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 The Third Age

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PostSubject: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 7:42 pm

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Last edited by Jax on Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:51 am; edited 3 times in total
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptySun Apr 27, 2014 7:00 pm

The town's people had not pursued the two for long. Having driven the danger away from their homes, they were contented. Now, with the sun falling fast into the waiting horizon, the Ranger did her best to set up a quick camp, sheltered by a grove of trees. Having cleared away the snow in the middle of the clearing, she assembled a small fire pit supplied with wood scavenged from the surrounding woods.

Within the hour, the fire was crackling and giving off a warm glow. Though the fire did a little to lift the Ranger's spirits, the cold breeze that persistently wafted between the trees still chilled her underneath her cloak.

She roasted what appeared to be some small rodent on a stick, the two's dinner for tonight.

Silent minutes slipped by until the Ranger spoke up.

"Why did you not run? You had escaped your bounds and could have easily left me in the cold. Yet, here we sit at a campfire once again."
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PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptySun Apr 27, 2014 7:15 pm

The traveler chuckled.
"Being stealthy is not all that easy with these things, you know?"
The Shal'kesh made a futile attempt to move his arms in order to draw attention to the ropes, that were still binding him. The Ranger really had done a good job with those things.
He gestured towards the bags.
"...you still have my stuff. And there is a third thing to consider. You would have a horse - I would not. As we have already established, that my testimony is important to you for some reason and you appear to be trained in the art of tracking, I believed for my chances to remain in a movement-capable state to be better if I stay."
A smirk spreading across his face, the demon decided to engage in some teasing.
"And of course I couldn't just let such a lovely lady roam these dangerous lands all on her own. What kind of gentleman would I be to do that?"
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptyTue May 13, 2014 6:08 pm

The Ranger did not hide the scowl the appeared on her face. If she had not needed the Traveler, she would have indeed been happy to have been rid of him. There was a certain way about him that was rubbing her the wrong way every time he opened his mouth. There was an air to his voice and reasoning that made her feel like a child that was being given a lesson.

His snide remarks may have also had a way of rousing her discontent.

"Hmph!" she replied, "Looking back on these past few days, it would seem it is you who is in need of my protection, kind gentleman. I can take care of myself, much more so than someone who must take from others to sustain himself."

She leaned over and tended the campfire, sparks floating into the night sky.
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptyTue May 13, 2014 6:49 pm

A slight smirk appeared upon the traveler's face upon hearing his newest "friend"'s remark.
"Oh, I have managed to take care of myself. While it would be difficult to determine the exact length of time I have wandered the earth, the probability of you being older than me almost seems smaller than the chance of you ever developing a sense of humour."
The demon paused for a moment, waiting for his teasing to have its effect.
Chuckling he continued:
"Maybe I'll decide to have some fun and follow you around after this whole thing is over."
Adopting a melodramatical, mockingly sad tone of voice, the Shal'kesh continued to speak:
"You know, since this lonely heart of yours seems to be in such terrible need of company. You really do sweep men off of their feet, my dear."
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptyWed May 21, 2014 11:44 pm

Snow was fine in moderation.

It gives a whole place a sense of purity, cleanliness, and almost rebirth, wiping off a slate which one has written their lives, and now can be ready for something new.

Key word of course, being moderation.

A Wood Elf, slowly trekked through the fluffy flakes, gritting her teeth to stop them from chattering. Despite preparing for everything, checking and double checking for anything the girl might have forgotten, it wasn't enough to prepare her for the cold, her tribe never went to cold places for some strange re-

No, that was in the past.

Elise had to move forward.

That's what she promised herself so long ago, and what she reminded herself everyday on her journey. Sighing, Elise pulled her grey scarf tighter around her face, as she watched her warm breath quickly dissipate into the air.

...No she was doing it all wrong, she couldn't survive like this for much longer in the snow, especially since the Sun was almost down.

Shifting her padded clothes around her, the Wood Elf extended an hand to the air in front of her, and slowly a light flickered in front of her, shadows dancing across her face. Relieved, Elise basked in the warmth of the fire, before continuing on her journey. Night time was of course, the best time to travel. Since most people slept, Elise didn't have to worry about being stopped by them. It was quite an irrational fear of course, but still, the question lingered in her mind. Where they looking for her, or were they not?
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptyThu May 22, 2014 2:03 am


Amidst the crackling of the fire, the Ranger heard something else. A soft snap. Beneath her hood, her large ears swiveled towards the sound. She waited a moment, listening.

There it was again. Quiet, but unmistakeable.

She glared at the demon. She had no love for the thief, but she knew that no harm could come to him. Most likely, a fellow from the group of strange men had tracked them down.

She snapped lightly to get the fool's attention and then motioned for him to stay quiet and stay put. With that, she unsheathed the large knife from across her chest and got up, creeping away from the warmth of the fire and towards the noise.

