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 Crash Landing (Open)

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Crash Landing (Open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Crash Landing (Open)   Crash Landing (Open) - Page 2 EmptyThu Oct 25, 2012 12:37 pm

First topic message reminder :

Aero couldn't help but feel excited as the wind brushed past her feathers. It wasn't flying, it was more like falling... But it's the thought that counts, right?

Too bad that when the archen had decided to leave her home on the Floating Islands, she didn't remember to think about the 'Hitting-the-ground' part. Since she wasn't a ghost pokemon, she wouldn't just go through the ground and be perfectly okay. She wasn't that lucky.

As she held out her wings to slow the fall, she realised she was heading towards the water. That... Was not good, to say the least. She wasn't a water pokemon, how would she know how to swim? "Dang, what is with my luck lately!?" Aero exclaimed at her misfortune. She managed to steer right so she would land in slightly shallower water that was closer to a beach. In spite of the bad scenario, the archen had to admit she loved the view from the sky. She would have to remember it, since she wouldn't be able to fly until she evolved.

A loud 'SPLASH' as Aero hit the water jolted the archen out of her thoughts. Thankfully, she wasn't too far from the edge of the beach. She somehow managed to reach the shore after a lot of half-floating, half-flailing in the water.

"Okay... Looking back, it was sort of lucky I fell in the water, or else I probably would have broken a bone from that fall." The archen mumbled, since she might as well try to think of one thing that had gone right today. She heaved herself to her feet and finally got a good look at the place around her. There was sand, obviously, and water. That was about it. She hoped she hadn't landed in the middle of nowhere.

Aero tried to shake off her wet feathers. Unsurprisingly, she had no success. "Well, might as well look around. Maybe if my luck improves, I'll find something." She thought out-loud. She didn't really have much to lose by looking around, even though she probably looked like a total mess. Her right wing stung like crazy because it had taken the brute of the impact when she slammed into the water. Maybe if her luck improved even more, there would be an Oran Berry somewhere around here.

But she seriously doubted she would get THAT lucky.

In all seriousness though, Aero could have sworn she heard footsteps or splashes or something, like someone was around. Oh well. She was probably just imagining things.
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Crash Landing (Open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crash Landing (Open)   Crash Landing (Open) - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 28, 2012 10:25 pm

"Great lets head over there." Davonta was excited he was never able to explore Serene Cave before because he was a little nervous about entering. But since Aero was going with him he felt more brave about entering Serene Cave.
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Crash Landing (Open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crash Landing (Open)   Crash Landing (Open) - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 28, 2012 10:53 pm

"See you then!" Aero nodded. She couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of exploring Serene Cave, she was about to finally be doing something with her life! The Archen just couldn't wait right now... The only thing that held her back was the fact that she wanted to look around the area first. She couldn't help but find this place curious. "I'll try not to be late!" Aero called as she walked away, a slight breeze rushing through her feathers.

(I'll make a thread at Serene Cave.)
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