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 Heathens OOC (Again)

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Kitsune Empress
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySat Oct 10, 2015 4:33 pm

(Look. You get what you get. This isn't a charity.)

Hello, welcome and my warmest salutations! Greetings to all you boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, ghouls, goblins, and whatever the Hell else you might be! You all are about to embark on one of the greatest RPs of your lives! You'll laugh! You'll cry! You might even have some gas! But, it will be FANTASTIC!!!!

First, however: Some boring rules.

Oh do shush. You knew this was coming. Now read these or you won't get any pudding. You can't have any pudding if you don't read the rules.

Rule #1: Follow General Role-Play etiquette. No Mary Sues, no God-Modding, etc.

Rule #2: Don't be an asshole, asshat, assbag, or any other of the numerous variations. (Unless it pleases me. Then do please do your best to break this rule.)

Rule #3: Don't Panic. (If you do panic, you shall not be provided with a handy-dandy paper bag.)

Rule #4: Do you know where your towel is? Do you have it on you? If not, remedy both. The penalty is to be read the greatest examples of Vogon Poetry the galaxy has to offer.

Rule #5: Do be sure to wash behind your ears.

Rule #6: Ignore rule #5. He's a wanker and we all bloody know it.

Rule #7: Have fun, or so help me I will take this belt off...

Rule #8: You have earned your reward. Congratulations! Proceed to the next rule for pudding!

Rule #9 : Look! Yummy delicious pudding! How delightful!

(Secretly filled with laxative.)

Right! Now that that business is done with: Tally Ho!

This RP is essentially one of religion. For as long as humanity has had culture, we have had gods. Until very recently the number of religions around the world was much larger and most were polytheistic and followed the rules of animism. If it existed in a culture, there was a god for it. However, with the rise of monotheistic religions, many of these "pagan faiths" were either wiped out or assimilated. Little do many of us know, however, that these Gods are more present and real than we think.

Sometime around the rise of Mesopotamia a group of Gods rose against the Old Order. These Gods defied the Old Order, wanting to be the deities for the humans. However, the Old Order would have none of it. They had shaped the humans since their earliest days and saw them like dear and loved children. These New Gods knew nothing of respect.These New Gods were furious and, banding together and combing their powers, tricked the Old Gods and in a twist of irony imprisoned themin human form. Though they were still immortal, these Old Gods lost most of their power.

With the Old Gods imprisoned, the New Order formed the pantheons of religion found in our textbooks. Zeus, Odin, Quezacotl, all Old Order Gods. The Old Gods were forced to watch as the New Order received the praise that they did not deserve. It continued this way until the rise of the Monotheistic religions.

It appears that when one God finds He can hold sway over the majority of the Earth's population all by himself, He becomes a tad greedy. This led to the trend of the Monotheists wiping out or converting any other religion. The Monotheists were also told of the Old Gods, and soon began to wipe them out behind the scenes. The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Witch Hunts, every one was a way for the Church to find these New Gods and destroy them.

But the Old Gods would not be done in so easily. Cunning and sly, the Old Gods found that if they took on Mortal Partners, their true powers could be unlocked through prayer and sacrifice, if only for a short time. So, these Partnerships began to be formed and the Old Gods found a way to fight back. Still, many perished. Those who lasted found their Mortal partners aged and died, and so they were forced to move from partner to partner through the years.

Now, in the present day, very few Old Gods remain. The monotheist are stronger than they have ever been. Behind the scenes, their agents conspire against the Old Gods at ever turn. And to make things worse, the New Order has become impatient with the Old Gods' slow demise. To wipe out the Old Gods, they have begun to send their own servants, known as the Archangels. Though the name comes from biblical tradition, these servants hail from many of the New Order. They have power on par with the Old Gods and none of the restrictions.

So, now backed into a corner and fighting for their lives, the time has come for some of the Old Gods to choose new Partners. Though all hope seems lost, it has been whispered through the tight-nit group of Old Gods that there may be a way to end this conflict, once and for all...

Welcome to "Heathens"!

Now, with the exposition out of the way, let me explain how submissions will be handled. I know everyone will want to play the Gods, but we need to give some love to their Mortal partners, right? So, I will be randomly putting all applicants into teams and randomly choosing who will be God and who will be Mortal, this way no one will feel treated unfairly.