Quickly, her eyes attuned to the dark. Her sight was much keener than that of a normal man's, thanks to the result of the Fey's magic, and to her the feint moonlight being reflected in the snow was enough to see by. Peeking slowly from behind a tree, the Ranger spied a silhouette against the white ground. Someone had indeed found them. They would have to be dealt with.

Slowly stalking towards her prey, the Ranger brought her knife to bear. She could smell the intruder. A woman. She smelled distinctly of the forest. That couldn't be right. The group had been composed of foul smelling men. This was someone different. The lack of the metallic scent of blood told her the woman was in good health, not gravely wounded from any battle.

A slow heart beat. Relaxed?

This was no one to fear. Taking a step back, she began to retreat. Then, the snap of a large branch. The stranger turned. She had been heard. Too dangerous to let her go.

In a flash the Ranger covered the distance between the two and the woman was tackled to the ground, knife at her throat with the wolf-woman atop her.

"No sudden movements." The words were hushed and stern. They were followed by a light growl, more beast than human.

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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptyThu May 22, 2014 4:31 am


Continuing silently (Or so the Wood Elf thought) through the snow covered forest, Elise had plenty of time to think about her next destination. There was a village not far off, and that surely would be a good place to stock up, rejuvenate, and maybe find some better way to stave off the cold. In fact, she was so caught up in her plans, that she almost missed a distinctive snap. Instantly on guard, the Wood Elf snapped her head towards the direction of the noise, when without any warning Elise was on the ground, a heavy weight on her, and a knife to her throat.

"No sudden movements." the voice hissed, before growling slightly.

'Am I being robbed?' Elise's heart raced faster, she couldn't see her attacker in the cover of the night, but something seemed strange. 'That growl...it almost sounded inhuman...But that can't be.' Elise managed to think over the dull pounding in her head. A small memory tugged at the very corner of her memory, of something...someone told her long ago.

"Elise...If you ever one day meet them...Be kind to the Fey. While they are animal-like in some ways, Fey are really like Wood Elves...They too have faced many hardships."

The Wood Elf gritted her teeth. Well it seems like she would have to break that promise. Elise didn't move, like the Fey ordered, yet that didn't mean that she wouldn't attack. She tensed for a second, then let a blast of Elemental Magic attempt to drive her attacker off the Mage.
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptyThu May 22, 2014 6:06 am


She gasped for breath, but no air reached her lungs. Her diaphragm was spasming. She became vaguely aware she was in the air. Then she saw the ground rushing towards her. She closed her eyes as she made impact. The snow only slightly cushioned her from the ground below. What little air she had rushed out of her lungs. She suspected a bruised rib.

Lying on her back, with her hood thrown off, the moon loomed above her. The ranger shook her head and took short, shallow breaths, trying to capture any airs he could. Think. The woman beneath her could not have done that by sheer strength alone. No. Most likely a Mage. Hopefully a weak one. If not, the Fey was dead.

She had to end this quickly, or her life would be in danger. Not lethal. The Mage meant them no real harm. Just self defense.

The Ranger sheathed her knife across her chest and threw her hood back over her face as she stood up. Lowering her stance, the wolf-woman charged the Mage. The Mage side stepped with a surprising quickness. Still, she had left herself open. With a muzzled growl, the Fey slammed her palm into the woman's torso. The Mage was lifted slightly off her feet and the she slumped into the snow.

After taking a moment to catch her fleeting breath, the Ranger kneeled down to examine the stranger. Her breathing was labored, but she would recover. Tilting her chin revealed long, pointed ears. Darker skin. A wood elf. That explained the stranger's nimble movements. She did not seem old, at least not for an elf.

Still stranger it seemed that the Elf was traveling alone. In the Fey's experience, most of them traveled in bands. She had had the pleasure of joining on or two in her time. This single woman troubled her.

Still, something would have to be done. The Ranger proceeded to gently pick up the elf, grunting with the effort and from the pain in her side. Carrying her back to the camp, she proceeded to set her lying down by the fire. The Ranger eyed the demon, saying, "I brought you a friend."

Next, the Fey bound the Elf in a manner similar to the demon across the fire.

((DEX roll: 17))

Securing the binds, the Ranger threw back her hood and leaned over the elf.

She whispered in Vendralian.

"By the light of the Moon, I reveal my visage and show my hand," she began, in the traditional, time appropriate greeting, "My dearest apologies for your pain, wood-sister. I mean you no harm. These are simply dangerous times, and one cannot be too careful when ensuring one's own safety and the safety of others. I regret startling you, and any harm I have caused you. I also regret these binds that encase you. A show of good faith would be sufficient to release you."

She attempted her best at a smile, yet her fangs often had a way of warping this display of good will.
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptyThu May 22, 2014 12:53 pm

"When will this snow end...soon it'll be to high to walk in easily." The succubus spoke under her breath as she walked with near silent steps, clutching her 'acquired' cloak around her tightly to protect her from the biting chill of the air.

Snow itself was fine, at least it would melt. It was just the wind that aggravated the lone figure as she made her way. She was not used to the cold, as she mostly tried to avoid areas where it would become cold. She was getting to well known in warmer lands though...and decided she'd have to come here.

