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 Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)

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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptyFri Feb 13, 2015 10:14 pm

First topic message reminder :

While it definitely wasn’t the first time anything of the sorts had happened to him, Ripley was still just as confused to find himself waking up in an alleyway. The redhead stirred from his slumber and moved his hands up to his face, rubbing his eyes. A slight groan escaped the emissary as he pushed himself into an upright sitting position, leaning against the wall of one of the surrounding buildings and glancing around.

“Well. This isn’t where I fell asleep.” He simply mumbled, careful not to glance around too rapidly lest he give himself a headache. As a matter of fact, the more he thought about it, he hadn’t even fallen asleep at all. At least, not that he could remember. The last thing he was able to clearly think of was his and Aries’ visit with the local Warden, searching for clues on the murder of the Youngest Gruff, a higher up member of the Summer Court. Their search hadn’t turned anything up however, and even with being able to remember that, this was definitely a different alleyway than the one the Warden used. Something had to have happened in-between then, and whatever time it was now.

Ripley stood up and cautiously stepped out to the mouth of the alleyway, taking a look around the city. He hadn’t completely noticed it before, but now, he was definitely recognizing a key feature of his surroundings. The city was near empty, with no cars moving down the streets, no people on the sidewalks, no stands or shops on the side. There were plenty of buildings, some tall and others small, but no people heading in or out. They didn’t even seem occupied. The sky itself was gray with clouds, giving the place below it a gray hue about it. There was even the slightest hint of fog rolling through.

Without saying a word, the emissary stepped out onto the sidewalk and looked back and forth, trying to decide on a way to go. After a few seconds, some closed eyes and spinning around in a circle while holding his hand out, he promptly decided to go left. The more he walked, the more empty the area felt. It just didn’t seem natural, or right to him. Really it was starting to freak him out.

Several blocks later, Ripley stopped, stepping into a new area. This one seemed like a large plaza in the city, a big, open area with a four-way intersection going through the middle. Off the side of the road, in the open area between the street and the buildings, there were some tables and benches, along with a few small fountains here and there. It seemed like a good area to relax, well, it probably would be if anyone were there to take advantage of it. Anybody besides him, at least.

Taking a few steps off of the sidewalk, he stepped up to one of the various benches and sat down, glancing around as he let the whole situation sink in. The place definitely didn’t look like Boston, so he assumed that he had ended up somewhere else. Where he had ended up was beyond him.
“This sucks…” He commented, with the silence of the rest of the city, he could probably be heard a fair distance away. Maybe if he waited, somebody else would come. And if nobody came, at least he could get some rest. Something told him he would need it.

(Just in case anybody is looking for any information, your characters can wake up anywhere really. The middle of the street, a rooftop, an alleyway, any place works.)
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptySun Feb 15, 2015 7:17 pm

Robyn grunted more as she sat up. She realized something was very wrong, and instantly her main focus shifted from her location to her physical status. It was not good. "Damn it... if where's the Pitfirmary when you need it....." she muttered. While she was being ignored (and ignoring everyone else since she was kinda a little busy bleeding out), she busied herself by looking for Kin. She spotted him a few feet away, unconscious, but reaching for him caused her massive amounts of pain in her mid-back. She was starting to feel extremely nervous, when she was approached by a girl and also a guy.

"Um, yeah... I could use some help actually..." Robyn nodded, a little breathlessly. She sounded nervous almost scared, but there was something else in her voice; a very stubborn sounding undertone. She pointed over to the unconscious Kin. "Could you... bring him to me? He's my friend; I don't want him to lie there alone," Robyn asked. She felt that even if they were strangers, they seemed like people she could place her trust in. She grunted while the male applied pressure to her leg. It wasn't exactly pleasant, but at the same time she had been through much worse. She was starting to feel a little light headed.

Robyn reached around to her back to see what was causing her so much pain. She dragged her fingers up her damp back, then stopped when she found something suspicious. She pressed her hand against the large indentation. When she brought her hand back around, it was dripping with blood.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh-" she hissed through her teeth, "Shit, that's deep..." She reached back around and felt into the wound, bringing a piece of shrapnel out of it. "One of those damn Guardians must have sliced me when I ran past the mortar impacts... Arceus damn it. At least they only grazed over my spine," she observed. The wound was deep on either side of her spinal chord, with only a little nick over her actual spine.

