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 Autumn Frost?

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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyFri Oct 04, 2019 10:18 pm

First topic message reminder :

[Important inventory: Rainy Orb, Shocker Orb, Allure Seed]
[Energy: 17 - 11 = 6]

Recently, Valen had learned about an exploration organization called the Windrose Scouts and its base in Fallen Leaf Copse. Along with Saturn, the Cubone who had told him about the organization in the first place, Valen had decided to become a member. Especially as Valen was also a member of the Aileron Guild and the Peak Academy, some might have said that it was too much for one little bird - but Valen himself felt confident that he could manage. In fact, almost right after joining, Valen, along with Saturn, had decided to investigate one of the rumours on a Windrose Library bulletin board.

So, someone says "flowers made of frost" are appearing in these woods, huh. Valen thought. Could that really be true? I mean, from what I've heard and read about, this place is basically autumn all the time, so how could there possibly be frost here? Maybe someone mistook white flowers for frost or something - or they're just making things up?

Now, Valen was outside the Windrose Scouts base, but still inside the woods themselves. He looked around. There were, of course, the trees with their beautiful orange and yellow leaves that were everywhere here - but as far as he could tell, no frost, in fact nothing white whatsoever was present. Then he remembered something.

The rumour said they're at the bases of trees and on branches on the ground - and I haven't really looked down yet! So Valen did that. There was a carpet of fallen leaves, and Valen could see some small plants growing as well - including a few flowers. But again, none of these were frosty or even white.

So now, they had to explore some more. At least everything was in the same dungeon as the scout headquarters itself was located in, so Valen hadn't had to travel very far already after deciding to investigate the rumour - one reason he had chosen this one in the first place to start with. But then Valen thought: What if this really is just made up? Then how are we going to prove that there are, indeed, no such flowers? Do we really have to search the whole of Fallen Leaf Copse? Well, we can certainly at least search one part of this place to begin with...

Valen turned to Saturn. "Saturn," he asked, "have you seen anything here now? You know, any frost or anything that looks at all like it?"
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyMon Mar 15, 2021 10:05 am

The Alolan Marowak looks to the Gengar with a pleasant expression. "It's fine. No apology needed.", he says as the generous individual makes their leave. He then turns to Valen, with a wistful look on his face, although it's difficult to tell beneath the bone helmet. "Ah, you must be Valen. It's been quite a long time since I've seen you in this form. Almost didn't recognize you without the beak!", he exclaims, as jolly as can be. "But that's something you'll find out yourself, later. Right now I need to have a word with Saturn. Heh...." He lets out a small giggle, finding a bit of humor in the notion of him talking to his past self, as if they're a different person. Saturn the Cubone simply nods, not really knowing what to say. None of this made a bit of sense, but he figured it'd be best to just roll with the situation.

"There are many things I'm sure you'd like to know, but for now I'll just stick with what's really important; your parents are in danger. Their lives aren't at stake, at least not yet, but they are marooned in a place they can't make their way out of. They're trapped in a Mystery Dungeon."

Saturn freezes in place at this revelation, at a complete loss for words. They're trapped in some Mystery Dungeon? That's... that's.... The poor Cubone could not adaquately process the information he's been given, especially under the bizarre circumstances under which he received it. Then, an even more horrifying realization makes itself known to him.

"......they got lost looking for me, didn't they?", he asks, absolutely mortified by the prospect that their precarious situation could be the result of his actions.

"I suspect so. But I have no way of knowing, not until I find them myself. The only reason I know this is because I found our old home near Scorchfall Desert. It was largely abandoned, with only a few documents remaining strewn about the floor, this being the only one that was readable." He then produces a small, desiccated piece of parchment from his satchel, handing it to Saturn. The text on it is heavily faded and difficult to read, but Saturn manages.

Day.... I don't know. Three hundred and something? I'm not sure anymore..... Either way, it's been at least a year since our baby boy was taken by the sands. Atlas and I figured it would be appropriate to hold a small celebration, to celebrate his birthday. It would be around this time that we'd be celebrating it if he was still here. We even made a small cake with caramel icing. It was always his favorite...