Ayume regretted it already, and it hasn't even been a full day in this new land yet.

Ahead of her, even in the darkness, her eyes could detect the flickering light of a fire. Perfect. She turned towards the fire's light, trudging her way towards it through the snow. She made sure to not hide her presence coming, as she did not want to startle any person that was in the fire. At a closer distance she could possibly see..three? She wasn't sure. She clutched the cloak still with one hand, sliding the other hand underneath the cloak to hold onto her whip in case these strangers weren't friendly.

She promised to herself, though, that she'd be civil upon meeting. No need for a fight...right?
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptyThu May 22, 2014 2:17 pm


Suddenly the demon found himself being glared at before the woman he had more or less voluntarily been traveling with disappeared into the darkness.
Silently he chuckled. What was the girl up to now? Nothing good - that was for sure.
With interest the captive watched the direction the ranger had disappeared in.
Suddenly the faint sound of growling, impacts and general combat reached the Shal'kesh's rotting ears. Obviously this sudden excourse could not have been a peaceful one.
Luckily this meant, that the Fey would be busy for a while - or so Grex hoped.
As quickly as his bindings allowed him, he hopped closer to the fire, attempting to burn off the ropes he had not been able to remove by himself.
Sadly Mira returned in that very moment, forcing Grex to hastily resume his previous position.
She was carrying yet another being, wrapped up in almost as much rope as he was himself.
"So you were so lonely, that you had to catch yourself another companion, girl?", he joked.
Turning to the wood elf he commented:
"Don't worry, she greets all her friends like this."

(Was planning on having Grex burn his ropes with the fire while Mira was fighting, but ah well...
A question though: Why the break in the posting order?)
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptySat May 24, 2014 10:53 pm

((Due to two days without a post, Saku's post will be skipped this round. Consider this as setting a precedent.))
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptySun May 25, 2014 5:18 pm

((Crim has elected to skip her post.))
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptySun May 25, 2014 6:21 pm

'Ryx stepped lightly through the snowfall, trying to make as little trail as he could in the steadily increasing snow-leaden land. Darkness surrounded him, his tiny light protected only by his slowly fading control of the air around the candle. 'Ryx gritted his teeth. Even after 25 years of hard work, he still had little control over the Arcane Arts, and it frustrated him to no end.

He hoped that he would find a refuge soon, as his strength was waning. His bag's strap dug into his right shoulder, and it seemed to get heavier with each step that he took. He was relying more and more on his staff to walk.

Relief seemed soon at hand though, for he spotted a flame in the distance. Another camp, perhaps with travelers who would not mind him spending the night with them?


'Ryx stopped in his tracks as the scent of rotting flesh mixed with a stranger, black scent hit his nose. A demon! More specifically, a Shal'Kesh, a necromantic demon with the visage of a rotting corpse and a scent to match. Why was there a demon at this campsite? 'Ryx wasn't so sure that he wanted to enter the campsite now. His eyes narrowed. If this was a demon campsite, he'd want to take them out now, before they could scent him and come after him for his soul!

He walked closer to the campsite, wanting to see what exactly was happening, but not wanting the demons to spot him.

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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptySun May 25, 2014 6:44 pm


Another rustle far off from the camp site, caused the Ranger's ears to twitch. Her mouth twisted to a scowl. Another? She spoke to the elf again.

"I shall return."

As she got up, drawing up her hood again, she pointed at the assassin.

"Nothing out of you while I'm gone."

And then she headed off into the woods.

Heading towards the sound, she saw a figure some distance away, too far to actually make out who it might be. As she crept closer, she squinted, trying to determine who this newcomer was.Then, disturbed by her intrusions, an owl sped away from its nest in a tree, creating a ruckus.

The stranger was sure to have heard. Quickly, the Ranger drew her bow and knocked an arrow, pulling the cold string taunt.

She addressed the figure. "Speak your name and your purpose, stranger, lest you find yourself made a pincushion. What for what cause do you encroach on our campsite?"
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The Third Age - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Third Age   The Third Age - Page 3 EmptySun May 25, 2014 7:27 pm

Once again the demon smirked as Mira yet again left the campfire to pursue an adversary only she had been able to notice. Why did she have to take everyone they came across hostage?
It didn't matter. Now was his chance to try what he had failed to do the last time.
Quickly Grex moved closer to the campfire.

You have to Burn the Rope:
Do you need Burn Heal?:

Fidgeting around near the flames, Grex managed to burn the rope to ashes without hurting himself too much. Suppressing a sigh of relief, he rubbed his wrists, happy to be able to use his arms again.
With delight the traveler thought of his captor's reaction upon spotting him without his restraints.
Careful not to make too much noise, he returned to the place he had been seated at, glancing at the poor sould tied up next to him.
Even though he pitied the elf for having suffered the same fate he did, he was not stupid enough to trust her blindly, thus leaving her in her place.

Being noticed:
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