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 Everspring Exploration [Event]

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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyFri Nov 01, 2019 12:51 am

First topic message reminder :

[Energy: 0 (escorted by Darcy)]

Valen had flown to the very edge of the boundary between Everspring Vale and its surroundings. He couldn't stop looking into the dungeon - it was one of the most breathtaking places that he had ever seen. Near where he was, there were several hills, and farther in the distance, Valen could see a great waterfall rushing down. And nearly everything was a deep, beautiful green from the trees everywhere in this land of spring.

It wasn't just to look at the scenery that Valen had come here, however - hopefully at least. He had heard a story - the legendary Pokemon Zygarde had said that their final recruit is "Betwixt Winter and Summer." Valen had thought about it and come to the conclusion that the season being referred to was Spring - and this was the dungeon that had endless spring, like Fallen Leaf Copse was forever Autumn. And if that final recruit was found - that could be the end of the war between the deities and the return of the world to normal. Saving the world was a good thing, of course, and the idea of adventure strongly appealed to Valen in particular.

But it was also a weighty task. Valen was a generally confident Pokemon, but even he strongly doubted that he alone could help a god - especially as given the other stories he had heard, this could entail a physical encounter with another god. Most ordinary Pokemon, in Valen's experience at least, wouldn't do this task even if it was to save the world. But there were still many other explorers. Were some perhaps here right now to find this recruit as well?

Last edited by Shield on Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:01 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Mada has left the thread. Also, just making)
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptySat Feb 15, 2020 3:34 pm

The Bouffalant's burn clearly weakened it. Not only would it likely faint soon, its attacks seemed to lose some steam, as well. He keeps an eye out for anything, seeing Valen use an apple, likely as an attempt to heal himself. It'll likely have to do, considering the Bouffalant is still up and ready to fight!

The Oshawott gets up and fires another scalding blast at the Pokemon, keeping the attack up without a break to even breathe for a bit! Come on... Just a bit longer... After a while, though, the attack slowly weakens before it peters out, causing the otter to fall onto the ground, panting heavily and open for attack!
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptySat Feb 15, 2020 6:41 pm

[Energy: 5 + 1 (new page) = 6]

Tempo had attacked the Bouffalant using the attack of apparently hot water again. Valen found it quite an interesting move - but he didn't really have time to think about it. Especially when Tempo wasn't able to keep it up and fell down - and the Bouffalant seemed to notice. Turning, it rushed towards Tempo, attempting to trample him.

Almost instinctively, Valen realized that unless he could knock it out right now, which he wasn't sure he could do, attacking directly from above wasn't likely to stop the Bouffalant. To protect Tempo, he would have to do something to its path. Valen descended and moved towards Tempo until he was in front of the Oshawott - but right then, the Bouffalant was able to hit him.

Fortunately for Valen, the Bouffalant had been weakened, especially due to the burn. The Bouffalant's attack didn't throw him as far away as it had last time, and he was even able to stay in the air. Its momentum was reduced, so at the moment, it did not reach Tempo. And then, Valen managed to use Echoed Voice yet again. Now, its power had grown so much that it was the loudest sound that he had ever heard, greater than some other sound-based moves that he had encountered back in Aileron Village, and it even pushed the Bouffalant back somewhat.

Would this finally knock out the Bouffalant or not? Valen couldn't tell at this very moment - it would probably take a few seconds for him to do so.

(OOC: I'm going to make some rolls here - if I get any Pokemon, I won't encounter them at the moment; I'll probably wait until Regigigas appears and then portray them as fleeing from the Legendary).

Pickup roll:
Shield carried out 1 launched of one Everspring Vale :
Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 WQbLif9

Regular rolls:
Shield carried out 5 launched of one Everspring Vale :
Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 WAGYeGB , Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 L4e98AZ , Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 OnZbjOw , Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 MMgUbQF , Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 HpDhPTI
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyTue Feb 18, 2020 3:41 pm

It seems to do the trick, Tempo slowly pulling himself away as the Bouffalant finally falls over. "Th... That... did it... We won..." He cheers slightly, pulling himself up as he ran for Valen, pulling out an Oran Berry from his bag and chomping down on it to recover from the dangerous battle. "U... Ugh... Valen... You OK?" He asks...

Unfortunately, when he ran away, he noticed that the Boufallant was covered in a light... before it dissipated, and it was suddenly awake! How in the... He saw it toss away a Plain Seed... It revived itself! And was perfectly fine! Tempo could barely react in time to another attack, as it charges in even more anger than before! In a panic, Tempo frantically searched around for help...

