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 Teleport to an even worse place ===>

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Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyMon Apr 29, 2013 1:00 am

First topic message reminder :

The white blase of energy took the two somewhere else just before they would have been crushed by the cave collapsing. The cave they were in now was... Darker, higher up, and part of the same mountain. The light from the teleport faded, but one thing was for sure, you could barely see a thing. Abra seldom used their eyes anyway, so he could sense where he was going, Acro on the other hand seemed to be a little less lucky. It seemed the cave was at a slope, and it definitely had a down... and down was definitely the way. The one upside was that this cave seemed much more stable than the last, and it wouldn't be collapsing any time soon. "Acro, Acro are you okay?"

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Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 2:17 am

Acro gave a nod and put the item inside his pack, he found himself be slammed aside by an excadrill followed by a drilbur. He didn't see the third pokemon or what item the Abra had picked up, but Acro was left on the ground with three very angry pokemon. He gave a squeak before avoiding it's shovel like claws which nearly clipped his tail feathers by a centimeter. He began to scramble up the rocky walls in attempt to reach the top.

He succeeded and wasn't far from the Abra, "Well, it looks like I thought too soon..." he mumbled. The excadrill gave a bellow and the drillbur beside it looked just as mean as it's mama.
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Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 5:33 am

Iron thorns

The interesting thing here was the iron thorns and the ghastly didn't seem like two seperate things, no, in fact, as he first picked them up the iron thorns were host to a ghastly. Quickly as he shook it out the ghastly, quite timid, flew away. The drill pokemon however looked to be problematic. Leif ran to Acro again, "I have an idea... Tell me, what moves do you know?" He cracked his neck, then grabbed onto the wing of Acro, "I think I have a plan, but it depends on what you and I can do..."
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PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 5:51 am

"R-Rock Slide, Double Team, Pluck, and Iron Tail!" Acro said, he was having some massive intimidation by that Excadrill. I can't do this, that thing is huge! How can someone as small as me beat that thing?! he shook his head, remembering the Abra's advice. He swallowed and asked, "What do you have planned? Whatever it is I hope it works!" He took a step back as the monstrous pokemon advanced with the drilbur dancing seemingly carefree by it's side, "Nope Nope~" it cried.
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PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 6:03 am

"Okay, no time to think just roll with it!" Leif teleported to a stalactite, "Climb!" Leif made his way to the top of the large spike hanging from the sealing. "Okay... Now here's the plan. You use rock slide, send the other stalactites crashing down. Then, I'll jump into the rubble and hit with an ice punch, freezing them in the rubble, then you shatter it with an iron tail. Got that? GO!"
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PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 6:20 am

Acro didn't have time to plan out his path. He leaped from stalactite to stalactite, crashing into it with his body and causing it to rock and fall towards the pokemon. On the last one though, he slipped up. He had nowhere else to jump to. So he jumped off the top of the falling stalactite and used iron tail, hoping that the abra would be able to get the ice punch in just a moment before his tail struck the rubble.
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PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 6:26 am

After the pile of rubble came smashing down onto the drill pokemon they seemed to have taken a hit, staggered and weak. Each one that fell shook the floor, making them even weaker. Leif leaped in the air, and did a teleport to go a bit higher. He came crashing down with his ice fist crashing down with immense momentum. The size of his ice punch grew and grew, as well as the pile of rubble. As he hit the pile over the drill pokemon they were froze in place, the ice even jumped to freeze a few falling bits of rubble as they were hitting the pile, making them look as though they were stuck in the air. It was then they Acro smashed into the pile of icy rubble, smashing it to bits and making the drill pokemon faint. They were clearly out of it, "Acro... Acro, that was... AMAZING!"
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PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 6:35 am

Acro was surprised, he wasn't breathing to hard thankfully. He looked what they had caused in wonder. The excadrill was KO'd and the drilbur had fled. He ruffled his fur and said, "That was...was...extremely dangerous...and yet...fantastic..." he flinched why the pile moved. He tensed up again as he saw the excadrill rise from the rubble, and turn towards them. It seemed furious, it stood on it's hind legs...and gave a long minute long roar that shook the cavern. It landed on it's fore legs again and crawled away. Acro's feathers had been blown back and his eyes were wide. Adrenaline caused him to become giddy and laugh.
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PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 6:42 am

