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 The Third Age

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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 7:42 pm

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Last edited by Jax on Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:51 am; edited 3 times in total
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyMon May 26, 2014 5:18 am

((At this time, Saku has elected to go on hiatus. Her post will be skipped until further notice is given. In character, her character shall be treated as rendered incapacitated by the generous amount a whoop-ass dished out by Mira. That is all.))
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyMon May 26, 2014 6:47 pm

As Ayume approached she noticed one of three figures get up and move away. Strange, she swore she would have been heard and somebody would come for her.

At the outer reach of the light of the flame, frowning as she caught the smell of rot, watching a rotting man burn away his ropes before he returned to his place next to a woman who seemed to be incapacitated at the moment and was bound. What kind of camp was this?

Ayume attempted a sweet smile as she stepped into the full light of the camp, "Well now... what did I just stumble upon here? I surely hope you don't take any sort of... advantage of that poor soul there. " she motioned with her hand as She spoke to the bound woman and the male. She recognized the female as being a wood elf and the male a fellow demon. Currently though she couldn't remember the name of his demon type, as far as She was concerned anyways he was a male demon. She didn't feel the need to know his exact race.
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyMon May 26, 2014 10:53 pm

'Ryx snuck closer to the campsite warily. He would have gone further, but the sudden flight of a startled owl made him whip around, frantically scanning the darkness.

"Speak your name and your purpose, stranger, lest you find yourself made a pincushion. For what cause do you encroach on our campsite?" A voice spoke out of the darkness. 'Ryx was startled to realize that the voice was female. He scanned the darkness again, searching.

He finally noticed her -a dark shadow standing beneath the trees several feet away, hood pulled over her head, her bow knocked and the string pulled tight, ready to fly at any wrong move on his part.

He called out to her cautiously, not wanting to spook the poor girl. She was probably being forced to do this by the demons in the campsite. "I mean you no harm, young one!" he stated, injecting a soothing tone into his voice. "I meant only to find a place to sleep the night, when I scented the demons' foulness on the air. Are you being held captive by them? Do you need help? I would be happy to be rid of the foul creatures for you."
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyTue May 27, 2014 12:05 am


As the Ranger glared down the length of her arrow, she had a moment to concentrate on the figure. He was tall. Too tall for a man. That soothed her fears. Too tall for a High Elf. Roughly as tall as her. Could it be? Could this be another member of the Fey? For a moment, she felt a strange mix of joy and fear. She had never met another member of her own kind before. She had only the stories her mentor, Tabion, had given her.

Then she smelt him, and her heart sank. No smell of any sort of animal lingered on him. The Ranger had always noticed her own smell was like that of a wolf, and she concluded that any other Fey would have some sort of animal smell on them. This left the stranger only to be a Wood Elf. Another Wood Elf. At least the girl at the campfire would have a friend.

She spoke aloud in Vendralin, her penchant for refined speech commuting to this tounge.

" I assure you, wood-brother, I am in no need of saving. I do commend you on you keen sense of smell, however it would seem you have misread this situation. The demon you smell is under my control. I have taken him prisoner.

I am a Ranger of the Eiarthden,  a friend of the Wood Elves, and I assure you no 'young one'. It is regrettable that we should meet like this, but you must understand I must protect myself. If you should show me a token of good faith, I would be happy to lower my bow. Then you may validate my position as Eiarthden by the mark upon my arm to show I have been truthful as well.

"I ask you again: What is your name?"
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyTue May 27, 2014 2:10 pm

Suddenly a voice, far too loud for the demon's taste, rang through the air.
A female being stepped into the Shal'kesh's field of vision, the volume she was using destroying any possible stealth. What was she...was she actually thinking the traveler would be taking advantage of the bound wood elf? A chuckle escaped the assassin.
"You are mistaken, dear lady. As you probably have seen, I myself have been tied up until now. If you look closely, you might be able to find a few pieces of burnt rope. Additionally...",
the journeyman extended his arms towards the intruder, the wrists still showing clear signs of having been tied together.
"Now if I may be so bold to make a suggestion - you should not be here. If you remain here, you might just end up like the elf here and I did mere moments ago. And just for the record, I do not possess any reproductory facilities, so even if I wanted to do what you thought I was about to do, I would not be capable of doing so. Now, would you please remove yourself from the area?"
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyTue May 27, 2014 2:24 pm

She only made a small, almost too sweet of a smile as she giggled "well sir I don't normally include bondage until a second date. Aside from that though... I'm only looking for warmth for the night. I'm sure I can try to persuade the owner of this camp to let me reside here. I'll cause no trouble. ..I need nothing for another four days anyways. "

A smirk crossed the succubus's lips as she slid her hand to her whip "besides...I can defend myself if need be. Why worry so much anyways? You seem in no hurry to rush out of here, even though you were just bound. "
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyTue May 27, 2014 11:11 pm

'Ryx's eyes widened as the figure began to speak in Vendralin, his native tongue.

