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 A Shocking Treasure!

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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyTue Aug 23, 2016 12:32 am

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Energy: 20 - 5 (dungeon) = 15
***Thunderstone*** (Needs to be found in-character)

Kyraen bounced happily along the path that led into the Pecha Forest. He was so excited! Today he was going on a treasure hunt!!! He had been begging and begging his family to let him go on adventures on his own, but his parents and siblings had been really hesitant to give him permission. But he had kept on begging, and eventually his dad gave him a map and told him that if he could find the treasure located in Pecha Forest, that he could go out on his own!

Kyraen was determined to find this treasure! His dad hadn't told him what the treasure was, nor did the map give any clues. He was so curious, he thought he would burst from curiosity!!! He pulled said map from his bag. He set it on the ground and rolled it out with his paws.

It was a crude map of the forest, with a list of cryptic directions beside the map. The first set of directions read: "To start on your journey to find the treasure of Pecha Forest, one must first find the entrance to the Walkway of Silence. Tread carefully, lest ye disturb the Defenders of Quiet."

Kyraen sat back on his haunches, contemplating the cryptic words. He didn't really understand what the 'Walkway of Silence' was. But it sounded like if he wasn't quiet enough, something -or someone- would attack him!
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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyFri Aug 26, 2016 9:16 am

Energy: 11

Kyraen hummed thoughtfully at the question. "I don't really know... But I have all this electricity flowing through me now, which definitely wasn't happening before, so maybe." He grinned at his friend's enthusiasm. "Alright, I will!" He took the bag from around his neck and held it out in front of him with his mouth as he scooped large piles of poke into the bag.

He scooped as much poke into his bag as possible. "Heh, this is going to be heavy. We really hit the jackpot..." He then slung the now-heavy bag around his neck again. He looked around the cavern. It was still pretty dark, even with the little disk of light his friend had made. He wondered if he could do something like that with his newfound electric powers.

He focused in on himself, finding his body thrumming with electric potential. But he wasn't sure how to reach it. "H-hey, Boris... When you summon your electricity, what do you do?" He asked, uncertain.
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9,000 Bees

9,000 Bees

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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyFri Aug 26, 2016 6:07 pm

"Hehe...we're rich now!", Boris said as he watched Ky shovel the coins into his pouch. Boris straightened up. He had never been asked how his powers worked, they just did. "Uh....how would I put into words? You should be able to feel electricity flowing through you body. Close your eyes and try an direct that electricity. Like....this." As Boris said that, a tiny arc of electricity sprung from his foreleg and dissipated when it hit the ground in front of him. "Do you understand?"
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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptySat Aug 27, 2016 12:48 am

Energy: 11

Kyraen hummed thoughtfully. He closed his eyes and focused on the electricity flowing through him. He focused on the two opposing charges that seemed to run through his body. He tried to get them to clash with each other, attempting to cause light to emanate from his body. The opposing electric forces collided with each other, but it didn't have quite the reaction that Kyraen was expecting.

The forces clashed and caused an explosion of light and electricity, spreading out from Kyraen's body and thoroughly electrocuting anything and everything in its path. The lightning struck the opposing wall and caused the already loose rock to crumble underneath the onslaught of such high electric forces.

After an impressive rockslide, the dust settled, revealing a tunnel with a light at the end of it. "Um... T-that didn't do what I meant it to, b-but... It still kinda worked out, right?" Kyraen said awkwardly.
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9,000 Bees

9,000 Bees

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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptySat Aug 27, 2016 1:05 am

Boris stepped back, unaware of what Kyraen was trying to do. It seemed he was focusing on some sort of big electric...something. What was Ky planning? Whatever it was, He hoped it would be useful. He watched Kyraen with intensity, trying to get an idea of what he was going to do. "Uh...Ky? What are you doi-", Boris was interrupted by a blinding flash of light and energy.

In the few seconds it took Boris to reorient himelf, Boris knew that this was an example of Kyraen's new power. He blinked a few times, and the white spots exited his eyes. "Woah...That was SO COOL!", he exclaimed, proud of his friend's abilities.

Boris also noted that the explosion had caused a rockslide, opening a way for them to leave. He sighed with relief and turned back to Kyraen. "Wow, Ky! It worked out perfectly! Don't be down on yourself!" Boris had a feeling that this wasn't the full extent of Kyraen's power. "And you only get stronger from here!", Boris beamed.
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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 2:56 am

Energy: 11 + 1 (page) = 12

Kyraen smiled at his friend's enthusiasm. "You think so?" he said hopefully, in reference to the joltik's exclamation of his powers as being 'cool'. He gave a weak chuckle as he looked at the rockslide he had caused. It was pretty awesome that he had such power within him, but at the same time, it kind of scared the newly-evolved jolteon. He wasn't able to control his powers yet, and he feared that loss of control would end in someone getting hurt. He was just lucky that his friend was an electric-type pokemon, or else he could have really hurt the joltik with that huge surge of lightning.