Leif, in his mental instability, found that laughing was an appropriate response and laughed heartily with Acro for a moment. "That was wonderful. And we got a TM out of it too. I love... I loved the look on their face. Did you see it? Pure gold, the one was angry and the other terrified. They were helpless as deer in the headlights!" Leif stretched, "You see that strategy? That's what every day is for me. I can't go a moment without thinking up another clever use with my two only moves..." He laughed again, "I guess that won't be a problem when we get out of here and you give me that TM. Come on, let's keep going, I think we're getting closer." Leif headed off into the depths of the cave.
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Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 6:51 am

Acro laughed nervously again and said, "Y-Yeah...I g-guess." That was terrifying...He thought. He picked himself up from the floor and followed the Abra, his feet still a bit wobbly from the shock of the roar. He shook himself again, fluffing up his feathers and continued forward. His eyes caught an item in a crevice, he darted over to have a look at it. He ended up being caught in a trap that held him upside down. He yelped as his foot was yanked from under him and he was suspended from the ceiling, "L-Little help?" he asked.

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Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 7:02 am

Inside the crevice was a max elixer, but it seemed it was lodged in too tight to remove without damage. Leif sighed, "okay, I'll just unti-" Leif fell on a trip trap, loosing his scarf! "Oww!" He recovered himself, "Okay, I'll just untie you..." Acro came falling down on his head as Leif went to recover his Special Band. As he looked towards it there was something strange about the shape. Was something under it? Surely ... but wasn't there just rocks before? Maybe we didn't notice, like that pumpkin nobody said anything about near the Sableye. "Hang on..." Leif ironically said, as Acro was no longer hanging. Picking up his scarf, he put it back on to reveal under it was...

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PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 11:21 pm

(Could you stop destroying my items please? |D )
Acro screeched as he fell from where he was and landed directly on his head. He seemed to balance himself there a bit before finally falling onto his back. His mouth was wide open comically and he was paralyzed with pain. He finally got over it and sat up, rubbing his head, "Oww..." he groaned. He looked over to the Abra, "Erh...what did you find?" He stood up, his head swirled a bit from a headache which caused him to sit right back down. Maybe he shouldn't move for a while, he began to ask himself questions in his head and answer them. He was checking himself for amnesia, after all he had fallen pretty far.
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Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyWed May 01, 2013 12:27 am

(Impossibru xP Haha okay |P)

"Uhh, you know... it's got a gold color and it looks like a tooth. It's just a gold fang... I don't really have any use for it, maybe you can sell it or something. Whatever, you can have it, you're giving me that shadow ball anyway.. right?" Leif chuckled, tossing the fang at the feet of Acro. "Okay, let's keep moving, I have a good feeling about this!" Leif bounded down a straight stretch of the cave, occasionally doing a roll on the downward slope or jumping to his feet. "Haha this is aweosme, look it's just a long straight... CURVE!" Leif, speaking too soon, went smack dab into the sharp turn in the wall. "Owowowoo."
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PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyWed May 01, 2013 2:32 am

Acro picked up the gold thorn, he didn't know much about this item. He did know that they were thrown at enemies. He decided not to keep it, he tossed it behind him and heard a roar that cried, "MY EYE!" Acro whipped around only to have a shape ram into him and send him against the wall. The force had pinned him there, rendering him unable to move. He struggled in vain as the pokemon had him pinned, it was too dark from where he was to see just what pokemon this was. Whatever the pokemon was, it wasn't friendly and was about to attack the Archen from behind before the golden thorn was caught in it's eye.

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PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyWed May 01, 2013 2:54 am


Just great, another enemy... Who happened to have an item! This was a treat, whatever he had Leif was ready to take it for his own. Leif punched the Bisharp off Acro, however ice was not very effective on steel, rendering it as more of a tactic to save Acro than anything. "Acro... Our moves won't do much against him. How about we hit and run? You use iron tail, I'll ice punch him, and then while he's down we take his item and run?"
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PostSubject: Re: Teleport to an even worse place ===>   Teleport to an even worse place ===> - Page 2 EmptyWed May 01, 2013 11:25 pm

Acro nodded, but that was before the bisharp screeched, "You'll pay for that stupid bird!" Acro was once again bashed into a rock as the bisharp pinned him once more. Acro struggled against the bisharp, his tail hardening as he continued with the plan. He managed to shake himself free and slapped his tail into the bisharp's face. The bisharp screeched in pain and Acro noticed that the bisharp's armor seemed to crack a bit, its defense had gone down!
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