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 The light in the dark

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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 04, 2014 11:32 pm

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Noel looked around the entrance to the large forest that was sitting in front of her with her bag at her side lazily moving from side to side as she walked with her red scarf doing the same on her back slowly moving in the wind as the last of the light that was shining through the trees vanishes so all that was left was a inky black darkness of the area known to all as Shadowhue forest.

Noel looks up as she walks making sure to note everything about the dungeon she knew now she knew about the dungeons ability to change what they were when others left the walls or like the forest the trees and as Noel was always on her guard the riolu walked along the path into the forest.

She had felt calm here in a dungeon she loved the stillness of the air the silent nature of the forest as she remembers the feral Pokemon that might try to attack her she was ready for them she knew how to fight well and the trees would help with her speed looking at her bag and smiling at her items walks inside the dungeon
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptySun Nov 09, 2014 7:34 pm

Sosio blinked. This was the first Pokemon she ever met who actually talked to a wild attacking Pokemon. This one didn't even want to battle. Despite her fighting stance, the feral pokemon took note of what she said, huffed, and then it was over with as she floated away.

"This was a very odd place for a Flabébé..." Sosio remarked.

So they continued through the forest, in search of what to do, where to go, and hopefully to get to the very end. Sosio needed the training, and that's what the Riolu was here for in the first place. The Fletchling passed through here many times now, and surely she could do it again with ease. But she had to focus on right now, and where to go, so she listened to the earth to hear what it would say.

Sosio's Energy Level:

aMEWzing carried out 1 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptySun Nov 09, 2014 7:42 pm

Noel was slightly shocked not sure that was going to work but she then lowered her stance and smiles happy she didn't have to knock some teeth in as she stretches out with a small yawn. Thoughts went through the young riolu as she remembers some times where that worked she shakes her head to rid herself of them memories as she turns her attention back to sosio.

"Eh I've seen some here before" Noel replied to Sosio

Noel places her paw on the ground and tries to sense around using her aura she didn't get that far though as she stood up and decided that her eyes would do better then her aura sense

Rezikun carried out 3 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
The light in the dark - Page 2 2rntvDa , The light in the dark - Page 2 VYqciob , The light in the dark - Page 2 MMgUbQF
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptySun Nov 09, 2014 8:43 pm

Sosio kept her attention on the ground, shifting her eyes whenever she would hear something off. She lifted her head when she sensed the dropping of something onto the ground, sending vibrations throughout.

The Fletchling shuffled over to where she thought it could be, glancing around on the ground. The thing about vibrations is that she can't exactly pinpoint where something is, so she has to look, which she isn't very good at. Thankfully, an unfit yellow screamed out from the leaves and caught Sosio's attention. She picked it up in her beak and investigated it on the lip of her bag. It was a seed. As delicious as seeds are, I'm not very hungry.

So she popped it into her bag and looked to Noel simultaneously.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptySun Nov 09, 2014 8:49 pm

Noel looked at a small blue berry knowing what type it was right away Noel swiftly picked it up and looked at the berry she shrugged and popped the berry into her mother she was a little hungry at the time as she starts to feel slightly better after eating the small Oran berry.

The girl then turned on her heel to face a shroomish coming at the two as it ran at them it hit a box in the middle of the path as it tripped and fell to the ground with a thud Noel put her hand in front of her face to stop from laughing at the grass type.

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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 3:06 pm

Sosio watched Noel curiously as she ate the newly-found berry.
She ate it right away? Doesn't she save any for emergencies?
The Fletchling's attention was once more averted, at first from Noel and now from her mind, to another approaching pokemon. Her blood rushed and her muscles tensened into a battle-ready rush pose, when the round pokemon simply fell and rolled, causing the bird's aquaintance to laugh. Sosio looked at her, odd at first, but then smirked and snickered at the memory of the clumsy fall. It was strange how when Sosio first came here, she was afraid and weak, and the pokemon all seemed strong. But now, seeing a fairy and a rolly-mushroom, fear for this place seemed ridiculous.

Even though the mushroom had done nothing, Sosio noticed his angered face, which made her realize that she was here for training. Letting the wild pokemon flee every battle would do no good. She landed a light warning peck, showing that she meant business if they were to battle. Surely if she knew a super-effective move, the pokemon would use common sense.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 10:55 pm

Noel had calmed down her laughing fit as she coughed once looking at the grass type and getting back into her fighting stance looks at the Pokemon as it seemed to want to fight them, Noel always the one who never liked ganging up on a feral Pokemon was slightly reluctant to fight but she shakes her head and kept her guard up.

The grass type just charged at Noel and Sosio ... like a idiot
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 11, 2014 12:53 am

Sosio looked around at what was occurring. The wild pokemon seemed intent on fighting them, even though it was 2 against 1. The brainless creature ducked its head and lunged toward them, with no sight of where it was going, and even if it would actually hit its intended target. Sosio stared awkwardly at it for a bit, then simply hopped out of the way as it grew close. Realizing it didn't make contact, it stopped and turned around. As soon as it did, the Fletchling landed a good tackle to knock it into the nearest tree.

This battle seemed kind of pointless, but Sosio liked the practise. Even though she was injured, it showed she could be strong. It was a good chance to keep fit while keep healing. It did feel awkward to land attacks without flying, but this was a perfect excuse to develop her leg muscles. She never really cared for walking, so her legs were scrawny. But now her wing was broken, so she had no choice but to walk.

