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 (Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie

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Posts : 23
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Join date : 2015-06-25

(Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie Empty
PostSubject: (Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie   (Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 10:56 am

» Name: Bob
» Sex: Male
» Gender: Male
» Species: Caterpie
» Affiliation: Unaffiliated (Currently)

» Level: 5
» Energy: 8+5 = 13
» Ability: Run Away
» Moves:
-String Shot (Birth)
-Tackle (Birth)
- N/A
- N/A

» Personality:
“Friendly” is a word that is almost impossible to associate with Bob. “Happy” perhaps, and maybe “Loyal” - though if he’s ever gotten close enough to be loyal to someone, nobody knows of it - but Friendly is a word that is so unrepresentative of Bob that calling him as such might be met with uproarious laughter. Bob is a jackass. He revels in schadenfreude and loves arguing with others about the most trivial things, partly for ‘mental stimulation’, but mostly because he likes to see his ‘opponents’ get all frustrated.

He’s also rather arrogant, believing himself much more intelligent than he really is. He is intelligent, don’t be mistaken - he’s knowledgeable and has above-average critical thinking skills - but he likes to act like he knows everything, even if he has to make stuff up to do it. He’s under no illusions as to his physical abilities, but he has a tendency to forget about this limitation of his when sizing people up.

» Likes:
- Watching fights. He loves seeing other Pokemon beat the crap out of each other, and especially loves screaming encouragement and what he perceives to be advice.

- Arguing. Arguments are fun, whether he believes what he says or not. It’s always nice getting new perspectives on a given topic, and it’s always funny seeing people getting pissy with him.

- Being a debtee. He’ll get as many favors as he possibly can, because damn it he loves having that power over others.

- His Family. He's got a sister, a pidgey named Sheila, and a mother, a pidgeot named Ava. He loves them, more than he loves anyone else.
Details in the History.

- Adventure. Or the idea of it, at least. He loves seeing new things and pissing them off. Of course, this is in direct contradiction to his dislike, which is...

» Dislikes:
- Participating in physical fights. He’s a weakling, after all, and even if he enjoys seeing battle he doesn’t enjoy being in the midst of it. He has a tendency to escape conflict whenever possible.

- Being a debtor. He hates owing people stuff, and he has some specific beliefs regarding debt (you don’t owe anyone anything unless you explicitly asked for help - anything else is a debt coerced from you), but he doesn’t hate enough that he’d resort to...

- Crime. Not that he’d bother reporting crimes or whatever, but damn it the law exists for a reason! If you really have to circumvent the spirit of the law, do so by finding loopholes in the letter, not by just breaking it outright! That’s just lazy! This is largely because he's romanticized civilization, and even if he's realized how stupid that idea is, he still holds on to the idea of order.

- Romance. Love is completely and utterly stupid - it means placing weight on your lover’s opinions for no other reason than that they’re your lover. It means being afflicted with a weakness, because love is a weak link. It means, even if the love is true and perfect and everything else love is supposed to be, being dependent on someone.

- Dependence. On drugs, on romance, on others, on ideas, he hates the idea of being dependent on anything. He’d be independent of food and water if he could get away with it. This is probably because his biggest regret was caused by his dependence on the idea of a better world.
Note: He hasn't associated dependence with his family. If he is dependent on his mother and sister, he doesn't think of it as such. It's rather hypocritical of him.

» History:
Bob was born in the wild. In Pecha Forest, to be precise. His family is presumably dead, since they are caterpie in a forest full of predators, so he doesn’t exactly know what his parents were like. What he does know is that he was raised by a Pidgeot - Ava - whose child, Sheila, decided she wanted to play with her prey. He was raised among predators; caterpie and weedle just like him were dropped dead into the nest, food for his 'sister' (her mother having learned her lesson not to give Sheila live food). Not that he minded - they were dead, he was alive, there was nothing worth being scared about. As time went on and conversations came along, he became a true member of the family, loved by Sheila and her mother - Bob's mother - alike. He loved them.

Together, they learned of civilization. They could only learn what Ava had observed of it, since they were all wild and only Ava could get close enough to the nearest town to watch it. While he ate berries and his sister nommed duplicates of himself, they talked of worlds they could only imagine. One day, while Ava was out and Sheila was talking with him, Bob decided to go check out this town. He said bye to Sheila, told her to tell his mom he loved her, then,with Sheila’s cheers in his ears, got the hell out of dodge.

Worst decision of his life. The only plus side is that he finds it fun to argue the way he couldn't bring himself to with his family.

Now he’s stuck in some hole in the middle of nowhere that’s not nearly as awesome as he’d imagined. He doesn’t know where his sister or mother are. He doesn’t know what the hell he’s supposed to do with himself. Sure, he’s managed to get himself a small place - literally a hole in a tree - but that’s nothing compared to the nest. He just wants to find his family again, and he figures he has to learn how to explore in order to do this.

It looks like he might have to join the guild, in order to become skillful enough to get back there.

» Other:
Yaaay. No egg moves! :D
I wanted him to be a Wurmple, but unfortunately no Wurmple are native to the area near the PMD site. I figured it’d be better for Bob to be a Caterpie, since at least then he can have come from Pecha Forest.
Other notes: dependent on a world in which Wild Pokemon are sapient and know language, or at least are capable of learning it. I've forgotten what the rules concerning those are, but I THINK it was 'depends on the RPer', though that was back in 2013, I think.

Administrator's note: The information below is the progress made by the original RPer that could not be edited into the bio template (Items and threads.) Any prospective adopters may want to look through the threads linked below to see if any are open and the relationships this character had with other before filling out an adoption application.

» Inventory:

» Page Count:
» Threads:
The Words we Weave (0)
Calm Day? (0)
Weakling (0)
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(Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie   (Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie EmptyMon Jun 29, 2015 9:15 pm

Everything looks to be in order here.

Character has been APPROVED!
Please head over HERE to create your Character Records.
Once you've completed that, go have fun and roleplay!

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Join date : 2012-11-18
Location : Echo World

(Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie   (Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie EmptyThu Jan 28, 2016 8:41 pm

Character Put Up For Adoption
Pokemon has been put up for adoption due to inactivity
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(Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie   (Up for Adoption) Bob the Caterpie Empty

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