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 Forest Full of Pecha Berries

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Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyMon Aug 08, 2016 10:31 pm

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Energy: 16 - 5 = 11

As the Blitzle looked about his surroundings, he saw pecha berries everywhere. The black and white striped pokemon thought to himself It should be fairly easy to restock my food supply and then I'll be on my way. Maybe I'll find something rare here. Trotting deeper into the forest Bolt saw a few pokemon eating delectable pecha berries. Mmm, peach berries my favorite.

  He started to remember when his sister and him would eat peach berries together under a berry tree. My sister... my dead sister.... At that thought he started to feel his mood drop, so he decided to take a break exploring and sat under a pecha tree, clearly depressed. As he thought of his little sister, his energetic little sister, he swelled up in tears. Trying to shake off the sadness he got up and looked around for items or anything that might help him in his journey.

Last edited by funnylollipop1 on Wed Aug 10, 2016 4:29 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Taking out roll)
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Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyTue Nov 01, 2016 1:48 pm

"No," Delta immediately shot back, her tone sharp and bitter. "I need that TM, Bolt. I'm not going to stop until I find it!" The infuriated otter crossed her arms, glaring up at the clouds when the rain intensified. Wow, that really helps, She mentally grumbled, cursing her circumstances. What else could possibly go wrong? I mean, I haven't been struck by lightning yet, but that's bound to happen eventually.

Delta shook her head and continued down the path, determined to go whether Bolt was coming with her or not. An irritated expression lingered on her face. She was going to get that Aipom, and she was going to beat the ever-living crap out of him!

...But it didn't take her very long to reconsider. She stopped in her tracks, thinking for a moment. Honestly... I don't think I could take on that stupid monkey by myself. Or anything else in this forest, Delta admitted to herself, turning around to see if her Blitzle companion was going to stand his ground and take her to shelter.
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PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyTue Nov 01, 2016 11:37 pm

An infuriated otter was glaring at the zebra, obviously not going to agree with Bolt and find shelter. If it was just him, he would of gladly stayed in the rain, not really caring about the storm. But, things were different when he was with another Pokemon. If Delta really cared about that TM though, well he wasn't about to stop her.

He watched her prod along the path a bit before starting to trot up to the Oshawott. Though he suddenly stopped in his tracks as Delta turned around staring at the blitzle. Bolt sighed, "if you really want to go out in this storm I'm in." If it gets too bad though, we are going to find shelter to wait it out he added silently to himself.
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Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptySun Nov 06, 2016 5:43 pm

Delta nodded at her travel companion, her expression becoming a little less grim. At least he's willing to come with me, The Oshawott quietly thought as she sloshed down the muddy path. Her eyes frantically scanned every inch of the forest. Alright, if I was a stupid monkey trying to get out of the pouring rain, where would I go? Somewhere up in the trees, probably...

Delta shifted her gaze upwards, waiting for a certain purple primate to make its presence known. Hmm, I don't see him yet... But where else could he be? In a bush, another Pokemon's den, or-

Before she could finish that thought, something wrapped around her arm, and pulled her to the ground! "Ack, the hell...?!" Delta yelled, swatting at the bluish vine that was tugging her off the path. Despite her struggles, she was quickly brought to the feet of the long tendril's owner, a feral Tangela. The grass Pokemon released a pungent green powder, and she quickly lost consciousness...
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Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptySun Nov 06, 2016 6:02 pm

When you're trying to find someone, a storm isn't the best thing. Wonder where that Aipom is, maybe I'm one of the trees? Are there any hollow trees around here? He tried to look for any hollow trees, but it was hard with the storm raging around Bolt. Seeing a few feet ahead of him was already a challenge.

All while looking Boris was on his back, silently sleeping. Maybe I should put Boris somewhere safe... hmm, in my satchel? That would be at least a little bit drier and warmer than out here. I guess I should. Picking up Boris he slowly put the little thing into his satchel.

A few minutes later he heard Delta yell and whipped around to see what it was. It was a tangela and not a very friendly Tangela at that. Sleeping silently was Delta, probably fell asleep thanks to sleep powder. Picking Delta up and hauling her up onto his back was a pain, it took a few minutes to do so. After he decided he should find a safe place and started searching for one. A couple minutes late he found a canopy of leaves with little rain soaking in he decided this was a great place to camp out. He dropped Delta in a dip between some roots, which he hoped would help keep her dry. Next he placed Boris to her, and got up staring silently at the rain.

