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 Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]

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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyMon Nov 25, 2013 4:46 am

First topic message reminder :

This is also a mission thread so I request three pages in this thread please ^^':

A riolu huffed as she looked at the mission pamphlet. The ponyta must have been a shy type since she needed a friend to tell the strange dragon type to cease hoarding the items. Kira pocketed the map in her team's bag as she looked at the forest with seemingly bored eyes. She had grabbed this mission of the board at random, since she felt like doing another mission despite the long day she had already had exploring some of the town and guild. The riolu took a step forward as she began her walk into the dark forest that supposedly contained powerful pokemon.
All she needed to do was find a pecha scarf, shouldn't be too difficult, right? As if on cue, her stomach rumbled. She let out a growl in frustration, of COURSE she would get hungry JUST before a mission! She sighed and decided to ignore it, who knows? She might find some items along the way!
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 6:10 am

The member 'Madcap' has done the following action : Dices Roll

#1 'item rarity' : 7


#2 'encounter rarity' : 4, 4
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 11:04 pm

Kira had been startled by the sudden small heyena like pokemon. The pokemon seemed to be scared out of its wits as it ran back and forth almost comically between the Riolu and the Sandshrew. She watched as the small pup ran back into the woods, feeling a bit sorry for it.

She blinked when the bushes began rustling once more. A murkrow hopped out, its face seemed peaceful and harmless, but when it caught sight of the Riolu and the sandshrew, it changed. The neutral face sank into a frown and a glare. It gave a caw and something dropped down from the sky next to it, a Swellow.

Kira flinched upon the sight of two flying types, a fighting type's weakness. Her Brick Break could combat these pokemon due to the dark and normal type that had mixed with their flying nature, but if she was struck by a strong flying type move by the swellow, she was done for. She swallowed nervously as the two pokemon glared, as if expecting them to cough up information about their prey or to become their prey.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jan 14, 2014 2:03 pm

The sandshrew almost began to laugh at the murkrow such a small and unintimidating bird as it was. This was before, however, the massive swellow dropped down from the sky like a giant ball of feathery rage. The this was massive compared to the other three pokemon and Douglas was well aware that he was on the side worse off. The two birds stared, keen eyed at the unlikely companions.

"Ah... Ah think this is bad." The adventurer slowly rose from the ground, his eyes locked upon the two flying types. "Ah cen say the murk is easy, but this swellow will be tough..."

Douglas grimaced. He did not like the impromptu pairing up with strangers shtick.

"Ah don't know how skilled you are, but Ah can maybe poison the swellow if we go together. Maybe. It's big, it'll take a while to affect it."

The swellow seemed to tire of the staring contest and it's talons clenched the dirt in anticipation.

"You have all of five seconds. Either we bail or go. I'm behind whatevah you do."

Douglas considered running anyway, even if the riolu committed to the offensive. He had left others to die before, though this was exclusively because of their own faults and stupidity. If someone was wondering the desert, it wasn't the treasure hunters job to give them his rations. They should have been more prepared.

This situation, however, was not the riolu's fault. This meant the armadillo would stand by it until it's blood sprayed from a fatal wound.

Ah hope she ain't the reverse to what Ah'm thinkin'

The swellow puffed it's chest and shrieked a challenge, it's massive wingspan spread large to either side. The murkrow mimicked the movement, but only the swellow was frightening.

"Pick Kara. Pick now."
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jan 14, 2014 9:41 pm

Decision time: Fight or flight.

The riolu could either flee with the sandshrew and attempt to get the heck out of there. She remained silent as she stared at the beastly swellow and the not-so-beastly murkrow that was looking more cute than intimidating. She quickly thought over the decision of fleeing, they COULD run away from the two flying types, who she was weak against, and try to lose them. How difficult would it be for them to find them though? They had the aerial advantage of the skies at their disposal, they could just fly on up and catch up rather quickly. If they managed to somewhat out run them, the forest was filled with bushes and plants and other things that could be tripped over. One trip up would be the death of them, or at least one of them if Kira was the one to trip and the sandshrew went on without her. Fleeing seemed a bit pointless to this riolu.

Fighting on the other hand, they had somewhat of an advantage and a disadvantage at once. Flying types were known to be speedy, but they would have to get close to attack the riolu and the sandshrew, which would leave excellent room to smash a Brick Break into their beaks. The riolu, as mentioned before, was weak to the flying type though, and at the same time the Murkrow was a dark type(weak to flying) and the swellow was part normal type(Also weak to fighting) so he attack that could break the toughest of bricks would be fitting against these pokemon. She also had a counter attack she could utilize should she be hit.

