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 Adopting Mocha the Zangoose

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Adopting Mocha the Zangoose Empty
PostSubject: Adopting Mocha the Zangoose   Adopting Mocha the Zangoose EmptyFri Dec 21, 2018 11:46 am

» Name: Mocha
» Gender: Female
» Species: #335: Zangoose, the Cat Ferret Pokémon
» Affiliation/Rank: None

» Why do you want to adopt them?: This character is like the perfect companion to my other adopted character, Maxie, who happens the be the only character that Mocha was in a thread with. Unlike with Maxie, I actually got to interact with the original creator of this character and I feel like I have a good grasp on what kind of character Mocha is supposed to be. While her demeanor is quite different from Maxie’s, the two share a lot of similarities in character, morals, and ambitions—curious, adventurous types looking for action and opportunities to be heroes. If my character Maxie is going to have any kind of relationship with Mocha, the only two people I’d want to be playing Mocha would be the original creator or myself.

Also she’s a zangoose I love zangoose.

» Sample of roleplay: It was a dreary, drizzling, overcast day in Grassveil. Due to the particularly dim and wet weather conditions, the marketplace was sparsely populated, with few stalls manned and even fewer customers
about. Despite the weather and the dreary atmosphere it projected, a cheerful zangoose made her way past the various stalls, vigilantly scanning the area for any signs of potential criminal activity. This had effectively become her daily routine not long after arriving in the town. She was neither part of the guild nor the police, as she had yet to bring herself to join the former and wasn’t particularly interested in joining the latter. No, she was not obligated by any organization to go on these patrols of hers, but by her own sense of heroic justice.

However, even though she was very much willing to continue to follow her routine, the zangoose had almost given up on the idea that she might actually get the chance to stop some criminal from committing some terrible act. Grassveil was just too safe. Not only did it have a police force protecting it, but it was also home to a guild, which sort of acted as a second layer of protection. Because of all this, crime was fairly uncommon, and thus little actually came from the zangoose’s patrols.

This zangoose went by the name Mocha. Mocha had come to Grassveil for numerous reasons. For one, she was curious what a town such as Grassveil was like, after hearing about it and similar places from a trader that met her tribe. Another reason was the presence of the guild. Ever since hearing the stories of adventurers and treasure, and learning about the guild and the good things their members do, Mocha found the guild quite enticing. She had yet to actually join the guild, due in large part to assuming one had to do something profound to actually join. She had later learned that this was in fact untrue from a mawile who had just joined herself. That mawile—Maxie was her name—had even suggested Mocha join her and her partner on their first guild mission, as a way to sort of test the waters of guild life and, if Mocha felt it was right, Maxie was even willing to give her a spot on her team.

Unfortunately, Mocha missed that opportunity. Still, she maintained optimism and would be sure to discuss the opportunity once more the next time she ran into Maxie. For now, though, she wasn’t running into much of anyone. The rain had advanced from a mild drizzle to proper light rain, and the town’s paths had become almost entirely devoid of other Pokémon. It was this scarcity of other Pokémon that made a rather suspicious looking character so obvious to Mocha. There, several yards away from her, a floatzel stood against the wall of a closed shop of some kind. He was watching as a Pokémon packed away their stall for the day. Oblivious of the floatzel watching them, the stall owner finished their work before walking away, whistling. Once the stall owner was out of site, the floatzel walked casually to the stall, moving around to the vendor side and ducking down below the countertop.

Mocha took this moment to move closer to the stall unnoticed. Something about the floatzel’s character bothered her even before she saw him approach the unattended stand. The rain continued to pour harder and harder, making it more difficult to hear, which added in Mocha’s stealthy approach. She reached the next stall over and ducked behind it, glancing around the side to see just what the floatzel was up to. She watched as the floatzel’s left arm began to develop a layer of frost over it. He then brought his fist into contact with the locked wooden door of the stand. Just like his forearm, the rain soaked wood began to develop its own layer of frost. Then the floatzel pulled away from the door and for several long seconds he sat motionless.

What’s he doing now? Mocha thought, completely confused by the floatzel’s sudden stillness. Is he contemplating his actions? Perhaps he’s actually reconsidering this whole ordeal. Oh boy, what a thing to witness—Mocha’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the floatzel’s fist crashed through the wood just below the latch. Mocha caught a glimpse of some sort of light emanating from the floatzel’s fist before it made contact with the bulging and frozen wood. The latch that the lock was affixed to dangled from the busted wood, no longer an effective means of securing the door. The sea weasel took hold of the lock, and in one swift movement, wretched the it back, tearing the lach away from the wooden door. Dropping the now useless piece of metal, the floatzel opened the wooden door to see what had been secured within.

