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 Fire within your heart.

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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptyTue Jun 16, 2015 12:35 am

First topic message reminder :

Jak 15

This is Jak's encounter infobox, It will include all rolled pokemon within this box. Hostility legend is only a guide and will follow along with RP. It is in no way definite. Feel free to add comments to post on what you want changed or tracked.

If you would like items to be tracked also, please state so and I will include the items in a separate section of infobox. Now lets RP!

Fiery Chasm... The location to supposedly have a TM known as Flamethrower... An item that Jak had deemed necessary to learn Flamethrower... Learning it naturally just seems almost little to impossible at this rate. Something Obera had suggested he should acquire.

The travel to this fiery chasm would take some time to get there. Luckily Jak and his partner for this trip Obera, is almost at their destination. Being able to feel the heat from where they currently were. It was definitely getting hotter.

"Wonder how much further... It can't be much further... I can feel the heat from here." he said as he looked over to Obera as the two walked towards their destination.

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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 5:20 am

Jak 0

Hostile, Neutral
Unknown, Friendly
(2) Growlithe
(1) Houndour
(1) Slugma

(1) Quilava
(2) Typhlosion

(1) Rawst Berry
(1) Zinc Band
(1) Trap-Bust Orb
(1) Brown Gummi

Obera Yun Fang

(1) Growlithe
(1) Arcanine

(1)X-Eye Seed
(1) Flamer Thrower TM
(1) Glittery Box
(1) Brown Gummi
The arcanine stared at the typhlosion for a moment. Finally realizing that his actions were foolish. Despite this pokemon's recent injuries... It still had plenty of fight... This is something he would not attempt to do for a long time. Possibly never again.

Refusing to say any further words... He barked once towards his group. No actual words spoken, just a short order that only those canines would understand, and possibly the typhlosion's group... Jak wasn't sure, he didn't understand at all. It was far too primitive.

The growlithe that were able to get up after the beating nodded and turned around. Most of them being back to back in a sense as they slowly made their way back to their territory. The ones that couldn't move on their own at first had help from the Arcanine before he left with them.

Jak watched as the canines started retreating. Jak looked towards the typhlosion for a second. The fierce look in its eyes showed that it would never give up on its land.

"Yea... Just one thing." he said to Obera after turning towards her. He then returned his view to the typhlosion. "Excuse me... With your permission... May we pass through your territory? We are only traveling..." Jak said in as much of a respectful tone as he could muster. This being his first time actually requesting permission to enter a feral pokemon's territory...

Last edited by coaster3000 on Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 5:28 am

The Typhlosion looked at Jak and gave a small shrug. "You made attemps to assist me despite knowing full well that i could just turn on you, you are free to pass. Though if i see you again, I'm quite lenient on who comes through my land." The Typhlosion stopped there because he didn't want to reaveal the reason that was is because he got his ass handed to him by a steel type, not a great thing to admit that happened. "Watch yourself though, this place is very unforgiving." He said before going back to his group not even looking back at the two of them.

Obera watched him leave then looked at Jak. "C'mon, lets get going." She said walking forward not making sure Jak was following.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 5:52 am

Jak 16

Hostile, Neutral
Unknown, Friendly
(2) Growlithe
(1) Houndour
(1) Slugma

(1) Rawst Berry
(1) Zinc Band
(1) Trap-Bust Orb
(1) Brown Gummi

Obera Yun Fang

(1)X-Eye Seed
(1) Flamer Thrower TM
(1) Glittery Box
(1) Brown Gummi
Jak nodded as the typhlosion allowed them to pass. Also stating to watch himself as the place is unforgiving. As the pokemon left, Jak turned towards Obera who seemed to be ready to leave. She stated to get going as she started walking forward. Jak quickly followed her and remained nearby her as they walked.

"I take it that this kind of thing can happen often between certain groups of pokemon?" he asked Obera as they walked. He asked mainly because she was from a land that had a similar kind of order.

Unsure of his attempt to start a small conversation as they walked would work. He still remained constantly vigilant on their surroundings.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 6:00 am

"Sometimes, most of the time they tend to just stay in their own little areas, though sometimes someone in charge can become a little, agitated about their own land." Obera replied never one for small talk, though she'd be fine for a little now, considering how boring just walking was.

"Anything you wish to discuss." Obera asked slightly bored, they hadn't found the item and instead found a turf war, a rather quick one at that.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptyWed Jul 15, 2015 2:03 am

Jak 16

Hostile, Neutral
Unknown, Friendly
(1) Houndour
(1) Slugma

(1) Rawst Berry
(1) Zinc Band
(1) Trap-Bust Orb
(1) Brown Gummi

Obera Yun Fang

(1)X-Eye Seed
(1) Flamer Thrower TM
(1) Glittery Box
(1) Brown Gummi
Jak wondered what would make someone become agitated with their own land as Obera stated that information. A few thoughts would be that maybe it wasn't good enough to support them. So they had to move... Other thoughts would be the lack of space if they group got larger.