"I assure you, wood-brother, I am in no need of saving. I do commend you on you keen sense of smell, however it would seem you have misread this situation. The demon you smell is under my control. I have taken him prisoner." the female stated proudly.

'Ryx was stunned. How had a... female subdued a demon enough to take one prisoner? The female continued speaking.

"I am a Ranger of the Eiarthden, a friend of the Wood Elves, and I assure you no 'young one'. It is regrettable that we should meet like this, but you must understand I must protect myself. If you should show me a token of good faith, I would be happy to lower my bow. Then you may validate my position as Eiarthden by the mark upon my arm to show I have been truthful as well."

'Ryx was suspicious. Eiarthden was an ancient order formed to protect the Forest, and the Wood Elves had always been friends of that order for the service they did to the Wood Elves' territories. How had this girl become a part of that order?

"I ask you again: What is your name?"

'Ryx narrowed his eyes at the demanding tone, but answered in any case. She was, after all, pointing an arrow at his chest. He doubted he could knock the arrow out of range enough to avoid injury with so little distance.

"My name is Ingeir'Ryx. I hail from the village of the Clan Lym’Malae. I have been traveling in search of a refuge from the tension I can sense between the human cities. I meant to stop for the night when I scented the demon and decided to investigate."
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyWed May 28, 2014 2:46 am

The elf was silent a moment, most likely considering his options. Still, the Ranger held her arrow fast. The draw-string creaked under the tension. As the Ranger breathed, her breath fogged the air and wafted away with the night's breeze. Then the elf spoke.

He gave his name and the name of his clan, which both sounded strange to the Ranger's ear. Still, she knew that, from group to group, the Wood Elves had many strange and differing traditions. She had once met a group that required any newcomers to be walked through the entire village with their eyes closed, led by the clan's children, before they could walk about freely. She smiled.

Slowly, the woman lowered her bow and slowly let go the tension on the string before placing the arrow back in her quiver. She then raised her hands in the air and walked towards the elf, each step slow and deliberate, showing the elf named Ingeir'Ryx she had nothing to hide. When she was only a few meters from the elf, she took off her hood and offered her hands to the elf,  palms up and her sleeves rolled above her elbows.

"By the light of the Moon, I reveal my visage and show my hand, Ingeir'Ryx."

Upon her left forearm was the image of a tree, tattooed in black ink. The trunk was set ablaze by flames, yet the canopy at the wrist was filled with leaves. The roots of the tree seemed to burrow under the Ranger's skin and disappear. This was the symbol of the Eiarthden. Yet, there was something more. Above the elbow, just peeking out from beneath the Ranger's rolled back sleeve their could be seen another tattoo. Small, thorny vines looked to push out from the skin and crawl up the arm. On the Ranger's right arm, the vines reappear and wrap their way around the arm, until curling about the woman's fingers and disappearing beneath the skin again.

After a moment, the Ranger smirked and suppressed a laugh. "Also, Ingeir'Ryx, if you hope to escape the conflicts of the humans, then I feel much sorrow for you. It is a fruitless endeavor. I too have noticed a new sent in the air, and if I am right, it may be stronger than you think. I feel we must all soon confront these issues, no matter how much we may try to avoid it. For some of us, we are compelled to."

The woman stared into the elf's eyes, trying to eek out what kind of person lay behind those windows. Her's gave off a shine, like a wolf's in the dark.

"But I have forgotten my manners and have you at an advantage. I am Hopeful Light (Mira Theo'lith). I will offer a place at my camp for the night, if that is what you desire. If not, then continue on with a wish on my part for your good fortune."

With that, she rolled back her sleeves, and turned to head back to camp. Over her shoulder, as an afterthought, she said, "And do not let the demon's stench deter you. If your luck is better than mine, I'm  sure your nose will adjust eventually."  

