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 A deep, deep green (open)

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A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: A deep, deep green (open)   A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 EmptyMon May 12, 2014 7:38 am

First topic message reminder :

Hardened leaves formed a thick canopy that protected the floor from imposing sunlight. Yets its rays flashed through the walls hole and weaknesses, showering the sun-thirst ground in it benevolence. Out into a single sunspot, Evrae flew past some trees his fur raking the branches that so deviated in path from the horizontal blanket above. The silence of the forest was louder than anything Evrae had felt, he was amazed of how so peaceful the forest was, yet fearful of the vicious inhabitants that the forest so currently witheld. Quiet was a bad sign for Evrae, for him, noise was knowledge, it was what told where something was, or what activity was possibly being commited. Which meant quiet would mean two things, there was no inhabitants or activity, which he knew to be not true, or something was good enough to escape his audio radar.

"Oh Pecha berries, there are a lot in here! Good for mild poison, especially from pokemon attacks. They also taste really good and because there in season they tastes ripe and have good potency!" Evrae began to talk to himself to distract him from the silence, it was giving him a headache and causing him to cold sweat. Deciding he had flew long enough he landed himself down onto a slow patch of grass that had been bless with the waterfall sunlight. He looked around and observed his surroundings, he quickly came to the conclusion he was lost. He had come to the forest in an attempt to train, after all he barely had escape the clutches of his last altercation and new he had to train himself before he was ready for the guild. He kneeled down and pressed his ears against the ground, it was silent."Geez are there no pokemon to spar with? That one guy said something about pokemon in forest always willing to help someone train!" It appears he was also misinformed. His ignorance has landed him in the palm of a dungeon. One he may or not be able to get out of.

"I hope I someone here! I gotta show Aria how strong I am!" He continued to listen for any noise, the slightly movement would cause the noibat to home onto the target like a laser guided missile."Boy this is tiring..."

(Energy: 11)
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A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A deep, deep green (open)   A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 EmptyThu May 15, 2014 3:42 am

(OOC: Ah, sorry about that. I actually didn't realize that Earth Power hit multiple Pokémon because of the way it was worded. I'll keep that in mind for the future. Anyways...)
Marshall looked up in surprise to see that the Tangela had found itself in very much the same position as the Pineco. W-wait, did I do that?! Marshall took a brief moment to observe the cracked earth around him. Uh, wow, maybe I'm stronger than a realized... I should be more careful in the future.

Now that the two Pokémon had taken care of their opponents, maybe they stood a chance against the Zigzagoon. Marshall braced himself as the Zigzagoon snarled, preparing an attack. As the Zigzagoon charged forwards with a Tackle attack, the Trapinch tried to throw it off course with a Sand Attack. Despite being under the influence of Tailwind, Marshall didn't have the speed to land the attack before the Zigzagoon, and the two made contact. Marshall stood his ground for a few seconds while locking heads with the Zigzagoon, but he wasn't prepared for the Headbutt attack that came soon after. The Headbutt sent Marshall flying backward, and as a result the Trapinch became dazed when he landed.
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A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A deep, deep green (open)   A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 EmptyThu May 15, 2014 6:35 am

"Marshall!" Evrae exclaims as he he witnesses the Zigzagoon pulverized the Trapinch and send him flying,"Hey get away from my friend!" Unaware of the fact he had already labelled Marshall as his friend he bolts forward and tackles the Zigzagoon from the side. Due to him striking to the side of the vertebrate,squeezing every lasy drop yhat tailwind had to offer for speed, the hulking Zigzagoon was pushed onto his side with Evrae trying to plaster his wieght doen trying to keep him down as long as possible. His face buried into its deep into its fur its corase spike prodding at his ears and nose.

The Zigzagoon lurched to the side trying to thrust Evrea away from him. It seems he had now forgotten about Marshall as was directing his wraith ay Evrae. Its anger eminatnjg from its terrible snarls and yelps, it snapped its feral teeth rabidly trying to manuvuer in a way where he could grap Evrae.

