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 Adopting Erebus

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Adopting Erebus Empty
PostSubject: Adopting Erebus   Adopting Erebus EmptyWed Aug 26, 2015 3:26 pm

» Name: Erebus
» Gender: Male
» Species: # 135 Jolteon, the Lightning Pokémon
» Affiliation/Rank: Wanderer

» Why do you want to adopt them?:
This character obviously isn't the type of character just anyone would want. He's a complete prick that can't socialize for his life, isn't afraid to steal for what he wants, and isn't the kindest thing in the world. Even Lord E V doesn't want him I have a few dickish characters myself but Erebus has no redemption points behind his name nor reasoning for being such a huge douchebag. I want to see how he would run along a path of trying to 'correct' himself. It'd be tough to get him to change, but someone can only tune out what others say for so long along with the issue of what would happen if someone that truly mattered to him told him to change. I'd like to see how he'd react along the path of self-correction and see if he'd actually be able to do it and explore that path.

I could also perhaps draw out some kind of likable trait within him like I did with Mirage and Zera, So he doesn't end up absolutely hated and disrespected by everyone he ever meets and kamikaziing(?) himself over a cliff. He may be a feral but there's gotta be something in him that isn't a complete a-whole. Another thing, is that some people can be quite uncomfortable with his feral life style, BUT considering gore is pretty tolerable to me/doesn't faze me unless it's real, then i'd have no problem with him eating things like naughty little pichus and arrogant fluffy eevees should the sense of starvation arise.

His survival outlook on life is also quite different from most. While some of my characters were born feral, none of them retained that outlook and focused more on that than anything else, so this would be a nice change of pace.

Erebus reminds me a bit of a humanoid character that I play on a different site, he's a total dick, he's straightforward, and he loves the use of sarcasm. I feel that my experience playing that previous character might contribute to roleplaying this character properly and coming up with snide remarks for him to comment on others. His excessive need for attention makes for good and interesting plot development as he digs himself into deeper and deeper holes and attempts to get right on out of it. Especially when he's with someone he just might truly care for.

This character has stated before that he has no intentions of joining the guild and is simply a wanderer looking to survive. The jolteon is open to many oppertunities in his profession for me to get him into. He's leaning more towards the outlaw outlook on life with his stealing, and I seem to have no problems in getting threads with my outlaws EXCEPT FOR ONE HONEDGE MUTHERFKER SERIOUSLY.

» Sample of roleplay:

The jolteon sighed, he had been in a depressive spiral all morning. He had finally gotten what he had wanted, evolution into his preferred eeveelution. Why did he still feel so empty though? It was as if he had lost meaning or something. He felt no sense of accomplishment, and overall the only thing that's changed is the shape of his body. His lips curled into a snarl as he looked down at himself from a small puddle of water, a snarl forming.

What the hell was wrong with him? He was a jolteon now, why did he feel nothing? His head snapped upward as he forced himself to move along rather than stand around being a narcissist. He was in Grassviel still, and it was the day after a rather intense storm. He stomped along, walking swiftly so as to go...well no where in particular. He had no place to go, no home to go to, simply wandering around and surviving. His original goal was to get a Thunder Stone, and he had succeeded after being indebted to a charmeleon. Now what?

"Um sir, is something wrong?" a voice called to him, he blinked to find out that he had neared shop, and his angered demeanor had caused concern to the shopkeeper. F*ck Yeah.

The jolteon turned to the other pokemon, a Cinncinno he had discovered, "You try having no purpose in life!" he snapped at the chinchilla, causing her paws to raise in a sort of gasp at his unfriendly reaction.

Its eyes grew wide as it seemed to notice something. It troubled Erebus slightly-wait was it his ear? Was it looking at his ear?! The mark of the charmeleons stuck through the evolution for the jolteon, and was permanently there forever it seemed. The eevee lowered his ear, putting it out of the Cinncinno's sight along with his other ear so it was not obvious that he was hiding it.