"For the love of Xerneas; why did I leave my field medicine with Nic?!" she groaned. She began to lean over slightly, feeling more energy drain out of her.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptySun Feb 15, 2015 10:27 pm

Continuing to stare as the wolf-like creature approached, Ripley didn't respond for a few seconds, simply staring. He'd seen werewolves before, and he'd heard of other kinds of creatures similar, but he hadn't seen anything quite like this before.
"Uh, right. I'm hoping we've all come in peace here..." He finally responded with a slight cough, shaking his head. Maybe he just shouldn't think too much about it. Admittedly, whenever he put a lot of thought into things, he tended to get headaches. Maybe he just wasn't used to using his brain that often.

Watching as the girl who was with the wolf ran past, he turned and looked over at the girl who had just shown up and fallen to the ground, having several pretty bad looking wounds over herself. He stood up and headed over, moving next to Blythe and Thomas as he did so and pulling his t-shirt off, leaving him with his black long-sleeve on.
"Here, you can use this, but I don't think that's going to do much good. If those cuts aren't closed up, it's probably just buying her time." He held the t-shirt out for the two to use, having a fairly blunt tone. It wasn't like he wanted the injured girl to die or anything, but that was what he believed to be true. She looked like she might need more than that.

A light blue flicker seemed to float into the plaza, having the appearance of a sort of small flame, though it didn't have any heat to it. The transparent shape floated into the center of the intersection at the middle of the plaza, simply hovering there in place. It didn't make a sound, or do anything specifically to be noticed, so it could be easy to miss it in the confusion of what was already going on.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptySun Feb 15, 2015 10:35 pm

Ella gasped loudly as she felt a presence enter her mind. Her eyes grew wide as she felt the presence's power, and the aura of royalty that surrounded it. In her surprise, she lost control of her powers and flickered into existence.

She stared down at the black cat in awe. This cat was no mere cat but something much more powerful and ancient... She had never felt anything like it before, but her whole form quivered with the pull to obey this spirit, as if it were her King or Master.

Her human side pulled away from the feeling, fear striking her human heart. She had never encountered a spirit like this, one that made her want to serve it...

"W-who a-are you?" she asked, voice trembling as she eyed the cat in wonder and a slight bit of fear.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptySun Feb 15, 2015 10:47 pm

He had been to much for her. Careless. He should have only given her a glimpse.

"Please, just think. Don't speak. I assure you, I can hear your thoughts just fine. I'll do neither of us any good if you suddenly poof into existence for these people and start rambling on to a cat. Unless you want to be seen and labeled insane.

Fjor walked behind the bench so no one else could see the two.

"My name in full is Drottin Fjorlagg Vardmander, though I suppose that doesn't answer your question. The name is from Old Norse. It translates to 'Lord Death the Watcher'. So, in short, that's what I am. I am Death. A God, to use the English term. That's why you're feeling uneasy at the moment. I shouldn't have shown you all at once. That is my fault, and I ask you to forgive me.

"Now, I believe you have me at a disadvantage. I've told you who and what I am, so who and what are you? Undead?"
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptySun Feb 15, 2015 11:02 pm

Blythe watched as the other two who had approached the girl who had fallen from the sky attempted to do something to help her wounds, but was brought to attention by the older female's reply to her question. The shadow mage's green eyes followed the direction that the injured individual pointed in, before they rested upon a small bundle of golden fur that was located a short distance away.

Nodding to Robyn, Blythe got up from her crouched position and jogged over to the fallen furry creature, gently and cautiously scooping him into her arms. Having been charged with protecting the girl's tiny friend over the short distance it would take to jog back over to her bloodied form, Blythe hugged the golden eevee to her chest, cradling him as if he were made of glass. Though, even within the panic and confusion that this situation had brought, Blythe couldn't help but let her mind wander to how adorable the little creature was.

Returning to the girl's side, Blythe knelt down on the pavement to bring the furry creature close to Robyn without leaving him on the cold ground. The two guys who had also approached the 'sky girl' seemed to at least somewhat know what they were doing, though she wasn't entirely sure how fruitful their efforts were. Blythe herself began to feel rather helpless all of a sudden, and for once in her life she wished that her magic was different. If she had learned healing magic, maybe she could have been of more use; the sky girl's pain would have been over in an instant.