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PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyMon Nov 07, 2016 3:19 am

Sceptile carried out 1 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 PopjRW4

[Energy: 0 + 1 (Natural Regeneration) = 1]

Delta was roused awake by a familiar (yet still just as terrifying) boom! Her eyes shot open, and it took her a few seconds to realize that it had just been thunder. "Wh-what... What happened...?" The Oshawott rasped, rubbing her eyes. She felt so drowsy for some reason... Sleep powder, Delta remembered. But what had become of the Tangela? She didn't see it anywhere...

But she did find that pesky Joltik, nestled up against her side. "Don't touch me," She growled, lightly pushing the fuzzy bug off of her. Okay, if Boris is here, then... Where's Bolt? Delta thought, actually showing a little bit of concern for the zebra Pokemon.

Sure enough, she found him on the other side of the tree she had been placed near, probably keeping guard. She approached Bolt, letting out a deep sigh in relief. "I-I, uh... How long was I out?"
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PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyMon Nov 07, 2016 11:47 am

Bolt shot around when he heard a voice. He sighed in relief when it was just Delta. She had asked him how long she had been out. "Uh, maybe half an hour," the zebra replied, "it's not raining so hard anymore, if we go out we'll be able to see for more than a few feet."

Indeed, the unrelenting storm was clearing up, although the occasional thunder could still be heard. Now, it was a nice drizzle, no longer pounding like hail.

Realizing that Delta might be hungry he looked around for kind of food. If he didn't find anything he could offer up his pink gummi, but he'd rather not. Spotting something pink in the distance he decided to check it out. The blitzle sprinted out to it, and grabbed the Berry, realizing it was a Watmel Berry In the process. Then running back to delta he asked, "are you hungry?"
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PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptySun Nov 13, 2016 11:39 pm

Half an hour? Delta thought, her expression drooping. I was out for that long? Science darn it, that Aipom could be anywhere by now! She anxiously bit her lip, no longer listening to what Bolt was saying. Apparently, he said something rather important, because he suddenly ran off, leaving her completely alone! "W-wait, what are you...?" The confused Oshawott started, crossing her arms and leaning against the tree when she realized that she probably wasn't supposed to follow suit.

Delta watched as the equine wandered off, quietly fiddling with her scalchop while she waited for him to return. The rain appeared to have let up a little bit, which would make it a little easier to find that stupid monkey... So at least there was that. Not much else to be happy about, though. Maybe if I save up the money, I could buy a new TM... But I don't even know what move was in the one my brother gave me! I guess I'll have to write him another letter when I finally get home...

Delta's train of thought was interrupted when Bolt came back, now holding a large, pink melon. The Zebra Pokemon dropped it in front of her, and asked her if she wanted it. She had worked up quite the appetite, but... At the same time, she didn't want his help! Plus, she didn't have time to loft around and eat! "No, I'm fine," Delta cooly replied, shaking her head. "Maybe Boris will want it when he finally wakes up."
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Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyMon Nov 14, 2016 12:00 am

Bolt shrugged, "ok that's fine, and you are right. Boris might need it more than us, I'll just leave it next to him. What do you say we leave him here and we or I can come back for him?" He didn't really want to carry around Boris the entire time they were searching for the aipom. Plus, he had a feeling they would cover more ground without him and it would be safer.

While watching the rain he noticed it had turned from pouring to a drizzle. Maybe it would let up completely in the next hour, that would make it even easier to search for that pesky aipom.
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PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyMon Nov 14, 2016 2:36 am

[Energy: 1 - 1 (Blast Seed) = 0]

Delta was initially shocked to hear that Bolt would be okay with leaving Boris alone in a dungeon! But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Boris was pretty well-hidden between the roots, and he wasn't very large, so he wouldn't attract much attention. Yeah, I guess he'd be fine without us, The otter supposed, shrugging. Not that she really cared about the annoying fuzzball's well-being. "Sure, we could do that," Delta replied, smirking. "He'd just slow us down."

The young water type reholstered her scalchop back onto her belly, eager to get back on the road. She swung her head around, trying to get her bearings, but... She honestly didn't know where they were on the path. "Uh, Bolt... Do you remember which way that Aipom went?" She asked, afraid to hear the answer. What if he didn't know? What if they went the wrong way, and ended up exactly where they entered the dungeon from? Oh, that would be bad...
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PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyMon Nov 14, 2016 3:28 am

"Um, I think I saw the aipom earlier and it went that way. I think it's mocking us," the Blitzle replied. Every time he saw it, the aipom didn't really run away, instead it teased and seemed to insult Delta and Bolt. Then it disappeared back into the strings of higher branches, out of Bolt's sight. The zebra trotted towards a roughly outlined pathway, where he thought the Aipom had gone. If they were going the wrong way, the monkey would probably show up again to mock them.

