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 When the Sun Rises... (Open)

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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptyMon Oct 13, 2014 3:15 am


Across the sandy dunes and stretches of seemingly normal desert, the rising sun had peaked just over the horizon, dyeing the desert golden in it’s morning light. The sky was a light, soft pink. The only disturbance came from the dunes, which cast long, faint shadows over the golden desert when the light hit them.

A small Vulpix looked over the sight with an unreadable expression. Job number two, and it had taken her to Scorchfall Desert. She had to admit, she hadn’t been here before... And that was probably why she had underestimated this place. Just coming here had tired her out (although the Oran Berry she had scarfed down recently had helped). The fact that she needed to move quickly hadn’t helped save her energy, since she had to get here before night fell.

A Solrock was in this Mystery Dungeon, somewhere. And she needed to find, and save it, before a Lunatone it was trying to save took it out. It was a bit of a sad tale, honestly, but the Vulpix supposed things like that came with the career. Though she felt a bit of sympathy for her client, she wasn’t going to cry them a river - she didn’t know them personally. She was just here to do a job.

Shifting her shoulders to adjust her bag, Lumina looked out over the golden desert. She needed to find Solrock before nightfall, and while it was only sunrise now, her time wasn’t infinite. She needed to make tracks, and save the Solrock from their own doomed quest. ... A bit morbid, wasn’t this?

Energy: 14 (20 - 16 from entering the Mystery Dungeon = 4, + 10 from eating an Oran Berry = 14)
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 5:40 pm

"Gahh" was all Noel had time to yell out before she had crashed into the sand below creating a large sound that echoed throughout the area and kicked up quite the large amount of sand as the wanderer had luckily not broken anything in the fall nor during impact but all that could be seen was her legs at the time

She quickly dug her hands out and placed them on the sand and pulled herself out of the sand she spit out a lot of the stuff feeling that yelling before the impact was a really really bad idea as she quickly dusts all the sand off of her body and scarf as she checked her bag

She pulls out a sitrus berry and eats it happy she had this berry on hand but a little ticked off that she had fallen as she looks up to a flying bird that had abducted her falling quite the distance she had knocked it out in the air "that's what you get" she yells to the bird as it lands far away "won't be bothering me now where am I?" She looked around and noted where she was "oh scorchfall I assume" she says as she walks around looking for anything

(E 20-16 ate sitrus +15 has 19)
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 6:15 pm

One could probably imagine the young Vulpix's surprise when a Riolu fell headfirst into the sand. And Lumina meant that literally, for a moment, all you could see were her legs. She padded towards her with a brisk pace, intending to help, but by the time she got there she had already pulled herself out. Deciding not to question how and why she was here, the Fox Pokémon cleared her throat. "Are you alri- Wait, Noel?" She broke off her own sentence, a puzzled expression replacing her normal one.

Yes, it was definitely her. It had to be. She didn't know any other Riolu with the flowing red scarf, now dusty with sand. "Dear Arceus, Noel, birds hate you." She murmured, watching the bird Pokémon soar off in the distance. "Would you mind telling me what you did to get abducted by a bird and dropped in the middle of the desert? Honestly. I'm curious." The Vulpix said dryly.
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 6:22 pm

Noel was still pushing dust out of her scarf when she was almost done she hears a familiar voice as she turns to face a vulpix recognizing her instantly by her aura "hey lumina" she says as she push all the sand off

"I really have no idea I was sleeping at camp and when I woke up I was getting grabbed by that bird" she says as she shakes the rest of the sand off "I got dropped because after some time I got free and figured falling would be so much better then where he was going to take me" she then looks at her body with no more sand she then turns back to lumina with a smirk "so why are you here exploring or mission" she asks with honest curiosity
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 6:28 pm

"Mission. And a rather grim one at that, but it pays well." Lumina replied, not giving it much more thought than that. It sounded colder out loud than it did in her head, but she didn't linger on her words for too long. "A Solrock's trying to save a Lunatone, but he isn't up to the task. Plus, the Lunatone's turned evil or something, and he's probably going to try to kill or at least knock out the Solrock. Since the Lunatone only wakes up at night, I need to save the Solrock before night falls." She explained, her six tails flowing behind her as she walked. Time was of the essence in this mission, right? She didn't want to waste it.
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 6:32 pm

Noel just looks down and closes her eyes for a second as she thinks over this mission 'so he was trying to save em but he became feral huh the more I thinking about feral Pokemon the stranger it seems' she thought to herself as she walks next to lumina following her "you know I can't let you do this alone" she says with a small smile "two is better then one anyway"
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 6:41 pm

"I could handle this on my own, but you're right, the help would be nice. There is a time limit on this mission, after all." Lumina agreed, looking down at her forepaw and tightening her Midnight Blue ribbon, which had grown loose from all the walking she had done to get here. She couldn't quite put her finger on why, but she felt certain that she shouldn't loose this ribbon. It was important, somehow. Though how this was, she couldn't be sure.

