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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Heathens   Heathens EmptyFri Jul 19, 2013 4:51 pm

Hey guys! Welcome to the OOC for my newest RP, "Heathens." I'll get to the juice of the OOC, the RP description, in a momment. First, however, we have to go over those ever nessecary ground rules.

1. Follow General Role-Play etiquette. No Mary Sues, no God-Modding, etc.

2. Don't be an asshole. (Unless its funny or constructive, then, by all means, go ahead.)

3. Ladies, look at your man, now back to me, now back to your man, now back to me... Unfortunately, he is not me. But he could smell like me if he joins this RP.

4. I'm on a horse. HYAH!

5. Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.

6. You must wait at least one hour after eating to go swimming.

7. Or don't. I don't care. I'm a GM, not a life-guard. Sheesh.

8. Have fun, or it's off with your head. I didn't order this guillotine for nothing.

Alright, now that that is over with, let me give you a quick gist of what this RP is about. Notice the lack of an Encyclopedia this time? That's because this RP will be set on Earth in the current day, so you don't have to read through a bunch of lore. If you don't know your world history though... Well, I can't help you there.

This RP is essentially one of religion. For as long as humanity has had culture, we have had gods. Until very recently the number of religions around the world was much larger and most were polytheistic and followed the rules of animism. If it existed in a culture, there was a god for it. However, with the rise of monotheistic religions, many of these "pagan faiths" were either wiped out or assimilated. Little do many of us know, however, that these Gods are more present and real than we think.

Sometime around the rise of Mesopotamia a group of Gods offended the Old Order, the group of gods that governed things before humans began to appear. These Gods defied the Old Order, wanting to be the deities for the humans. They cried it was only fair, as these Gods had guided the humans in their evolution, the humans were practically their children. However, the Old Order would have none of it and in a twist of irony imprisioned these Gods in human form. Though they were still immortal, these Gods lost most of their power. These Gods are referred to as the New Gods.

With the New Gods imprisioned, the Old Order formed the pantheons of religion found in our textbooks. Zeus, Odin, Quezaquotle, all Old Order Gods. The New Gods were forced to watch as the Old Order received the praise that they did not deserve. It continued this way until the rise of the Monotheistic religions.

It appears that when one God finds He can hold sway over the majority of the Earth's population all by himself, He becomes a tad greedy. This led to the trend of the Monotheists wiping out or converting any other religion. The Monotheists were also told of the New Gods, and soon began to wipe them out behind the scenes. The Crusades, the Inqusition, the Witch Hunts, every one was a way for the Church to find these New Gods and destroy them.

But the New Gods would not be done in so easily. Cunning and sly, the New Gods found that if they took on Mortal Partners, their true powers could be unlocked through prayer and sacrifice, if only for a short time. So, these Partnerships began to be formed and the New Gods found a way to fight back. Still, many perished. Those who lasted found their Mortal partners aged and died, and so they were forced to move from partner to partner through the years.

Now, in the present day, very few New Gods remain. The monotheist are stronger than they have ever been. Behind the scenes, their agents conspire against the New Gods at ever turn. And to make things worse, the Old Order has become impatient with the New God's slow demise. To wipe out the New Gods, they have begun to send their own servants, known as the Archangels. Though the name comes from biblical tradition, these servants hail from many of the Old Order. They have power on par with the New Gods and none of the restrictions.

So, now backed into a corner and fighting for their lives, the time has come for some of the New Gods to choose new Parteners. Though all hope seems lost, it has been whispered through the tight-nit group of New Gods that there may be a way to end this conflict, once and for all...

Welcome to "Heathens"!

Now, with the exposition out of the way, let me explain how submissions will be handled. I know everyone will want to play the Gods, but we need to give some love to their Mortal parteners, right? So, I will be randomly putting all applicants into teams and randomly choosing who will be God and who will be Mortal, this way no one will feel treated unfairly.

After teams and roles have been selected, you will be required to fill out the bio below, but that's it.



Physical Appearance:


Power (Gods Only): ex. God of War, God of Wine, God of Bedsheets, God of Red Jello.


That's it kids! Lets get at it, shall we?

Last edited by Jax on Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 5:05 am

I am interested. That's how it works, yes? Just say we are then you make the teams and then we make a character?
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 6:18 am

Yup. I'll put you all in a random generator and make the teams and choose god or mortal when the time comes.
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 6:39 am

I don't know much about religion, seeing as I have none and prefer to keep out of it in irl conversations, but that's what Wiki is for 8D
Sign me up!
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 4:47 pm

Random generator?
Alright, I'm in. Note, though, that if I go an extended period without writing on a topic, I end up finding it hard to going back to it. So if this RP has an extended holiday, I might not come back.
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 4:49 pm

I'll be sure to pester the Hell out of you Ant. Blue and Ant are added to the list.