All she could do was sit beside her, with the golden furred fox in her arms, and hope that the others knew what they were doing.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptySun Feb 15, 2015 11:20 pm

Nyx allowed the feline to leap out of her hands, and her attention was pulled towards the red haired man that had been so hostile towards Nyx. She spotted a wounded woman, and squeaked in surprise.

'Do something! She looks as if she's about to die,' Callix commanded.

"D-Do what?" Nyx spoke aloud, forgetting to think it rather than speak it. She was frozen, completely forgetting that her book had healing rituals and spells within. She froze up, and suddenly felt herself being pulled away from the controls of the body.

'I'll do it!' Callix hissed, the body changing to his appearance as the pretty woman Fjor had taken a liking too disappeared and changed into a man's body. Callix scooped up the book and moved to examine the woman, leaning over her for a moment to examine the extent of the wounds. He opened the book and paged through it swiftly before landing on a page that contained the healing ritual. He skimmed the page until he found the list of ingredients.

"Keep her there, cut off some of her hair and place it on her chest, someone cut a branch off, keep as many leaves on it as you can, of that tree and place it next to her" he ordered nobody in particular so long as it was done. Callix returned to the tree, passing by the feline and ignoring the suddenly appearing woman, he seemed to be keeping his cool better than Nyx, who was freaking out about how that strange person had suddenly got there, if the wounded girl was going to die, and basically panicking in general. Callix lowered himself and plucked fur right from Fjor's hip before returning to the wounded woman and dropping the cat's fur over her.

He examined the girl one last time, her blood having been best for the final ingredient.

He took a few steps back and opened the book, "Get back," he growled, "All others stay at least three feet away, it is unknown what would happen if more than four living beings is within the ritual, it'll take about a minute to heal everything and the process should not be interrupted." he read from the book, "So that's me, my friend, that..brown thing...and her," he spoke.

"I'm going to read this and she'll be fine," Callix looked up from his book, seeing that the people were still here. He wondered if he had been talking a bit too fast.

"Get back!" he ordered again, irritated by the urgency of the situation and Nyx's panic inadvertently trying to overcome him.

--The following is if after everyone moves, if not then ignore this--

He looked back to his book and began to read. His words in Russian and was likely difficult to understand for the others, "Zlo ran YA izgonyayu tebya razmernosti temnote ot slova Grimm , ya dayu vam etu proshchal'nyy podarok , chtoby udovletvorit' vashi potrebnosti , v nastoyashcheye vremya otpusk ili stolknut'sya s gnevom vsekh veshchey khorosho." Even though he spoke russian, he still had difficulty. He paused every now and then, trying to figure out how to pronounce a word, but as he finished, the fur of the feline began to glow and the healing ritual began.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptySun Feb 15, 2015 11:38 pm

"If time is all I can get then I'll take it." Thomas said as he took the shirt from the next newcomer. He then heard a slightly commanding voice from behind him and turned around to see someone walking towards them with a book. He was giving orders like his friend Reah would do. "Hair and tree got it" Thomas said putting his trust in this man. He pulled out his sword as the blue blade seemed to shine even in this dark place.

He then saw the tree and decided to go for it. Walking over when he was next to the tree as he leaped up to the top. He then grabbed the branch with the hand not hidden by his gauntlet and snapped it in two with one quick hit from the blade. He then kept the branch and looked at the leaves, many were still on it so he walked over to the person. He did catch a glance at the book he was reading from, Thomas hadn't seen any magic book like it, He would ask if someone wasn't going to die. "Here" he said as he placed the tree branch carefully at the wounded person's side. He caught a glance at her blood once again and his demonic side trembled. His ears were twitching but he kept these dark ambitions at bay while he helped.