The Vulpix turned her attention back to the landscape, surveying the desert. Where was everything? The items, the feral Pokémon, she could hardly see anything past the waves of sand. She glanced back at Noel, her brown eyes slightly narrowed. "We're going to need to move quickly, though, you got it? The Solrock could be killed if we fail. So if that's too much pressure for you, I won't blame you for turning back."
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 6:48 pm

"Ok then let's move" was all Noel said as she tied the scarf around her neck once so it is around the middle of her back and looks at lumina tightening the ribbon around her paw when she was done Noel gave a slight nod

Looking around with her senses she didn't sense many feral Pokemon around but they could be hiding in the sand if so that could jump us and since there was no trees she had no way to fight areal Pokemon when lumina questioned her about this mission Noel's eyes went cold as she just nodded "ya I understand" she says being in this type of situation before but she had ... She shook her head 'don't think about that' she thought to herself as she followed lumina
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 9:54 pm

Lumina watched Noel's reaction from the corner of her eye. She hadn't meant to scare the Riolu, but at the same time, she would need to take this seriously. Not to mention what would happen to the Vulpix's reputation as a guild member if she failed a mission like this. Maybe taking that particular task hadn't been the best idea for only her second mission... though Lumina couldn't say she regretted her choice, either.

"Noel? Do you see anything with that aura vision of yours?" The Fox Pokemon asked, unaware that she was already looking. She continued to walk, her paws slightly sinking into the golden sands. She kept her eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary, especially a Solrock or a Lunatone.

PhantomSun carried out 2 launched of one Scorchfall Desert :
When the Sun Rises... (Open) Deluxe10 , When the Sun Rises... (Open) Diglet12
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 9:58 pm

Noel still slightly lost in her memories as it was lucky she was looking down her eyes widened as she stomped the sand shoving her foot deep into the sand earning her a loud bashing noise as she looked down to the hole she had kicked seeing a diglet and smirking

She turned to lumina who had asked her if she saw anything pointing at the hole "ya I did" she said with a large smirk on her face she was back to normal
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 10:08 pm

After being kicked by the Riolu, the Diglett popped back up through another hole nearby, this time with a golden and green box propped on it's head. It smirked playfully and vanished back down another hole, bringing the box with it. It repeated this a few more times, leaving Lumina puzzled. Why wasn't it attacking them? "Hey... Noel? It doesn't seem to be hostile." The Vulpix observed, raising a metaphorical eyebrow. Did it want to play? Was that what it was trying to say? "Maybe we're supposed to try and grab the box...?" She suggested, more than slightly confused.

Energy: 11
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 10:11 pm

Noel looked puzzled at the diglet "we really don't have time for games" she says as the diglet pops back up and Noel sighs and looks over at lumina "your the leader here lumina what do we do" Noel asked wanting to hear what she thought either move on or try to get the box either one Noel would follow
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 10:25 pm

On one hand... Noel was right, they really didn't have time for games. On the other, there could be something worthwhile in that box, and it was only sunrise. She considered humoring the feral Diglett for a moment before she turned back towards it, still hopping around a dozen or so holes. Having an idea, she fished through her Treasure Bag and pulled out a shiny blue orb.

"Look away, Noel. And cover your eyes." She advised, gingerly placing the small sphere on the desert sand. She just needed to time this right... she needed to focus. The orb's effect might not have harmed the Diglett if it was underground. She waited until the Diglett was above the ground and smashed her forepaw down on the orb, crushing it. With a bright flash, it shattered into pieces.

The Diglett was petrified by the mysterious power of the orb, and the box it had been holding dropped down beside it, onto the golden sands. It could do nothing to stop the Vulpix as she picked up the golden and green Deluxe Box, seeming satisfied with her solution to the problem. They got the treasure, and they hardly wasted any time. "Alright. Let's keep going." She said, a faint hint of smugness in her tone.
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 10:32 pm

Noel saw the orb lumina had pulled out "is that a?" Was all she said before lumina told her to look away taking this as a cue she turned and faced a large mound of sand and covered her eyes knowing the affect the orb would have it Noel was to look at it mostly because of the close range she was in.

After Noel was sure the orbs affect was over she turned to see lumina with the box smiling Noel walked over and followed her "nice thinking lumina" Noel had decided to say she was planning on using her aura to just grab it but she felt that course of action could waste some time this way it only took seconds Noel thought to herself as she searched the area for the target
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When the Sun Rises... (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Sun Rises... (Open)   When the Sun Rises... (Open) EmptySat Oct 18, 2014 10:40 pm

"Thank you." The Vulpix nodded, putting the box in her Treasure Bag. She kept walking in no particular direction, until her gaze settled on a sand dune. "Let's go see if we can get a vantage point from up there." She decided, changing her course towards the dune. Maybe they could spot the Solrock from up there. It was a bit unlikely, but it seemed like it would be worth a try.
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