First topic message reminder :
A snake like creature slithered about the Fiery Chasm in excitement, this was not the first, but the SECOND time he had gone on an adventure with his friend! The Dratini looked back to see his new team mate stepping carefully over the lava streams and trying his best not to burn himself, "Stop being so scared, we'll be fine Acro!"
"How do you know? We're surrounded by lava, what if we fall into a stream of it? or a river?" the archen responded, a bit fearful as his tail nearly touched the stream. Well at least there isn't any water down here... he tried to think positively.
"Calm down, if we run into trouble we can always call for help of another rescue team!" the dratini cried happily.
"It's not as easy as that..." The Archen mumbled as they continued to explore the chasm.