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 The Third Age

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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 7:42 pm

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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyWed Jun 04, 2014 9:32 pm

((Lex's post has been skipped.))


Suddenly, then elf scrambled up, practically knocking over Mira. As she stumbled in the snow, the Fey swore under her breath before sprinting after the lithe escapee. Twisting and dodging through the trees, the light of the fire quickly faded and the darkness of the forest loomed. In the darkness, Mira's eyes adjusted quickly and she continued to weave through the foliage. The elf, however, seemed to be having trouble. She began to collide with the trunks and branches in her way. Sudden, slight drops harried her. The Fey slowly began to gain on her.

Then she pounced.

Once again, the two found themselves rolling in the snow. The Ranger twisted the Elf's arm behind her back and flipped her on her stomach. A long, low growl slipped unconsciously from Mira's lips, sounding far more threatening than she would have wished.

"Were you not a Vendrali Elf, this snow would be stained with your blood, you understand." Mira whispered, "I do not wish to continue this conflict. I would like to trust you. Do you see how difficult you are making this for me?

"Now, I'll ask you a last time. Please give me some reason to let go of your arm and let you walk into that camp unbound."
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyWed Jun 04, 2014 10:12 pm

Even though the other demon had claimed not to serve any master, Grex was not convinced.
Lying would be very easy, especially for a demon of her species. Nevertheless there were other, far more urgent matters to tend to. One of the captives had suddenly tried to run away, but had been captured by Mira again. Just what exactly did she need his testimony for?
Capturing the others made sense as they might have posed a danger for her wellbeing.
But she could just have left him lying around.
He would see soon enough, the traveler figured.
"For your own good I hope you are speaking the truth. As for your other question - there are multiple factors for that. You tried to hide your species, which is much easier for you as you do not seem to be a rotting carcass and additionally one would not expect to see a demon wandering these lands. Just know that you will be executed on the slightest suspicion."
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyFri Jun 06, 2014 4:47 am

Elise was beat.

The Wood Elf quickly escaped, and probably gotten a big head start. However, due to being in the camplight for so long, her eyes hated the sudden change in brightness, blinding her temporarily. Mentally huffing in frustration, she had to endure the sudden trees which smacked into her face. She didn't know how long she ran, before being caught. All she knew was that she was in the exact same position which she had before. The position her arm was in made it difficult to concentrate for another magic attack. Her capturer then spoke.

"Were you not a Vendrali Elf, this snow would be stained with your blood, you understand. I do not wish to continue this conflict. I would like to trust you. Do you see how difficult you are making this for me? Now, I'll ask you a last time. Please give me some reason to let go of your arm and let you walk into that camp unbound."

...Now that she thought about something was strange about the Fey's tone of voice. It didn't seem particularly hostile, in fact it almost held a note of desperation. Excluding the growl which she made of course, it almost was as if she was...friendly. Elise sighed, and began to speak.

"...You may call me Elise. I'm simply a wanderer who is passing through this forest. Can you please let go of me, so then I could continue?" She stated simply, looking down.
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptySat Jun 07, 2014 10:06 pm

Ayume laughed gently, "Did I really TRY to hide what I was? Or were you just not paying attention? I did mention the number of days I had til I..well...need a SOUL, to be plain. I suppose though I had not made myself very clear at all though. You did not seem to understand..."

She took a couple steps foreward and held out her hand to the corpse man, as she thought to think to call him now, in a friendly greeting. She needed to gain his approval in some way, since she did not want him suddenly deciding to stick a knife in her throat while she slept for whatever reason he found to do so. "In either case...I don't believe we exchanged our names. Or at least I can't remember if we did or not. In case of the latter, my name is Ayume. A..pleasure to meet you."

Her eyes wandered to the two elves, a smile of amusement coming to her face before she took her gaze back to the corpse man.
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptySun Jun 08, 2014 5:16 pm

'Ryx followed the Fae to her campsite. Just inside the light of the fire, she stopped and looked around. 'Ryx was perplexed to spot the demon untied, talking amicably to a young, beautiful woman. Beside him, another woman lay tied on the ground.

Beside him, the Fae sighed.