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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 7:17 am


...Give him a necktie |D
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 7:18 am

I'm going to take that as a "I'm interested. Let me in." Fox is on the list.
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 4:42 pm

I'm in.
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 5:12 pm

Alright, Serene is added to the list.
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 6:19 pm


Team One

Serene -God
Pika -Mortal

Team Two

Jax -God
Fox -Mortal

Team Three

Blue- God
Ant- Mortal

Team Four

Ten- God
Shadow- Mortal

Team Five

Flame- Mortal

Team Six


Now, lets get to work on those Bios, kiddies!

Last edited by Jax on Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:11 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 6:54 pm

Of course Meeper and Bluekat are Gods. Of course.
I'll wait for Bluekat to make her God before submitting my character; The partnership needs to make sense, after all.
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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 6:59 pm



....You know what this means, Jaaax......
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 7:49 pm

Name: Fjorlagg

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: Fjor is currently trapped in the form of a black cat... Not much more to say than that.... Here, have a picture.


Personality: Aloof, Eclectic and Reserved. At times, he has his moments of eccentricity, but for the most part he keeps his cards close to his chest. Being trapped as a cat for hundreds of years has given him an odd outlook on life, and sometimes he will share odd insights. His imprisonment has also made him slightly bitter and jaded. He can, at times, seem sardonic and arrogant. Still, beneath his cold exterior, he feels a deep responsibility for the other New Gods and holds affection for each of them, even if their Mortals tend to pester him constantly. He considers himself the head of what is left of the New Gods, whether they accept it or not.

Power: God of Death (He is currently very weak, even when his powers are activated.)

History: As a special punishment by the Norse Gods, Fjorlagg was not only changed to a human, but a small black cat. This severely hampered his powers and was especially humorous to the gods. It's said Loki laughed for nine days and nights.

When the New Gods began to be wiped out, Fjorlagg made the journey from his home in what is now modern day Norway all the way to Egypt. He made his way to Thebes, enlisting the help of the local priests. He was going to make use of the local magic to attempt to change his form to that of a human, so that he could at least be of some use. However, he procrastinated for awhile, as black cats are especially revered in Eygpt. For awhile, he lived out his life, content to bath lazily in the Egyptian sun.

However, soon Islam would sweep into Eygpt like a wildfire. Soon, any practitioners of the old magic that had transformed Fjorlagg where either dead or had fled the country. Fjor found he was now imprisoned in his form, doomed to walk the earth as a feline. When he could find a mortal who was willing to accept a talking cat as their God, his powers were nearly useless. At best, he can only summon a few spirits. So, he has elected to watch quietly from the background, directing the efforts of the New Gods and supporting them every once in awhile. Meanwhile, he spends his free time researching any way to free himself and taking long cat naps in the sun.

Fjor also holds a deep rooted grudge against the Old Norse Gods for tricking him into his body in the first place. He has vowed, should he ever be released, he will prove the ancient texts wrong. It is written that Ragnarok, the end of the Norse Gods, shall come from the brother of Thor, Loki. Fjorlagg intends to slay Loki first.

And for the Hell of it: Theme Song
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens EmptyMon Jul 22, 2013 3:20 am

Name: Faeneth 'Fae'
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance: A young female, looking about 19 in age. Faeneth has long, pale brown hair that looks almost golden in the sunlight and bright, icy blue eyes. Fae has a pale complexion and stands at a slightly shorter than average height. Attempting to adapt with the times, Fae currently wears her hair in a messy ponytail, sporting pale blue jeans, a white tank top and a thin, mint green, zip up hoodie, the sleeves of which Fae tends to push up to her elbows, preferring the feel of the breeze on her arms.

Personality: Faeneth has always been lighthearted, despite everything she's experienced over the years. She attempts to always remain positive and cheerful, even when a situation is dire. Peppy and energetic, most wouldn't guess that a goddess so seemingly immature and carefree would have lived for as long as Fae has, experiencing the dawn of humanity and witnessing both the wonders and horrors of the human race. Though not leader material, Faeneth likes to keep others' spirits high. She can however be rather calm and reserved at times and has taken an interest in tranquil places, enjoying sitting in quiet places purely to watch the world go by.

Power: Goddess of Winter, Ice and Snow
After being given a mortal form, Faeneth spent most of her days in natural areas such as forests, or near lakes. Even when not covered by snow she was fascinated with the wildlife that lived there. She survived for a while using her knowledge of edible berries and plants of nutritious values and would often be spotted by others speaking to the wildlife as if she could understand them.
Nowadays Faeneth blends in well with today's society. Using fake identification -though she wishes she didn't have to forge it- she gained a job working in a park in Philadelphia in order to hide herself better and pass off as a normal human in the wake of the other New Gods being hunted down, though she can also be found spending time in the local library.

Last edited by SereneLittleRose on Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:42 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Heathens Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heathens   Heathens Empty

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