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 Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]

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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyMon Nov 25, 2013 4:46 am

This is also a mission thread so I request three pages in this thread please ^^':

A riolu huffed as she looked at the mission pamphlet. The ponyta must have been a shy type since she needed a friend to tell the strange dragon type to cease hoarding the items. Kira pocketed the map in her team's bag as she looked at the forest with seemingly bored eyes. She had grabbed this mission of the board at random, since she felt like doing another mission despite the long day she had already had exploring some of the town and guild. The riolu took a step forward as she began her walk into the dark forest that supposedly contained powerful pokemon.
All she needed to do was find a pecha scarf, shouldn't be too difficult, right? As if on cue, her stomach rumbled. She let out a growl in frustration, of COURSE she would get hungry JUST before a mission! She sighed and decided to ignore it, who knows? She might find some items along the way!
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyFri Dec 06, 2013 3:37 am

Douglas happened to be in a similar predicament as the riolu. The treasure hunter was in Shadowhue Forest foraging for supplies. The trees of the area happened to be the only common place for bitter roots to be found outside of the deserts and seasonal markets of nearby towns. The adventurer never had much money and, although he was not above stealing, he rather be his own master and not own anyone any favors.

Digging beneth a tree, the sandshrew felt his stomach growl as it preempted his find.

"Ye Ah know..." he breathed to himself as he felt his innards churn with hunger. The hatted adventurer dug down to the root system only to find that the takings were far too small for the effort involved. "Great balls o' fire... Can Ah ever catch a break?"

Douglas sat back from the hole, and bit his fingers in frustration. It was the 7th tree he had been under and it was the 7th tree that appeared to have been picked clean only a few months earlier. Douglas was one of the few pokemon he knew that relished the succulent morsels, for all of them to be missing was, what he considered to be, a one in a thousand chance. Dismayed, the ground type filled in the hole and patted down the dirt.

The sandmouse stood, stretching his back and sighing. He decided he would have to check somewhere else.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptySat Dec 07, 2013 6:36 am

The pokemon that was similar to the great Egyptian god of death-Anubis- resisted sighing once more, feeling as if she would sound similar to a whining baby pokemon to any overhearing her. The riolu was technically a baby pokemon in terms of the books though, but that didn't excuse how old she was. Kira placed a paw on her hip and tried to look into the sky, but the foliage of the trees blocked the blue ceiling with a whisper of laughter as the wind picked its way through.

She stretched, preparing to move on, until she heard a strange scratching noise similar to digging of dirt. The pokemon blinked and tilted her head towards the noise curiously, taking a step closer. She knew well enough that whatever was making this noise had to be dangerous, but she had somewhat regretted coming out here alone and hungry. The possibility of the noise-maker being a friendly and having food for a poor explorer was too tempting! What if they had apples!? How would she live with herself if she passed up the chance of apples!?

She took another step closer, carefully picking apart branches and leaves of a tightly knit bush, creating noise similar to a mad Tauros in a shop filled with expensive and fragile glass. The amount of noise she made bothered her only slightly, since she was confident she would be able to dart out of trouble with her Quick Attack if needed. If that failed, she still had Brick Break, Blaze Kick, and Counter to help her finish the foe, if they were to attack of course.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyTue Dec 10, 2013 3:06 am

The rustling alerted the seasoned adventurer, causing his ears to swivel as he turned to face a possible threat.

Taking a step back and pulling down on his brim, Douglas peered into the foliage beyond. His eyes pierced the muted greens of the underlying brush as he caught a fleeting glance a stark blue limb inside the undergrowth.

Running over his wealth of knowledge, Douglas came to the realization that he actually had no idea of the Pokemon he had seen. Being familiar with Shadowhue and it's hosts meant that it probably wasn't native. It was clearly no taller then the sandshrew himself, seeing as it was sheltered beneath the greenery. Finally, Douglas concluded they it was doubtful the Pokemon could fly. He nodded, confirming these thoughts to himself and decided he would be ready for anything that Pokemon could dish out.

His curiosity was peaked, however, so Douglas took an uncharacteristic chance and called out.

"Ah don't trust you, but if ya'll friendly and such, Ah'mma give you two seconds to step outta there."

The bravado was false. If the unknown being didn't, the treasure hunter was not about to go charging into the leaves, blind to a possible trap. On the other hand, he assumed that a friendly would behave as expected and come out, having nothing to hide. A feral would probably just jump out at the challenge.

The ground type was low and ready to counter whatever came his way.

Last edited by Madcap on Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyWed Dec 11, 2013 1:30 am

The riolu listened to the Sandshrew's speak, hearing a rather strange dialect that she had never heard before. She had never encountered someone with a different way of speaking other than the normal and complete sentences where "ya'll" was just "you're" or "you all."