He noticed something blue glimmer in the distance. Too bad an Aipom isn't blue. As he trotted closer he could make out a shape, it was round. At this point Bolt guessed it was an orb, it was the most logical item it could be. But what kind of orb? One way to find out. As soon as they got close enough so he could touch it he picked it up and placed it in his bag to examine for later.
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PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyTue Nov 15, 2016 3:08 am

Delta let out a sigh of relief when Bolt told her what direction the monkey had gone in. Her worries of going the wrong way evaporated. The taunting bit was interesting, though. While the prospect of her virtual nemesis tormenting her travel party while she was asleep made her blood boil, it also gave her some hope that she would eventually get the TM back. All she needed was one well-aimed shot at the little freak, and it would fall out of the tree with her stuff!

Of course, how she would hit the Aipom from the ground was beyond her. She was too weak to air a Water Gun all the way up there, and she didn't have any items to utilize since her bag was gone...

Oh, look.

Delta scooped up two seeds that she nearly stepped on... A Blast Seed and a Swift Seed. She smiled mischievously, a plan brewing in her head. "Heh, yeah... Let's go get that piece of crap."
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PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyTue Nov 15, 2016 1:39 pm

Silence, that was all that came with the following minutes after Bolt had found the orb. It was a rigid, apprehensive silence, one that could make you jump at a twitch of movement. The zebra was on edge, his eyes darting back and forth for anything out of the ordinary, anything purple to be exact.

"Hey, Delta? Maybe we could use one of my petrify orbs to catch that Aipom." Bolt rifled a laugh as he thought of a petrified aipom hanging upside down from a tree. It wasn't a bad idea, it could work. Did he just see a glare of purple? No he was probably imagining it, that couldn't be the Aipom, right?
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PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2016 3:15 am

Delta tilted her head at Bolt's suggestion. "A Petrify Orb? But wouldn't that just keep him up in the trees where we can't reach him?" She asked, frowning. Neither one of them were particuarly well-equipped for climbing... Unless if Bolt honestly thought that she had the arm strength to hoist herself into the canopy of the forest! Delta, being an out-of shape asthmatic, could not possibly do something so physically demanding.

"But, uh... I think I know how we can catch him," The otter continued, smirking and holding up her seeds. "If I use this Blast Seed to startle him, and you can petrify him when he jumps, he'll hopefully fall to the ground..." She told her companion, making a splatting motion with her paws. "...And then I can use my Quick Seed to catch my bag if he drops it. Sound good?" Delta smiled, looking quite satisfied with her little plan. All that there was left to do was find that pesky Aipom...
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PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptyThu Nov 17, 2016 1:59 am

"Good plan, I think it'll work, and if not... I have some sticks that could use throwing." He wasn't exactly sure how sticks could be useful... but who knows. Plus, if that Aipom was trailing them, it would probably come down sometime, and when it did Bolt could kick it into submission.

Bolt whipped around, as a shadow slid across the forest floor. Could that be the Aipom? He had been seeing glimpses of purple and figures here and there, maybe it was the Aipom. If so, that would make hunting the monkey a lot easier. He whispered to Delta, making sure nothing else could hear them, "hey, Delta get ready I think there's an Aipom in the vicinity."
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PostSubject: Re: Forest Full of Pecha Berries   Forest Full of Pecha Berries - Page 5 EmptySun Nov 27, 2016 5:46 am

Delta flinched when Bolt told her that he saw the Aipom. Wait, really? Finally, I can get another shot at that little monkey... The otter thought, gripping her scalchop tightly. She bared her teeth, and began to scan the area for any sign of the pest. "Come on out," She murmured lowly. Delta took a few careful steps forward, keeping her eyes glued to the bushes. A rustling sound caught her ears. Bolt was right; there was definitely something nearby.

A familiar-looking purple creature emerged from the brush, a cheeky smile plastered on its face. It's arm-like tail was wrapped around a bag... The one that belonged to Delta. The Oshawott eyed her stolen possession, growling furiously. "Bolt, use the sticks," She murmured quietly, eating the Swift Seed she had just found. Let's make this piece of crap sorry that he ever messed with us.
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