"Of course you have a purpose!" she cried cheerfully, her paws reaching out to hug him.

"Back off!" He snarled, backing away from her open paws as electricity jolted from his body threateningly, "You don't know me, how could you just up and say that!" he snarled. She was getting too close, the comfort zone was being invaded and he must defend it!

The cinncinno smiled, obviously trying to be friendly, "Because everyone has a purpose! Watch we'll find your purpose right now i'll bet you!" it spoke, "Got any friends?"

Erebus frowned at the cinncinno with an obviously displeased look, sitting on his haunches and debating just getting the heck away from this weird as hell furry thing that tried to hug him. He shook his head, deciding to humor the Cincinno for a while at the very least. She gave a smile and spoke up, "I'll be your friend!"

The jolteon stared at the Cincinno for a moment, this thing be his friend? He looked at the thing head to toe, surveying the creature and judging how useful it would be. His thoughts immediately defaulted to not useful, this thing was a bit too nice for its own good. He paused for a moment, before an idea came to mind, something that would lift his spirits.

"You know..." he spoke suddenly, seeming a bit more depressed now that the Cincinno had offered to be his friend, "You remind me of someone I used to know..." The cincinno's eyes widened even more, to the size of dinner plates it seemed. He looked down, avoiding eye contact as if talking about a rather painful memory, "He was really nice...and kind...and he was always there for me when I needed him."

The cincinno seemed close to tears, piecing together his actions and words to form an idea of what it thought had happened, "Oh my goodness...i'm so sorry! Wh....what happened?" it said, reaching a paw out to pat the jolteon in a sort of "there there" motion.

The jolteon's head snapped up with a sinister grin, "I ate him." The normal type stared at him for a moment, confused.

It seemed to register what was going on at last, before it spoke, "It's not nice to mess with people you know..." it frowned a bit, pouting and seeming hurt that the jolteon had made that joke.

"I'm not messing with you, I legitimately consumed him. I devoured his muscles and fat and made it my own, his bones and internal organs were left to rot or be eaten by some scavenger. He was really stringy though, a bit on the thin side, I probably should have let him eat a bit more when we were splitting the rations," Erebus continued with his sick joke, putting on a rather serious face as he did so. The normal type seemed to grow more and more horrified as the jolteon spoke.

The eyes that had formed tears now held hostility, as the pokemon huffed, "I'm trying to help you and you're just making fun of me!" it growled.

"No! Really? Oh my goodness i'm just SO sorry, I didn't know that!" Erebus spoke, his voice laced with sarcasm that only upset the Cinccino even more.

At last the time had come, he could no longer hold it in. A snippet of laughter escaped from his mouth, and that was the last thing he would remember. The cincinno had decided to take punishment into its own hands, and utilized its signature move, Tail Slap, to proceed to slap some sense into the Jolteon. He was then left on the street of Grassviel, passed out from the rather strong Cincinno's attack, to think about what he had done.

When he woke up, it was night time. He blinked, trying to remember what had happened. When he finally pieced together what had happened, he merely thought, "Sh*t, what was her problem?"

» Link to the original bio: Erebus Bio
» Levels of existing characters:
Acro - 49 | Proteus - 25 | Mirage - 37 (*) | Aries - 9 | Victoria - 16 | Zera - 13 (*) | Zephyr - 9 | Morpheus - 8 | Sephtis - 5 (WHY DOES NOBODY EVER COMPLETE A PAGE WITH HIM OR RP WITH HIM) | Veriq - 7 | Linus - 10 (*) | Shinka - 7 | Kira - 20 (*) | Jaden - 5 | Namataki - 5 | Garnet - 5
* are adopted, the last three are still in waiting for certain things before people rp with them
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Adopting Erebus Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adopting Erebus   Adopting Erebus EmptyWed Aug 26, 2015 7:47 pm

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