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 Big and Small - Joy for All!

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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptyWed Dec 11, 2013 8:02 pm

First topic message reminder :

The sun was shining brightly onto the rugged, sharp cliffs of the Black Mist Mountain, as a small, white spot was crawling across these black plains, an easy target for any Flying type choosing to attack.
"Why...why did my clan...no, the clan have to live that far away from anything resembling civilisation again? Couldn't they - I dunno - live in a town or something?", the white spot asked himself, breathing heavily. It was Ned the Nincada, having recently fled from his old clan and now searching for a place to stay. On his journey, the Ground type had traversed much of the land, but a civilized Pokémon he hadn't encountered yet. He had no idea, where Grassveil Town was located, but he couldn't just return to the clan either. They would just continue their dirty work, without any concern for morals or truth.
Who knew, maybe he would even take them out one day?
That was if he would manage to find the guild or any Pokémon for starters.
Hopefully that would happen soon - the little bug wasn't sure, whether he would be able to carry on  much longer.
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 3:28 am

If only there was something Ned could do...but he didn't have any items, Scratch and Leech Life would only put him at risk without dealing any significant amount of damage, Silver Wind wouldn't help much against the Rampardoes either, but might get the others to join the fight and that other attack he simply could not use.
What should he do?
He couldn't just sit around and do nothing!
But it seemed as if he didn't have a choice...
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 10:10 pm

The rampardos was becoming a pest to the large water type pokemon. Despite the confusion the rampardos managed to hit Proteus again and again. The gyarados was beginning to feel anger and frustration build up inside him. No, he couldn't use that move here! He was out of control when he was in that state. He would be stuck in it and not be able to differ his friends from foes! The purple aura enveloped the gyarados anyways as the rampardos bashed into him again. Proteus bashed his head into the Rampardos with a deafening roar. His eyes were wide with rage and the energy of a dragon coursing through him. Proteus was using the move he had learned from a certain dojo, Outrage, and he wasn't able to control himself during this state. The rampardos screamed as it was bashed into a rock and the smaller pokemon decided that maybe the rampardos needed assistance after all as the rampardos fell.
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 10:31 pm

Although he ws quite visibly shocked by the Gyarados' sudden outburst, Ned couldn't help but grin as he glared sternly at the other Pokémon.  Or as he attempted to do so anyway.
Hopefully this display of power would discourage them from attacking any further.
If not, then things might get pretty ugly quickly. While Ned had an advantage regarding type, neither he nor Proteus seemed to have a move fit for use against a Steel type and furthermore they were outnumbered. Would they just run off or would they fight?
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptySun Feb 16, 2014 11:24 pm

The mawile seemed to be the bravest of the few left. It leaped towards the Gyarados, and the outrage attack struck it, but it seemed to have no affect on the mawile. It yelled as it turned and its bigger set of jaws crackled with electricity. The jaws clamped down on the Gyarados and the two glowed a bright yellow as the attack began. Proteus screamed in pain, a jet of flames erupting from his mouth as he attempted to use Flame Thrower on the steel type. His assault missed as the pokemon was already clamped onto him. The mawile finally was forced to release the gyarados as he shook it off. The mawile landed on a boulder that Proteus attempted to smash with his tail. The Mawile leaped out of the way in time and seemed to be setting up another fang of electricity.
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 7:15 pm

While Ned wouldn't be much of use offensively, he could still try to help the Gyarados by means of defending him.
Quickly the Ground type leaped forward, lodging himself between the Mawile's humongous jaws and nonchalantly absorbing the electricity it had been building up. While his species sadly was weak to many common types, at least he had this nice immunity against Electric moves to make up for it.
The Mawile meanwhile obviously was quite surprised by this unconventional move, unsure what to do now.
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 9:20 pm

Proteus seemed to not realize what the nincada had dun in the midst of his fit of rage. The gyarados roared and unleased a flame upon the Mawile. The attack struck the main body, but luckily not its huge jaws. The attack could not have struck the nincada thanks to the shield of the Mawile's jaws, and the mawile fell over. The Outrage continued as the gyarados thrashed about, striking the other pokemon and scaring them off. The rampardos was completely unconcious, and the flames began to go back to their red color. Proteus seemed to stop thrashing about so much and instead seemed to be trying to figure out what had happened and where everything was.
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptyMon Feb 17, 2014 9:33 pm

Slowly the thoroughly shaken Nincada crawled out of its hiding place.
"I...uhuh...it's okay. The cat's got it with the salad. The uh-uh-uh-the French Toast."
Only step by step the Bug type's cognitive abilities managed to function again, probably for the better as Ned certainly would have panicked, would he have seen the fire.
"Urgh...my head hurts. What happened? Did we chase them off?"
Remembering this day, Ned would later often regret not being able to see the Pokémon's faces as they fled in terror. Nor had he been able to tell the clan about it. How would they have reacted? He would probably never know...
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptyTue Feb 25, 2014 1:25 am