[Energy: +11 for Berry and page]

DJOshawott carried out 5 launched of one Everspring Vale :
Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 PopjRW4 , Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 OnZbjOw , Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 TBk7xE6 , Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 139ZIpg , Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 WQbLif9
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 20, 2020 9:23 am

Zygarde's recruit has appeared!
Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 CesjJQm

It was help, but probably not the kind of help that was wanted. The bison was entirely healthy after such a little reviver seed worked its magic, but just as it glared at the duo that'd thoroughly ruined its day, the world around them began to shake. A much much louder sound than the little pikipek's cries steadily began to make its way close to the scene. The earth rumbled and shook, before a looming figure gradually towered over them.

It didn't look straight down at the trio, hardly noticing the small-fry, but all around it, the forest seems to tear itself apart to move out of the way of the gargantuan creature. All around it,l plantation seemed to tear out of the ground. The ground beneath the bison cracked before the buff pokemon was launched into the air, completely entangled by excessive growths of grass and branches. The force seemed preoccupied with the bison at first, but was quick to 'notice' the two significantly smaller pokemon nearby.

With a surge of power, nature itself seemed to reach out in an attempt to strike the little pokemon.

ooc:// I was contacted to join by @Shield, if all thread participants haven't consented then please notify me so that I can remove my post and rejoin when they have-otherwise continue as normal. Only post 1 time between each regi post per person. The order of who is up to the participants of the thread. If Regi does not post within seven days of the last person's post, poke @Kat for a response.
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyThu Feb 20, 2020 8:25 pm

Yes! They had defeated the Bouffalant... but it started glowing. Then, it was back up, fully healed, and tossed away a seed. A Plain Seed, Valen realized, it must have had a Reviver Seed! I didn't know... Before Valen could intervene, the Bouffalant charged at Tempo, who could barely react either.

What do I do? Valen worried. Maybe he could stay out of the Bouffalant's reach again and attack it safely, but he doubted he could protect Tempo from attacks. Not that it helped now, but he was wishing he had used the other move he had recently learned - Knock Off - before on it.

And then Valen noticed that the ground started shaking, and a sound quickly established itself as the new loudest sound Valen had ever heard. What now? An earthquake? I think I would be safe, but Tempo won't... again... Why didn't Arceus give all Pokemon the power of flight? It might be really good that I decided to support Zygarde instead. Valen thought while still in the air. It was certainly nice being able to do that, and perhaps not being in immediate danger helped him think better.

Except that something appeared, something that towered over them. "Them" included the Bouffalant, who was suddenly attacked and entangled by what appeared to be an overgrowth of plants. Which was great, but then the plants went at Valen and Tempo as well!

Valen couldn't dodge fast enough to totally avoid the attack. It hit him, throwing him back. And then, strangely enough, something else that felt much hotter hit him as well. Valen looked, and realized that the second attack had come from a Vulpix that was now staring at him while moving away from a fallen tree. It was pushing along something that looked like a large pine cone, but Valen quickly saw that the pine cone had eyes of its own - it was a Pineco!

As the Vulpix looked, Valen fought back. He had been thinking about Knock Off, so that was the move he hastily used on the Vulpix. His strike barely did anything to the Vulpix itself - Valen felt weak as the pain of the Ember continued, and he realized that he had been burned. However, it made the Vulpix drop a warm, orange object - a Fire Stone. The Vulpix did not attack again, but simply pushed the Pineco away faster, with redoubled efforts.

Valen quickly grabbed the Fire Stone and turned back, towards the huge figure. Now, he was certain about what it was, from the legends he had loved to read about before. Regigigas! The one they had been looking for! But with his burn now, Valen definitely didn't think he could fight it - not that he had much of a chance even without it. Then, he remembered what he had been thinking about even before the Bouffalant had attacked. I need to try talking to Regigigas, he thought now.

Valen was shuddering, but he managed to get back to some height in the air, and some more of his thoughts came back to him. "O mighty Regigigas," he started, "Zygarde desires your help in the war to end the darkness and save the world. We have come on behalf of Zygarde to find you. Please, may you provide your aid?"
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyMon Feb 24, 2020 2:15 am

He notices a few items out of his reach... but they seemed to be the property of a Mightyena! He can't fight that thing! At least... until the ground quakes... But... How is it... Why is it...
...his eyes suddenly widened upon the sight of something... huge... What the heck was that thing!? And... how is Valen talking to it so easily...? "Um... So... this is the target, right? I... didn't think it's be huge or so terrifying and PLEASE DON'T HURT US I DON'T WANNA DIE!" The otter cried out, curling into a bit of a ball of cute otterness.
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyTue Feb 25, 2020 2:37 pm

Zygarde's recruit has appeared!
Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 CesjJQm

"WHA-WHA-WHAAAAAAA!" the voice boomed over the noise of the tiny battle below. The titan marched onward without noticing the insignificant pests towards its feet...or perhaps it just didn't care? Either way, the words of the small bird seemed ineffective against the target.