"C'mon Marshall wake up!" Evrea yelled as his strength was waning increasingly. The previously struggle with tangela had taken it's toll on Evraes muscles and his lungs seemed to be almost giving way. Evrae breayhing started to rise, his heart rate increasing with each attempt the beast made to overpower him. I really should work out more! The struggling Noibat help for dear god that his ally would come to assist.
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A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A deep, deep green (open)   A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 EmptyFri May 16, 2014 3:15 am

Marshall finally got back onto his feet as the Tailwind petered out. After stumbling around for a few seconds, he was able to regain his balance and focus his attention on the two fighting Pokémon. It seemed that the Noibat was okay for now, but the Trapinch recognized that he should get involved again. After all, he had just experienced the Zigzagoon's power firsthand, and it was probably more than either of them could take on alone. Moving as quickly as he could, Marshall dashed towards the fight.

Marshall thought quickly as he reached the fight. I need to draw its attention away, first of all. Standing only a few steps away from the combatants, Marshall shot off a Sand Attack. This time, it connected; after all, the Zigzagoon was pretty still this time. Ticked off by the attack, the Zigzagoon turned its head to Marshall- just in time to see his gaping jaws clamp down onto the Zigzagoon's body. Due to both Screech's effects and the nature of the Trapinch's Bite, the Zigzagoon flinched in surprise.
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A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A deep, deep green (open)   A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 EmptySat May 17, 2014 1:23 am

Evrea fell to the ground his wings convulsing in pain. He took a deep breath and got back up, this was not time to be rested. Now Marshall had switched out and taken the Zigzagoon from the side, he flapped his wings and attained enough lift to gain altitude. He circled around and waited for an opportunity or moment where the Trapinch need his help,"Alright I'm coming!"

Seeing a moment of opportunity where Marshall has successfully create a moment to expose the Zigzagoon's weakness he sprang into action seizing it. He flew down letting gravity do most of the work and preyed on there foe with his fangs. Sinking into the back of its neck he used leech life and put his weight on the Zigzagoon. Feeling his energy waning the Zigzagoon attempts to go for Trapinch, but after the effect of being bitten and having its energy sapped. It was forced down and it;s body laid still sapped of energy. Evrae let up and looked at Trapinch, only giving a large smile.

(energy:13+2= 15)
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A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A deep, deep green (open)   A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 EmptyMon May 19, 2014 4:53 am

Marshall breathed a sigh of relief as the bulky Zigzagoon finally lost its will to fight and fainted, slumping over onto the grass. The Trapinch had to take a few seconds to catch his breath before taking any further actions. Man, that last fight really took a lot out of me! I guess that goes to show just how rough things can get out here in the wild... Marshall turned to face his newfound friend. But it also shows how powerful teamwork can be in situations like these... Huh, I guess this is kind of what it's like to be part of a team. Multiple Pokémon banding together to do something that none of them could do alone... Marshall couldn't help but smile. It's certainly a nice feeling to have.

Suddenly realizing that he was daydreaming, the Trapinch quickly snapped out of his thoughts. I can daydream all I want later. Right now, I have more important things to attend to. Forcing a smile onto his face once more, Marshall addressed the Noibat. "...Um, nice job out there."
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A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A deep, deep green (open)   A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 EmptyMon May 19, 2014 11:17 pm

(Note Marshall doesn't actually have to accept his request, I'm making Evrae ask for purely for story sake)

Evrae got off the unconscious Zigzagoon and rushed up to Marshall, he seemed to be invading the trapinchs privacy again,"C-Cool! You where so cool Marshall! You where like bam, and then the Zigagoon came out and like wabamb! But then like you came a was bam, bam ,bam! And saved me and then we both where like Cabluewewew!" Evrae raised his wings to show his enthusiasm, he obviously had still a lot of energy in him and the fact that it did not waned at all was a testament to his hyperactivity.

