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 The light in the dark

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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptyTue Nov 04, 2014 11:32 pm

First topic message reminder :

Noel looked around the entrance to the large forest that was sitting in front of her with her bag at her side lazily moving from side to side as she walked with her red scarf doing the same on her back slowly moving in the wind as the last of the light that was shining through the trees vanishes so all that was left was a inky black darkness of the area known to all as Shadowhue forest.

Noel looks up as she walks making sure to note everything about the dungeon she knew now she knew about the dungeons ability to change what they were when others left the walls or like the forest the trees and as Noel was always on her guard the riolu walked along the path into the forest.

She had felt calm here in a dungeon she loved the stillness of the air the silent nature of the forest as she remembers the feral Pokemon that might try to attack her she was ready for them she knew how to fight well and the trees would help with her speed looking at her bag and smiling at her items walks inside the dungeon
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 12, 2014 11:04 pm

Noel slowly walks around the branches as she sighed happy she didn't fall to her certain doom though that would of been the second time that has happened she hoped that wouldn't happen any more it was a little to much for the riolu to take.

She then stretched outward and jumped back down landing on the ground with a soft thump as she stands up straight looking for Sosio as she noticed the bird getting a berry Noel was a little to far away to see what it was but was happy for her acquaintance.

Noel then looks back up to the large dungeon and walked on slowly so she could catch up.

Rezikun carried out 3 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
The light in the dark - Page 3 PSNEk7U , The light in the dark - Page 3 2rntvDa , The light in the dark - Page 3 QfHz1GB
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptyThu Nov 13, 2014 1:03 am

Sosio followed over the steep hills and roots. It was strange how the last time Sosio came, there were no hills whatsoever. She knew that dungeons constantly changed, but this was a big change. Then again, she didn't explore every inch of the dungeon. The order simply must've changed.

The size of the forest was massive. Almost too large to believe that it could possibly fit in this world. They had advanced pretty far, however. Far enough to be near the end. Just a little bit further, and the two of them would be at the end of the dungeon.

Dungeon ends were strange. It was as if the dungeon just halted, and there was usually lots of items there, and lots of Pokemon, too. It was just a dead end with no other pathways, the last floor, and a huge room. Afterwards, you could just leave. It was strange, but it always felt like a huge accomplishment to Sosio. That was her goal in every dungeon.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptyThu Nov 13, 2014 11:53 pm

Noel walked along the path she was always wondering what brought her to this place it seemed so calm in contrast to Noel and her fighting personality it seemed calm peaceful and ... they were about to be attacked as Noel leaped backwards avoiding a tackle from a shroomish.

Noel landed near a small spike on the ground as she looked at it and decided to pick it up looking at it for a second before throwing it at the grass type as the spike hits the Pokemon as it falls slightly back in pain
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptyFri Nov 14, 2014 11:31 am

Seeing the pokemon suddenly appear and then get knocked over by his attacks and a thorn, Sosio finished him off with an easy peck. It all just seemed too easy. But the two of them were nearing a clearing. Sosio could feel it...

The trees ahead stopped narrowing, and some even halted. They had to make way for something, whether a huge pokemon battle, or a ton of items. Whichever waited the two, Sosio was ready.

aMEWzing carried out 1 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
The light in the dark - Page 3 YVyYfVG
aMEWzing carried out 1 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
The light in the dark - Page 3 2FrD83b
aMEWzing carried out 1 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 8:25 pm

Noel swore quietly as she sensed the aura of Pokemon at the end they were walking into a fight and Noel was ready for it as she takes out a berry from her bag and eats it, the berry was a sitrus berry as Noel chews it then looks forward to what was waiting for them.

She then walks knowing that something was ahead and is ready for it.

E 35

Rezikun carried out 10 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
The light in the dark - Page 3 W0gqJPZ , The light in the dark - Page 3 V1LeX89 , The light in the dark - Page 3 PopjRW4 , The light in the dark - Page 3 7lJaJWp , The light in the dark - Page 3 MMgUbQF , The light in the dark - Page 3 K2YWnDo , The light in the dark - Page 3 M9v1Ped , The light in the dark - Page 3 HqwuLie , The light in the dark - Page 3 QfHz1GB , The light in the dark - Page 3 2rntvDa
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 9:55 pm

(omg yes XD How do you have so much energy? o-o)

Sosio walked out from the shelter of the trees, into the opening where several Pokemon awaited them. Anger seethed from their faces and veins, prepared to defend whatever could be there. Tons of items layed there, but the Pokemon was Sosio's main focus.

She walked in, switching her stance to her side facing the enemies, one foot forward, with the wind blowing her ribbon, making her look somewhat boss. She panned the entire field, secretly targeting the weak normal-type in the front before finishing her pan. She then took a few steps forward, then broke into a full run, dashing speedily with a grounded Quick Attack, knowing the Slakoth was far too slow to do anything. She zoomed back and forth, repeatedly hitting the sloth pokemon before it knew what hit him.

A sneaky bug-type flew up behind the Fletchling to attack, using a bug buzz to inflict damage on the aviary intruder. This did virtually nothing to the type-strong bird, who simply flipped around and used peck, knocking the oversized moth away with a claw. She then looked back to her original target, ready to finish it off.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 10:29 pm

(Cause I'm sexy and I know it)

Noel crosses her arms scarf blowing in the wind marketing her look as badass as possible when she opens her eyes she quick attacks forward as she smacks into the Heracross knocking it backwards as she force palms it away smacking into the shroomish as Noel jumps to avoid a attack from one of the venomoths and heel kicks it down.