"BEEEE-GOOOOOOOOOOOW-" The regi's voice skipped and screeched against the ears of any who had the misfortune of being around. The fist of the regigigas pulled back before it slammed downwards into the ground below. The shockwave rippled out as the earth around him caved in to the force. Boulders and rocks alike began to float upwards as if an ancient power enabled them to fly all around the regigigas like a flock of pidove.
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyWed Feb 26, 2020 1:35 am

Regigigas doesn't care! Valen thought, as the titan just attacked again. This was the kind of thing that Valen had been worried about, had been subtly preparing for in his mind - so as the rocks flew towards him, he was ready enough to dodge, flying away from them.

"It isn't listening! We need to fight..." Valen said for Tempo, although he couldn't immediately tell what had happened to the Oshawott. But how? wondered Valen, We have to fight now if we can't talk to Regigigas, but how can we? Valen had known that Legendary Pokemon were incredibly strong, but it was one thing to read that in a book and another thing to see - and feel - that kind of power.

Valen saw that below him was a fallen tree - and around it were some Sticks. They seemed fairly sharp, the kind that worked to throw at an opponent. Still, it seemed ridiculous that a mere Stick could do anything to Regigigas - but Valen took a moment anyway to swoop and grab a footful of them before flying as high as he could.

His body hurt, especially because of the burn. Do I have anything to heal this burn? Valen now wondered. He looked through his bag and, fortunately, soon found a Lum Berry. He quickly ate it, feeling relieved as the burn went away. He was still injured, however, and would need an Oran Berry or similar to fix that. He didn't eat anything else then because he was worried that Regigigas would attack again at any moment, so he had to act quickly.

Valen didn't think he was high enough to be out of reach of Regigigas' arms, not to mention the other attacks it had used. However, he didn't think he was near enough to Regigigas himself for his attacks to reach it. Except, just maybe, throwing a Stick. Valen's feet could grasp objects, but they weren't really made for throwing things. He had an idea, though - fire a Stick from his beak.

Pikipek could learn moves that involved firing things from their beaks, after all. Valen didn't currently know any such moves exactly, but perhaps he could try something with a Stick. He took one of them from his bag with his beak, and then spat it out with as much force as he could towards Regigigas. Valen had to doubt that it would actually do much, but he felt he had to try something...

(OOC: The exact number of Sticks Valen picked up is 5 [the number I rolled] and he used 1 in this post).
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyWed Feb 26, 2020 4:23 pm

Tempo couldn't do much but stand there in terror and surprise... Wh... What in the world is that thing even, though? If it's the one they need to recruit... Do they really have to fight that thing? What do they have to do? Can they even talk to that thing?

That Mightyena fled at the sight of this huge monster... Can... He runs over to grab some of the items, like the Blast Seed and sticks. He needs all the weapons he can get, just in case anything goes wrong. He can use some moves like the new Scald he picked up, but that's basically it. Unless he wants to crush that thing. And forget taking it to Tempo's aquatic turf! It would most likely step into any lake like it's a puddle, and pin him under! What else is there to do!?

"W... What in the world are you!? A... Are you our friend!? Please! Stop attacking the fores-" Tempo staggers over from the shaking earth, almost falling over. He notices the rocks surrounding it... Is it going to attack with those!? In preparation, he prepares a Scald against the rocks, in case they fly into him...
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyTue Mar 03, 2020 2:02 pm

Zygarde's recruit has appeared!
Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 CesjJQm

It was a valiant effort on the pikipek's part, but the stick did little more than act as a thorn in the regigigas's arm. It stuck to the spot, but it didn't do much else. The rocks around the regigigas swirled and shifted as the giant finally seemed to look at the two tiny pokemon and acknowledge their existence. The rocks seemed to fly faster as a booming cry shook the forest.

The boulders were flung at the two pokemon, their speed and strength nothing to be scoffed at. If the oshawott were to attempt to scald the rocks away, it would only just barely be able to push them off course of smashing the little guy. Even then, there were the seemingly hundred other bits of rocks and boulders to worry about.
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyTue Mar 03, 2020 8:18 pm

Not entirely unexpectedly, the Stick barely did anything to Regigigas. At least it seems to be stuck in Regigigas, Valen thought, as he saw a dark shape flee in the distance, apparently a Mightyena. But then the Legendary Pokemon seemed to look at Valen and Tempo - and continue attacking both of them at the same time, with the rocks flying more fiercely than before.