(Except Fox and I. She makes the rules, not me. The pudding was her idea, I swear.)

After teams and roles have been selected, you will be required to fill out the bio below, but that's it.



Physical Appearance:


Power (Gods Only): ex. God of Love, God of Cleanliness, God of Cocktail Parties, God of Dove Hand Soap.


Right? We all settled? Well, what are you waiting for? A written invitation? No one uses those anymore. Welcome to the 21st century

Last edited by Jax on Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySat Oct 10, 2015 4:47 pm

As I said in the skype chat, if it's okay with you i'll put in for randomisation and stuff and use my old OC if I get a God role, and make a new OC if I get a Mortal role :3

Woot God role. Guess i'll be using Fae again xD

Name: Faeneth 'Fae' for short
Gender: Female

Physical Appearance:


Power (Gods Only): Goddess of Winter, Ice and Snow


(Not sure whether ima rewrite the other sections yet but i'll do them when i finish this homework ^-^')

Last edited by Solilo on Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:17 am; edited 2 times in total
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Kitsune Empress

Kitsune Empress

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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySat Oct 10, 2015 4:54 pm

Mods help! Sizes are wrong! ;-;

Name: Lexia Ivory Griv'Elana 

Gender: Female 

Physical Appearance:
Lexia is a fit, tall, and attractive young woman. She has skin the color of light coca, it smooth to the touch and is conditioned daily with fine lotion. Her blond hair falls down to her shoulders in flipped out curls, it's soft and bounces with each step she takes. Her face is finely shaped with very little baby fat, her narrow eyes are framed by thick long eyelashes. Her eyes are complemented by her thick, arched eyebrows, and her irises boast a bold blue color.  Her body is curvy and mature, she has a large bust and wide hips. Her arms are long and muscular, as with her legs. She stands at 5'9" and weighs 142 lbs.

Lexia wears a sleeveless button up shirt with a frilly heart ribbon centered on her chest. The shirt itself is white, with the trims at the shoulders being a light purple. She likes to show her stomach, so Lexia often let's the shirt rumble up to show her belly button. She wears blue denim jeans that fit closely to the shape of her body, they don't squeeze too tightly and stop 2in above her knees. She wears purple flats that have a large 'o' holding two straps for each side of her shoes.

Lexia has large heart shaped earrings that is gold with a pink gem in the middle. She has a purple bracelet on her left hand and a band strapped to her right bicep. She has various heart tattoos on her body, most noticeably the one under her right eye. All of the tattoos are a hot pink, though some have other accented colors. She has the word, 'Love' tattooed on her left bicep. She only wears pink lipstick for her make up.


Personality: Lexia is a bold, pound woman. She loves the thrill of the chase and hunting down anything that catches her fancy. She isn't afraid to say what she thinks and takes pride in getting reactions out of others, one thing she loves to see is others getting riled up at her constant tricks and pranks. The expressions they make is always something she holds dear.

Lexia is proud if her physique, she loves herself more than anything and won't let anyone put her down. She's prone to arguing over the smallest things, but that's just because she wants to play with others. She can be the slightest bit over possessive of her, 'playthings' and doesn't like seeing them hurt or injured if she's not the one doing it. 

Lexia is a tad sadistic, she will admit she gets a kick out of seeing others suffering, but won't let that encourage her to go out hurting people beyond for pranks and revenge. If one was to wrong her, she won't forget what they did. But she also won't pursue revenge, if the chance to screw around with them presents itself, she will certainly take it up. But outside of that, she won't take strides towards getting revenge.

Lexia isn't the most, serious, gal. She likes playing around and lazing around. She loves to get down and relax after a successful day of tricking people. She finds good fun in joking around with others and despite he overall trickster style, she Iikes to having decent conversations too, without all the secrets and screwing around. Sometimes the best thing she can do is lay out in the grass and feel that sun.

Lexia has a distaste for sour foods, she doesn't like smelling dirty and enjoys her bath time very much. She takes her tricks failing pretty well, but if they keep taunting her about it she will snap. Her tolerance is pretty high, but her few pet peeves are the keys to ticking her off. She doesn't like waiting for answers if the person is right there, she doesn't like high pitched sounds, she gets easily enraged by seeing others spew milk out their noses...she doesn't know why.