"I don't think I shall bother binding you again. You obviously have no intent of running or trying to hurt me. Whatever those reasons be, I cannot fathom." She said to the demon.

Then she looked at the woman, "As for you... You look relatively harmless. I'm just lost as to why everyone thinks a strange campfire is an invitation to come and make themselves at home... At any rate, we have another visitor. The Wood Elf coming up behind me. Give him some food, will you? I think the squirrel is done by now."

'Ryx shook his head. "No need to share your food," he stated, his nose wrinkling at the idea of eating an animal. "Besides... I can't bring myself to eat meat. I eat only vegetation," he stated, reaching inside his pack for an apple.

The Fae crossed the fire to the bound woman, and began speaking in Vendralin. 'Ryx's head popped up. Another Wood Elf? It hadn't been so easy to recognize his own species in the dark and flickering fire.

"And how are you, sister?" the Fae woman asked, "Feeling any better? At are you ready to provide me a name or some show of faith so I can remove those binds?"

"Wouldn't it be a better sign of trust, if you, the person who had captured me, to reveal your name first?" The elvin woman answered, before lashing out suddenly. She got to her feet and fled the campsite. The Fae followed her quickly.

'Ryx paused a moment in thought. Who did he trust? Who did he help? The elvin woman was one of his own, but the Fae had treated him with kindness so far, sort of. He scrambled after the two woman, eyes darting between them. The Fae jumped at the Elf's legs and they tumbled to the ground. They exchanged harsh words, and 'Ryx felt useless.

"Why all the hostility, 'Hopeful Light'?" 'Ryx spoke in his native tongue, feeling more at ease in it than the common tongue, and hoping to calm his fellow elf. "She is certainly no harm to you or yours, just as I was not. Let her go, please." His voice then lowered, turning harsher, a note of danger entering his tone. "If you don't, we may have a problem, you and I." He did not know the Wood Elf, true, but she was of his race, and thus it was his duty to defend her against others if there was conflict. "Blood without," as his father had always taught him.
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyTue Jun 10, 2014 12:47 am

Mira sighed as the Wood Elf revealed her name as Elise.

"Well met, Sister Elise," she replied, "you may refer to me as Hopeful Light."

She let go of the elf and stood up, brushing the snow off of her legs and then shaking vigorously, as one would expect from a dog. The snow that was throw off her body then drifted gently towards the ground.

"You are free to go Elise, though you also may stay at my campsite for the night. I hope you will forgive my previous conduct, but you must understand I acted only in the name of self-preservation. Either way, this choice is yours. Do what you will."

With that, she turned and started off towards the camp, the snow crunching softly under her boots. But before she left, she stopped besides the Wood Elf Ryx and, clasping her hand tightly around his shoulder, leaned into him and spoke in a hushed tone.

"She nearly broke my ribs and may have killed me if given the chance. Do not be so quick to judge a situation you do not fully understand, lest it land you into trouble someday."

She tightend her grip on his shoulder. Her eyes met his, inches away from eachother.

"Also, I do not know from what clan or tribe you hail from, nor do I understand their customs or beliefs, but I pray you do not threaten me again, Good Ryx. I assure you, I do not take such words lightly."

She loosened her grip and allowed her hand to slide off the Elf's shoulder as she marched off.

Unceremoniously, she trudged back into ring around the fire and situated herself on a log. She threw up her hood once again and shielded her back from the wind by warping herself in her cloak. Then, she lifted her dinner away from the fire and, producing a small cutlery knife, sliced away a few small pieces of meat. The Ranger sniffed at the meat a few times. The scent of blood was faint. It had been cooked well enough. The guts and organs she had stored away. She planned on eating them later, when she took her watch.

Most took offense if she partook in front of them, which she had always thought strange. Meat was all well and good but the innards of any beast were often delicious: the thick, savory taste of a liver and the delightful meaty plumpness of the heart served as an excellent meal. Some of the more odd part made for a good snack, like an eyeball or the lining of the intestine. She could never understand other people's repulsion. Even Tabion had found it strange.