Valen managed to continue dodging the large boulders, but quite a few of the small rocks grazed him. At this rate, he was worried that he couldn't continue doing this for long, and then he would soon be hit by an attack he couldn't withstand. Maybe I should eat an Oran Berry or something to heal me, Valen thought, and briefly looked into his bag.

Valen immediately saw something that was round and blue - but not an Oran Berry. It was actually a Wonder Orb, a Switcher Orb in fact. Is there anything I can do with that right now? Valen wondered, Would it protect Tempo if I used it to switch places with him? But he would be in the air and fall... Fall... Hmm... Are there any restrictions on what Pokemon you can use a Switcher Orb on?

The idea that was coming into Valen's mind might have been the craziest thing that he had ever thought of. He did not know for sure whether a mere Switcher Orb would function on such a powerful Pokemon as Regigigas, or even whether it worked across an altitude difference in the first place. But he felt that in this desperate situation, he had to try something.

"TEMPO! RUN!" Valen screamed. If this somehow worked, he did not want Regigigas falling on Tempo - although admittedly, with the noise from Regigigas, he wasn't sure whether Tempo could hear him. Valen didn't want Regigigas falling directly on him either, so he flew in a path both of increasing height and in the opposite direction from the current positions of Tempo and the Legendary Pokemon at once. And then, once just high enough and far away enough to satisfy him, Valen pointed straight at Regigigas and crushed the Switcher Orb in his feet. Here goes nothing...
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyThu Mar 05, 2020 12:55 pm

Worst fears confirmed, the huge monster threw a rock at the Oshawott... He fires his Scald attack... to no avail! It couldn't push it away or weather it quickly! He had to run! As another point of desperation, he threw the seed that seemed to have an explosion on it at the rock! Would it even work, though?

He looks over as he ran, seeing the Pikipek crush something underneath his talons... It wasn't familiar to the otter, but it should be able to help, soon, right? At least Valen isn't being attacked. Tempo suddenly got thrown into the air as the rock finally hit the ground in impact. Guess that seed barely did a thing to stop it, and he fell onto his back. There had to be something around here to help, right...? No, he's too tired... Plus, it seems like there wasn't much to grab in the area. He doubts another Scald would work...
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyThu Mar 12, 2020 6:06 am

Zygarde's recruit has appeared!
Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 CesjJQm

The pikipek was determined to try just about anything, while the oshawott struggled to get a grip on the situation. The regigigas, on the other hand. Didn't at all seem to care. The blast seed exploded against the boulder, sending it flying right back at the regigigas. While the trajectory wasn't accurate, it managed to clip the monster's shoulder.

The pikipek's switcher orb activated, a beam of light shot towards the regigigas. The action of the pikipek didn't go unnoticed, however, as a sudden force began to pull down on everyone in the area. Gravity intensified-and continued doing so until the Switcher Orb struck the Regigigas. In the blink of an eye, the giant pokemon was in the air, falling back down at an intense speed. It didn't seem bothered by this, as it instead prepared itself for the landing.

The moment its feet struck the ground, an earthquake erupted outward, displacing stone and trees alike as the ripple of destruction extended outward.
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyThu Mar 12, 2020 5:10 pm

Valen felt the pull to the ground suddenly become stronger - but before he could think about it much, he found himself directly on the same ground that Regigigas had been on before - the Switcher Orb had actually worked! Valen immediately attempted to fly away, but what with the increased gravity and the speed at which Regigigas was falling, he wasn't able to actually get into the air before Regigigas hit the ground. As everything shook, Valen, who had already been weakened from earlier attacks, fell unconscious and ended up rolling away.

He ended up caught in the branches of a fallen Oran Berry tree. There were some other things from outside that had ended up being stuck in the tree as well - the now battered Nature Power TM the Bouffalant earlier had caused Valen to drop, an also somewhat dented Scald TM, and a Green Gummi. Not that Valen noticed any of this at the moment - he had truly fainted.

[Energy (I forgot to state this earlier): 6 - 21 = 0]
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Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everspring Exploration [Event]   Everspring Exploration [Event] - Page 2 EmptyThu Mar 12, 2020 9:31 pm

The Blast Seed somehow worked, but not perfectly. The rock just missed the big target due to Tempo's panic. Then he saw the thing... disappear? And... Valen? Was he there, where the Regigigas was? Being still relatively new with this business, he couldn't help but wonder how...

...then he saw a shadow... then a huge figure. As it fell down and hit the ground, causing the light Oshawott to similarly launch into the air, before falling down to the ground, causing pain and disorienting him... Couldn't even find the unconscious Pikipek, causing him to run in a dazed panic. "Wh... Where are you... What is..."
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