Shitty History! I choose you!

Lexia was born in southern Canada in the city of Toronto. She is the daughter of two middle class workers who made just enough to keep the small family standing.. Her mother, a blond woman who mirrored Lexia in every way, was a waitress at a well paying restaurant while her father, who had Lexia’s personality, was a maintenance man. Lexia was an only child throughout her life, so she was used to getting spoiled and praised from her parents. She was obedient, shy, and a quiet child who had a mischievous side that laid hidden underneath the cover. Her parents wanted nothing more than for Lexia to be successful in her life, so they used their resources to get Lexia put in the best education they could afford. Lexia was a excellent student in her parents eyes, but in truth, she was quite the slacker. While she was smart and crafty, she was often too lazy to put much effort into really getting good grades. So she became known as that ‘Lazy kid who gets good grades’, the teachers knew that she was smart enough to pass their classes, but they also know that she won't do any homework if her life depended on it.

Her school days where fast in her mind, she does whatever work she feels like before lazing around or playing games. She started to grow out of her shyness during school, the forced interactions with both classmates and teachers lead to her becoming more outspoken and rude. Even with her new found troublemaker side, she still kept her grades high enough that her parents are proud. As she moved to her middle school years, Lexia met a boy named Ornell. He was a social, prankster, and skilled gamer who rather spend his time gaming than working on his school work. They hit it off pretty well when they meet in gym, the instantly started talking about games and that's what really lead to them becoming friends. The similarities between the two were large in number, one Ornell introduced Lexia to the concept, she fell in love with pranking, it was like some hidden part of her she never knew was there. They both enjoyed gaming, eating, lazing around, and being unconcerned with the world's problems.

Her parents didn’t dislike Ornell, but they felt that he would possibly be a bad influence on the little girl. He had much lower grades than Lexia, and he often struggled to understand what his teachers teach him and gives up. This is where Lexia started to offer help to him, she would hang around with him and make sure he was getting what he needs to get, just because she doesn’t want to leave him in the dust academically. He appreciated the effort, his grades improved, and soon enough the two of them were constantly with each other, playing video games together and pranking each other. As her life changed to the high school stage and she started to fill out, she started getting bolder with what she does and says, no longer allowing herself to be in the background. She signed up for the track, tennis, basketball, and volleyball teams,  out of them she took to Tennis and Track the best. Lexia started spending less time playing games and started putting time the gym, lifting weights and training her body. She was never a unhealthy girl, but she wasn't healthy either, but the change into becoming an athlete lead to her becoming fit, choosing better eating decisions and watching her health closely. 

Ornell didn’t change as much as Lexia did with high school, he still just got by and played his games. He didn’t become an athlete, but he started taking art classes, putting his creativity to the test with drawing his own comics and art pieces. Thankfully, the change in their lifestyles didn’t completely pull them apart. They still pranked each other and hanged out when they're not busy, but with their schedules it wasn’t as much as they liked. Lexia was still unconcerned with others, she had her friends yes, but she never let herself get caught up in the normal high school drama. If someone wanted to fight, it was outside of school, if someone accuses her of anything, she plays it off smoothly. Sometimes she would use her own skills in pranking to mess with other people, while not as often as she will, she enjoyed watching other’s faces when their pranked. She learned soon that she needed to be more carefully, prank the wrong person and a whole slew of troubles will rain on her parade. Eventually, Lexia managed to make her way through high school and enlisted herself as a college student, at the established Toronto university.

College life was much like her highschool life, but without the 8 classes and much more competitive. Lexia didn’t mind the competition, she lived for it, she took every challenge with stride and aimed to be among the top students. She struggled for a while, her lazy nature conflicted with all the work she had to do, but she worked through it and learned not to procrastinate as much as she always had. She had lost contact with her best bud after 2 years in college, sometimes when she had the time she would try to call him or find him on the internet, but she never could find him. 2 years later on her graduation day, Lexia finally received news on him. He had enlisted in the air force after high school, but an accident occurred on one of his test flights. Apparently one of the engines in the plane he was flying had malfunctioned, causing it to...well crash. Onrell didn't survive the accident, Lexia hadn't expected him too, she seen what happens when a plane crashes.

