in the sky. The town itself was of a decent size. Strong wood houses lined the roads, all leading to the center of town. Smoke wafted from a few chimneys.

The ranger yanked the demon again. She pulled out a long strand of rope and fastened it tightly to a nearby tree. She then proceeded to leash the thief to the tree. He had about seven feet to move about, but after that, the noose would begin to tighten.

((Leash Bind.
WIS: 30 Roll: 25))

"Don't go anywhere."

She turned and trudged off to town.
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The Third Age - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 7:30 pm

(Escape Leash)
Dex: 25
Wis. Roll: 25
Difficulty +5 because Grex is already bound.

Roll 1: 23+5=28
The attempt fails.

Roll 2: 17+5=23
The attempt succeeds.

(Climbing a tree, Average Difficulty)
Difficulty +10 because Grex is already bound.
Dex: 25
Required: 30
Roll: 1+10=11
The attempt succeeds. (Finally a good roll)

Not having much else to say himself, the traveler remained silent as well, calmly waiting for the woman to finish her ropework, watching her as she walked off into the distance.
Even the obvious opportunity for sarcasm he neglected to use, waiting for his captor to disappear behind the horizon.
As soon as he wasn't able to spot her anymore, the demon got to work on his new bindings.
Apparetly the woman had paid a lot less attention to the security of his bonds this time, seeing as he managed to undo them after some time even though he was slightly restricted in his movements.
Seeing the rope fall to the ground, the demon had overcome the challenge he had been faced with.
Now he needed something to do.
Bored as he was, Grex noticed the tree he had been tied to.
Maybe he could surprise the woman a little.
Gallantly the demon somehow managed to get up into the treetop, overlooking the town from there.
When would she return?
And how would she react?
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The Third Age - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 8:47 pm

As the Ranger entered the town, she tugged her hood especially tight around her face. It would do little to conceal her, but the woman didn't like to take chances. For some reason that she couldn't quite recall, the town was making her uneasy.

The people all seemed fair enough, going about their business. Men leading livestock through the road, women leading their children. A number of people hustled and bustled about the market place, the voices of merchants and buyers creating a din in the noon air. However, the ranger could not shake the feeling she was getting odd looks as she passed by. She decided she had best be in and out as quick as possible.

Spying a large shop with a stable in the back, she made her way to the door and slipped inside. The shop was dusty and dark. To the wolf-woman's nose, the smell of dung was putrid. The shopkeeper, a young, large, robust looking fellow, greeted her.

"Hello! Come in, come in! What may I interest you in? Judging by those boots and cloak, you're a traveler I gather. Perhaps a pony?"

"You gather well, good sir," replied the ranger, keeping her head lowered, trying to hide her face, "though you proffer wrongly. I am in no need of ponies. I wish to purchase two horses. Quick and hearty would be preferred."

The man scratched at his mustache, well groomed and seemingly oiled. "Well," he replied, "I may be able to supply something of that kind, should the price be kind."

"Whatever coin you ask, I shall supply."

A pause. Underneath her hood, the woman could hear her breath quicken. Something wasn't right.

"Just where from around these parts do ya come, stranger?"

The ranger froze a moment, then answered, "Welrun. I'm from the town just north of the Welrun River."

"Welrun, eh? We get plenty of folk from up on the Welrun. Thing is, I ain't never heard anyone from Welrun talk as well as you do..."

"My business is my own. Now, if I could just make a purchase, please. I have the coin-"

"As a matter of fact, I only remember a few folks who talk like that coming through these parts in all my days, and you remind of-"

The hood was suddenly yanked off the ranger's head, exposing her face and her large, fuzzy ears.


This was one of those towns.

Years ago, parts of Beorem had been plagued by an epidemic of livestock death. Whole herds, shepherd and all, would disappear overnight, only to be found a few days later as bloodied corpses. A few Rangers had ventured to the country to see if they could assist in ferreting out the culprit. It was later discovered that a band of goblins from the mountains in the east had been responsible. In the meantime, however, the locals began to think that the strange half-wolf was to blame. Their legends included many such creatures. They deemed the ranger Herdsbane, and needless to say, she was not welcome in those towns who held the belief.

Wide-eyed and shocked, Herdsbane knew she only had one choice.


From the ridge where the thief had been tied, he may have spied two dots rush out of the town. A few moments later, he also may have spied a great deal more dots exit the town, some appearing to hold torches and pitchforks.

Now, in a minute or two, the thief may have heard shouting. A lot of shouting. Some of that shouting may have seemed angry, righteously so or not.

And as the ranger came over the ridge, riding one horse at a gallop and leading the other behind, he certainly should have noticed something was wrong.

((Spot. Difficulty: Above Avg.

WIS: 30 Roll: 18


At first not seeing him in his binds, the ranger despaired. Had he fled? No! In the tree!

Still galloping towards the thief at a break-neck pace, the ranger shouted, "You fool! Jump! You'll have to jump!" Towards the ridge, the roar of angry voices grew louder and louder, until it almost seemed to rumble.
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The Third Age - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 9:13 pm

(Spotting the Mob, slightly difficult)
Wis: 34 Required: 25
Roll: 7
The attempt succeeds.

(Hearing the Mob, Average Difficulty)
Wis: 34 Required: 30
Roll: 20
The attempt succeeds.