"Heh... Yeah... t-that's... that's what I'm afraid of," he responded to his friend softly.
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9,000 Bees

9,000 Bees

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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 3:08 am

"Wait, really? That should be exciting! Not worrisome. Explain." Boris had an inkling deep down inside that Kyraen had spooked himself. It WAS understandable. You get a whole lot of power really fast, with no way of controlling it efficiently. "Wait. You don't need to explain. You're probably scared, right? You just gained a WHOLE lot of power, and you're only going to get more of it. I get it. The only way you can learn control is practice! I believe that you can control this!", Boris said passionately. Once Boris went off on one of his spiels, it normally takes a while for him to taper down again. He had a determined expression on his face, and was fidgeting back and forth.
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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 4:03 am

Energy: 12

Kyraen opened his mouth to attempt to explain his feelings, but he was interrupted by his friend basically spelling it all out for him. He nodded mutely. "I... I just... I-if you hadn't been a joltik, I could have really hurt you with all that electricity, Boris. What if there had been another pokemon with us? That much electricity is impossible for non-electric types to handle... I-I could have killed someone like that." He hung his head. "A-and... what if while I'm practicing controlling my powers, I end up hurting someone? I... I couldn't live with myself if I hurt someone, even if it was an accident!" Kyraen was tearing up now; the normally-cheerful eeveelution on the brink of breaking down.
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9,000 Bees

9,000 Bees

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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 6:03 am

"If I wasn't a Joltik, I'd have the common sense to move out of the way, silly! We can probably expect others to have common sense too. If they don't, you just gotta warn them. Easy as that.", Boris, realizing that his friend was really distressed, faltered. 'He does have a pretty valid point.... But if I agree with him, that's confirming his fears, and I don't think that's the kind of message I'm trying to send to him. "Okay...lemme set something straight. You've changed! You've gained a whole plethora of abilities! Now, you're either going to embrace them, and live to the fullest, or attempt to repress them, which is like, WICKED unhealthy." Looking at Kyraen, he saw that he looked utterly despondent. Kyraen, the cheerful Evee with an unstoppable enthusiasm looked extremely and utterly destroyed. That certainly had an effect on Boris, seeing his friend act do uncharacteristic. His voice was shaky, but he had to keep trying to console Kyraen.
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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 6:30 am

Energy: 12

Kyraen felt his ears flatten against his head as his friend tried to cheer him up. "I... I don't want to repress my powers... I just want to be able to control them. I'm just afraid that in learning to control them, I'll hurt someone... I'm a menace to society... Maybe I should run away to a dungeon with only electric types; that way I can't hurt anybody."
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9,000 Bees

9,000 Bees

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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 6:44 am

"Hey now, let's not get so hasty. I mean...if you really want, I could hang around for a bit and help you get a grip on your abilities. What better mentor than your friend and fellow electric type!", Boris grinned, liking the idea. Yes, he REALLY liked that idea. He was quickly growing more and more excited. He hoped that some of his excitement would catch on with Kyraen, but at this rate, it didn't seem like it would. "So, eat do your think? Good idea or no?" Boris also wanted an excuse to stay with his friend for a bit longer. If he aggreed, it would be a win win! Another idea formed in the tiny bug's head. What if they joined the guild? They could earn a living, be together, AND it would give Kyraen an chance to get a grip on his powers! 'Where are you coming up with all these marvelous ideas, Boris?' Boris waited for Ky to responde to his previous question, but Boris really looked like he was just dying to say something.
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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 7:12 am

Energy: 12

Kyraen pawed at the ground uncertainly. "Y-you'd do that... just for me?" he asked, his head drooping towards the ground. "I don't want to be a bother..." he mumbled. He liked his new friend, but if Boris had other things to do -which most of his 'friends' tended to- then Kyraen didn't want to be the reason Boris couldn't do those things. "If you have other things to do, places to go... I don't want to prevent you from following your dreams, Boris."
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9,000 Bees

9,000 Bees

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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 7:18 am

As Kyraen continued to talk, Boris became more and more excited! It all tied together perfectly! "Hey Ky? I just had the BEST idea. We...we could join the nearby Guild! That way, we can both pursue our dreams, you can learn to control your powers, and we also get paid! Perfectly foolproof plan, if I do say so myself!" Boris winked and waited eagerly for Kyraen's response. "So, how about it, pal?"
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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyFri Sep 02, 2016 1:11 am

Energy: 12

Kyraen bit his bottom lip worriedly. It sounded like an alright idea at first... but didn't Exploration Teams fight wild pokemon and catch outlaws? Kyraen couldn't even bring himself to strike a feral pokemon that was attacking him! "B-but... I can't hurt pokemon! If we became an Exploration Team, I'd be expected to catch outlaws and stuff!" he replied to his friend, his ears still flat against his head.

"I just... don't want to hurt anyone..." he whimpered, sinking to the ground and laying his front paws over his snout, covering his eyes with the action.
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9,000 Bees

9,000 Bees

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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptyFri Sep 02, 2016 9:34 pm

Boris was becoming uncharacteristically agitated. Why couldn't Kyraen see reason! "Ky, I'm gonna have to put this bluntly. This is a dangerous world. Pokemon are going to be mean. They're not going to hold back, just because you won't raise a paw to them. You're going to have to accept the harsh truth that you will have to hurt some Pokemon to survive. It's a fact of life. Becoming an exploration team would be great experience! You're gonna have to toughen up, Ky." Boris paused, obviously shocked with what he had just said. He was too harsh. "...Sorry..." Boris said, feeling terrible about what he had done. Ky was impressionable and sensitive. Boris hoped that he hadn't hurt his friend's feelings. He glanced at Ky, wondering how Ky will react.
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A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Shocking Treasure!   A Shocking Treasure! - Page 5 EmptySun Sep 11, 2016 4:44 am

Energy: 12

Kyraen whimpered at his friend's harsh words. "B-but!" he protested, looking up at the joltik with pleading puppy eyes. "I... I don't w-wanna h-hurt anyone... I... I just w-wanna h-have fun and b-be nice to p-pokemon..." He snuffled, looking back down at his paws again. His fur was rising as the electricity running through it became more active with his rampant emotions. It became more spiky and sharper as the electricity grew.
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