Starting tomorrow, Atlas and I are going to make one last trek to Sandstone Cave, with the intention of exploring it in its entirety. If there was ever a place where Saturn managed to find refuge in this region, it would most likely be there, as there's an abundance of water, at least. If we can't find hide nor hair of him there, then.....

The letter stops there, whether due to the rest of it being eroded away, or because his mother simply couldn't finish the sentence, he can't really tell.

"S-Sandstone Cave!? I don't even know where that is!", he exclaims.

He looks to Valen. Whether for emotional support, or advice, or just out of curiosity towards what his reaction to this situation is, he didn't know.

It was probably all three, to be honest.
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyMon Mar 15, 2021 9:27 pm

What? Valen was still feeling quite confused, but now his worry was growing. Could this be true? Could Saturn's parents really be lost in a dungeon while looking for him? Is this a hallucination - or a trick of some kind?

He noticed Saturn looking at him. "If this is true," Valen began, "hopefully the Windrose Scouts should have a map or at least some knowledge of how to find Sandstone Cave, once we get out of here." He was hoping that he and Saturn wouldn't be lost in this weird place forever themselves... "I think we need to find a way out of wherever we are right now before getting anywhere else, though" Valen continued as he turned to what seemed to be the fiery version of Saturn, "I was just wondering whether you had any idea how to do that?" He then thought of something. Wherever we are still seems somewhat like Fallen Leaf Copse - it has the trees, even if I can see through some of them, and that Gengar earlier said it's never winter here... Is the Scout base here? What would it be like?

(OOC: Unless you have a different idea, southpawXlegacy, my current plans are, after all of the Echo World encounters, to have our characters find the Escape Orb that I rolled on the first page but haven't encountered yet and use that to get themselves out of here. I think we theoretically could have an Echo World-Windrose Library thread, but I feel that would be more of a hassle. And I am planning to have Valen eat an Apple and make a few more Echo World rolls for just a bit more weirdness in our eventual report.)

Pickup roll:
Shield carried out 1 launched of one Fallen Leaf Copse :
Autumn Frost? - Page 4 KQ5S9Lu
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyFri Mar 19, 2021 9:29 am

"I wish I had an adequate answer for you, Valen, but I don't even know where to start, really. I presume you'd have to leave the way you came in; through one of those strange portals that seem to appear without rhyme or reason. If you continue wandering about, I'm sure you'll come across another one sooner or later. I'd stick around and help, but unfortunately I'm preoccupied with... more pressing matters.", he says, as he looks down at the letter he handed to Saturn. He does not ask for it back.

Saturn looks down at the note himself before looking up at his future self as he's walking away. "If you find them on your end, then I'll find them on mine. It's a promise.",

"Heh. I'll hold you to that. Not that I expect us to ever meet again, but....." Then, he remembers something.

"Actually, one more thing before I go. I want you to have this.", he says, producing a small blue disk from his pack. "It's something I picked up fairly recently. It is of little use to me, but...." He gently tosses it to Saturn, who barely manages to catch it with his free hand. "I'm sure you will find it quite useful. Heh...." He chuckles once again, before heading off.

Saturn looks down at the shiny blue disk. "Is this... a TM? I don't think I've seen one of these up close before...., he says as he gazes into its reflective surface curiously.

"Do you know how to use one, Valen?", he asks before placing the note in his satchel and eating another Oran Berry.

southpawXlegacy carried out 3 launched of one Echo World :
Autumn Frost? - Page 4 YZfUlg5 , Autumn Frost? - Page 4 4NMeIB9 , Autumn Frost? - Page 4 CxnZzPC
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyFri Mar 19, 2021 5:45 pm

"I've heard... that you examine them? Or something? And then you'll know?" Valen replied, "But I don't think I've ever tried it myself." I hope I haven't just used a TM to learn a move before and then forgotten I learned it through TM... that would be quite embarassing! he thought.