Then, she headed back towards the fire.
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyWed May 28, 2014 7:02 pm

Choosing to ignore the intruder's comments the demon instead rose up again, walking towards the horses. After all the ranger had still taken his belongings from him, belongings he would much rather not be ambushed without. He then returned to the fire, sitting down and taking a stick out of the embers to begin carving it, not trying to create anything in particular. As he did so, he began to speak.
"Very well, if you think you can manage to convince her, then it is your choice. I will not stop you, but know that I have warned you."
While the traveler had noticed the "four days"-comment he did not think much about it, simply believing for it to be referring to her supplies lasting for four days instead of referencing her demonic nature.
However he did chuckle at the thought of Mira returning to lay eyes onto this situation. Maybe she would even think that the intruder had freed him for some reason. It would likely be amusing.
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyWed May 28, 2014 7:42 pm

The girl sighs before keeping on her feet, not wanting to sit down just yet due to the fact that she might very well be chased off. Or bound as the stranger had suggested. Either way it was a bit rude to just start getting comfy in a camp that wasn't her own...she needed to stay on the camp owner's good side anyways.

She watches the demon a moment, a bit curious by his random carving of the stick before she decided to question something else. She spoke with a curious tone, trying to keep his attention as he might even help her some if she was lucky enough to get him to open up, "What kind of demon are you? I know you are one...but my previous...owner...didn't speak the name of your kind to much."

She leaned to her right foot, frowning as she hated to bring up her old master, but decided it would be an alright start. It would get the male talking at least.
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyFri May 30, 2014 2:25 am

The shadowed woman lowered the bow, releasing the tension in it finally. 'Ryx allowed himself a soft sigh of relief. He had not wanted a fight this night, especially not with a woman. The woman stepped closer, and lowered her hood and 'Ryx beheld her wolven ears. A Faeling! Out here, so near to human civilization? 'Ryx let out a shaky breath. He had grown up listening to stories of the Fae and their fight against the High Elves. The Fae held out her arms, palms facing upward, baring her tattoos for him to see.

"By the light of the Moon, I reveal my visage and show my hand, Ingeir'Ryx."

Upon her left forearm was the image of a tree, tattooed in black ink. The trunk was set ablaze by flames, yet the canopy at the wrist was filled with leaves. The roots of the tree seemed to burrow under the Ranger's skin and disappear. This was the symbol of the Eiarthden. Yet, there was something more. Above the elbow, just peeking out from beneath the Ranger's rolled back sleeve their could be seen another tattoo. Small, thorny vines looked to push out from the skin and crawl up the arm. On the Ranger's right arm, the vines reappear and wrap their way around the arm, until curling about the woman's fingers and disappearing beneath the skin again.

After a moment, the Ranger smirked. "Also, Ingeir'Ryx, if you hope to escape the conflicts of the humans, then I feel much sorrow for you. It is a fruitless endeavor. I too have noticed a new sent in the air, and if I am right, it may be stronger than you think. I feel we must all soon confront these issues, no matter how much we may try to avoid it. For some of us, we are compelled to."

The woman stared into the elf's eyes. Her's gave off a shine, like a wolf's in the dark.

"But I have forgotten my manners and have you at an advantage. I am Hopeful Light (Mira Theo'lith). I will offer a place at my camp for the night, if that is what you desire. If not, then continue on with a wish on my part for your good fortune."

With that, she rolled back her sleeves, and turned to leave. she spoke over her shoulder, "And do not let the demon's stench deter you. If your luck is better than mine, I'm  sure your nose will adjust eventually."

'Ryx chuckled at the Fae woman's boldness. "Thy might call me by the name of 'Ryx, Hopeful Light. I would delight to take refuge in thine camp for the night. Perhaps you and I can travel together for a time. Wherefore art thou traveling?" He slipped into his informal way of speaking as he relaxed. Humans often had a hard time understanding him when he spoke like this, but he was certain the Fae would be able to understand. He followed her retreating figure as she headed in the direction of the fire.
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyFri May 30, 2014 5:28 pm

((Saku is off hiatus. New Posting Order is Me, Sav, Saku, Crim, Lex.))


As the Ranger walked into the camp, she was greeted with yet another new face. She noticed the Shal'kesh had broken his bonds. He'd burnt through them, if the small bit of seared rope by the fire was any indication.