Evrae put his claws on the sides of Trapinch's shoulder, his eye shining in admiration for him, "Marshall! Are you in a exploration team for a guild yet?!" Evrae looked like he was about to proposed to someone, although he just met this person he couldn't help but ask, even if he knew the chances might be low, just like his previous request,"I-If your not! C-could you become a partners with me?"
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A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A deep, deep green (open)   A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 EmptyThu May 22, 2014 4:42 am

(OOC: I haven't heard back from Appo yet, so I'll have Marshall give a rather neutral answer for now.)
By the time Marshall had finally caught his breath, the hyperactive blur of a Noibat Marshall had come to know as Evrae was already spouting nonsense. Again!? Seriously, it's like that fight a few seconds ago never happened, that's how energized he is... Well, I'll give him that he's as determined as they get. I wonder what drives him to act like that? Marshall's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by two sharp pains in his shoulders.

Brought away from his thoughts by the Noibat, Marshall found himself listening to Evrae's request. So he wants to form an exploration team with me, huh... There was a tense period of silence and stillness as Marshall rolled the request around in his head. Well, I'm not part of a team yet, so it would make sense to join up with him. However, I'm not sure that I'm the right partner for him. After all, I'm not very experienced yet, and that excitement of his could get us in trouble... Then again, there's that sparkle in his eyes, filled with ambition and drive. It seems that he's looking for something, just like me...

Marshall finally broke the silence while brushing Evrae's claws off of his shoulders. "Um... I need more time to think about this..." Marshall paused for a moment. "...Tell you what. I'm heading towards Grassveil Town when I'm done here. On the way there, I'll think about what I'm going to do, and then I'll go to the Grassveil Guild. Why don't you meet me over there, and I'll tell you about my decision?"
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A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A deep, deep green (open)   A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 EmptyFri May 23, 2014 2:39 am

Evrae flattened his ears from not getting an immediate response from his fellow. He was anxious,to be honest, and he was quite bad at coping with anxiety. His claws quivered a bit before Marshall brought up his reply. Instantly Evrae's ears raised up and he huge grin plastered itself onto his face,"Yeah! That means your considering it? Ahaha! That practically means yes right?!" Evrae flew up from his position, overjoyed.

"Oh wait! You have to get to the Guild right?" Evrae landed back down and bite his claw, "O-Ah! Alright, I should go then! Then it will be more ideal right?" He flew back up, his face bubbling with euphoria, he was not expected such a development, but since the unexpected had just happened he was in a state of excitement. Almost instantly Evrae pounded his wings and bolt straight out in a random direction. However as fast as he left, he came back. He flew down and scratched his ear,"Uh... How do I get out of here again?"

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A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A deep, deep green (open)   A deep, deep green (open) - Page 2 EmptySat May 24, 2014 4:50 am

Ever the optimist, huh? Marshall thought to himself, as the Noibat nearly burst with excitement. By this point, the Trapinch had come to expect Evrae to spontaneously start running his mouth again. This time, though, Marshall couldn't help himself to smile a little bit. It felt good to make someone happy, regardless of how much (or how little) it took to make them smile. After the Evrae explained his plans and subsequently shot off like a bullet, Marshall thought to himself. ...We'll see each other again soon.

Well, soon came a lot faster than Marshall had anticipated, as Evrae came rocketing back only seconds later. Listening to the Noibat's question, Marshall thought for a few seconds before answering. Examining the forest floor, the Trapinch noticed the area where the fight has taken place. There were marks all over the place on the ground, but Marshall identified a path of his own footprints trailing away from the scene. That's it! Raising one of his legs to point at the trail, Marshall finally answered the question. "That's the direction I came from. If you go that way, you should find an exit from the forest.

(OOC: I guess we're wrapping this up next post, then?)
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