And then, he noticed another disk buried in the leaves and pulled it out. "Well, that was quite a coincidence... but given how strange this place is, maybe it was more..." he said, as he examined it. It was perhaps different in color than the one Saturn had gotten, but still clearly a TM to those who knew about them. Soon, he could tell it was a Hidden Power TM, and he was compatible with it. Not that unexpected... all Pokémon can learn Hidden Power. Actually, just most of them, Valen remembered something he had heard earlier. He thought for a bit, and said, "I could actually learn Hidden Power right now... but personally, I won't - I like my current moves. You could though, if you wanted."

Seeing Saturn eat an Oran Berry made Valen notice his own hunger. Haven't I eaten recently? ... I can't even be sure of that now, he thought. He looked in his bag and found an Apple, which he decided to eat. While he was eating, he noticed a blue Wurmple somehow flying through the air above them, shouting "Wheeee!" A flying Wurmple... I can't even be that shocked by now, either. Although, can all Pokémon fly here? That would actually be nice! he thought.

(OOC: southpawXlegacy didn't roll the dice correctly  - the plan is for the needed Fallen Leaf Copse dice to be rolled in their next post to correct things without having to edit a post).

[Energy: 1 (new page) + 5 (Apple) = 6]

Fallen Leaf Copse rolls:
Shield carried out 3 launched of one Fallen Leaf Copse :
Autumn Frost? - Page 4 7IbGfjq , Autumn Frost? - Page 4 KdiyZvA , Autumn Frost? - Page 4 OLuhrcy

Echo World rolls:
Shield carried out 3 launched of one Echo World :
Autumn Frost? - Page 4 4NMeIB9 , Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Q2GT1Tc , Autumn Frost? - Page 4 ZlCW1lj
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyWed Mar 24, 2021 5:15 pm

Taking Valen's advice, Saturn examines the TM closely. A brief set of images flash across his vision, depicting the channeling of various energies and condensing them into an attack, with each image showing a different type. He lets the information flow into him, and next thing he knows, he's suddenly able to manifest a green flame the same color as the fire on his future self's bone club! "Wow, check this out, Valen!", he says, excitedly. This, 'Hidden Power' move is pretty cool! Didn't even know I could do something like this! These must be pretty rare."

Valen immediately finds another one on the ground right after he says this. "oh." He is noticeably less impressed, but still psyched from learning a new move, regardless. "Well, I'm sure you could sell that one then, if you found a buyer. At least it's not worthless.", he says, so fixated on the TM that he doesn't even notice the Wurmple.

Valen then eats an apple, which makes Saturn realize that he still has a bit of an appetite. Hm. Perhaps I should grab another snack, too. I'm sure I could use the energy. He begins scanning his surroundings, seeing if there happened to be any food nearby. Lucky for him, the tree next to him just so happened to be an apple tree. With blue apples, no less! There was one on a low branch he could barely reach, and the others didn't look like they were quite ripe yet. So, he picked it. "Do you think I should eat this now, and see if it has any strange effects? Or should I wait for a more proper time, you think?"

southpawXlegacy carried out 3 launched of one Fallen Leaf Copse :
Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EDJ8ZyB , Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Seh7LU4 , Autumn Frost? - Page 4 GCVSLNN
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyThu Mar 25, 2021 7:15 pm

Valen was thinking about what to do with the TM. Wasn't there a shop that sold TMs in Grassveil? I think that was one of the things the dojo does, actually. But the thing is, don't they ask for donations? So I might not be able to get money... but that's fine, if I don't have a use for these TMs anyway. That's why they usually don't pay, isn't it? he thought.

He was distracted from his ideas by Saturn mentioning eating something. Valen looked up and also saw the apple tree with blue apples. "Wait, why would you eat that? You're the one who said earlier we shouldn't eat anything from here... We should probably just bring it back to the Scouts to examine. Are you hungry?" he asked. Just as he said that, one of the unripe apples on a higher branch suddenly changed color, looking ripe, although still blue, in a moment. What, is it trying to tempt us now? Valen wondered, only half-jokingly, as he picked the newly ripened Apple and put it in his bag, planning to take it back.