Staring a moment, as if deciding where to begin, shetore a piece of the charred flesh away with her oversized canines and chewed. It was gamely,but the char from the fire had given it a taste that was suitable for her at least. After a momment she swallowed and placed the meat over the fire again, this time a little higher so that it would just stay warm.

Now, turning her attention to the woman and the thief, she asked in the Common Tongue, "Can I trust the two of you not to kill eachother tonight? I would like to avoid hurting either of you."

She tore off another bite from her slices of meat.

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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyTue Jun 10, 2014 1:02 am

Ignoring the hand extended towards him, the traveler grimly sheathed his dagger again.
"You only mentioned not needing anything for a few days. This could very well just have been referring to more typical articles of food or other supplies. To judge based only on that would have been presumptuous and rash."
Suddenly being interrupted by the ranger behind them, the assassin replied sternly without turning around:
"She will live. For now. But she should pray that her actions do not cause me to change my mind."
Focussing his attention on the succubus in front of him again the Shal'kesh continued:
"Just as I do not care for yours my name is of no concern to you."
Not letting his eyes wander off of the demoness for a second, Grex slowly stepped backwards until finally he sat down at the campfire again, being positioned opposite to Mira.
There the demon silently continued carving the stick he had worked on earlier.
This entire trip had taken quite an annoying turn with just one simple rest.
Why were so many travelers wandering around these parts anyway?
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyThu Jun 12, 2014 4:09 am

((It's been two days. Saku's post has been skipped.))
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptySun Jun 15, 2014 12:27 am

((Crim's post has been skipped.))
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptySun Jun 15, 2014 3:42 pm

'Ryx relaxed as the Fae allowed his wood-sister to go free. The Fae woman walked toward him, her eyes glowing in the reflected light of the campfire. She gripped his shoulder and spoke into his ear dangerously.

"She nearly broke my ribs and may have killed me if given the chance. Do not be so quick to judge a situation you do not fully understand, lest it land you into trouble someday."

She tightened her grip on his shoulder. Her eyes met his, inches away from each other. 'Ryx stared into her burning orbs, determined not to let a woman intimidate him.

"Also, I do not know from what clan or tribe you hail from, nor do I understand their customs or beliefs, but I pray you do not threaten me again, Good Ryx. I assure you, I do not take such words lightly."

With those words, the Fae woman walked away from him, back towards the campsite. 'Ryx hissed under his breath. How dare that Fae treat him as such? A woman, speaking to a man like that! It would have never happened in his home village, that was for sure. 'Ryx took a deep breath in and then let it out slowly. He wasn't going to loose his cool over the unsocialized Fae woman. He turned instead to his fellow wood elf, his head cocked sideways curiously. "Wood-sister, are you hurt? Do you need anything before you continue on your path?" he asked in their native tongue, wondering what the woman had been doing wandering alone in the wilderness.
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyTue Jun 17, 2014 10:55 pm

((Heads up. From now on you will be given a 3 day period to post. If you do not post within that time, you will be kicked.))

Watching the fire flicker in the darkness, Mira sighed to herself. This was becoming more tiring than she had planned for. If it was just her, she could have easily made it to the capital within a day or two. With the demon, however, progress was slow and she needed a good rest. The horses would help speed the journey, but they too would need food enough for the time they would be keeping them.

Searching her memory, she believed she knew a town not too far from where they were now. While Beorem was a city state, it held territory around it that was loyal to the capital. The outlying lands provided resources through farming and other jobs, which would then be taken to Beorem, processed through its merchants, and then sold throughout Urasis. Holding a vast amount of rich farmland, Beorem provided a large amount of food and livestock, though it's most valuable commodity was its people. Hearty and strong of heart, the Beormians have always made legendary warriors. They also made good hosts, should you ever find yourself in one of their halls.

Such was the town that the Ranger would have to pay a visit to. There they could take a quick rest and proceed onto the capital, only a day's ride away.

So she was decided. If her memory served her, she even thought that this town might not try to kill her.

Looking up from the fire, she spoke, a dressing everyone near the fire.

"If the rest of you want to stay for tonight, so be it. We'll rise early in the morning and I'll escort you to the nearest town. Where you go after that is your own business.

Head to sleep when you wish. I'll take the first watch."