She stepped out into the open, seeing as since the pokemon could speak it was somewhat civilized and friendly perhaps. Kira usually wasn't a pokemon type of pokemon.(or a people type of person to make more sense since pokemon is a plural form of itself)

She studied the pokemon, it was brown and tan, and had a more rounded shape to its body, as if it could curl into a ball at any moment and roll away like a whirlipede. She spoke, "I'm friendly, Rescue Team Member Kira of Team Tsunami to be exact.." she held out her badge to prove it. She thought of the badge as a way of proving that she was a nice pokemon, though not many live up to the name of being nice as they chose jobs that had the highest reward, but pokemon still associated badge with being nice these days.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyWed Dec 11, 2013 2:32 am

There was a moment of silence when the adventurer finished speaking, during which Douglas felt his muscles tense into proverbial steel bands, ready to spring.

As the rustling began again, Douglas' height seemed to increase, taking to the balls of his feet as the blue and black creature emerged from the underbrush. It was larger than Douglas by about 2 inches, which was a fair amount in small Pokemon, but it was nothing Douglas hadn't taken on before. But then it was. The sandshrew felt his face twitch as he again confirmed that he really had no clue as to what the Pokemon before him actually was.

It looked like it could be psychic.

Douglas did not like psychics.

Psychics made him uncomfortable.

The unknown Pokemon presented a badge from the Grassveil guild that Douglas knew was nearby. Not that that made the ground type any less weary. HE himself had a badge that he looted from a long dead totodile out in Scorchfall desert. Thinking about it, maybe Douglas considered that he should start carrying it around so he could use it to his advantage. This same train of thought led him to consider the new Pokemon a possible outlaw trying to be clever. Maybe even a turncoat.

"That symbol don't mean nothin' to anyone with brains. Who are ya? What's yer business? Why are you watchin' me?"

Despite his misgivings, the treasure hunter lowered himself down from his toes. Staying with an arched back may only agitate the situation. Douglas didn't like to agitate psychics.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyWed Dec 11, 2013 3:03 am

Kira grew a bit annoyed by how the strange pokemon didn't trust her, but knew that it was fairly reasonable to be weary of even explorers who bear the symbol of the guild. The pokemon, that appeared similar to a certain egyptian god by the name of Anubis, spoke, "Like I said, I'm Kira of team Tsunami, I'm here on a mission," she took out the flyer for the mission and held it up to show the pokemon, "and I was wondering what the source of the digging noise was."

She had purposefully left out the part about hoping for apples. She found it embarrassing to admit to her mad love for apples. The riolu just wouldn't be able to live in this world without them, so she thought.

The riolu flinched as a sudden pulse of aura flashed through her mind, giving her a blurry image of nearby objects. The riolu rubbed her head as a headache rose from it. She knew that she needed to start training to use her aura senses more. She had barely trained as is, and it would probably cause nothing, but pain in the nearby future.

Her mind wandered off to thinking that maybe these sudden surges of aura sensing emitting from her mind is a sign of her evolution coming around the corner. She wasn't sure just how her species evolved, but maybe this was a sign! The thoughts faded to the back of her mind as she brought herself back to pay attention to the sandshrew, hoping that it didn't see her flinching as a threat.
(Sorry about the small posts ;a;)
This dice is not existing.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyWed Dec 11, 2013 4:41 am

"Kira... Well Ah'm Douglas. Pleasure, Ah guess." The sandshrew held out his hand expectantly. "Ah was the one diggin', lookin' fer some roots, foragin' an' the like."

The sandshrew took the parchment, looking it over. "Purple...?" He grunted. "Are ya lookin' fer the dragon or just the scarf? Seems like a long shot to me, findin' an item that mayhave dropped is a waste of yer good time..." He adjusted his pack as he handed back the mission paper. There was a moments silence as Douglas thought about his next question and the new pokemon replaced the page.

"Tsunami, like that wave, right? Ah hate to ask but you a water type then? Ah ain't real familiar with yer..." he waved his hand non-expressivly while averting his eyes. The adventurer was more than a little embarrassed, but if it turned out this pokemon wasn't a psychic type, it was worth the bother. If it was, Douglas would cross that bridge when he came to it.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyWed Dec 11, 2013 4:53 am

"Yeah i'm looking for the item. It is a long-shot, but it's still out here and the pokemon needs help in finding it."

The riolu blinked, the sandshrew was correct. It would be difficult to find the same exact item. A mischievous pokemon would have thought that the client wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the specific item and a different item of the same kind, but not this riolu. She knew nothing of other pecha scarves existing in the forest, so she had assumed that the first scarf she found was the scarf she needed.