He looked in his bag to see if there was any more food. There seemed to be a few berries and seeds, which could work, but no more Apples from outside. But then, he was suddenly hit by a bolt of lightning! He grabbed a Stick and looked up. There was a blue Sentret standing there, with a body still crackling with electricity. "Give back the Apples and TMs you stole and get out!" it threatened.

Valen threw the Stick he was holding, and it hit the Sentret. "Not like that -" it said, but then another blue Sentret interrupted. "What are you doing?" the second Sentret asked, in a voice that was more concerned than angry.

(OOC: It's going to be a surprise for Valen [and I think Saturn?] when they escape and see those Echo Apples have disappeared, unless they get eaten. Also, the color I'm using for the Corrupted Echo Sentret is #cc6666, and for the second, non-corrupted Echo Sentret is #ffffff).
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyTue Mar 30, 2021 4:40 am

"yeah, you're right. Maybe I should wait." He puts it back in his bag, and instead grabs the last two Oran berries out of his pack and eats them instead. "I just hope they don't go bad or something once we bring them out of this place." He then instinctively flinches once he sees the blast of electricity, even though it would have no effect on him. "What the-?! He was interrupted by the strange echo Sentret demanding its items back. "Okay, we can give them back! Just-" His pleas for peace were betrayed by Valen's retaliation with a small stick he threw. Oh. It seems Valen lost his temper., Saturn thought as he reluctantly prepared for battle. At least I'm immune to one of their moves. Maybe I can body block it if they try to use it on Valen again? Then, Saturn regained his speck of hope that the situation might be resolved without violence when the other Sentret arrived, seemingly confused at the first one's actions. He was hoping at least that one could be reasoned with.

Then, a Teddiursa and a Staraptor arrive on the scene, only adding to the chaos. They appear to be fighting over something. "They're mine! I found them first!, the Teddiursa yells, as it tries to rip a bundle of sticks out of the clutches of the Staraptor's talons. "No, you didn't! I did, and you tried to take them from me!, the Staraptor replies.

"Really? They're fighting over sticks?", Saturn wonders aloud, in clear confustion. He slowly makes his way to Valen, and whispers; "We should probably make a run for it....."

(OOC: The Teddiursa's text color is #cccc00 and the Staraptor's color is #00ffff)
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyTue Mar 30, 2021 9:49 pm

Valen had been about to use Mirror Move when he was distracted by the Teddiursa and Staraptor coming into the scene. When Saturn suggested that they run, Valen took the advice, except that of course, he flew instead of running. He could hear the sounds of fighting in the distance, but at the moment, it didn't seem like any of those Pokémon were following. Hopefully Saturn was, though.

Suddenly, he saw four Pokémon before him - none of which had the odd blue color of many of the Pokémon here. There was a Cutiefly, a Smeargle, and a ...Pumpkaboo? He still wasn't entirely sure of the pumpkin-like Pokémon. But there was one he had no idea about whatsoever. It stood on four oddly mismatched-seeming legs and had a mask-covered face - and then it spoke. "Taking the opportunity to flee when you get it, eh? Quite a smart move. Well, welcome to the Echo World."

(OOC: Yep, that's the Type: Null. I'm using text color #999999 for it).
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptySat Apr 03, 2021 11:07 am

Saturn was more than eager to follow Valen's lead, putting as much distance between him and those angry 'mon as possible. Good thing Valen was on board with that course of action; wasn't sure if he was intent on fighting them or not. He seemed pretty angry at that Sentret. But then again, I suppose I'd be fuming if someone hit me with a super effective attack out of nowhere. Then, what the Sentret said finally registered in his mind.

"y'know, maybe that Sentret was in the right, if that really was its stuff we took. Perhaps we should give it back?", he suggests.

