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 The light in the dark

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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptyTue Nov 04, 2014 11:32 pm

Noel looked around the entrance to the large forest that was sitting in front of her with her bag at her side lazily moving from side to side as she walked with her red scarf doing the same on her back slowly moving in the wind as the last of the light that was shining through the trees vanishes so all that was left was a inky black darkness of the area known to all as Shadowhue forest.

Noel looks up as she walks making sure to note everything about the dungeon she knew now she knew about the dungeons ability to change what they were when others left the walls or like the forest the trees and as Noel was always on her guard the riolu walked along the path into the forest.

She had felt calm here in a dungeon she loved the stillness of the air the silent nature of the forest as she remembers the feral Pokemon that might try to attack her she was ready for them she knew how to fight well and the trees would help with her speed looking at her bag and smiling at her items walks inside the dungeon
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptyWed Nov 05, 2014 12:15 am

(You really need to use commas gurl! 0-0)

Sosio hopped through the forest, going through it like it was a routine. She had been through this path three times now, and even though the order of these paths constantly change, it still felt all the same. Her long strides were even and unchanging, and her eyes and feathers seemed dull with repetition. The Fletchling's backwards-bending legs didn't even bend as as she walked stiffly.

How many times it would take her to get to the end, she didn't know.
Third time's the charm, right?
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptyWed Nov 05, 2014 1:12 am

(But I so lazy)

Noel had decided that going through the trees would be best she didn't know of many flying Pokemon here, she jumps up and grabs a low hanging branch as she pulls herself up and rolls on the tree branch. she then stands up and looks at her surroundings there was only trees in the area.

Noel walks along the path the branches so she wouldn't have to jump from one to another, she did however hit one branch which fell to the ground with a loud thump Noel swore quietly then kept walking
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySat Nov 08, 2014 12:38 am

Sosio dragged a foot in the trail and examined it. The soil was wet. She looked up. Strangely, despite the water supply being abundant, the trees' leaves were not, and so the branches remained bare. She then leaned over and pressed her head extremely close to the ground. She stood there in concentration for a bit as she listened to the earth. Sometimes it told her things. Where pokemon were in the forest, if they were nearby, by sensing the vibration through her little Robin ears. It was an ability ground-picking birds used to find food, but this Fletchling never cared for that.

Suddenly, a thud echoed through the grains of nureins that covered the ground, and startled, lifted her head up as the sound was followed by angry muttering. She rounded a few trees, half-expecting some fighting type punching trees and trying to perfect moves, but always failed. At least, that's what it sounded like. What she found instead was only half of what she expected.
Should I say something, or will that just scare him off...?
And so she just stood there.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySat Nov 08, 2014 12:46 am

Noel looked at the branches that covered the path she was walking closely, as she knelt down and touched the branch lightly as it was followed by some heavy shaking from her light touch. Noel shakes her head deciding that this route would not work they would never be able to support the riolu as she looked down to the ground, with a small sigh she jumped down landing on the ground with a soft thud.

As the fighting type stood up looking around the forest for any feral Pokemon she was always on her guard around here, she was like that since she ran into two monster houses in a row and that was not fun at all, she decides to walk slowly along the same path she was going in the trees her red scarf swinging lazily on her back.
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySat Nov 08, 2014 3:15 pm

Sosio watched the pokemon from several fallen-tree lengths away. It looked rather curious in the forest, and walked at a somewhat slow and calm pace. Sosio tilted her head, and followed it slowly and steadily. It bent down to examine a branch, and popped back up to go in a specific direction. At this, her eyes narrowed with surprise, her pupils contracting, her neck veins bulging and head feathers ruffling.

At a faster heartbeat, adrenaline rushed, and she sneaked speedily around, darting to the shelter of trees and slowly gaining on the Pokemon.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySat Nov 08, 2014 6:14 pm

The young girl was enjoying the silence of the forest that the forest was known for. She slightly had her guard down but she heard something, Noel's eyes went slightly wide as she turned around on her heel, the riolu had sensed that something was behind her, as she gets into a fighting stance and waits for whoever the Pokemon is to get closer she wasn't about to he jumped like last time.

"Who are you" the young riolu shouts
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySat Nov 08, 2014 7:11 pm

Sosio got rid of her tension and got out of her low and sneaky position. Her eyes lost their focus, but remained serious. She stepped out of the shadows, only a tiny bird, a Fletchling. She was once seen as a threat by the larger and stronger pokemon, but now, it just seemed ridiculous. She looked about as harmless as a Magikarp. But something was off about her today. She wasn't a chipper chirping bird, and seemed to be annoyed with something.

What made her look even less intimidating was her ribbon. A long pink ribbon flowed behind her as it fluffed in the on and off wind. It was covered with a bit of dirt, as was her feathers, which looked completely disheveled. Her wings were crooked, and her legs constantly stiff, as if she was severely injured several times. She knew how terrible she looked, but it wasn't her fault everything went wrong.

