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 New to Town

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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: New to Town   New to Town EmptyFri Apr 19, 2019 5:32 pm

After a long journey from Rainfront town Emmett finally makes it to Grassveil town excited to join the guild and start out on his adventures. upon first arriving he encounters a older pokemon struggling to carry their groceries and graciously helps them. After doing so he introduces himself and states hes here to join the guild, he gets a 'your a good little pokemon' and thanks the elderly pokemon and is on his way. Takes ten steps and remembers that he doesn't know how to get to the guild. But figures he will ask someone else to not bother the elderly pokemon he has helped any further.

Several hours later.....

Emmett is quite upset with himself he must have helped a dozen people by now but continues to forget to ask for directions, now wondering aimlessly through the streets. A bit lost but there are no other pokemon in sight, he begins pacing trying to back track to recollect how he ended up lost like this.
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptyFri Apr 19, 2019 5:55 pm

She wouldn't notice at all if I took it. It's so loose. And it's dangling right there!

A wayfinder-like, flower-shaped decoration hung on a loosely knotted string from the bag of a goodra talking to the owner of a booth in Grassveil's busy streets. Right next to the slimy dragon stood a little seedot, with his yellow pupils pinned on the cute adornment.

The guy in the shop, however... Just as Leander thought about the guy, the zigzagoon running the booth flashed him a welcoming smile. He made a small gesture to signal he was just "browsing". Well, as much of a gesture his odd body would allow him to make, anyway. It looked more like a quick shudder than anything else. Either way, the raccoon returned to talking to the goodra, who was about to leave. And as she strolled away onto an emptier street, the acorn discreetly followed.

It wasn't like he needed that decoration. He rarely ever needed any of the things he tried to steal. Hell, there was rarely ever any real "want" for them, either. He simply had to take them. Not acting on the compulsion was a struggle he had difficulty winning. And today, it seemed to him he would yet again be losing.
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptyFri Apr 19, 2019 6:05 pm

Emmett continued his thought process while pacing not noticing the two new pokemon that entered the street he was on. Trying to recall if it was a left at the stall or a right on how he got here, as he continued to ponder him, the first pokemon a Goodra passed him bye, he of course didnt notice her but as he glanced up he noticed a small seedot. Seeing as this to be his moment for redemption he would swallow his pride and ask the gentlemen for assistance in finding the guild.

He strolls up to the Seedot, "Excuse me sir, do you nee--know the directions to the Guild? I'm new to town and have gotten quite lost and could use some assistance."

*Emmett is quite pleased he didn't repeat the same mistake for a fourteenth time now*
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PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptyFri Apr 19, 2019 6:30 pm

OK, fantastic. There are barely any pokémon here, Leander thought, picking up speed little by little to catch up to his target again. Just as he had started to do so, however, he was interrupted by a poliwag walking up to him. Apparently he needed directions.

That's fine. I just gotta explain it quickly, then I'll get right back on it, he decided in his mind, shooting the goodra a quick glance before looking back to the water-type.

"Take a turn left and head for that apple tree just outside the park, then go to the right until you see two round rocks outside a white house, then go right again and..." He paused. "Uh..."

It occurred to him that it had been a while since he had gone to the guild. The times he had done so were also few, just to make it even worse. As he began wondering over the directions, he looked over at the dragon a few more times. She was slipping away around the corner, disappearing from his view.

"I think you go in a straight line for a little? I'm not sure, but I always know when I see the path myself. Maybe I could gui-" he stopped himself right after that. What was he thinking? His schedule was definitely fully booked right now! There was no time to guide some poor shmuck around. He had to have the ornament! No matter how useless it was or how impractical getting it would be, he just had to!
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptyFri Apr 19, 2019 8:41 pm

The Axew known as Tusk was looking around town, "casually" from his point of view, while it was actually a pretty weird way to walk if we take into account that he was zigzagging and making detours for no apparent reason! But like always, it was due to his fear of other males, by looking at or hearing others, he knew whether it'd be better to avoid getting close to them or not. Once he was in the district that held the shops, he felt... safer... knowing that there'd be at least some people to help him out in case something happens! He was looking at the different shops and their keepers! But despite being aware of his surroundings, he didn't see where he was going and bumped into the Goodra as he approached the booth of a Zigzagoon! The sudden contact made him fall on his back before he sat down, looking up at the one he bumped into...

He was quick to apologize as much as he could while getting back up, bowing multiples time with an embarrassed look on his face. He really didn't seem to be the type to be rude... despite having a childish side deep inside him, he is pretty polite in general! But he was too focused on his apologies to notice the Seedot and a Poliwag, but when he did, he had a little curious look at the duo, but he wishes to remain aside of whatever conversation they had, but at the same time, this Poliwag seem to be in need of a guide, but HE too didn't know much about this town! And besides... he was a male from what he heard of him... he would be afraid of being face to face with him or the Seedot!

-I... I'm sorry, m-miss is it...? I didn't mean to bump into you! I-I wasn't looking where I was going...! please don't be mad...! If there's anything...