Lexia was devastated, he was her best friend and she didn't even know any of these even happened until she got the invite to his funeral. Being who she was, Lexia had a hard time trying to comprehend that he was dead, she spent the rest of the day silently thinking, about Ornell, the accident, that she was right to never trust planes, and that she just lost her best friend. But she didn't mourn or cry, she just isn't that type of person to do those things, sure she felt the emotion,  but when it comes to sadness, she feels it flow right out if her. It just leaves her feeling empty.

Lexia deemed her graduation day a bust, her entirely mood was ruined. She still attended graduation, but she left as soon as she can to her home. The funeral was in a week, it was going to be in Detroit Michigan, Ornell's home town. She packed her stuff, made the arrangements, and left for America as soon as she could. 

After some time spent lingering around Michigan, Lexia decided that she was going to travel around for awhile before heading back to Canada. That's currently what the 23 years old woman is doing, driving in her fusion around northern America. 

Last edited by Kitsune Empress on Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:33 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySat Oct 10, 2015 4:55 pm


Put my name in the raffle or whathaveyou and I'll fill this in later :3

Name: Syrian Roane

Gender: Female

Physical Appearance: 5' 3" and about 130 lbs, Syrian is on the small side for a woman of her age -21- but not too underwhelming. She has sleek black hair that is always in a braid that reaches half-way down her back. She typically wears comfortable clothes: a t-shirt or long-sleeved shirt depending on the weather, with comfortable khaki pants or shorts. She has brilliant green, almond-shaped eyes, and her skin is a light tan one would associate with Native Americans -as both of her parents have Native American ancestry.

-Generally light-hearted and happy
-First to crack a joke or a smile, she tries to get people to see the bright side of life
-Not one for back-breaking work or difficult thought-processes, she still will do her very best to accomplish a goal she has set her mind to
-Since her twin sister's death, she has become more morose and cynical, but she still tries to see the light in life, even though it is difficult for her.

Born into the world under two perfectionist parents, along with her twin sister, Genevieve, Syrian Roane's life was doomed to mediocrity from the start. While her parents were incredibly intelligent, hard-working, determined perfectionists, Syrian was, unfortunately, the complete opposite. While she was not unintelligent, she was not in the genius-levels that both of her parents were -each top minds in their respective fields. Her mother was not just a veterinarian, but a veterinarian who'd 'discovered' -through much research- a cure to a common disease among dogs and cats, saving the lives of many pets. Her father was a well-renowned neurosurgeon, also saving the lives of many of his patients.

Syrian, on the other hand, barely scraped by -in her parents' opinion- in school with Bs and the occasional C. She was a laid-back kid, always joking and looking at the bright side in life, trying to get others around her to stop stressing about everything so much and just enjoy life as it was happening, rather than always focusing on the negatives about this or that.

As it would happen, her twin sister was the perfect daughter her parents expected, but also a perfect sister -or so Syrian thought. They were identical twins, and they shared a special connection. While it never got to the mystical levels that some people claimed -i.e. sharing thoughts or emotions- they did enjoy each other's company and were, for the most part, inseparable.

Then came a tragic day. Syrian and Genevieve had just graduated high school; they had a bright future ahead of them. Though Syrian never had the best grades, she had been involved in all sorts of extra-curricular activities: theater, choir, band... She had decided to go to school on a musical scholarship and see where it took her; while Genevieve had decided to go into Technology.

They had gone for a college tour -of course wanting to go to the same school- when Syrian realized she'd forgotten her phone in the car on the sidewalk up to the Welcome Center. She dashed back to the car, just in time to miss the bus full of footballers go careening off of the road and rolling over the sidewalk; where Genevieve had been patiently awaiting her sister.

As it turned out, the driver of the bus had a history of heart disease; and in the middle of driving, had had a heart attack, causing the tragic accident. It was just that -an accident- but it completely shattered Syrian's life. The twin sister who had always been there for her, through her parents' disapproval and the sneering glances of the other kids, was suddenly gone from her life.

Syrian turned from that happy, joyous person celebrating life, to someone depressed and desperate for her sister back. She started visiting mediums and going to fake-seances, desperately trying to find some way to bring some modicum of her twin back to her.

