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 The Cold Shoulder

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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptyMon Sep 16, 2013 1:38 am

First topic message reminder :

"Well...this was a bad idea." Nate muttered as he stumbled into the much cooler cave, moving against the wall as he took a breather. Not having been doing much else, he had decided to go check out the desert. Not that he didn't want to participate in the team he had just joined, but he had the feeling he wasn't exactly a top notch member of it. Letting them take care of some stuff without any trouble from him while at the same time getting stronger himself seemed like a good idea. What wasn't a good idea was going to the desert. Despite the fact that it was known for being hot, like most deserts would be of course in his mind, he hadn't seen much problem in going. He just underestimated how hot it would be, which was how he now found himself seeking shelter in the cave. Honestly? This could have gone better. Hopefully nothing else really comes along and screws stuff up. Of course what else would happen though? With my luck that's probably it. He thought to himself.
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptyFri Oct 18, 2013 12:15 am

"Grubby?" Nate muttered, looking at his paws in an almost slightly offended way. He quickly ignored the thought and looked over to Crysel, nodding his head.
"Okay, sure. Just please don't drop me, that lava looks pretty hot." The Pikachu commented in an understatement, and climbed up onto the Sneasel's back.
"Ready." He simply said, hoping things didn't go horribly wrong.
Gee, this sure is a boring way to escape isn't it?
This dice is not existing.
This dice is not existing.
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptyMon Oct 28, 2013 9:40 pm

Whilst Crysel and Nate were getting themselves settled, Keyami had already begun the climb upwards. As he neared the halfway point, an ear-splitting screech emitted from below. Glancing over his shoulder in a move he would soon regret, the Meowth spotted a rapidly approaching Zubat as well as a rather grouchy looking Larvesta clinging to the cliff face. This look backwards, however, also showed Keyami the roiling lava below. Far below. Like... r EALLY FAR DOWN. With a high pitched squeal, the Pokemon pressed himself flat into the side of the volcano.

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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptyTue Oct 29, 2013 5:57 pm

CONGRATS KEYAMI, YOU WIN THE 'MOST USELESS IN A PINCH AWARD'! YOUR PRIZE IS AN INSTANT WEIGHT LOSS TREATMENT! EVEN THOUGH THAT HEAD IS EMPTY, I AM SURE CUTTING IT OFF WILL MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT! Crysel looked down and sighed. She was an ice type, in a volcano in the middle of a desert, carrying a large mouse up the inside of said volcano, and there was a Zubat and more importantly a FIRE TYPE coming after her. Did I mention she was closest to said pokemon? No? Well... She was screwed. "Nate, I can't attack for obvious reasons. These are your choices Either let them attack me and surely have you fall or ATTACK KEYAMI AND HAVE HIM DROP AS BAIT attack them so they never hit me. I suggest option two."
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptyWed Oct 30, 2013 12:35 pm

Nate glanced back, still clinging to Crysel as he made note of the two most likely hostile Pokemon heading their way. Luckily for both him and the Sneasel, he had at least one long-range attack at his disposal that would hopefully help them.
"Is there any reason I would pick option one? Just try not to bump into my cheeks, don't want you getting shocked and letting go." He said, sparks starting to jump from them as he explained. The Larvesta seemed grumpy enough, and putting that together with being a fire type he decided to go for it first. The Pikachu released a bolt of electricity with a loud crackling noise, heading towards the Larvesta. The bolt missed, instead hitting the rocky wall a short distance away and doing nothing except anger the Pokemon.
"Can you climb any faster?" Nate asked, looking up to see how far away they were form the top.
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptyThu Oct 31, 2013 7:29 pm

As Keyami clung to the side of the volcano, a warm wind began to beat at his back. He opened one eye and looked behind him, finding himself face to face with a satanic looking Zubat. With a screech of terror that sent a few rocks tumbling into lava, the Meowth used Bite on the other Pokemon's wing. In a stroke of incredible luck (which is the only way someone as stupid as Keyami gets through life), this sent the Zubat spiraling downwards. Although it flapped its wings vigorously, it could not regain altitude. "HAHAHAHAHAAH EAT THAT YOU-" Keyami crowed victoriously, throwing in a few choice words that are better not being mentioned.
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptySat Nov 02, 2013 3:03 pm

NATE YOU MISSED! YOU HAD ONE JOB! JUST ONE JOB! BE THE BEST BUG ZAPPER YOU CAN BE! THAT IS ALL I ASKED! AND YA BLEW IT! YOU HAVE LOST YOUR DESSERT PRIVILEGES AND YOU NOW GET TO BABYSIT KEYAMI!After that wonderfully useful attack from Nate, Crysel did her best to climb faster. "My claws cut through solid stone at any temperature. Heat weakens stone, I have extra weight pulling me down. I am an ice type in a volcano. Lets not forget the fire spewing bug underneath me. I am doing the best I can, but maybe if someone zapped a certain bug then I'd be less stressed and more able to focus."
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptySat Nov 02, 2013 3:39 pm