He closed his eyes while looking shaken, almost as if he was expecting to be reprimanded for just bumping into her! It's not like it was a really bad thing, but in the past, those he bumped into or even bumped into him was pretty rude towards him! He didn't know how bad would an actual adult react to this... so maybe it can end better, or worse... he can only wait for her reaction!
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptyFri Apr 19, 2019 8:59 pm

'WONDEFUL! Thank you so much for being willing to guide me to the guild. I shall make full note to repay your generosity in kind."
Emmett boasts ecstatic that he can properly join a formal guild. He begins to ramble on though.. Giving full disclosure to this kind seedot of his intentions

"AHH yes this is wonderful indeed, see my father was a great paladin and I seek to follow in his footsteps. This will be only the first step in my goal just think of it. The TRUTH, the JUSTICE, even the SHINY armor. Ahh to only dream."

Emmetts' tail sways vigorously as he it emphasizes with each word adding that extra umph. He doesn't even notice that a third pokemon has made their way into the street.

*Emmett is now in full on sparkly hero mode*
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptyFri Apr 19, 2019 9:43 pm

Oh Arceus. What was with this introduction? It seemed this guy was some sort of... paladin? That probably spelled trouble for someone like Leander, who was always sitting on the edge of the law, dangling his feet. What was even worse was that this paladin had taken up his "offer" on guiding him to the guild. So now he would have to guide... uh, what was even this guy's name? I can't believe he said all of that, but not his own name. Is he gonna talk like this the whole way there? the seedot wondered, shuddering slightly. "Yeah, that's... That's really neat. Wish you luck," was all he ended up replying with. No names. Not exchanging names could actually be advantageous to him right now, should this poliwag happen to catch him red-handed. Or, you know, red-stemmed or something.

This time, when he looked over to his target, she was with another pokémon. An axew, who looked quite stressed out. The gooey dragon reacted to his behaviour by cupping her cheeks in her hands and bending down towards the little guy. "Oh, no no no, sweetie! Don't apologize! It was probably just me and my big clumsy tail again. Are you okay? I didn't get any slime on you, did I?" She seemed to be aware that she had not actually knocked him over with her tail, but too meek to place the boy at fault.

If I'm gonna follow her, I can't use the path I just described. Let's see... Turning back to the poliwag, Leander pretended to be surprised over a sudden thought. "Actually, you know what? I think I know a shortcut to the guild!" he exclaimed happily. "I need to think for a sec to make sure I remember it correctly, but it should be much faster than the regular path." And naturally, the time he would need to think would only be as long as the time the charm spent in the empty street.
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptySat Apr 20, 2019 12:57 pm

Tusk opened his eyes once he heard that it was fine, that he didn't need to apologize, this surprised him! Of course, it was his fault and not hers but... even SHE must know that her tail hasn't done anything! Maybe she was acting like she thinks it's her fault...? The Axew never heard anything like that! He was so glad that it didn't end badly between the two, as seen by his smile and wagging tail. He puts his claws on his chest and answered.

-No, no! I'm completely fine! You are a really sweet Goodra, miss! I'm... my name is Tusk! I'm still new here in town!

He didn't focus his attention with the two other pokemons this time, he just talked to the Goodra looking to get at least a little conversation with a nice pokemon from this town...! Not something he was able to do since arriving! And right now, that wish is already being granted with Goodra's interaction!
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptySat Apr 20, 2019 5:17 pm

"My name is Glenna sweetie, and I'm sure that you'll get used to our quaint little town in no time."
-The goodra said smiling.
"Come to think of it since your new her I'll give you a welcoming gift."
-Glenna reaches down to her bag and pulls off a cute little flower charm and hands it to Tusk.
"I make these quite often so i have a few lying around, so you can have this one as a welcoming gift"
-The goodra smiles once again then says
"Alright Tusk, sweetie, I must be on my way you have a good day you hear."
-as she begins to walk away down the alley

All the while this interaction is going on....

"A shortcut, HOW GLORIUS!! We shall make great time then, I must say I was worried I wouldn't make it to the guild before dark. Not that the dark matters or not but it would be a shame if happened upon them whilst not in operating hours."
as Emmett continues his rambling, he realizes something
"Oh wait where are my manners, My name is Emmett my good fellow. I tend to ramble and forget such pleasantries often, therefore I do apologize."
Emmett says with a short bow
"Also take your time my man, remembering things can be hard, trust me I know."
*Emmette then patiently waits for the Seedots response, giving off a super pleasant aura.*
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PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptySat Apr 20, 2019 7:46 pm

Leander almost spaced out while waiting for the tadpole's speech to end. And when it did, with the bow and the introduction and all, the thief felt like not returning the favour would be rude. The name, that was. Bowing felt less than neccessary. "I'm Loren." He still intended to stick to his plan of not revealing his name, of course, so the poliwag would have to make do with a fake name. Not that he would know, unless something went wrong.