Several weeks after the accident, directly after the funeral, Syrian found herself sobbing in her room desperately. She had exhausted every action she could think of to contact her sister, but wherever she was in the afterlife, Genevieve was out of her reach. So Syrian began to pray. She'd never been religious -her parents were people of science, not of God, and were strict atheists.

But at the time, Syrian didn't care. She began to pray to any and all gods, anyone that would listen to her cries and her pleas. She prayed that someone would help her get her sister back, that it didn't matter who it was or what she had to do; that she just wanted her sister back in her life.

It's been about two months now since the accident, and though Syrian prays every night for someone to bring her sister back, she's beginning to lose hope.

Last edited by Silver on Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:08 am; edited 4 times in total
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySat Oct 10, 2015 5:36 pm

I am in like, as some would say, Flynn. Who is Flynn? Why is he in? Where exactly is he hiding in here? I don't know. But I'm in like him.

Name: Edan Fiammetta

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: Having the appearance of a man in his late teens/early twenties, Edan is a somewhat lanky type of person, standing at about 5'7, lacking any visible muscle or such. His skin is on the pale side, with some freckles around his cheeks on his face. His eyes are blue, while his hair is a dull, reddish brown color. The hair itself is unkempt, having a scraggly look as if not typically taken care of, with bangs falling just over his eyes, and the sides and back of it being on the longer side. His current attire consists of a khaki jacket worn over a black T-shirt, with jeans and sneakers.

Personality: Considering his general youth in the grand scheme of things, Edan could be considered a highly naive individual, wide-eyed and always in a state of wonder with the world, and humanity in particular. He always tries to see the silver lining in situations, and the best in the people around him. He always tries to find a solution that will help everyone, but will sometimes take it to extreme levels, not understanding that sometimes everyone can't be pleased in a situation. in addition to this, he lacks a certain maturity that might be expected of a god, and is easily fooled. Also important to note is that, while all evidence points to the rest of the gods and goddesses being eradicated, he's in a sort of state of denial, refusing to believe that they're gone.

Power (Gods Only): God of Fire, Energy and Warmth.

History: In the sixteenth century, in the midst of the Renaissance, religion in general was starting to lose its grip on the world because of scientific advances, and the spread of knowledge. It was in this time that the precursor to Chemistry, known as Alchemy, was created. In a world of religion and science, a sect of people formed an underground order in hopes of combining these two worlds. The religion they formed was known as "Fundereism", a derivative of the Latin word "Fundere", which meant literally "To melt together". The religion gained a cult following, not large enough, but enough to gain the attention, and presence, of a few gods.

The way the religion worked was that their deities were the embodiment of various elements used in alchemy, and that each element had a personified god or goddess who created the world and humanity with their presence, and simply reside over the world, watching and observing, without taking action. They had an overdeity, the one in charge of creation in general, along with a deity for Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, Sulphur and Mercury. Next in the hierarchy came various subsets of these themes and ideas, creating three categories of gods and goddesses.

Edan was the god of Fire, Energy and Warmth in this religion. Despite being in the second tier of gods in his religion, he, along with the others, had no idea ho to deal with themselves. After all, they had only been recently discovered, or conceived. Admittedly it was a sort of chicken or the egg debate. In the grand scheme of things, didn't have much time to truly realize his full potential as a god. As a matter of fact, none of them did. The religion itself was around for a couple of years before the Church and Scientists discovered it. Scientists completely discredited the people involved for their belief system, which wasn't just religion, but pagan as well. The Church, on the other hand, took matters a bit further. Monotheistic forces wiped out the "cult", as it had been dubbed, slowly and subtly over the course of the next year or so, and the more divine parts of the religion took care of the cult's gods and goddesses.

All of them were completely eradicated, save for Edan. When all those in the religion were starting to get picked off by the Monotheistic religion, he was the only god willing to leave and do something to save himself, while the others remained where they were and simply chose to die with the people who had "conceived" them. Using what little energy he had from the remaining believers, and with the help of some of his fellow gods and goddesses, he managed to fashion a human body for himself to inhabit. With that, he left Germany before the rest were killed, and made his way to England, where he resided for some time before instead moving into North America. To this day, he spends his time wandering the country, staying under the radar and simply doing his best to stay out of things and enjoy life.