Then, they crossed paths with a rag-tag group of individuals, which put Saturn on high alert. Who knows what the intentions of these strangers were? The chimeric one in the front that looked like some abomination spliced together from other pokemon did ease his suspicions a bit with its relatively hospitable response to their chance meetup.

However, its mention of them fleeing the previous scene meant that it had been watching the two of them; possibly since they first arrived in this 'Echo World' as it called it. With any luck, they're just watchful strangers and not roving bandits, or something. That masked one with the mismatched body parts does... creep me out, just a bit, though..... Regardless of their true intentions, Saturn can't help but try and sate his curiosity.

"You sure sound like you know a lot about this place. Do you know the nature of it? How, and where, do the portals that allow passage to and from our world and this one manifest? Also, is it safe for us to eat these?", he inquisitive Cubone says, holding up the Temporal seed and the Echo apple.
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyTue Apr 13, 2021 6:34 am

Ah. Your confusion is expected. Well, thanks for letting me explain things to you! So, as I said, this is the Echo World. It’s my home. I am a Type: Null, so you can call me that - but apparently my kind don't exist outside of this world at all, or at least these Pokémon said they've never heard of a Pokémon like me before,” the masked Pokémon began, pointing out the others behind.

"I, and Roxo here," the Smeargle said, looking at the Cutiefly for a moment before turning back to Valen and Saturn, "just fell through a portal while he was trying to let me Sketch some moves. Wish he knew Pollen Puff... Anyway, the portal just appeared out of nowhere."

"I stumbled into a portal while I was going to a funeral to train to deal with spirits... I still wonder whether this is the afterlife," the Pumpkaboo said.  

They've told me that this place is like a distorted imitation of their world, the ‘real world.' From what they've seen, the Pokémon and even items are apparently copies of things from there - although then why aren't there any of my kind there? the first speaker continued, "But well, this still is the only place that's real to me. Linear time, physical laws... from what I've heard, those seem quite confining. If you also really want to go back to that world, though... come with us. I've been looking for a portal so they can leave, but as far as I know, portals only appear randomly. And as for those items you have, the Echo Apple should be safe - but don't eat Temporal Seeds, like that one, unless you really want to forget something."

Valen then remembered that he had found unusual items as well. He brought out the Time Flower and Echo Blast Seed, saying "Thank you for your help! I... think I'm fine coming with you. Do you know what these are as well?" Valen wasn't entirely sure whether to trust this "Type: Null," but at least it didn't seem hostile right now, and they didn't have that many options.

The Type: Null replied, "You're welcome. That Echo Blast Seed should work just like other Blast Seeds - I believe echo items that look like other items also work like them. And that's a Time Flower... I actually remember hearing about those once, that if you take one out of the Echo World, you could use it to summon an Echo Pokémon from here into your own world. I'm not sure whether it would work on me, but please don't try - I'm perfectly fine here!"

(OOC: The Smeargle's text color is #66cc66, and the Pumpkaboo's text color is #6633cc).
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 19, 2021 3:14 am

Saturn sits back, silently taking in all the information the Type:Null was providing. What an odd name for a species of pokemon. Assuming it even is a pokemon..... Saturn takes a good look at the mysterious individual, trying to memorize as many aspects of its anatomy as possible. They warrant a report written exclusively on them, considering how strange they are. Which leads him to the next thing he can't help but ask about; the nature of Type:Null's species.

"So, please excuse me if this comes off as rude, but I can't help but ask; what's up with your body? Do all Type:Nulls look like a strange fusion of different pokemon?", he asks after the Type:Null finishes his explanation of the various items.

"Ah, I was wondering if either of you would bring the nature of my existence into question. Don't worry, I'm used to it. And, unfortunately, I don't have a good answer. Yes, we're all like this, but I have no idea why. It seems to simply be our natural state, despite how..... not natural it must look to all of you."

"Your.... unique physiology is quite fascinating, though. I might be inclined to come back and better understand the strange apparatus you have fastened to your head, if lady luck permits. But for now, we should probably focus on finding an exit. Who knows how much time we've spent in here already?"