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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 11, 2014 1:14 am

Noel as calmly as possible side stepped to her side avoiding the tackle thinking that this feral Pokemon wasn't really that bright as she saw Sosio knock it into the tree as it got up and charged at the two again this time Noel took charge and slapped him with a force Palm sending the grass Pokemon flying into the tree again with a large thud.

Noel throughout it was done but she looked at the tree the two hits it had taken weakened it as Noel saw it fall on top of the grass type Noel walked over and looked at it sensing his aura she knew it was still alive as she walks back to Sosio "well that was strange"
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 11, 2014 2:14 am

With a shocked expression, Sosio witnessed everything that took place in those few moments. Although the Pokemon had fainted from the large amounts of damage the two of the explorers had dealt, it would be well enough when it woke up to simply get up and move on. At that, they left the small grass-type behind and ventured onward.

Through the dark trembling trees, a wind gusted. It was similar, in a way, to the fairy's wind it had attacked them earlier with, but different enough to deal no damage whatsoever. The odd feel of it was because they were in a forest, and surely the trees would've blocked out any normal wind. The branches above seemed to wave at them, leaving the Fletchling uncertain if it was a hello or a goodbye. Some trees moaned at the gusty effort it took, and some refused to move at all. The tough trees proved to be perfect perches, but now that didn't matter. Not until Sosio could fly again. If Sosio could fly again.

Sosio's Energy Level:

aMEWzing carried out 1 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 11, 2014 5:04 am

Noel just let's out a small sigh as she put her arms back behind her head and started to think for a bit about why feral Pokemon did what they did in dungeons or how they did what they did some could be talked to but others like the two had just seen think nothing but trying to kill other's Noel let this thought wander until she sensed something.

Was it sadness anger Noel couldn't tell but the riolu looked to where the source was she looked to Sosio as she looked up at the tree's Noel followed the birds gaze as she saw some branches swaying in the wind that had picked up Noel then looked back at the bird still slightly confused was she sad she had to stay on the ground because of herself?, deciding guessing would get the riolu nowhere she decided to just ask "what's wrong" she asks the bird with a hint of concern behind her voice
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 11, 2014 7:36 pm

Sosio kept hopping along and staring about, hoping for something exciting to occur, or for the two of them to be able to make it to the end. She began a search for something to do. The ominous trees seemed not to hold anything of great importance, but surely something could've fallen from them. Even just a pokemon walking by would do.

When a question sprouted from the other pokemon's mouth, Sosio became quite confused.
"Wrong? What do you mean? I'm simply observing my surroundings, seeing what I can find, feeling the dungeon," she explained, gripping her feet to the soft dirt as she trotted. She spotted something at a distance, maybe only a single Garchomp-length away. She trotted over, pecking something up off the ground, her eyes lighting up as if saying "See?" She tucked it away and continued to look around, hoping her skills would continue through the rest of the dungeon.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyTue Nov 11, 2014 10:34 pm

Noel walked along she was a sure she had sensed something from the bird she might of been mistaken when a thought went into noel's head she was slightly wondering when she had met sosio but decided that that was probably a bad question as she kept walking.

She went over till they got in the way of a collapsed tree right in the middle of the path it was to large to climb or jump over Noel looked around as she noticed some branches "this way" Noel says as she jumps up catches one branch and swings herself up and does the same with them until she it on top of the large fallen tree and waits for her ally
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 12, 2014 12:14 am

Sosio looked surprised as to what happened. Noel seemed to simply know where to go. This was somewhat an advantage to the Fletchling, who had to actually take a while to find out where to go and wasn't always accurate. She decided to let the Riolu lead the way. It took a lot more pressure off her chest.

She followed the aquaintance, rolling over the logs and roots that were in the way. The feral foliage was as dark as the sunlight-blocked sky, the dark trees blocking out the sky almost entirely. Sosio now remembered why the place scared her so much on her first trip here. The darkness, never knowing where she was going and what could be ahead, finding several creepy bug-types. Now that she knew peck, she didn't have to be as afraid, but there was always something about the creepy crawlers that sparked fear.

Sosio's Energy Level:

aMEWzing carried out 1 launched of one Shadowhue Forest :
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PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 12, 2014 2:13 am

Noel jumped from one branch to another till they were over one of the branches and then to one more making sure to keep checking of Sosio was following and stopped when she jumped to a branch to far, she kept this up until she landed on a broken one and fell, she was still on it as she uses her quick attack to run up the branch and grab on to the tree.

"Wow that was close" Noel says as the branch falls to the ground with a loud thud.
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The light in the dark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The light in the dark   The light in the dark - Page 2 EmptyWed Nov 12, 2014 12:53 pm

Sosio followed behind Noel at a distance. Not purposely, of course, but rather because she could barely keep up with the speedy fighting-type. Occasionally, as if habit, the Riolu would look back and check to see how well the bird pokemon was following her. Immediately after, she would go back to swinging off branches and vones like she energetic pokemon she was.

Sosio heard a low-pitched sound from deep in a tree. She opened her beak, startled, but the branch had already fallen. It all happened too fast for Sosio to see, and the next thing she knew, Noel was safe on a different branch.
"Thank goodness you didn't fall," she breathed.

But something attached to the fallen branch caught Sosio's eye. Unlike the rest of the forest, it was bright and lively with color. She hopped down the steep obstacles and retrieved the item: a small berry. It was bird's luck, supposedly.

Sosio's Energy Level:
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