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 Adopting Osiris the Dratini

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the sunset hero

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Adopting Osiris the Dratini Empty
PostSubject: Adopting Osiris the Dratini   Adopting Osiris the Dratini EmptyThu Sep 28, 2017 10:12 pm

» Name: Osiris the Dratini
» Gender: Male
» Species: #147 Dratini, the Dragon Pokémon
» Affiliation/Rank: Grassveil Citizen (easily influenced)

» Why do you want to adopt them?: Well. I mean. He's a Dratini. Dratini are cool.

But also because he's a good character to adopt. The bio is decent and his history is short and sweet. He's got enough of his own personality to start with (essentially being a young, helpful and curious kid with a fascination with dragons and a penchant for rashness), but since he is so young there is plenty of room for him to grow. Not to mention that the original roleplayer didn't do a whole lot with him, so I can take him in whichever direction I like. What's not to like about him?

Also, I just want to play a fundamentally good character, maybe even a hero - unlike my other character, who is a villain (or is at least growing into one).

» Sample of roleplay: (The following excerpt takes place before any of the character's threads)

His name was Osiris, and he was a dragon.

Dragons, mind you, were mythical and powerful and regal and cool in every possible way. They dominated wherever they happened to be! Whether they were soaring through the sky or battling on land, they ruled. Dragons could command any element they wanted, able to breath scorching fire or summon crashing thunder, command mighty waves of water or shake the very earth they stood on! And virtually nothing was able to harm them.  It takes a dragon to take down a dragon, his mother had once said. Sure, there were fairies and Ice-types that they had to worry about, but that was hardly a fair argument. What kind of drake didn't pack firepower to deal with pesky Ice-types? Some could even use Poison-type attacks, so fairies weren't anything to worry about either.

They were the most powerful kind of Pokémon, without a doubt. But what made them so fascinating to Osiris was that they were so shrouded with mystery. They were the strongest Pokémon in the world, and what did people really know of them? Most of them had scales, wings, and claws, and they were very strong. That... didn't amount to much. It didn't satisfy Osiris. What he wanted to know, was how they came to be so in the first place. All his life, Osiris had been told tales about dragons of old, and how they shaped this world with mighty roars that bent the fabric of time and reality itself. He'd spent many a night curled up around shoddy old books, with crumpled and ruined pages, gleaning what he could to learn about the great dragons of history. One day, he would be one of them.

But today...

"Osiris! If you don't hurry, you'll be late!" A harried and exasperated voice reverberated through the house, sharp with warning in that specific way only a mother could manage. While the voice would have normally warmed the young dragon, his mother's tone this time sent a shudder down his serpentine body, and the Dratini hurried along as fast as he could. He loved his mother with all his heart, as graceful and kind and beautiful as a Dragonair could be, but he dared not trifle with her when she was up in a tiff.

Even dragons had to go to school, unfortunately. Hastily, the young serpent slithered about his small room, around the straw bed before rifling through the dresser pressed against the wall, fishing out this and that and the other. He stuffed parchment and utensils into his humble satchel as best as he could with no hands, his long body fumbling around the items awkwardly. With a quiet, satisfied huff with his preparations, Osiris quickly bit down on the handle of his school bag and drug it alongside him, snaking across the floor of his small bedroom as hurriedly as he could manage.

"Oh!" A scandalized gasp escaped from him as Osiris slithered past the small mirror propped against the wall beside his doorway, his eyes glancing at his reflection absently. His headband was missing! Aghast that he was about to leave the house without his favorite bandana, he wriggled his way back over to his dresser, quickly snatching his beloved headband. He set about fastening it about his head as best as he could manage, nuzzling his head against it at a certain angle until it fell upon his brow the way he liked, just barely covering the white pearl on his forehead and casting a small shadow over his eyes.

Making his way back to his doorway, Osiris took a moment to inspect himself in his mirror. As far as Dratini went, he was no special specimen. A small but deceptively long serpentine figure stared back at him, the baby blue hue of his scales particularly bright this morning. The young serpent craned his body this way and that, rearing up to expose his white underbelly and taking a few moments to observe the dragon staring back at him. He'd shed his skin just last week, and he'd come out of it a little bit longer and feeling particularly vibrant. Still, he was nowhere near his mother's prodigious length, and honestly was probably still a bit small as far as Dratini standards went, but Osiris took pride in how long he'd been growing as of late.

A twitch of a muscle in his brow sent his still-developing wings aflutter on his head, flapping weakly and uselessly. Even as a Dragonair, they didn't serve much purpose outside of looking kinda cool, but when he became a Dragonite, they'd serve him well. Now, however, they just seemed too... cute for his liking. In a childish attempt to look menacing, Osiris opened his mouth, baring small fangs and doing his best to appear fearsome, but he had a sneaking suspicion that he was failing miserably. Being a Dratini was nice, he supposed, but had he been born a Druddigon, he'd already be fearsome.

Ah, well. Such things would come in time, as long as he kept training and growing. Morosely, the serpent Pokémon bit down on the handle of his satchel and made his way out of his room. Through his doorway, he came into the main room of his home, which served as both a kitchen and living room. Slithering through the doorway, he entered the living room proper and cast his gaze about the scenery. Congenial but old furniture decorated one side of the room, meticulously arranged to suit his mother's mysteriously specific tastes. Disarranged utensils and scattered ingredients littered the countertop in the far side of the room, which was home to the oven, sink, countertop and an icebox tucked into the corner. It was there he found the form of his mother, absentmindedly washing dishes with a sponge wrapped around her long tail. He'd be lying if such a sight didn't make him envious - he longed for the day where he was long enough to pick things up with such a sense of deftness.