"Erm...I think so? I'm afraid I went into a bit of a fit and used a move that was only for emergencies and if I was alone....and I uh...don't quite remember much..oh my head.." the gyarados would have held his head if he had arms. He instead decided to lay his head on the ground and try to wait for the world to stop being blurred and headache inducing. Proteus managed to speak to the nincada at last, "Erm...what-i mean, are you okay?"
Proteus studied the blurry ground before him as the confusion slowly began to pass. The last time he had used Outrage, he had been asleep before this kind of aftermath came by. The red gyarados awaited an answer all the while waiting for the world to turn right again.
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptyTue Feb 25, 2014 8:58 pm

"Guess so. I'm kind of dizzy at the moment, but I don't think I am hurt too much."
Ned was simply standing around, trying to get his thoughts in order again.
"Wait...emergency move? You have one of those too? I wouldn't have expected for someone like you to have one...or to need one to be honest."
Once more the huge Gyarados had surprised the rather tiny Nincada.
Maybe even enormously powerful Pokémon such as he was occassionally had trouble in battle.
Ned shuddered at the thought of creatures, that might cause trouble for the Water type.
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptyThu Feb 27, 2014 3:19 am

"Its erm...called Outrage. I unleash the anger that builds inside me over time, and I get a bit out of my own control. My species is usually angry all the time, so I just tap into that nature from time to time to use it, but I don't really like using it because then that just makes me no different from the jerks who attack pokemon for no reason and I can't control myself at all and don't differentiate friend from foe...you could have gotten seriously hurt."
The gyarados's confusion seems to have cleared, and he was once again rising his head to he didn't lay on the ground anymore. He kind of wished there were other pokemon as big as him, he was the only pokemon of his size that he knew of for miles. The gyarados wondered when he would have to stop looking down and instead have to look up at the blue sky to see someone else's face.
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptyThu Feb 27, 2014 9:06 pm

Once more Ned was seriously dumbfounded as he had just been told how much danger he had been in.
Why did everything in this world have to be this dangerous again?
Even should the Nincada ever evolve, there would still be far too many dangers in this world.
Why couldn't everything just be made out of cotton candy and pillows and work on the magic of friendship?
At least he wouldn't have to look up to everyone, should that happen. Then he would at least be able to fly...which would make him an easily visible target...
The Nincada sighed.
"Is there any time we are not in danger?", he asked.
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptySat Mar 01, 2014 11:13 pm

"Well, we're not in danger right now technically!" the gyarados spoke, "Nothing is attacking us, and there's no real threat around here unless you're allergic to boulders which is highly unlikely"
Proteus looked around to their surroundings, they were still at the mountain, not having moved from the spot they had been ambushed at. The other pokemon seemed to have fled, and the area looked damaged from what he had assumed was his rampage. The large red Gyarados looked to the Nincada, awaiting an answer.
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptySat Mar 01, 2014 11:41 pm

"Well, I-ACHOO!", the Nincada sneezed.
"Heh, don't worry, just kidding. But really, there could be a Dugtrio or something right underneath us. Furthermore there's lightning strikes, earthquakes and meteorites. Gamma rays from the sun...you wouldn't believe, how many dangerous things there are..."
Maybe Ned was being a little paranoid here, but in his opinion it was always better to be too paranoid than not being paranoid enough. The first one is a moderate inconvenience, the latter one possibly lethal.
"Well, we should get going. Maybe those Pokémon were part of a larger group, which is now sending reinforcements."

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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptySat Mar 22, 2014 11:26 pm

"Yes...it would be best to get out of here...I guess" the large atrocious pokemon spoke, agreeing with the small bug and ground type. The red gyarados looked to the smaller pokemon, "So...you needed to go to Grassviel yes? Maybe we should go there now?"
The gyarados was a bit disappointed that he was unable to find anything for his friends, but figured that he would find something else some other time. The gyarados's long red body moved as he tightned into a coil, his fins spreading out like fans as he did so. The atrocious pokemon thought to have the attitude of a monster looked to the sky, checking for the time, but his attention was quickly turned back to the nincada, spotting an item beside it.

((Sorry about short post, brain dead))
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Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big and Small - Joy for All!   Big and Small - Joy for All! - Page 7 EmptyFri Mar 28, 2014 8:01 am

"I don't think there would be any other places to visit, so yes, I agree with you there. Thank you for your help once more."
Politely bowing or at least attempting to do so, Ned thought about the long journey he had undertaken thus far. It certainly had been quite a long journey. How much stronger had he gotten already? And how much stronger would he have to become yet to finally evolve? Sadly there was no way of getting to know that. But the Nincada would just keep on training, fighting for what he believed in. And then, some day the time would finally have come. The time to shed his skin and begin a truly new life.
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