Jak then tried to think of something they could discuss as they traveled along the fiery plains. Not much really coming into thought though. "Hmm... Not sure what to discuss really." he said after a moment. "Anything you want to discuss? I don't really have any ideas at the moment." he said feeling slightly defeated.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 7:44 pm

Obera shook her head a lack of ideas in her mind. "Not really." Obera replied one thought in her mind, she quickly scattered this thought seeing as it was a slightly pointless thought to have at the moment. Obera looked around before feeling something fall on her head, it bounced off and landed on the ground in front of her. Glancing above her for a moment she looked down at the object that had fallen on her head. Picking it up she stared at it for a moment before looking at Jak. "Found it." Obera said offering the TM to Jak.

"This is what you were looking for right?" Obera asked flame thrower TM in hand.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptyThu Aug 06, 2015 1:52 am

Jak 16

Hostile, Neutral
Unknown, Friendly
(1) Houndour
(1) Slugma

(1) Rawst Berry
(1) Zinc Band
(1) Trap-Bust Orb
(1) Brown Gummi

Obera Yun Fang

(1)X-Eye Seed
(1) Glittery Box
(1) Brown Gummi
Jak looked over towards Obera as she said "Found It", slightly confused at what she meant when she did so. "Found wh- OH! Wow, where did it come from?" he asked but immediately felt a bit silly asking that. As he had turned he also noticed that she had been offering it to him.

"Yea, It is what I was looking for. Thanks." he said with a smile as he accepted the item. He put the item in his bag for the time being and looked towards Obera. "Thank-you." he said with a smile.

After a brief moment a small rumble of thunder occurred despite the clear sky all around. "Hm?" he spun around slowly as he observed the sky. The sky remaining clear in all directions for now. "I am not the only one that heard that right?" he asked obera as he looked back towards her.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptyThu Aug 06, 2015 2:01 am

Obera just pointed up at the sky, she had no idea why the disc came from there but it did. "You're welcome." Obera said before hearing what had happened, she looked at the sky despite the clear area it sounded as it lightning had struck, had she not been in a area full of fire Pokemon she would of just thought it was a few electric type Pokemon testing their abilities or even attacking a random feral, but this came from seemingly no where.

"Unless you and I have gone mad I think everyone had heard that." Obera confirmed Jaks suspicions on the noise. She glanced back around looking for the source seeing as it hadn't been the sky, her efforts were wasted seeing as there was no one around their location.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptyThu Aug 06, 2015 2:19 am

Jak 16

Hostile, Neutral
Unknown, Friendly
(1) Houndour
(1) Slugma

(1) Rawst Berry
(1) Zinc Band
(1) Trap-Bust Orb
(1) Brown Gummi

Obera Yun Fang

(1)X-Eye Seed
(1) Glittery Box
(1) Brown Gummi
Jak let out a slight frown when he heard the sound once more. Still nothing in sight as he caught the direction from which it came from. It sounded as if it originated from grassveil's general direction. However he couldn't pinpoint it exactly towards it. It did seem to reside from that general direction.

"Hmm, well shall we continue? Or should we start heading back?" he asked Obera as he returned his attention towards her. As he asked this the sound resounded once more but this time a sudden gust of wind followed along with the sound. It wasn't too strong, but it wasn't gentle either. Just enough to catch someone off guard.

Some smoke from nearby vents seemed to suddenly shift along with the wind. The smoke drifting along with the wind. Forming a very large black streak across one of the fields.

After the sound had occurred that time. A small speck of darkness was now visible in the far distance. Just large enough to make out if you focused enough.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptySat Aug 08, 2015 9:46 pm

"We have obtained what we set out to acquire, is there reason to continue?" Obera said wondering what going on ahead would net them, most of what they have encountered was feral Pokemon, jerks who like to beat up wounded Pokemon and a fire Pokemon that can use electricity somehow. "I believe we should keep going along this path, we are here after all, It'd be best to find what this dungeon has." Obera said not feeling like going back, she wouldn't say but she felt more at home here then she ever would at a town.

