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 Getting the word out (Open)

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2 posters

Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyThu Jan 03, 2013 1:19 pm

Ilia was looking at one of the many posters she had made by hand. They told about the new Kangaskhan Storage business and had in bold lettering how rescue teams got their first twenty slots of space free. Ilia planned to hang these up with the nails she stored in her pouch. Though bagless, that pouch really came in handy for Ilia. Placing the posters in her pouch, she went out to find the most walked by areas and most populated areas. The posters would be more effective that way after all.
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Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyThu Jan 03, 2013 5:23 pm

Ever looked at the posters. She was going to buy a few berries for the exploration her team planned, but she couldn't seem to find the thing. "Hmm...Where could i find the berries?" Suddenly she bumped into Ilia, falling down sending the contents of the bag flying everywhere. "Oh I......I'm....sorry..." She mumbled, attempting to pick up everything. "Are.....you....okay?" Eva said after everything was in order. "Did you drop something?...." She asked worried that one of ther person's objects were broken.
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Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyThu Jan 03, 2013 5:41 pm

Luckily, Ilia had just finished putting up poster before the Absol bumped into her. She dropped her hammer, but Ilia had wisely put the other nails and posters in her front pouch. Ilia smiled warmly at the pokemon and shook her head, picking the tool up. "I'm fine, don't worry. However, it looks like you could use a place for your things." Ilia reached in her pouch and held out a poster. "I run the new storage shop. Call me Ilia. Only 100 poke for the first twenty slots of storage, free if you are part of a rescue team."
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Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyThu Jan 03, 2013 6:24 pm

(What is this Absol you speak of? XD It's fine)
"That sounds like a nice job....My name's Ever....but most call me Eva." The Oshawott introduced herself. "Free if you are part of a rescue team? Oh, what happens since you are part of a rescue team, do you share a storage?" She asked suddenly losing her shyness in the curiousity. "Um...do you need some help puting up posters?" She asked realizing she should probably help the Kanagaskan.
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Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyThu Jan 03, 2013 9:27 pm

Ilia chuckled at the sudden excited look from the smaller pokemon. "Well yes, rescue team storage is shared, but you can have personal storage on the side. As for the posters, I have it. Your hands seem full. Why don't you come to my shop later if you wanna get your own storage space? I'll be done later in the day."
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Location : Walking a path which leads to nowhere.

Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyThu Jan 03, 2013 9:35 pm

Ever nodded. "Okay. So there is a team storage, which we can use at once, like for rewards, and to perhaps to give a teammate an item or two." She asked. "Sounds like a nice shop. I hope you are sucessful in it!" She said happily.
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Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyThu Jan 03, 2013 9:43 pm

Ilia grinned and nodded. "Thanks for the kind words. I hope you have a lovely day Ever. See you later." With that, the Kangaskhan turned and went on her way to put up more posters.
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Location : Somewhere, brooding on and on about the horrors of bleeding writing materials.

Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyFri Jan 04, 2013 1:58 pm

Mordred walked, his head hanging slightly as he kicked a stone around. 'I really should choose my partners better... Aislinn could have been in danger because of me...' With a more powerful kick, he sent the stone flying. The Scraggy didn't seem to realize this at first, and took a few seconds before he looked ahead of him, only to be greeted by the same stone.

Thanks to his absent-mindedness, he hadn't noticed how close he was to a nearby building, causing the stone to come bouncing back to his face. "ARGH!" He said, falling backwards. Now he sat there, looking like an idiot as he rubbed the small mark left by the hard stone. 'Well, that was stupid...'
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Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyFri Jan 04, 2013 2:12 pm

Ilia had saw the whole thing. The rock hit a pole, than a wall, bounced off a sign and hit the Scraggy right in the head. Eight points for creativity. Ilia sighed and walked over, offering a hand. "That looked painful. Are you alright? Can I take a look at where you got hit to make sure you are fine?"
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Location : Somewhere, brooding on and on about the horrors of bleeding writing materials.

Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyFri Jan 04, 2013 2:21 pm

Mordred simply stood up, brushing himself off. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine thanks for-" His eyes widened, seeing a pokemon towering over him. A Kangaskhan. 'Big pokemon, may possibly be ferocious, type advantage but who knows what they might have up their sleeve, crap.' He took a few steps back, not liking the idea of being within the range of such a big pokemon. "Th-thanks but I'm fine." He said.

Looking toward her pouch, the Scraggy spotted what seemed to be nails, a tool, and... paper?'Weird.' He thought silently. He seemed a bit more tense, seeing the few dangerous tools in the hands of what could be a threatening pokemon.
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Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyFri Jan 04, 2013 2:30 pm

Ilia saw the obvious reaction to her size and sighed. "Look little guy, if I was all bad cause I was big, I wouldn't be helping you. Now lets try this the proper way and be polite." The larger pokemon offered her hand yet again. "My name is Ilia, owner of the new storage place here in town. May I ask your name?"
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Location : Somewhere, brooding on and on about the horrors of bleeding writing materials.

Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyFri Jan 04, 2013 2:36 pm

Mordred blinked. "Uh, Mordred." He said, a mix of a normal voice and a bit of a mumble. He took a few steps, just enough that he could reach out and shake Ilia's hand. He felt a bit calmer, seeing how this pokemon seemed not too violent. But he still hasn't lowered his gaurd. Ambushes and deception were a thing, after all. '...Wait a minute.'

"A storage place? This town has a storage shop?" He questioned. During his time back at his clan, their storages mainly consisted of weaponry and food. He'd understand the food part, but this town had weapons?
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Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyFri Jan 04, 2013 2:56 pm

"Nice to meet you Mordred." Ilia shook his hand firmly before continuing. "I run Kangaskhan Storage, where I'll store anything you need me to with the greatest of care. Mom did the same back home and I followed in her footsteps. I'm a bit new to the area myself." Ilia took a poster out of her pouch and held it out to Mordred. "Take this. I hope you become a customer in the future."
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Posts : 655
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Join date : 2012-11-15
Location : Somewhere, brooding on and on about the horrors of bleeding writing materials.

Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyFri Jan 04, 2013 3:02 pm

Mordred analyzed the poster carefully. 'Huh. Pretty nice business. Would be useful too if I go exploring... my hood can't be a pocket forever...' He thought silently. The Scraggy's mouth hitched up a bit, a faint smile. He looked up at the Kangaskhan. "This is a pretty good business. It would help a lot of the pokemon here... Yeah, sure. Expect me to be a costumer some time soon." He said. "For as long as there aren't any signs of weapons that is." He added the last bit in a voice that couldn't be understood, before quickly folding the poster and hiding it in the red hood that hung from his neck.
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Getting the word out (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the word out (Open)   Getting the word out (Open) EmptyFri Jan 04, 2013 3:09 pm

Ilia smiled and nodded. "Glad to hear it. I look forward to helping you." The Kangaskhan took a look at the sun and frowned. "Where did the time go? I apologise, but I wanna get these posters out by noon so I can get back to my shop. I'm sure you understand, right? It was quite nice to meet you Mordred." Ilia waved goodbye before walking off to finish her poster hang up.
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