"I'll take that as a yes." Nate stated dryly, looking back to the angered Larvesta a short distance below them. It seemed to let out an almost hissing sound as the Pikachu could notice a small small flame being created just where it's mouth would be expected to be. Before Nate could react, the form of the falling Zubat came into view as it spiraled downward and bumped into the Larvesta on the way down, knocking the attack off course and causing the flame to hit against the rocks near them. Once again Nate sent a Thundershock towards the fire-bug Pokemon, this time having more success as the attack made contact. Whether it was because it was too tired to fight or if it simply didn't care the Pikachu didn't know, but the Larvesta seemed to turn back from them and head elsewhere.
"I think it's gone now." He commented to Cry, sighing with relief and still maintaining his grip on the Sneasel, having received a good look at the lava and wanting to get back on the ground as soon as possible.
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptyMon Nov 04, 2013 9:55 pm

After a long moment of silence, Keyami let out a long sigh. "PHEW. THAT WAS SCARY!" He called out to the other two Pokemon. This loud (and obnoxious) sound sent another cascade of stones hurtling towards the lava. "Hmm.. that probably is a bad sign," he murmured thoughtfully. He shrugged and continued clambering upwards. "AY LOOK SOMETHING SHINY!" As more rocks fell, the Meowth dug his claws into the cavity holding the shiny object. Unfortunately, this merely shoved the shiny object further into the rocky wall. "cMERE YOU"
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptyWed Nov 06, 2013 10:38 am

DANG IT KEYAMI! CAN YOU TURN OFF THE STUPID FOR ONE MINUTE?! FIRST YOU COMPLETELY MISS THE OZZY OSBORNE REFERENCE, WHICH YOU DID WRONG MAY I ADD, AND NOW YOU ARE TRYING TO KILL US ALL FOR SOMETHING SHINY! I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU EARLIER! Crysel flattened against the wall, trying to avoid the rocks. "Hey! Stop that! you are gonna get us knocked into the lava by rocks!" Honestly, with our luck, the rocks would completely miss Keyami and hit Crysel and Nate. Nate, kill him first. Just one shock ought to do it. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO DO IT NATE! KILL HIM NOW! EMBRACE THE NUZLOCKE SIDE!
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptyWed Nov 06, 2013 12:06 pm

Oh sh- Nate pressed in close to Crysel's back, trying to flatten himself as the rocks came down and barely missed him. He maintained his grip on the Sneasel, looking up to Keyami.
"Try to be a bit more careful with those rocks, alright? I'd rather not melt, or burn, or whatever lava does." He called, looking back down at the lava below. Yeah, now's not the time to debate how lava kills you. He decided, looking back to Cry.
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptySun Nov 17, 2013 3:29 am

Keyami gave the shiny object a mournful look as he pulled his paw from the crevice. "wOE IS ME!" he cried, placing a paw on his forehead in an over dramatic manner. After the required pause, he continued the climb up the rocky wall.
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptySun Nov 17, 2013 3:38 am

Yes Nate, remind the one carrying you the many ways they can die. Its not like they are carrying all the weight. Its not like your life hangs by a set of claws. Its not like we let the idiot with no sense of safety for himself and those around him go first. Please, keep going. Crysel just kept climbing, focusing on not falling. Up above, she could see the exit. She swore that she'd avoid any and all hot areas like this for the rest of her life.
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptyMon Nov 18, 2013 11:30 pm

"So..." Nate muttered, feeling awkward as he clung to the back of the Sneasel. He felt like despite the timing there should be some sort of conversation, just to lighten things.
"Why would you go someplace hot? I thought Pokemon like you liked colder areas." He asked, looking up at Keyami and hoping to just finish their climb soon.
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptySun Nov 24, 2013 9:42 pm

"wE'RE NEVER GETTING OUT OF HEEEEEEEEEEEREEEeee," Keyami moaned loudly, slamming his head into the rocky wall. I'd make a remark about the danger to his brain cells, but I'm quite astounded the few left have remained this long and I figure they're bound to die off soon enough. A slight breeze ruffled the fur atop the Meowth's head. "Wuh?" He glanced up and was met with the blue of the open sky. "frEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AT LAAAAAAAAST!!" With two enormous heaves, Keyami rocketed from within the cave to the outside world, landing rather harshly on his side and laughing maniacally.
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The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cold Shoulder   The Cold Shoulder - Page 4 EmptyMon Nov 25, 2013 3:32 am

AND SO KEYAMI'S MAGICAL VOICE IN THE SKY AGREES WITH US. NOW WE SHALL DISCUSS HOW WE KILL OFF THE CAT! Crysel climbed a bit before answering Nate's question. "I chose randomly. Living in a snow covered wood all my life. I didn't exactly have a plan of where I wanted to go. I just went. Simple as that. Though now that I know this place is here, I'll completely avoid it." HAHA, NOPE. YOUR FUTURE AMNESIA IS CANON NOW. YOU WON'T REMEMBER ALL OF THIS. A BLESSING CONSIDERING THE IDIOT ABOVE YOU. She soon reached the lip of the hole and let Nate scramble onto horizontal ground before getting up herself. She lay there and just rested from the effort she just made.
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