"However it is your call, I wish not to impose on your time if you have business elsewhere." Obera added seeing as she came here to help him and they had found what they were looking for.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptySun Aug 09, 2015 1:10 am

Jak 16

Hostile, Neutral
Unknown, Friendly
(1) Houndour
(1) Slugma

(1) Rawst Berry
(1) Zinc Band
(1) Trap-Bust Orb
(1) Brown Gummi

Obera Yun Fang

(1)X-Eye Seed
(1) Glittery Box
(1) Brown Gummi
Jak listened to Obera's response that it would be best to find what this place had. Then mentioning that it was his call as she didn't want to impose on his time. "Well, then it is settles. Let's continue on" he said with a smile. As another rumble occurred, it left Jak wondering what exactly could be going on in the distance. Since you couldn't see anything at the moment, he assumed it could of been something battling in the far distance. Possibly something that was in a completely different location with entirely.

However what Jak will soon find out, it is that not only is he going to be correct on the thought that it was in a different location entirely. It is something that may change the course of history.

Jak smiles "Alright, lets get going then." he said as he started to continue along the path. Checking to make sure obera was still with him. Up ahead, just over a small hill were two pokemon. One being a dark fire type, while the other being made of literally lava. Are they hostile?
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptySun Aug 09, 2015 1:20 am

Obera gave a short nod before continuing up the path, she looked towards the black dot in the distance, small far away normally meant large up close, and that was normally bad. Obera gave it no more thought then that small sentence and focused on walking forward eyes forward letting nothing distracted her. This proved to stop really quickly as she saw something out of the corner of her eye, she turned towards the object to see a strangely glittering box despite the fact there was little sun on the object itself, it was just shiny for no real reason. Obera quickly remembered that boxes like that sometimes held items that helped out other Pokemon, she walked over quickly not telling Jak since it was so close, she picked up the box and placed it in her bag.

Obera didn't say anything but got up and sped up a bit to catch up to Jak, she had taken a bit longer getting distracted then she would of liked to admit. Looking up she saw two Pokemon just sitting there, she had no idea if they were feral, hostile or whatever it was called, she remained on her guard waiting for them to react to seeing the two fire types, they were on a hill so no real cover if this was a fight they would have to fight.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptySun Aug 09, 2015 1:31 am

Jak 16

Hostile, Neutral
Unknown, Friendly
(1) Houndour
(1) Slugma

(1) Rawst Berry
(1) Zinc Band
(1) Trap-Bust Orb
(1) Brown Gummi

Obera Yun Fang

(1)X-Eye Seed
(1) Glittery Box
(1) Brown Gummi
As the two fire types came into view as they reached the top of the hill, he stared at them for a moment to see if they react in a hostile manner. Obera seeming to be on guard if they attack.

Jak remained silent as they noticed the two on the hill. They didn't seem to pay to much mind on it as they had looked towards the object in the distance. The little tiny black dot that Obera had previously spotted. Had grown ever so slightly. Barely even any visible change from the distance they were at. It was probably about half a size bigger now, and more oval shaped due to the angle they were viewing it from.

Jak took note that they seemed to ignore the two on the hill and looked towards the direction the two feral's had been. Just spotting the dot in the sky out in the distance. It was in the general direction of grassveil from what he could tell.

"Hmm, that is awfully big if it is visible from here..." he stated before he took returned his view to the other two pokemon ahead of them. He took a single step and waited to see a reaction.

They still seemed to ignore them and he motioned Obera to come along. Keeping his guard up in case they decided to attack them as they moved past them.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptySun Aug 09, 2015 1:39 am

Obera followed looking at the two feral Pokemon, she looked at the cliff and almost decided to use her Ancient power to cause a rock slide. She contemplated doing this for a moment seeing as nothing would be able to follow them once she did. She shook her head and decided not to do something like that, there was little to no reason seeing as they didn't have anything following them. Obera decided to just ignore what was happening next to her and keep going the way Jak was going.

As she walked from above something started falling towards her, sticking her hand up she quickly caught the item which turned out to be a small gummi, she looked at it for a moment before placing it in her bag. What was with things and falling on her head today, this was just weird second time today.
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Fire within your heart. - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire within your heart.   Fire within your heart. - Page 3 EmptySun Aug 09, 2015 3:12 am

Jak 16

(1) Rawst Berry
(1) Zinc Band
(1) Trap-Bust Orb
(1) Brown Gummi

Obera Yun Fang

(1)X-Eye Seed
(1) Brown Gummi
Jak looked over towards Obera as she quickly caught an item that had fallen from the sky. "Again?" he stated as he looked towards the sky. "How about some my way." he joked before he returned his attention towards the pathway.

Having items randomly falling from the sky was a bit odd. Especially when there is no source of them. Continuing along the path, he noticed an a bright colored berry on a burnt bush on the side of the path. Picking the berry off the branch, he put the berry into his bag. Just as he returned to the path, a berry fell from the sky striking his head. Reflexively catching it after it bounced. "hmm..." he stared at the sky for a moment. Still seeing no source to these items. He didn't want to think to much about it for now as he rather continue along with Obera.
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