The conversation between the axew and the goodra was coming to an end when he turned to look. Tusk, huh? So that's his name. That's not so important, though. Until the goodra went and handed lucky little Tusk the charm, of course! Oh, so it's gonna be like that, huh? Smaller targets are harder, but I'll manage, I think... Realizing that he had been staring pretty intently at the little dragon for someone who's supposed to pretend they're not actually going to follow them, he looked back to Emmett. "I'm pretty forgetful too sometimes, kakaka. So thanks for the patience. But I've been to the guild a few times. Lived in this town a while ago, so I really should be able to remember, y'know?" he chuckled. Now he would only have to prolong the conversation and keep Emmett unsuspecting until he got a chance where neither Emmett or Tusk would catch him taking the charm. Personally, he would have preferred them to be in a busy crowd or a dark place, but it was up to his new target to choose where the "shortcut" would happen to go now.
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptySat Apr 20, 2019 10:10 pm

Tusk felt happy receiving a gift from someone, it gave him the feeling of being welcomed to town...! His heart fluttered from this warm feeling... ohhh he loved that feeling alright, showing his hapiness by jumping in place! He didn't forget to thank her with sparkles in his eyes!

-Thank you very much miss! This means so much to me... I'll... I'll hold it dearly! I'll... I'll cherish it forever! I really hope we meet again Glenna...!

He then took a glance at the two other pokemons and noticed for a quick second that he looked at him... that made him a suspicious of the seedot, out of paranoia of course! Which made him decide to leave this part of town to go elsewhere to a more quiet place so he could put the charm on him in peace... For now he was holding it close with his two paws...

To get to his next destination, he left where he came from, an empty and narrow alley that went to a busier part of town. During his time in the alley, he put his new flower charm around his neck without looking behind him... but once he gets there, the Axew did like what he did earlier on his way to the shops and made abnormal zigzags in the crowd, avoiding getting too close to the males everywhere around him... this means that he was looking behind him too... concidentally, the direction he went was also the same way where the guild was, even though it wasn't visible as of now...
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptySat Apr 20, 2019 10:52 pm

"Well that's great 'Loren' please lead the way. I'll follow close behind"
-Emmett says awaiting the seedot 'Loren's' next move ready to follow
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptySat Apr 20, 2019 11:33 pm

As Tusk slipped into an alley, 'Loren' was quick to follow. "Alright, I believe we should start by going this way..." he muttered to his companion. The fact that he was in an alley, yet under surveillance made him want to sigh. It would have been an ideal spot to happen to "just run into" someone, while snagging whatever you wanted. No prying eyes of bystanders who would call you out on it. Except for now, of course. And this righteous paladin-type of guy was the last person he would like to be caught stealing by.

His target soon pulled the charm around his neck, rendering his run into 'n snag-strategy useless. Oh, what now? Do I trick him into handing it over? Hmm, perhaps he'd believe in some story about curses. I could offer to "relieve him of it" or something. But I wouldn't dare to pull that with this dude in tow! Arceus damn this!

They were entering the crowded streets they had come from now, so things were at the very least staying easy surroundings-wise. If he would have to resort to actually pulling the thing from Tusk's neck and making a run for it here, he would have a better chance at slipping away with such a crowd to blend into. Not that he was about to resort to that anytime soon, though. "Now we'll go over here. Let's see...  Aha! There that's shop, so we'll continue this way. By the way, Emmett, have you had time to check out the stores and services in town? Some of them are really useful to explorers," he said, pretending to look at booth placements and trees to navigate by before looking back at Tusk. Why's he walking like that? Are his feet alright?, 'Loren' wondered, giving the shy boy a weird look. He quickly corrected his expression back to normal as he realized that the axew was about to move his gaze near them. Yet he kept wondering about his behaviour. It's like he's afraid of getting close to the citizens. But not all of them...? Hope he's not gonna avoid me.
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptySun Apr 21, 2019 6:12 pm

The Axew continued his way into a peaceful part of town, he turned sometimes around him to make sure nobody was actually going towards him to confront the Dragon type for his behavior, and when he did that, he sometimes could spot another Seedot, though it could just be another one and not exactly the same as earlier... he had this feeling of being watched and in this case... followed... Even though it could be just his imagination! However just to make sure, the Axew had to confirm it!

To do so, he was going back into an alley, leaving the busy part of town after a few minutes to continue his walk, but once he got around the middle part of the alley, he quickly turned around to, perhaps, catch the Seedot red-handed following him! Not that he'd actually confront him if he did catch him... instead he'd make a run for it to try and escape his view!
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New to Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: New to Town   New to Town EmptySun Apr 21, 2019 6:26 pm

"Ah yes the shops I have yet to look at them, but due to my abilities I personally have little need for healing and cures. Perhaps rations, but I buy as I need them. Since I'm currently not a guild member I have no need to pack for a trip perhaps once I receive my first quest I'll make myself acquainted with the shop keeps"
-Emmett states to answer 'Loren's' question, as he happily trots along behind the small seedot watching the crowd. Noting the various shops and pokemon of the town, including this curious dragon type that has quite the peculiar way of walking, that seems to be heading in the same direction as Emmett and his current company.
*Emmett begins to contemplate whether or not this pokemon is in need of assistance*
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