When he said get back Thomas was already away from the area. He decided to put his trust in this unknown person and hoped it wouldn't backfire, it was their best shot after all. His red eye's looked at the blood on his hands and gauntlet from holding the wound, quickly shaking his head to rid himself of his half demon self he waited.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptyMon Feb 16, 2015 1:04 am

Robyn was hunched over as far as she could be hunched over. Every time her body tried to tilt over further, the sparks of pain in her back would wake her back up into a more comfortable position. Noticing that Kin was now close to her again, she reached over with her cleaner hand and gave his limp head a little scratching. She started to feel a little calmer, and a tiny smile erupted on her lips while the world got fuzzier.

"Wuzzat?... My hair....?" Robyn coughed, catching only so much of what the male voice was saying. She removed her hand from Kin's head and reached for her staff without further question, having some trouble dislodging it from the concrete. The long staff, taller than most if not all who were there, glowed faintly when Robyn's hand wrapped around it. Once it finally slid out of the concrete, Robyn gripped it just under the spear-shaped top, where a colored orb was perched, and brought it over to her face. With her other hand, she grabbed a clump of her hair and cut it off. She held onto it in the same hand, while the other began to relax and let the spear clatter back onto the pavement.

Robyn began to feel a warm sensation all throughout her body as her ears picked up on a muffled chanting. She could see the wounds on her legs and arms closing through blurry eyes. She felt a tingling sensation on he back as shrapnel began to vanish out of the wound around her spine. She felt the wound start to close itself up, making her feel the need to sit up more.

"Urg," Robyn mumbled as the warm sensation went away. She laid back for a second, still weak from blood loss. A pounding in her head told her that her heart was doing it's best to rush fresh blood, as much as it could muster, to the various parts of her body. She still had a headache, but it was beginning to subside a bit. She let out a relieved sigh, just happy to not be dying. "What a thought," she coughed, "I nearly died somewhere that's NOT on a battlefield." Robyn chuckled a bit at her own statement, raising her empty hand and pressing it against her temple. She stubbornly denied her body as it tried to force her into sleep.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptyMon Feb 16, 2015 7:38 pm

He hadn't noticed it at first, busy paying attention to the wounded woman when another man stepped up to them, holding the same book the girl from before had been holding. The newcomer seemed to have blonde hair, just like the girl, and as he looked around, the girl wasn't anywhere in sight.
"How did...weren't you...what?" Ripley rubbed the back of his head a bit, trying to work things out in his head as he watched the guy go to work on some sort of healing ritual. It wasn't like any healing ritual he had heard of before, but hey, it was better than nothing. Probably. Unless the guy was trying to screw them all over and do something else with it.

Still trying to figure out what had happened, he didn't hear the guy's first command to move back. The second time he said so, the emissary simply nodded and backed up a few steps, moving away and observing the healing ritual go on. It seemed to be working from what he could tell, with the wounds closing up.
"Well then...can I have that shirt back?" Ripley turned to Thomas, holding his hand out. It wasn't like Robyn needed it anymore, and he sort of wanted it back. It was his, after all.

From the center of the plaza, the blue light began to flit over to the group, hovering by Robyn. Some sort of sound began to come from it, starting off muffled but getting clearer as time went on.
"-you can understand me now, hopefully. Anyways, now that your friend isn't dying, I suppose it might be a good time to offer some sort of explanation to all of you. So, if I could have everyone's attention..." The voice had a feminine sound to it and spoke calmly and loudly, hoping to get the attention of everyone in the plaza. There were a few seconds of silent before the light seemed to flicker a bit.
"Weren't there supposed to be eight of you?" It continued to ask. In the plaza, it could see Ripley, Robyn, Callix, Blythe, Fjor, Thomas and Blade. So where was the eighth? It didn't seem like the light could see Ella either at the moment.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptyMon Feb 16, 2015 8:12 pm

Blade had spaced out a little after the greeting. Shaking her head, she came back down to earth. "Dear Mobius.... what the heck?" She muttered to herself as the light was talking. Then, the she-wolf heard it say something peculiar.

"Weren't there supposed to be eight of you?" It had apparently asked.