"Oh, also i'm not a water type, my team leader is. I'm a fighting type," She had no clue that the brown shrew pokemon thought that she had been a psychic type. She was indeed a fighting type, the complete opposite of a psychic type, weak to them in fact. Her strength was no match for the abilities of a psychic pokemon's mind. If she were to come across one, her only defensive move against them would be Blaze Kick, well the only EFFECTIVE offensive move.

The riolu walked over to a nearby patch of tall grass, remembering seeing an unusual box in it during her moment of being able to sense the aura of her surroundings. She didn't sense the box exactly, but more of the absence of aura that made its shape. The grass around it had formed an aura, but the box had created a visible void in it. She was able to find it easily with this void, and was even more convinced that she should work on her ability to sense aura like her evolution, lucatio, could.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyThu Dec 12, 2013 2:01 pm

Douglas snorted "'Still out here', Ah think yer wastin' yer time. It's a needle in a haystack." He uncrossed his arms and threw them up dismissively. "But far be it from me ta get in the way."

As the riolu approached the box, Douglas raised an eyebrow. He wondered just how perceptive this fighting type could be. The adventurer himself had noticed it as he came in, but the large locked boxes that seemed to be scattered throughout the wilderness held no interest to him. He still had one back at his stash, but for the life of him he couldn't open the blasted box.

"One day I'mma drop one of those of a cliff or somethin'..." He scoffed quietly to himself. "Good eyes there. What sort of Pokemon are you Kira?"
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyThu Dec 12, 2013 10:04 pm

The riolu placed her box in a bag she had borrowed from the team base. The blue pokemon blinked and spoke, "I'm a riolu...and the boxes can be opened at the guild I think. It's a rumor I heard, but apparently there's an absol with a shining ruby blade that's supposed to be able to open the boxes for a small fee."

Kira had overheard the sandshrew speak, and had decided to answer the sandshrew's speech about dropping them off a cliff. She resisted a laugh at the idea of dropping the box off of a cliff side. She imagined that the box would still be closed somehow, and even if it did open, the remnants of whatever was inside would be destroyed. She had no clue what was in it, but she didn't want to risk breaking it.

"I just wish I could get some kind of control over the aura sensing thing...it feels like my head implodes every time it happens..." She mumbled to herself.
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyWed Dec 18, 2013 7:06 am

Douglas stepped back, eyes suddenly wide. "'Aura'? What aura? What sensin'?" His face slowly settled into a suspicious frown as his body took on a more defensive and weary stance.

"You lied ta me." The sandshrew spat as he spoke the words. "Yer psychic after all. What are you doin' here? What do ya want?"

Douglas was ready to pounce; should the answer be unsatisfactory, the adventurer had decided that this case would warrant immediate action.

But as did most, the plan fell to pieces when it came into contact with the real world. A third party entered the playing field, it's only warning a rustle of leaves from behind the sand mouse.

Last edited by Madcap on Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyWed Dec 18, 2013 7:06 am

The member 'Madcap' has done the following action : Dices Roll

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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 3:04 am

"Psychic type!?" The aura sensing pokemon huffed in anger, "I am NOT a liar, i'm a FIGHTING type. Aura sensing is just what my species can do! I don't exactly know how, but being a psychic type would probably be more convenient since I could just warp my way from dungeon to dungeon...then again it might make me really tired and hun-what was that?"

The riolu rambled until she heard the rustling noise. She froze, trying to figure out what it was before it stepped out using her aura sensing abilities, which really need to be given an actual name instead of just "aura sensing abilities" because that's a real mouthful, but only inflicting a headache upon herself. Her mind had not yet been properly trained for such a thing, there was no way she was going to be able to use it right then on command!
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Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person]   Scars, Starves, and Scarves! [Open to 1 Person] EmptyThu Dec 19, 2013 6:10 am

Douglas glanced over his shoulder as the rustling intensified. Jumping parallel to the sound, the sandshrew formed a Mexican standoff with the riolu and the sound issuing from the undergrowth. Though still something he wanted to avoid, the adventurer was no longer sandwiched between two possible combatants.

The poochyena burst through the brush, its hurried feet blurring beneath it’s torso as it yelped with fear upon seeing the two pokemon. Swiftly changing direction, it darted toward the riolu, yelped again and ran between the ground and fighting types as it attempted to flee the undergrowth nearby.

The yelping of the small dark type was over turned by more sounds of foliage in distress, the sound of twigs and leaves being torn from their limbs reached the companions and the frightened feral. The dark type, now trying even more desperately to escape, barreled through Douglas and out of clearing.

The treasure hunter felt his legs go out from under him as the terrified puppy fled the scene. Face suddenly full of dirt, Douglas looked up just as the poochyena’s pursuers came out of the underbrush.

“Yer jokin’...”
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