With that, she picked up her bow, flipped up her hood, and headed into the darkness.
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyTue Jun 17, 2014 11:20 pm

Even though he heavily disagreed with the Fae's descision - what was she thinking to trust an assortment of complete strangers - a succubus even, the traveler did look forward to the opportunity of once again being able to rest normally, his hands not being restrained.
Yet he would  most likely not be sleeping much anyway. He did trust the ranger's keen eyes, but there would have to come a time for her to rest as well, leaving both of them open to attacks from some of the more questionable visitors a simple fire had attracted.
Involuntarily tightening the grip on his dagger's hilt the demon slowly retreated to his resting place.
Noone would get him, least of all such a vile creature of hellspawn.
At least they would be departing once they were to reach the next city.
Still - why had Mira taken up this many wanderers?
Didn't she have some sort of mission to accomplish?
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyThu Jun 19, 2014 12:46 pm

"What to do, what to do. There's gotta be something to do in this place" Jaden said as he walked on the central path through a fairly bland looking town with nothing out of the ordinary. Jaden had been to several towns at this point in his life, each of them having something that made them interesting. Strong opponents, quests to go on, monsters to fight, even just good food. This place however had nothing of interest to the silver clad knight whatsoever, which would normally cause discouragement in those who realized this. After all, with nothing of interest here, no goals could become closer to being accomplished and no "fun" could be had. However, while this was all true, Jaden could never allow his negative emotions to show in this world. He could feel them boil within himself like a soup that would be served to the sick, but nothing could be allowed out of his body and onto his face.

"Well, I guess something will happen eventually if I keep wandering around. This place can't be that boring." Jaden said, beginning to smile widely as he continued treading the path through this generic town. Who knows, maybe something will happen in this town. It could be something incredibly minor ad pointless, or a life changing event that would be much more interesting. All Jaden could do now was leave it up to fate and see what happened. See whatever this world had in store for him next.
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyFri Jun 20, 2014 12:20 am


Elise slowly exhaled as the Fey released her weight, and got up to her knees, her back making a sharp popping noise as it returned to it's proper position. The Wood Elf glanced up at the nearest conifer, wondering if she should take her travels up towards the branches and head from there. If there was one thing that the whole ordeal taught her, it was that she would have to be more careful. Twice did she encounter Hopeful Light or Mira in the common tongue, and twice she was easily brought down. She rubbed her back, the dull ache she felt proved that fact. Flexing her slightly frozen toes, trying to avoid frostbite, or whatever it was called, Elise hoisted herself onto a tree and started climbing.

Even in the dark, experience proved the Wood Elf well, she nimbly made her way up the bark and reached towards the first silvery branch.

"Wood-sister, are you hurt? Do you need anything before you continue on your path?"

Flinching in surprise, Elise faltered mid climb, instinctively turning towards where the voice was. Of course, it wasn't that surprising when she lost her balance and felt the air whooshing past her head, and she landed into the luckily soft snow. "Ugh..." She muttered holding her head, looking up at the newcomer. Despite the more masculine sounding voice, she half expected it to be Mira again, but as her eyes finally focused, she realized it was a man. "No I'm fine, Wood-Brother." she instinctively responded in native tongue before blinking as she realized what happened. Standing to her feet, she realized that the man was a fellow Wood Elf, and that both filled her heart with delight and fear. "I'm Elise. Would you kindly enlighten me about your name?" she asked both politely and cautiously.
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The Third Age - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 5 EmptyFri Jun 20, 2014 8:07 pm

She made a smile, though in a way she really wanted to see if she could knock the head off the shoulders of the rotting man for him rejecting her peace offer. No matter, she didn't need him for anything anyways.

She would walk away, sitting in a little area to herself as her back was to the fire. She would nod her recognition to what the woman said, thinking to herself that it was what she planned on doing anyways. Why stay with this group anyways? She needed nothing from them, and couldn't gain anything either.

Besides, rotting man was quite rude.

She sighs as she watches the forest, warmed by the fire as she was paying no mind to the others of the camp. She didn't want their attention, and obviously nobody wanted hers.

Who could blame them though.
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