On the other hand, when his mother caught sight of him, a vexing frown marred her snout as she took in the scrambling Dratini. "You're going to be late if you don't make good time, little Iris," Ooh, how he normally hated that nickname. Osiris was a great name, even sort of regal sounding, but Iris was so childish, not to mention girly. Still, such thoughts usually melted when his mother aimed it at him, and looking up at her now, strikingly craned over him, he honestly found it hard to be mad at her. "Run along now, and I'll have a snack ready when you come home."

"... Flat pie?" Despite himself, Osiris couldn't help the way his tone sounded, lighthearted and expectant and hopeful. "Oran?"

"With oran berries, yes, just the way you like." Any lingering annoyance or irritable feelings melted at the confirmation, and acting on an impulse, the young serpent slithered up and curled around his mother, basking in the cool warmth of her scales. It was a modest life that he lived with his mother, in their little two bedroom house on the outskirts of Grassveil, but it was a satisfying one. As he parted from the embrace, his mother was quick to bump snouts with him, nuzzling against him with an almost palpable sense of pride. "Have a good day, sweetie, and do try to hurry."

"Yes, mum," Even with the promise of his favorite treat, Osiris couldn't bring himself to be enthusiastic about the situation. Untangling himself from his mother's grasp, he slithered past the open door and into the streets of Grassveil's outskirts. Honestly, he didn't know how his mother was able to tell the time with such accuracy. Looking up into the cloudy skies, he struggled to locate the rising morning sun and eventually gave it up as a bad job. All the same, however, he began his trip to the center of Grassveil, making a beeline for the schoolhouse. Absently as he slithered along, through the streets and around the bustling Pokémon meandering about in the morning, he let his mind wander to the same thing it seemed he was always preoccupied with.

Truthfully, he didn't care for his schooling, and while it was technically voluntary, the only thing that kept him from quitting was his unrelenting mother. It was important for every Pokémon to be educated in this world, she said, and they were lucky that Grassveil had a schoolhouse. It was there that Osiris sat at a desk every day, where he'd learned his letters and numbers and everything else they had to offer. He was grateful, of course, and if was being honest with himself he was fortunate to have this opportunity. Many of the travelers that bustled through Grassveil lacked such a chance and weren't literate the way he was.

But legendaries help him if it wasn't the most boring thing. It wasn't at all what he wanted to do! He was young, and he was clever, and he could put that to use a thousand different better ways than sitting in a stuffy old schoolhouse learning about history and numbers and other boring things. He could embrace danger and duty as a Rescue Team Member, get a job with the Guild and maybe even catch a glimpse of his elusive father. Apparently, he worked there, but that was all he'd ever gotten out of his mother about his only absentee parent. Maybe he could work his way up to his sire's rank and work alongside him, get to know his father through the heat of battle and develop a sense of camaraderie in place of the father-son relationship he wasn't sure he wanted at this point. Two Dragonites tackling the world together, teaching outlaws and wild Pokémon and Mystery Dungeons all over the world that there was no match for a dragon!

Or he could set out on his own, and do whatever else his heart bid him. Perhaps he could become an independent explorer and travel the world, seeking treasures and danger and thrills! Meeting new friends and having incredible adventures, discovering new lands and growing stronger for it every day. He could see everything the world had to offer, and grow outside the bustling town of Grassveil. Osiris didn't possess much of a wanderlust, but even that seemed like an infinitely better idea than learning boring history and stuffy mathematics.

Maybe, instead, he could search the world for the true origin of dragon-kind, and try to learn more about the draconic gods that he knew shaped this world. It was perhaps his greatest fantasy, to learn more about his people and the secrets of their power. He could loot mysterious old temples and shrines, steal ancient artifacts and discover clues. He could even become a prophet for one of the dragon gods, like how Arceus had his own! How fitting would that be? A young Dratini preaching the word of the most regal and powerful of the legendary Pokémon, educating the rest of the world and curing their ignorance. Like some sort of chosen one. Osiris knew he'd be perfectly willing and able to take on such a duty, and he knew he'd love every moment of it.

He slowed his pace as he approached his destination. Nestled in a pristine corner in the center of the city was the old schoolhouse that took in the children of Grassveil and taught them what they thought they need to know to make it in life. Pokémon of all different kinds loitered around and about the schoolhouse, dropping off their children and wishing them good luck. As if they needed it! Looking up at the old building, Osiris knew it in his heart. Whatever it is he wanted to do with his life, it was not this.

At night, when he slithered into his bed and closed his eyes and let sleep take him, he did not dream of being a scholar. He dreamt of mighty blows bouncing off his powerful draconic scales and great sweeping wings carrying him above the night sky. He dreamt of his own fiery hot breath turning villains to ash and the awed, fascinated stares of other Pokémon taking in his majesty. Most of all, he dreamt of mighty, primordial roars, bending the fabric of time and space and shaping the world in his own image.

His name was Osiris, and he was a dragon.

» Link to the original bio: https://pmd-roleplay.forumotion.org/t2808-up-for-adoption-osiris-the-dratini
» Levels of existing characters: Goro the Croagunk - lvl 12
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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Adopting Osiris the Dratini Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adopting Osiris the Dratini   Adopting Osiris the Dratini EmptySun Oct 08, 2017 9:14 pm

I wonder what watching his dear old dad get beat down by a glaceon would do to him...

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