Last edited by Pikashock on Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:21 am; edited 2 times in total
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySat Oct 10, 2015 6:25 pm

Name: Rhea (Ree-ha) (God Name: Rhea [ray-ha] )

Gender: Female

Physical Appearance:
Minus the hat plus filth and tear on clothing. Age appearance 10.
<- Grown up form

-It takes a lot to get her to support the death of a person, however she understands that people need to die in order to keep life moving. Doesn't mean she likes it though.
-Likes to aggravate people or make them highly uncomfortable, however she never pulls any physical jokes. She tends to only do it to lighten moods or to tease people she favors.
-Refuses to say what deity she is and where she originates from due to shame (murder, incest, ect)
-Sticks to her shy and reserved child role in public scenes.

Power (Gods Only): Life, Re-productivity, Longevity, and Growth

Born to Gaia and Uranus, Rhea was married to Chronos. She did not choose to marry him, but had no choice in the matter anyways. They had three children, however Chronos did not desire to give up his throne to the offspring, and slayed them soon after each of their birth. Grieved by the unfair death of her children, she later granted them each one more life. They were revived and raised in secret with her own mother, Gaia.

The children were upset by their father's actions, and decided to take action against him and reclaim the throne. War begun as the Gods and the Titans fought over power, and Rhea could not decide who to help, her sons, or her fellow Titans?  She went into hiding, disguising herself with a new form as a child as she was unable to choose a side in this war.

The titans were then tricked, and the gods took over the titan's roles. While other titans were thrown into Tartarus or subjected to eternal torment, she was spared, though her powers still stripped. She did not help nor fight back, as well as being the very reason the gods were even able to fight back. She was left to do as she pleased in the mortal world.

Time passed, and the Monotheists came to power. The gods were deprived of their following, and Rhea was forced into hiding once more as the monotheists thirsted for the destruction of the old order. Her fellow titans were slain with ease, being entrapped in a single area. She fled to the United States. Her siblings had been killed and her children deprived, Rhea began to gain the desire to avenge her family, except Chronus, he can rot in titan-hell. She needed a follower though in order to do that.

Last edited by BlueKat12 on Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:13 am; edited 6 times in total
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySat Oct 10, 2015 10:39 pm

Alright. We just need one more person to get an even number, and then we'll pair up.

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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySun Oct 11, 2015 12:55 am

Oooh, looks really interesting. I have been dying for an rp too. Can I join? I don't know if I am really good for a role of god though. Also, god of cocktail parties and the god of Dove hand soap? How do you think up these things? XD

Name: Emilien Sébastien Besson

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: Emilien is 180 cm and 18 years old. He has blond hair and deep green eyes. He is a bit on the skinny side. He doesn't care that much for fashion and normally wears a T-shirt, a pair of jeans and some sneakers. As long as he likes it and it is comfortable to wear. When it gets colder he often wears a hoodie or a coat. He normally doesn't wear gloves since they hinder him if he tries to draw.

Personality: Emilien has always been a pretty calm and quiet person with a passion for drawing. When he has time, he searches out more quiet places like a park or a forest to draw. He doesn’t like to share his emotions with others so his feelings get reflected in his drawings. Emilien has a good eye for detail and can notice through behavior how a person is feeling. He might be great at drawing but he is a total scatterbrain. He never seems to remember where he puts his stuff and sometimes finds them in the weirdest places. Emilien never was the most social person and doesn't like busy places.

Power (Gods Only) Mortal powers: Emilien has incredible art skillz. :p

History: Originally born in France, Emilien moved with his family to America when he was little. He has been living there ever since. He always loved drawing and was often caught drawing in class. He also never spend much time on studying. His grades weren't the best because of that. They weren't bad either, although he often forgot to do homework. The only A's he got were in French and art classes. A lot of girls admired him because of that. He did find them bothersome though since they often interrupted him.

Although he was pretty popular, he tried to avoid interacting with people and only had a select few of friends. He was pretty close with them though and enjoyed their company. He never was that social but he enjoyed listening to the things his friends told him. He often got inspiration out of that.

Emilien had always dreamed to become an artist. His parents rather had he would go study something else but they supported his decision to go study art. He managed to get into an art school through a scholarship but sadly for him, that meant he wasn't going to be able to see his friends that much anymore. They still keep in contact and meet up every now and then but he sure misses them.