Sosio's Energy Level:

aMEWzing carried out 1 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
The light in the dark XlTFzov
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySat Nov 08, 2014 7:37 pm

Noel was never one to see others as weak as she remains in her stance she knew that small Pokemon could hold a lot of power within the tiny body's they had she was one of them but then she took note of the ribbon around the Pokemon in front of her and claimed down. The riolu knew that feral Pokemon didn't wear accessories which was one of the reasons Noel wore her scarf.

Noel then crossed her around around her body and stood in a neutral stance as a smirk went across her face "yo" she spoke calmly to the bird
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySat Nov 08, 2014 8:37 pm

"Yo." It was a weird greeting. It was slang and lazy, but a weird way to address a pokemon someone just met. It showed, however, that he was comfortable with her being there, and that was enough for Sosio. She lifted her head, which, in turn, smoothed down the feathers sticking out restlessly on her head. She let out a relaxed grin with her eyes, feeling better at ease.

Walking forwards, she smoothed out her ribbon with her wings, brushing off some of the grime, which stuck to her feathers now. This didn't seem to bother her, as she was already coated with mud and scrapes. "Hi!" She chirped. Her voice seemed a little scratched.

Then, another figure appeared. It came from around a tree, and looked quite content, with a hint of fear for the intimidating and dark forest. Sosio tilted her head at it, and it just floated on its little flower, staring.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySat Nov 08, 2014 8:46 pm

Noel stood in place with her arms behind her head and standing on one foot with the other crossed making a 4 between her legs as she watched to Pokemon walk at her she noticed the feathers and her legs and tried to remember what Pokemon she was deciding that it was not the most important thing to be thinking about now had her normal smile as she went back to her normal way of standing finding it hard to balance on one leg.

As the bird walked close she said a small scratchy hi to Noel as the girl always happy to meet someone new that DIDN'T want to try to kill her just smiles as she scratches the scarf around her neck "I'm Noel nice to meet you" Noel says with a small nod.

Noel had sensed another Pokemon come to the area but decided that unless they became a immediate threat Noel wouldn't care much
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySat Nov 08, 2014 10:42 pm

Sosio averted her attention away from the wild Pokemon and blinked at Noel with round eyes. She opened her beak, making a clogged sound. She let out a dry cough and tried again to talk normally.
"I'm Sosio," she stated in her normal, cheerful voice, which sounded very different went it wasn't scratchy. "I've been traveling all my life, and I'm trying to make it to the Floating Islands. But unfortunately, I had some pretty bad injuries and needed to come back to find some Oran Berries..." She tried shifting her wings into a folded position, but one wing had a fine divide between the upper arm near the shoulder and the other half closer to the tip of her wing, looking as if it had been split in half due to the mud sticking to it.

The fairy-type still hovered there. It looked hesitant and unsure of what to do. It let out a small cry and floated away behind a dark tree. The Fletchling had the temptation to see where it went, and flicked forward a tiny bit in the motion, but stopped herself in hesitation.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySun Nov 09, 2014 12:52 am

Noel was a little confused about the sound the Pokemon had made she was going to ask if she was ok then she seemed fine as she talked to Noel the riolu happy to find another none crazy Pokemon here so it must of just been the one who attacked her that was crazy.

She hears what the bird has to say and is a little happy to find someone simpler to her "that's pretty funny I've been exploring all my life also" Noel says with a smile on her face as she shifts her arms to behind her head again "I'm just here for some training not really looking for anything"

Noel turns around after hearing the small cry the Pokemon let out noticing Sosio moved but stopped with obvious hesitation Noel just smirks "how bout we go find out where that Pokemon went" she says as she waits for a response
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySun Nov 09, 2014 1:58 pm

Sosio hopped upright.
"Well, that's something we have in common, I guess. Is there anywhere you're trying to go? I mean, in your travels, besides training..."

At the suggestion to follow the other Pokemon, Sosio nodded. It could be a lost wanderer, kind of like these two, wandering through a forest and just too shy to say anything. Sosio hopped over and peered behind the tree, calling a cautious "Hello?" as she turned to an empty corner. She turned around and looked at Noel and gave a shrug, when suddenly a gust buffeted Sosio's feathers, a Fairy Wind Attack dealing a bit of damage. Surprised, Sosio spotted the Flabébé behind a tree, who made eye contact and hopped out of its once-shelter.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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The light in the dark Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark EmptySun Nov 09, 2014 6:57 pm

Noel was slightly worried about this on one hand it could be a wandering Pokemon on the other it could be feral but they would never know unless they tried to talk to them so following close by Noel went up to where the Pokemon had floated away.

Noel had jumped slightly back when she saw the attack sadly she was unable to try to help sosio as Noel landed she looked at the Pokemon that had just attacked the two thinking it was feral got into her normal fighting stance.

As Noel stood in place she got a idea this had worked once for her in the desert "look it's two to one and I would like to avoid a fight if I can so just leave" Noel.says to the Pokemon
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