"I dunno...." Blade shrugged. "I'm not keeping track of anything." She added. Honestly, she felt confused over any other emotion she could've been feeling right then. 'I swear, I could've felt Tenshi's presence just now.....' The wolf teen thought. Suddenly, a blue wolf that seemed to flicker like the light came dashing towards Blade. "Tenshi!" She cried aloud. 'Oh shoot. I hope they didn't all just hear me shout out loud.' She thought. Tenshi was visible to everyone, but she still thought it would be strange if they all stared at her like she was insane.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptyMon Feb 16, 2015 8:23 pm

"Please, just think. Don't speak. I assure you, I can hear your thoughts just fine. I'll do neither of us any good if you suddenly poof into existence for these people and start rambling on to a cat. Unless you want to be seen and labeled insane." The thoughts struck Ella's mind softer this time, less force behind it. The pull was still there, but it had lessened up, enough for her to focus on what the entity was actually saying.

Ella flickered back into invisibility as she regained the ability to focus, and the cat walked behind the bench, hidden from view of the others, who seemed to all be gathered around an injured human. Normally Ella would try to help, but this strange entity was far more focused in her mind at the moment.

"My name in full is Drottin Fjorlagg Vardmander, though I suppose that doesn't answer your question. The name is from Old Norse. It translates to 'Lord Death the Watcher'. So, in short, that's what I am. I am Death. A God, to use the English term. That's why you're feeling uneasy at the moment. I shouldn't have shown you all at once. That is my fault, and I ask you to forgive me.

"Now, I believe you have me at a disadvantage. I've told you who and what I am, so who and what are you? Undead?"

Ella paused a moment to collect her thoughts. She had never heard the name before, though something about his title rung a bell in the back of her thoughts. It brought about an ancient tale of a Ghost King that had come before the dreaded Pariah Dark, a king who had been good to all ghosts; a king who had been beloved and was kind. When Pariah Dark had appeared, it was thought that he had destroyed the king that came before him. Was this entity who claimed to be a god really just that Ghost King? The Ghost Kings had always been God-like in their powers, after all.

Then Ella's thoughts caught up to Fjor's last words. She chuckled a little.

"Undead, huh? I've never been called that before, but I suppose in a way it is true. Other ghosts and spirits have called me and my kind 'halfas'; in reference to how we are essentially 'half-ghost' and 'half-human'.

"I was a ... foolish, curious girl in my youth, and I made the reckless decision to fool around with a portal to the Ghost Zone; just as the portal was closing. I was caught between the forces of life and death, and as a result, I became a creature forever trapped between life and death."

Ella fell silent then, a frown pulling at the corners of her mouth. She didn't mind her existence as a halfa most of the time, but it was strange to be a creature that didn't exist in the laws of physics; to be a creature never before heard of, even to a self-proclaimed 'God'.

"My name is Ella; Ella Phantasma." She looked towards the strange cat. "But I prefer just 'Ella'. I'm curious though; if you are indeed a God as you claim to be, why appear as a cat?" she wondered.

Before Fjor could answer her question, a voice spoke up from near the group of humans and... assorted other half-creatures. Ella turned to see a strange blue light hovering above the scene.

"-you can understand me now, hopefully. Anyways, now that your friend isn't dying, I suppose it might be a good time to offer some sort of explanation to all of you. So, if I could have everyone's attention..." The voice had a feminine sound to it and spoke calmly and loudly. "Weren't there supposed to be eight of you?" It asked then.

Ella looked around and counted seven entities other than herself. She frowned. Could the blue entity not see her either? She let her invisibility fade. "Perhaps you were missing me?" she asked aloud, revealing herself to the other entities.

She knew she had to look strange, with dark green skin; floating above the earth like a strange alien to these earth-bound creatures, but then she had just had a conversation with a cat who claimed to be the God of Death; so maybe she wasn't the strangest thing these other people had seen.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptyMon Feb 16, 2015 9:58 pm

This girl, Ella Phantasma, spoke strangely. She used terms he had never heard before. 'Ghost Zone'. 'Halfa'. He had encountered the Undead before, but he had never met someone like what this girl had described. Half mortal, half spirit. How very odd.

The more he thought on it, the more something began to occur to him. Nothing here made sense. Contradictions piled upon eachother. Something very fundamental told him that something was wrong. He began to suspect that this world was not the one that he, nor any of the others had known. Something different entirely. What was it humanity had recently started calling them? Separate Dimensions?

Yes. Something was certainly wr-


He felt a pluck on his fur. His back arched and he yowled. He wanted to shout, but decided against it. Best not to let them know he could talk yet.