Roxo nods in agreement.

"All right. Sounds good to me.", Saturn replies, ready to follow them.

The group continues their wandering about, with Valen and Saturn as new additions. It doesn't take long for Saturn to break off from the group, as he notices another one of those Echo Apples poking out from between two bushes. He rushes off to grab it, but is astounded when a swarm of leaves imbued with colorful energy sling their way towards him, leaving a few nasty scrapes. "Ow!", is all Saturn could muster in response, but he does ready his bone club, prepared to fight off some unseen feral.

Turns out, it's simply another resident of the Echo World. A strange-looking Ralts drops down from a tree branch nearby, not taking its eyes off of Saturn. "Hey! Hands off, buddy! I found that apple first!", he says, with a heavy tinge of hostility in his voice. Saturn immediately backs off, not wanting to pick a fight over something as insignificant as an apple. He wasn't that hungry.

Just then, a Ghastly with the same strange Echo look to it comes floating in. "There you are, you little glutton. When will you finally understand that the apples that grow here belong to everyone, not just you, ya dolt! Quit hoarding them all to yourself!" She immediately begins chewing out the Ralts, who gives her a serious look.

"I'm stockpiling them for the winter, I'll have you know. I nearly starved last year and I'm not about to make that same mistake again!"

Saturn begins slowly backing away, not wanting to get anymore involved in this situation than he already is.

(The Echo Ralts's text color is #ff6633, and the Echo Ghastly's is #ff66ff. The Ralts is male and the Ghastly is female, just to clarify.)
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyTue Apr 20, 2021 8:26 pm

It is really weird how they look like a combination of many different Pokemon, Valen thought in response to the Type: Null's answer. As the group wandered, Valen noticed a Big Root poking out of the ground, and picked it up. He knew that these could help increase the amount of energy that certain moves drained from an opponent, but he didn't know any of those moves. This Big Root isn't useful for me - does anyone else want it? Valen asked.

"I know Absorb... I guess it would be useful for me?" Roxo the Cutiefly replied, "But I'm not sure whether any of the others know better draining moves. I'm not even sure for Nathan - he's the Smeargle, sorry for not introducing ourselves properly. You should ask them too."

"Alright," Valen replied, and went off to talk to the others. That's when he noticed an echo Ralts and echo Gastly fighting, and Saturn backing up. In fact, it seemed that the others in the Type: Null's party, including the Type: Null themselves, also had the same idea for not getting involved in the situation. Why are so many Pokémon fighting? Valen wondered as he tried to get away as well. Suddenly, something came to mind - hadn't the Deerling and Sawsbuck from earlier been concerned over resources? Were shortages happening here? But why? The frost flowers had just been the work of one Pokémon, hadn't they?

That's when things suddenly got even weirder. Out of nowhere, dark clouds appeared in the sky and rain started to fall!

(OOC: Roxo's color is #ff66cc).
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 26, 2021 4:06 am

Saturn looks to the others, realizing that none of them are displaying any outward intention to get involved, either. "On second thought, i'm not that hungry....", Saturn says meekly as he turns to leave.

"No! He needs to learn this lesson the hard way! You'll get your apple, just you wait..." The Ghastly stretches out her tongue and slaps the apple out of the Ralts's hands. "HEY!" The Ralts's face scrunches up in anger. "You'll pay for that...", he mutters as his shadow extends forward beneath the Ghastly, extending a dark tendril that strikes the ghost.

She yelps in surprise, not expecting the Ralts to know such a move. "Oh, so that's how you wanna play it, huh? It's time somebody put you in your place! She manifests an orb of purple energy and launches it at the Ralts, knocking it backwards.

As their battle rages on, Saturn quietly picks up the apple and sprints off towards the rest of the group. "We should definitely leav-" The Cubone is interrupted by a single drop of water landing smack dab on the top of his helmet. He looks up at the now-overcast skies, as the rain begins to get more intense.