When she jumps back it gets up and toys away slightly as Noel turns to avoid a attack from the heracross who had gotten up and tried to attack Noel with its horn she easily force palms it away as she waits for the others to get back up
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:00 pm

(fair enough)

Sosio smacked the Slakoth to its demise with a final tackle, keeping her head low from the final puff of desctruction, whipping her ribbons from the sheer force of its crash.

She whipped around, eyes opening with narrow pupils. She dashed in with one wing spread out as if about to fly, but the other wing dragging on the ground. Her beak glowed white and grew in lenth and she jabbed it into the flying bug-type again, pinning it to the ground by its wing. It blew her off with a Silver Wind, approaching her in flight. Feeling weak, Sosio dashed over to where an apple lay, snatching it up in her beak mid-run, crunching it, then facing the venomous moth again, feeling stronger than before.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:07 pm

Noel looked around as she dodged attacks left and right from the Pokemon making sure not to get hit by any that would be bad but she did get hit by the heracross as she is launched over she recovers in the air and hits a tree jumping from it right at the venomoth bashes it with her force Palm sending it right into the heracross as the force knocks the flying but out as she lands and jumps out of the way of a stun spore from the shroomish.

She lands feeling good about the fight not really tired as she landed on a trap restoring more of her energy with a smirk she runs at her opponents
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 11:39 pm

Sosio, realizing how many Pokemon they were facing, let out a growl, lowering the opponents' attack stats. She then rushed in to where the Venomoth was, preparing a Quick Attack, but the Pokemon had flown out of reach. It was as if it was mocking the flightless Fletchling, saying 'hahaha, you can't fly.' This created a rush of angry exhileration within the tiny bird's heart, anger pumping speedily throughout her body. Her backwards legs bent, pushing down from underneath her to shoot her upwards in a jump.

While facing upwards, she used Quick Attack, shooting her upwards further, and sending a shocked expression on the insect's face. She made impact, knocking its body back, wings folded forward due to the force of being blown back. It halted movement altogether, dropping limply to the ground. Sosio, in contrast, had her wings blown upwards as she fell gradually to the ground, creating enough drag to land gracefully.

Sosio's Energy level:

aMEWzing carried out 5 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
The light in the dark - Page 3 MMgUbQF , The light in the dark - Page 3 HqwuLie , The light in the dark - Page 3 HqwuLie , The light in the dark - Page 3 2rntvDa , The light in the dark - Page 3 Hc4wJXb
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptySun Nov 16, 2014 1:28 am

Noel kicks the shroomish away hitting a tree knocking it out they had gotten them but more showed up so with a spare Noel went to keep fighting them blocking the attAck from the paras and kicking it at the shroomish as she jumped back slightly landing next to Sosio to cover herself as she grabbed a stick and chucked it at the shroomish
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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptySun Nov 16, 2014 1:51 pm

Sosio, after finishing off the others, was aware that new pokemon had showed up. Noel was handling them well, slamming them about, but as always, Sosio had the super effective move. While Noel distracted them, the Fletchling dashed off to the side, started a white stream behind her as she zoomed with a Quick Attack, straight for a tree.

When she reached the tree, she jumped, angling her feet and body, making herself parallel to the bark, and continued running. As she was running out of steam, she pushed off the tree, flipping over to a belly-down half-glide, beak lengthening once more, and she folded her wings flat to her side, increasing in speed, and shot straight through both Pokemon, finishing them off.

Sosio breathed heavily, somewhat panting. It was over. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, realizing how huge that was. A pathway the pokemon were hiding was seen by the bird. It was rather small, but big enough for a large pokemon to squeeze through. Sosio entered, casually but cautious, ducking over the loose and broken branches and vines, obviously placed that way to block the area. It lead to a much smaller clearing, only about 4 trees cleared in size, but enough room to hide the items the Pokemon were protecting. Lying there were a couple of scarves, and a berry in front. Sosio picked up the Berry and stowed it away, then looking at the two scarves. She picked up one and kept it, but the other, she figured she wouldn't need two. Behind those items was light, leaking through the trees. It was the exit. But before she left, she realized she had what she come here for. She took out the Oran Berry again, looking at Noel, and snatching a small rock on the ground. She bit off the side of the Oran Berry, swallowing the healing slice, and then carefully mashing the inside of the rest of the berry with the stone. She then scooped up the mashed insides, discarding the skin, and applied the pulp to her broken wing. With her beak, she took out the defense scarf and wrapped it around her wing tightly, but not wearing it for Defense. She only needed to keep it on her for a while, its defense properties canceled. It had no use other than to help Sosio heal, and at that, she nodded a goodbye to Noel, waiting for her to do what she needed before leaving as well.

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The light in the dark - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 3 EmptySun Nov 16, 2014 2:15 pm

Noel smiled as it was over she was normally the one to finish fights but this was ok also for the young girl she knew that she couldn't end every fight like a boss no matter how much she wanted to, she threw her arms up into her cross position often called her last position as she walked over next to Sosio as she walks through the trees.

When they emerged there was a few items laid around none that Noel wanted really there was another stone like the one she had found the second time she was here and all the scarfs were already at her base camp so she decided not to take anything as she notices Sosio give a nod she also gives a nod and a smirk as she dashes through the trees at a high speed thinking about what she was going to do next as she clutches a golden scarf in her paw.

(Never to be seen again/shot)
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