He hissed softly.

The 'Halfa' Ella asked him about his predicament. He sighed.

"That is a long story, full of lies, betrayal, and loss."

A blue light he had not noticed before began to speak. Ella spoke up as well.

"One we obviously do not have time for at the moment."

He stood up and padded over to the others, sitting down and meowing innocently.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptyMon Feb 16, 2015 11:21 pm

Thomas looked back at the person who gave him the shirt. "Oh ya, forgot I was still holding it." He said as he placed it on the man's extending arm. He was still wondering why they needed a ritual to heal someone, normally he and Reah just used magic and the sword like it was a extension of their body. 'Diffrent style different rules' he thought calmly to himself as he heard a new voice.

He looked right at the light and wondered what type of entity it was but decided his question might be answered in a bit so it would be rude to say anything. He did look up when another voice said they were the one the light was looking for. He didn't see anything wrong with the being but that might of been because he wasn't paying to much attention, he'd go over to get a better look if a floating light wasn't here to tell them what was going on.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptyTue Feb 17, 2015 5:28 pm

Blythe felt a small smile of her own gracing her face as Robyn reached out to pet the tiny furry bundle that she had brought over to her. The wounded individual had seemed to calm a little at the touch as well, which helped Blythe feel better about the small way in which she had been able to help.

At the request of the blonde male, Blythe gently lifted Kin from her lap and placed him next to Robyn. She had been reluctant to do so, as it would leave the small creature on the cold, blood soaked pavement, but the blonde had been adamant that no one else should be in the immediate vicinity when he went through with the ritual he was orchestrating. Not wanting to cause any trouble and put the sky girl's life in more danger, Blythe got to her feet and stepped backwards to allow the blonde guy more space.

The shadow mage couldn't help but feel a small wave of happiness as the sky girl seemed to have recovered quite quickly as a result of the incantation. She hadn't seen incantation magic in a while, as practised mages no longer needed the words to perform their magic, if their magic had needed them in the first place. But all in all, incantation magic was rarer because of how impractical it was. Nevertheless, this individual had pulled it off to great effect.

It was at that moment that Blythe was distracted by a loud feminine voice asking for their attention. It took a moment for the shadow mage to realise that the voice had in fact come from the blue flickering light that was located above them, but watched in curiosity as it continued to speak, reciting her name among the names of, assumingly, the other people who were gathered here.

Shortly after, some sort of blue wolf and also a ghostly individual had appeared. As the number of people present grew and the panic of the sky girl's fall subsided, Blythe couldn't help but let her thoughts settle on wondering just how many of these people she could trust. One of them was already proven to be some sort of mage, and she still didn't know what sort of creature it was that possessed the wolf ears and tail.
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Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1)   Interdimensional Roleplay (Group 1) - Page 2 EmptyTue Feb 17, 2015 8:58 pm

Robyn's eyes glanced up at the Blue light floating near her, then promptly shut. She was very reluctant to move from her current position. The aching hadn't yet subsided, and the healing that had been performed on her hadn't exactly stopped the pain like it had the bleeding. Recovering from blood loss was always a bitch to handle, no matter what the circumstance.

"Ugh... five more minutes mom." Robyn joked, covering her eyes with her arm. She began to slowly and painfully lift herself into a sitting position, flinching as the sealed wounds on her body objected violently to the action. She took a break once she was completely upright sitting position. After her short rest, she forced herself into a standing position, groaning in pain. She bent over quickly to scoop Kin up and away from the blood, cradling him gently. As she held him, she noticed his ears twitch.

"Morning, sunshine," she commented.

"Ugh; go away. My head's not done throbbing," Kin groaned back to Robyn, rolling away from the nearby light and squeezing his eyes shut tighter. He wasn't exactly being picky about the kind of telepathy he was using, so really anybody nearby could have heard him. It was almost as if his brain was stuck on the "everyone in the area" frequency that he had been using in the battle that they had just come from.

Robyn laughed. "Well, I can't exactly just drop you on the ground, now can I, Mr. Grumpy?" she teased, supporting him as he shifted around in her arms. She looked up at the light. "Well you've got my attention at least, weird light lady," she commented.

Kin snorted unhappily.
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