She sighed.

"I don't think I shall bother binding you again. You obviously have no intent of running or trying to hurt me. Whatever those reasons be, I cannot fathom."

She then turned her gaze to the woman.  

"As for you... You look relatively harmless. I'm just lost as to why everyone thinks a strange campfire is an invitation to come and make themselves at home...

At any rate, we have another visitor. The Wood Elf coming up behind me. Give him some food, will you? I think the squirrel is done by now."

She took a seat next to the elf girl she had tied up before.

"And how are you, sister?" she asked in Vendralin, "Feeling any better? At are you ready to provide me a name or some show of faith so I can remove those binds?"
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyFri May 30, 2014 6:19 pm

The assassin chuckled as he heard the ranger's sigh.
His situation may not have been the best there could be, but annoying his kidnapper would never fail to lighten the mood. The demon's mood at least.
But then something came to his mind.
No, the thought did not just come peacefully.
It charged forward, shouting battlecries and dropkicked the door in.

The intruder was a demon.

Nothing else was to be thought about now. Now it was time to possibly get a bit of revenge.
Very, very slowly the Shal'kesh arose from his seated position, his contempt obvious to everyone.
Raising his dagger the hatred in Grex's voice was palpable as he basically spat the words at the demon in front of him.

"So you are a demon, a slave of the wretched Al'kadesh. Give me a reason, a very, very good reason why I should not execute you right where you stand."
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyFri May 30, 2014 11:40 pm


Elise was glad that the Fey was off of her.

Even the quickest thieves would have been astonished by her deftness, if they weren't knocked out by her magic. Of course, being that she wasn't hindered by any sort. The Wood Elf quickly picked herself of the ground, deciding it would be the perfect time to flee, when the Fey got up as well. The Fey lunged, and Elise moved to the side, intending to stun the woman with a small burst of magic, not unlike a slightly stronger cherry bomb, when something unexpected happened.

Her speed failed her.

Something hit her body, and all the air rushed out of her lungs as she was lifted off her feet. The Wood Elf's eyes rolled to the back of her head, being knocked out.

When she awoke once more, Elise could feel something warm against her face....A fire? Attempting to sit up, Elise found that she could barely move. Looking down, her eyes confirmed what she thought. She was bound with rope. After struggling to put herself in a sitting position, the Wood Elf gave up, and tried to observe her surroundings.

Just a clearing around a fire...There appears to be some burnt rope....I wonder why... Elise pondered, before tensing at the sound of someone walking behind her.

"And how are you, sister? Feeling any better? At are you ready to provide me a name or some show of faith so I can remove those binds?" Elise recognized that voice.

It would be hard to forget the voice of her captor.

The Wood Elf found it hard to trust the woman. What if she didn't release her from the ropes? And why did she know her own language? Elise frowned, trying to think. ...Do I trust her or.... Unconsciously, she bristled, when her hand bumped against something. Was that....What I think it was? Elise carefully tried to grab the thing. Yes...It's my knife... she put two and two together, realizing that the Woman, although she had tied her up, had completely forgotten to disarm her. Elise took the blade gingerly, beginning to saw against the rope, and she tried to distract the Fey. "Wouldn't it be a better sign of trust, if you, the person who had captured me, to reveal your name first?" She pointed out, trying to hide the quaver in her voice. Come on.... Her captor opened her mouth to speak, when suddenly the Fey looked at the knife in her hands. ...Damn it. The last part binding her hands were severed, and she swiped the blade through the part tying her legs, before scrambling to get up and run away.
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The Third Age - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 4 EmptyFri May 30, 2014 11:52 pm

Ayume made a gentle smile towards the Fey, "Why. .. because it is very cold out and the fire is warm.I was only stopping by to seek permission to stay from the camp's maker...I assume that would be you ma'am."

When Grex arose her eyes averted to him, feeling tense with hearing the anger in his Voice. She blinks but keeps her smiling expression at the male, trying to persuade him with a smooth toned voice as she spoke, "Well, if I meant harm I would have committed the crime already for one. Second would be that I serve no being other than myself. The... man I used to serve suffered a....fatal ending after he planned to end my existence. So... no, I don't serve this Al'kadesh you speak of. I am of my own actions."

She chuckles, "I'm curious though... How did you not realize my demon nature when I approached and spoke of my four days? "
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