"No point in running!" she spoke before darting forward and towards the swellow as it shrieked and opened its wings. The riolu held a paw out in front of her that glowed as the power of a fighting type flowed through it to give it the power of the attack. The Riolu gave a jab at the Swellow, striking the chest that was so proudly puffed out and knocking the wind out of it.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyThu Jan 16, 2014 2:17 am

“Confidence is important.” The adventure grinned, pulling down his hat.

The swellow was taken aback by the sucker punch, stumbling towards the brushes, such was the impact. It squawked with indignation and again presented its chest with the intent of further intimidation. It wasted no time, however; charging towards the riolu, half-flying half-running with malice burning in its eyes.

While the larger bird was distracted, Douglas melted into the shadows of the trees, appearing behind the confused murkrow faster than the sandshrew could have moved on foot. He grabbed the small crow, noting how light and thin it was. The assaulted pokemon let out many distressed squawks and chirps as its wings fluttered under the treasure hunter’s grasp. Being a dark type, the murkrow had noticed Douglas’ implementation of the nightslash, but it was far too inexperienced to sense the danger or simply move fast enough to evade the season paws of the armadillo.

“Nevah underestimate anyone.” He muttered as he clocked the bird over the back of the head, quietening it effectively, the blow stunning its body. “Sorry, Ah don’t like nightshades.”

The swellow had about faced as it heard the calls of its companion, leaving the riolu entirely and was now upon the ground type. Douglas was knocked off his feet as the swellow barreled through him, its beak swinging down toward his soft and exposed underbelly. Saliva and a gasp escaped the spaces between the sandshrew’s teeth as the sharp stab caught him under his thigh, crippling his movement. As the swellow drew back for a second strike, Douglas curled into his defensive hide.

“Ah tag Kara please.” He groaned quietly as the swellow struck again, pain shooting up from his wounded as the blow vibrated his whole body.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptySun Jan 19, 2014 7:19 am

Kira was already on it, being a rather experienced fighter of Team Tsunami. She darted towards the swellow with a bright white trail surrounding and trailing her. The riolu had utilized Quick Attack to get closer more quickly, and clocked the Swellow across the beak before it could harm the armadillo more. She held back her paw to deliver another Brick Break with her paw, but the swellow's head flashed into her middle section in a Quick Attack of its own. The riolu glowed with a brownish orange aura once more as she delivered a kick similar to a round house kick into the Swellow's wing. The bird screeched and backed off, moving towards its friend, the murkrow, and away from Kira and the sandshrew.

Kira was breathing a bit heavy though, despite being the attack Counter, she still had sustained damage. A paw was held over the spot where the Swellow had struck her, but she still looked ready to fight if the Swellow decided to stay for some more happy fun times.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jan 21, 2014 7:40 am

Douglas uncurled, moaning as he rolled to his side before standing before the two birds, each eyeing him and the blood spurting out of his leg wound. The armadillo was lightheaded, the liquid of life spilling alarmingly from the gaping hole.

"This ain't great..." He touched the gore gingerly. "Ah always hated birds." He looked up, noticing the swellow and murkrow had liked their eyes upon the injured ground type.

"Bet Ah'm made a tougher stuff than that pooch y'all were chasin'." They flinched at his movements, seemingly fearful of this enemy that stood even while bleeding.

The sandshrew grinned with bared teeth. Seizing the moment, Douglas stomped forward with his red streaked foot, causing the pair of flying types to squawk and flee with remarkable haste.

The treasure hunter pulled down his hat, turning to the riolu. "Superstitious creatures, ferals. I once tricked stabeye into thinking I was a god. Until a scraggy turned up. Good times." The adventures grin wavered as the colour began to drain from his face.

"You're gonna need to find some moss, vines and a revival herb. Ah have the herb. Mash it into a paste. Ah... Woo."

The sandshrew shifted backwards and slipped in his own blood, collapsing like a house of cards.

"Didn't that pooch drop something?"

Then he passed out.
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PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 22, 2014 12:50 am

The riolu looked to the sandshrew as it fell over and passed out, "Oh arceus!" she gasped. She quickly recalled what the sandshrew had told her to get, not quite recalling that moment in the panic of the situation.