It was pretty difficult to get used to his new school but after a while he started to love going there. He finds the classes really interesting and managed to make some new friends there.

Last edited by Evana on Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:56 pm; edited 10 times in total
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySun Oct 11, 2015 5:02 am

Teams are as follows:

Sol (God) - Eve (Mortal)

Pika (God) - Kit (Mortal)

Blue (God) - Sil (Mortal)

Now get typing!

Last edited by Jax on Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySun Oct 11, 2015 3:13 pm

My Bio. For the heck of it.

Name: Drottin Fjorlagg Vardmader

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: Fjor is currently trapped in the form of a black cat... Not much more to say than that.... What?


No. You don't need a picture or anything. He's a cat. That's it. Stop looking at me like that.

Personality: Aloof, Eclectic and Reserved. At times, he has his moments of eccentricity, but for the most part he keeps his cards close to his chest. Being trapped as a cat for thousands of years has given him an odd outlook on life, and sometimes he will share odd insights. His imprisonment has also made him slightly bitter and jaded. He can, at times, seem sardonic and arrogant. Still, beneath his cold exterior, he feels a deep responsibility for the other Old Gods and holds affection for each of them, even if their Mortals tend to pester him constantly. He considers himself the head of what is left of the Old Gods, whether they accept it or not.

Power: God of Death (He is currently very weak, even when his powers are activated.)

History: As a special punishment by the Norse Gods, Fjorlagg was not only changed to a human, but a small black cat. This severely hampered his powers and was especially humorous to the gods. It's said Loki laughed for nine days and nights.

When the Old Gods began to be wiped out, Fjorlagg made the journey from his home in what is now modern day Norway all the way to Egypt. He made his way to Thebes, enlisting the help of the local priests. He was going to make use of the local magic to attempt to change his form to that of a human, so that he could at least be of some use. However, he procrastinated for awhile, as black cats are especially revered in Eygpt. For awhile, he lived out his life, content to bath lazily in the Egyptian sun.

However, soon Islam would sweep into Eygpt like a wildfire. Soon, any practitioners of the old magic that had transformed Fjorlagg where either dead or had fled the country. Fjor found he was now imprisoned in his form, doomed to walk the earth as a feline.

He then traveled to Asia and stayed there for a good amount of time. A large majority of his time was spent in Japan, where he spent his days around the Buddhist temples. Cats are treated with great respect in Japan and here Fjor found a home, far from the influence of the Church. During this time, he absorbed the Eastern spiritual teachings, becoming noticeably more mellow and calm than his younger years.

More recently, he migrated to America with the large influx of Asian immigrants. He has since made his way across the country, largely on a whim, and is now residing on the east coast.

When he could find a mortal who was willing to accept a talking cat as their God, his powers were nearly useless. At best, he can only summon a few spirits. So, he has elected to watch quietly from the background, directing the efforts of the Old Gods and supporting them every once in awhile. Meanwhile, he spends his free time researching any way to free himself and taking long cat naps in the sun.

Fjor also holds a deep rooted grudge against the New Norse Gods for tricking him into his body in the first place. He has vowed, should he ever be released, he will prove the ancient texts wrong. It is written that Ragnarok, the end of the Norse Gods, shall come from the brother of Thor, Loki. Fjorlagg intends to slay Loki first.

Fjor's Theme Song (For Shits and Giggles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccfrhoPyGFE

Last edited by Jax on Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySun Oct 11, 2015 8:44 pm

I have a question. Do we still need to meet our partners or do we already know them?
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptySun Oct 11, 2015 11:02 pm


In the interest of time and pacing, we'll have assumed you've already met. (Unless people are unanimously against the idea and want to go through that phase.)
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptyMon Oct 12, 2015 1:10 am

Guys. Take it back. You start off not knowing eachother.
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptyThu Oct 15, 2015 5:04 am

I was told to officially put my name in here.
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Heathens OOC (Again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens OOC (Again)   Heathens OOC (Again) EmptyThu Oct 15, 2015 5:08 pm

I hereby, declare that I do feel some strong interest in attending and contributing to this RP.

Or in short: I'm interested
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