"Is this drastic change in weather normal?", he asks Type:Null, as he continues putting more distance between the two hostile pokemon.
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 26, 2021 7:34 am

"It's not that common in my experience, actually, but I've seen it happen before. Hopefully it won't cause too many problems," the Type: Null replied.

The group had managed to put some distance between themselves and the fighting Ralts and Gastly by then. Valen felt safe asking the question he had already meant to. "I found a Big Root, but I have no use for it myself. Roxo does, but he asked me to find out whether anyone else knows draining moves," he said.

"I don't. Perhaps I should sometime, but I'm trying to focus on learning moves that normally, only a specific Pokémon can learn," the Smeargle - Nathan - replied, "I don't know whether any such moves are draining moves. I've heard others say Strength Sap is one, but there are, in fact, a few other Pokemon besides Morelull and Shiinotic, or Smeargle for that matter, who can learn it."

"I don't either. I could probably learn Giga Drain or something, but I haven't had the opportunity," the Pumpkaboo replied.

"I don't, and I doubt I could," the Type: Null said.

"Well, guess you can take it then after all, Roxo," Valen said, giving him the Big Root.

"Thank you. I'm quite surprised no one else knew a draining move, though," the Cutiefly replied.
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Autumn Frost? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Autumn Frost?   Autumn Frost? - Page 4 EmptyTue May 04, 2021 11:16 am

Saturn adopted a warm smile under his mask at the sight of Valen handing over the Big Root to somebody who could really use it. How nice of him. While it wasn't directly useful, he still could have sold it later on for a bit of money, if he really wanted to., he thought. When I really get my adventuring career off the ground, I should make an effort to extend that sort of generosity, too! The fleeting moment of happiness almost made him forget it was raining. Almost. He wished he had something to protect him from the elements, but he wasn't fortunate enough to own such a thing.

As they continued walking, the extra energy afforded to him by the Oran berries began to deplete entirely. At this point, he was essentially running on fumes. In a last-ditch attempt to keep himself from being completely miserable, he went to eat the apple, but as he pulled it out, he began staring into the waxy, reflective surface of the fruit. In it, he saw something that nearly made him pass out. A flickering image of his parents, Atlas and Hera, lost in a network of caves, looking for someone. Looking for him. They look to each other, and solemnly tuck themselves away in a small cavity where they'll be relatively safe from any ferals. They both look absolutely exhausted, not entirely unlike Saturn is now. In the last image he could swear he saw a single tear run down his mother's cheek.

Saturn is completely dumbfounded by what he saw. Is.... Is that my parents in the real world?! Or the Echo version of them? Was that from the past, present or future? Was it even real?! He felt compelled to ask the Type:Null about the disconcerting set of images he just saw, but felt it unfair to burden the stranger with his problems. After all, they had already been bombarded with a slew of questions earlier. He didn't want to get on their nerves, even if they had displayed nothing but kind patience up until now. Also, he didn't really want to dwell on it anymore than he had to. The mere thought of his parents getting lost in some Mystery Dungeon and never finding their way out, and because of him, no less, was far too much for him to handle. And so, to avoid any more distressing images from manifesting, he voraciously ate the apple as fast as he could. The entire thing, stem, core, and all. It was probably quite concerning from everyone else's perspective, seeing this little Cubone begin shaking from an anxiety attack seemingly brought about from nothing, and then devouring an apple like a starving animal. At least the shaking could reasonably be attributed to the sudden rain.

But that does little to explain his sudden, erratic behavior.

The Smeargle glances over at Saturn and then leans toward Valen. "Is he okay? Do you think maybe the alien nature of this place is getting to him? Perhaps we should find a place to stop and let him rest? You know him better than any of us, though. Wouldn't want to insult him if that isn't the case.", he mutters to Valen under his breath.

(OOC: The strange images in the reflection of the Echo Apple are how I've decided to describe the Temporal Wake trap that I rolled in the previous page. Wasn't sure how exactly to describe it, so I made it a bizarre vision of the worst possible future. The 'bad ending' of his story, if you will.)
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