Okay, calm down. The sandshrew had said it needed Moss, Vines, and a revival herb. Moss she could get from a mossy rock or something. Wouldn't that infect the wound though? What about vines, where was she going to get them in a forest? Shadowhue didn't carry any vines! A revival herb, what was that!? The riolu knew little of herbs and medical items beyond oran berries, sitris berries, and various seeds. The riolu looked around frantically, looking for something that could help the pokemon that had helped defend her against the two powerful, well only one was powerful, birds.
This dice is not existing.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyWed Jan 22, 2014 1:57 am

Though flat on his backs and his eyes remaining closed, Douglas drifted in and out of the conscious world, like a sailor caught in a vicious storm.

His mind dreamt of the deserts and the caves of his youthful adventures. It flashed through all his life, his broken weather mask floating before him with a eerily toothy grin. The sand it was shrouded in ripped at his tended skin and eyes, taunting the fallen treasure hunter with the memory of the sandiles and the fateful day of guilt and remorse.

The mask lifted as a bright white light shone through the tiny orbiting granules. It stabbed at the ground types retinas, the pain jarring him to his very soul.

Back in the real world, the sandshrew shuddered, his teeth clenched, words quietly hissed under his staggered breathing.

Had he been in any form of lucidity, Douglas may have observers the irony of the situation, and indeed the riolu's incompetence. His dream self asked if he really had mentioned the revival herb, or if he had passed out before he could.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyThu Jan 23, 2014 3:32 am

((Oh sweet reviver seed, right on time xD))

The riolu hoped the sandshrew would not mind given the situation, and dove into the bag near the fallen sandshrew. There was a stun seed, some kind of orb, and a herb, but it didn't seem like it would help much other than to help stop the wound from infection. The riolu used the herb on the sandshrew, the riolu had probably been using it wrong due to not having the right items to keep the herb applied. She looked around frantically, spotting a reviver seed nearby.

With it, she could bring the sandshrew back to consciousness, and it would help with the wound. She quickly reached out for the convenient nut like seed with a stalk in the shape of a heart sprouting from it and gave it to the sandshrew. She hoped the seed would work, and that the sandshrew wouldn't be too angry with her inexperience. Despite being an explorer for quite a while, she was still a rookie, and the guild did not teach how to treat wounds such as this. Kira swallowed and waited for some kind of result.

((Healing is not one of Kira's strong points |D Also sorry about short posts lately!
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyThu Jan 30, 2014 12:47 am

Douglas sat bolt upright, the vigour of the seed snapping him from his delusions and bringing him back once again to the conscious world. His hat flew off I'm the violent motion and the pain in his leg diminished to a dull throbbing and the bleeding slowed at the medical power of the revitalising herb starched the flow of blood from the wound. Still confused the adventure spoke of his dream.

"No! Ah was at Scorchfall. He was there an he was gonna... Ah need to talk..." The spark of fantasy dimmed in the treasure hunter's eyes as the forest and riolu returned to focus. "... Dammit." The word issued through his teeth like a bitter wind of regret.

Douglas tongued his molars as he lay back on the ground, feeling the fiberous remained of a sweet tasting plant."Guess Ah owe you a reviver seed... Gross... Did you get any moss? This wound is deeper than Ah'd like an if it was ta reopen it wouldn't be great."

Look at the world upside-down, the sandshrew dusted off his hat and growled low, the circumstances being most unpleasant for him.

"I guess I should thank you Kara..."
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PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] - Page 2 EmptyThu Jan 30, 2014 2:58 am

"Oh, right erm, sorry!" the riolu quickly darted off, luckily finding one of the rare patches of moss nearby. She returned with it and asked, "is this...okay?"

The riolu felt rather guilty about the sandshrew's situation, maybe she should have asked him to run and just took on the flying pokemon herself. She would probably not have survived the encounter though, which was a plus side of her not telling just him to run. Her mid section still ached from the attack where the flying types had struck her harshly. She considered herself lucky that she did not end up like the sandshrew, or some other prey the birds had successfully taken down. These thoughts only led her into a loop though as she grew guilty once more, and tried to think of the brighter side and come back to the same old topic in her mind.

"There's no vines in this forest, is there anything else we can use you think?" she asked, she reminded herself to apologize later for waking him back up while the wound was still fresh, but at least the energy could help the Sandshrew recover faster...right? The riolu was confused and feeling useless, she made another mental note to go and do some research on natural herbs that could help with wounds after this. It was likely she would just forget though and go straight out on another mission.
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