(Landing on the Horse/ Landing in a good position, Average Difficulty / Above Average Difficulty)
Dex: 25 Required: 30/20
The attempt succeeds.

Seeing first a great deal of commotion stirring in the town, then hearing quite a bit of shouting, the traveler once again cursed his fate. Why did everything have to go wrong? Well, there was nothing he could do about that now. Maybe all of this was about something else entirely. Yeah, right...
The last bit of his hopes was swiftly crushed as the woman came galloping in his direction, two horses with her.
If that was a good sign, then Grex was a contributing member of society. Contributing to something other than the death rate, property damage and guard budget that is.
Quickly the Shal'kesh dropped down from his hideout, managing to land on his mount in a normal position.
"So, what are we fleeing from and why this time? Tried to tie one of them to a tree, didn't you?", the captive joked, dreading to recieve the answer to his question sooner than he hoped. Then again this gave him idea...with the right opportunity perhaps...
For now however they had to flee.
Dirt and snow were sent flying through the air as the horses brought the duo further and further through the landscape.
This was, why he usually traveled alone.
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The Third Age - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptyThu Mar 13, 2014 4:31 am

"No!" shouted back the ranger, her voice carrying over the thunder of hoof beats. "They just think I killed their sheep!"

Her hood billowed in the wind behind her and her ears were tucked tight against her head. Turning, she saw that the men from town had acquired horses as well and were quickly gaining on the two of them.

As they sped along the road, the ranger gripped the sword at her hip, her knuckles turning white. Leaning into the horse, she spurred the mount to move faster. Looking behind her again, she saw the men had come even closer now.

"Have any brilliant escape plans, theif?!" She shouted to the demon on the horse besides her.

((Also, Sav gains 3 XP for Escaping his Bonds and Jumping onto the Horse like a Badass.))
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The Third Age - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptyThu Mar 13, 2014 9:14 pm

Swiftly the duo was gallopping through the frigid lands, the furious mob not too far off in the distance.
"Hm, not the most creative reason for wanting someone dead, but it will have to do."
Sadly the traveler himself would not be able to do much, the ties preventing him from even leading the horse he was sitting on. So, that plan wouldn't work and this one wouldn't either...what to do, what to do?
A black crow soared through the skies overhead, sharply contrasting the pale blue hue of it's surroundings.
How had the journeyman even gotten into this situation again? Just yesterday he had been a free man, not being chased by angry mobs all the- okay, he had been a free man.
But now they needed a plan...
"Hm, try getting the flask with two halves out of my stuff. The one with a red and a purple liquid in it. And then throw it as close to their horses as possible. It should buy us some time."

(The two components are supposed to react violently with each other, should they come into contact upon breaking the flask. Thus they should create a small explosion, hopefully scaring the horses.)
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The Third Age - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptyThu Mar 20, 2014 8:48 pm

((Attempt to Grab Flasks: Above Average Difficulty

DEX: 28 Roll: 15


Toss Flasks: Above Average Difficulty

DEX: 28 Roll: 23


As the two rode through the snow, their horses kicking up snow and mud behind them, the mob behind them drew closer and closer. Above the clip-Clop of their own horses' galloping, the crowd behind seemed to thunder. Hair, both the horse's and her own, flew into the Ranger's eyes as she slowly spurred her mount near the thief's. The two horses came nearly side by side, but the woman couldn't reach the bag that hung low from the thief. She separated the horses. She would have to try a different tactic.

Leaning over, she loosened the straps of her saddle, her bare hands fumbling in the cold wind rushing by. The leather creaked underneath the frigid brass straps, sliding through their bounds. Once loosened, the wolf-woman shifted her weight back atop the horse. She checked the straps one last time to be sure they were just secure enough, then she dug her feet into the stirrups. She took one last, deep breath before she threw all her weight to the side.

For a brief moment, her gut twisted up inside as she felt weightlessness take her. She screwed shut her eyes, waiting for the ground and trampling hooves. Then she felt the saddle jerk beneath her and come to a sudden halt. Opening her eyes, the Ranger saw the ground rushing by a mere foot or so from her face. Now more hanging from the steed than riding it, she reached over into the thief's bag and rummaged through until she found the flasks.

Twisting her head around, the horses behind them were now only seconds away. She could see the scowls on the men's faces, hear their horses breathing quick, deep breaths.

Tossing the two flasks over her shoulder, she hoped the killer's plan worked. She watched as the bottles sailed along their trajectory and then everything became very bright. Disoriented, the Ranger shut her eyes and covered her ears. It felt as if a hammer had just struck her head between an anvil.
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The Third Age - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 2 EmptyThu Mar 20, 2014 9:19 pm

Not being able to see much, the traveler twitched as the sudden noise reached his ears.
Behind him, the terrified sounds of horses and men both indicated, that his plan had been successful.
For now at least.
Those men obviously were furious, and they would most likely not abandon their pursuit because of such a minor inconvenience. Soon they would have managed to calm their steeds again, once more chasing after them. A more permanent solution would have to be found.
"So, any plans? I don't think this will keep them off our backs for too long. And I doubt they'll stop if we just ask nicely."
The demon had already had a near-death experience in the last hours. Another one certainly didn't fit into his schedule for today.
So they rode across the frozen ground, the fury of an entire village behind them.
The traveler was tied up, forced to flee with an insane wolf-girl.
Why did Grex leave his bed today again?
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