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 Everspring Exploration [Event]

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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 EmptyFri Nov 01, 2019 12:51 am

First topic message reminder :

[Energy: 0 (escorted by Darcy)]

Valen had flown to the very edge of the boundary between Everspring Vale and its surroundings. He couldn't stop looking into the dungeon - it was one of the most breathtaking places that he had ever seen. Near where he was, there were several hills, and farther in the distance, Valen could see a great waterfall rushing down. And nearly everything was a deep, beautiful green from the trees everywhere in this land of spring.

It wasn't just to look at the scenery that Valen had come here, however - hopefully at least. He had heard a story - the legendary Pokemon Zygarde had said that their final recruit is "Betwixt Winter and Summer." Valen had thought about it and come to the conclusion that the season being referred to was Spring - and this was the dungeon that had endless spring, like Fallen Leaf Copse was forever Autumn. And if that final recruit was found - that could be the end of the war between the deities and the return of the world to normal. Saving the world was a good thing, of course, and the idea of adventure strongly appealed to Valen in particular.

But it was also a weighty task. Valen was a generally confident Pokemon, but even he strongly doubted that he alone could help a god - especially as given the other stories he had heard, this could entail a physical encounter with another god. Most ordinary Pokemon, in Valen's experience at least, wouldn't do this task even if it was to save the world. But there were still many other explorers. Were some perhaps here right now to find this recruit as well?

Last edited by Shield on Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:01 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Mada has left the thread. Also, just making)
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 EmptyThu Feb 18, 2021 1:35 am

Clearly it didn't work. No need to hide anything, though, considering everything that's going on, they should make sure everyone knows everything... But the things that Valen mentioned... They were familiar to what Tempo once heard, before. "...But if that's the case, if even those two can't save him... What can we do? We're still just normal Pokemon. I doubt even being fully evolved would change anything..." Tempo said, quite hopeless... The constant cloudy skies weren't helping the matter in the slightest....

They arrived at the fallen tree, with Tempo and Teddiursa wondering why they suddenly stopped... They can't see the Pineco from where they are... The two Rufflett flew in to help them lift the branch, making it easier to handle, but they still can't lift it up on their own. Not to mention they can't fly forever, either. They should make this quick...
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 EmptyThu Feb 18, 2021 6:48 pm

Valen tried to help the Rufflet. "Ugh..." Even with all of them doing it, it was still very difficult. Fortunately, the Furret came running towards the group trying to lift the branch. "Sorry!" the ferret Pokémon said, and started pushing the branch as well. With all four of them working together, they finally managed to get it off the Pineco. "Oh no!" the Furret said upon seeing the injured Pokémon more clearly.

"Let's try getting this Pineco onto someone who can carry it," Valen said. With a boost from the Furret, the two Rufflet and the Pikipek managed to get the pinecone Pokémon, who was at least lighter than the branch, onto the Bouffalant's back. Fortunately, the Bouffalant seemed able to carry both the Pineco and the Teddiursa.

But by now, the effort was really getting to Valen. Not wanting to overload the Bouffalant, he managed to fly onto the Sawsbuck's back and sit down, quite exhausted, next to Tempo as the group moved on.

"I should have come earlier... Apologies. I was checking to see whether everyone else was okay and we were on the correct path," the Furret explained, "We should be seeing an area with geysers soon. They're very impressive... and these ones are very close to an exit from the Vale."

(Energy: 1 + 1 (new page) = 2)

Pickup roll:
Shield carried out 1 launched of one Everspring Vale :
Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 V73rSgF
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 EmptyTue Mar 02, 2021 3:47 pm

The Rufflet dropped onto the ground, exhausted from lifting up the logs. At the very least, the Pineco is free and alright... "D-Don't worry about us... We'll catch up once we're ready..." The Rufflet said to the others.

The Teddiursa slightly moved over for the Pineco, though, helping them stay on while they continued onward towards the geysers. This was the first time he heard about them, and seemed curious about what they were like. If only they weren't under serious pressure...

Tempo looked over to see Valen sit down next to him... "Y-You alright? I-I think I feel better, so I can help when needed..." He said, although it's easy to tell his leg is still quite injured, though it doesn't seem to be causing him any pain... But the geysers they have to go through... He's only heard of them, but aren't they dangerous to deal with? For now, though, he let the Sawsbuck continue towards the exit...
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 EmptyTue Mar 02, 2021 10:24 pm

"I'm okay," Valen replied, "I just felt a bit tired. I should be able to get up soon."

After just a bit more travel, Valen could hear what sounded something like... was it splashing water? "There it is! A geyser!" the Furret exclaimed, pointing, "How lucky! It's erupting now!" At that, Valen got up and turned his head in that direction, and he saw some of the other Pokemon turn as well. In the distance, a great jet of steam and water was coming out of the ground. But even as they looked, the spray grew smaller and then stopped. "Seems we came a bit late, though," the Furret said.

"Impressive, but... we need to hurry," Valen said in response.

"Yes, yes, we're almost at the exit. Follow me carefully and don't trip - I know a path that should keep us at a safe distance from these geysers," the Furret replied. The other Pokemon followed, with Valen picking up a Blast Seed and a TM for Secret Power that were in cracks in the ground right along the way they were going. And then, the Furret said "There it is! The exit!" and pointed again. Looking in that direction, Valen could tell there was something different there. It had neither the sheer rich lushness nor the interesting rock that he had seen in various areas of the Vale - it was, perhaps, more... normal. It did seem like it was outside this dungeon.
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 EmptySat Mar 13, 2021 5:23 pm

As the others continued for the exit, Tempo made sure the bird was still on and with the group, though he was surprised by the geyser... Even if it did stop before they reached it. At least they'll make it through safely.

Tempo didn't bother looking, since it's better to just make it out of here. Everyone's tired or hurt, so once they leave, that'll be the time to say goodbye and find a place to relax. The Ruflett flew off after a bit, seeing everyone is good to go, but not before saying goodbye and helping Tempo and the Teddiursa back on their now mostly healed feet. They both walked off, together...
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 5 EmptyMon Mar 15, 2021 8:59 pm

So there it was, the exit. Finally. After all of that... they hadn't done much besides rescue a few Pokémon, had they? Valen reminded himself that for those few Pokémon, this was incredibly important. They also had been lucky that they hadn't met any hostile Pokémon for a while... he hoped that meant the other inhabitants had managed to get to somewhere safe.

As Valen left the dungeon, he briefly reflected on why he had gone here in the first place. It was to help Zygarde end the war, of course... but the goal of Arceus, to bring about a world of peace and happiness, had certainly attracted him. But then, there were the... problems. If Arceus had truly created the universe, as said in legends, why did he make a world with so many problems in the first place? Why were there bad Pokémon? Why did so few Pokémon have the gift of flight? Why was it only now that a perfect world could be created? With these thoughts in his mind, Zygarde's statement that both sides needed each other and that the world needed to continue on similarly to how it had been before had started to make more sense to him.

But well, now, what had been done was done. What they needed to do now was to leave and find help for the injured Pokémon. Valen flew up to see if there were any settlements around...
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