It was at this moment, while the floatzel’s head was between the two wooden doors of the stand, that Mocha decided to take action. “Stop, thief!” Mocha announced as she dashed forward with blinding speed. The distance between the two was short and easy to clear, and upon reaching the floatzel, Mocha kicked the damaged door of the stand, causing it to slam right into the side of the floatzel’s head and knocking him over. This was accompanied by a keenly timed rumble of thunder as the rain progressed further into a true thunderstorm.

“OW! What the—” The floatzel looked up to see the zangoose standing atop the stall’s counter, pointing a long and sharp claw at him. “What the hell do ya think your doing!?” the floatzel shouted over the now roaring rain.

“Stand down, thief! I’ve caught you in the act, and I have you at a disadvantage! Return the stolen goods and walk aw—ACK!” Mocha’s monologue was cut off abruptly by a sudden Aqua Jet from the floatzel. As Mocha recovered from the attack, picking herself up off the ground, the floatzel had already started to dash away. “Hey! Stop!” Mocha shouted as she chased after the thief. Using her Quick Attack to assist her, Mocha was beginning to catch up to the sea weasel. He apparently noticed this, however, as he stopped suddenly and threw an Ice Punch toward the rapidly approaching zangoose. Mocha reared back just in time, falling to her back and sliding just under the punch, a feat made easier with the dirt path they were on having been turned to mud by the heavy downpour.

The floatzel quickly turned back toward Mocha and took advantage of her current position, releasing a beam of freezing energy toward her. Reacting quickly, she tried to roll away from the attack, but the beam caught her foot, freezing the mud around it and trapping her in place. Mocha chopped at it with her claws to break it, but progress was slow. The floatzel spoke up.

“Good effort kid, but not quite fast enough.” Digging through a small pouch, he pulled out a single coin and began flicking it between his digits. “If it makes you feel any better, that first hit was pretty good. Cheap as all hell, but pretty good all the same. You oughta be careful though, attacking criminal types like that. One minute you think you’re the hero, the next…” he tossed the coin high into the air. At its peak, it was struck with a blast of energy, falling to the muddy ground encased in solid ice. “Don’t worry ‘bout me, though, I won’t be coming back here any time soon, if I can help it. Just needed a little pick-me-up.” He shook the pouch and it rang with the sound of many coins.

Mocha glowered at cocky floatzel. “Why are you stealing for? Why can’t you work and make an honest living like everyone else?” Mochas practically spat the question. The floatzel grinned coyly in response.

“Guess it’s just not in my nature. Later, kid.”

As the floatzel walked off, Mocha continued to chip away at the frozen mud with her claws, but by the time she had freed her poor freezing footpaw, the thief had gone. Mocha stood there in the middle of the path for a moment, unsure of what she should do next. As thunder rolled overhead, Mocha decided it’d be best to find shelter from the rain for the time being, then try to find the stall owner after the weather had cleared and explain what happened. As she turned back toward town, her eye caught the glimmer of the coin the floatzel had tossed, still frozen solid. She picked up the coin with her claws, examining it in its ice prison as she walked back toward the marketplace.

Several hours later, the rain had subsided. It was still very much overcast, but that was of course to be expected. Moch was returned to the market stall that had been robbed just in time to see the owner, a heatmor, assessing the damage. “What a mess…” the heatmor spoke in a hushed and sullen tone.

“Hey! Uh, hi. Um, sorry about your shop there…” Mocha spoke without confidence, unsure exactly how to get in to explaining the day’s earlier events.

“Hm? What? Do you know something about this?” the shopkeeper seemed anxious, but not suspicious. This confronted Mocha slightly. Scratching her right ear with her right foreclaw, she continued.

“Yeah! See, I saw this suspicious looking Pokémon—a floatzel—watching you at your stall as you packed everything up earlier. I thought ‘boy is this guy is real shifty looking, I ought to keep an eye on him.’" Mocha assumed the pose she had had in the moment—or at least the pose she thought she might have assumed in the moment "Well it was a good thing I did, ‘cause as soon as you left he walked right up to your stand here and busted up the door there." Mocha waved at the splintered remains of the door. "Then I ran up and kicked him—well, actually I kicked the door there and it hit him—and knocked him over."

Mocha adopted a dramatic and heroic stance as she continued. "I told him ‘stop thief!’ and told him to put what he’d taken back, but then he attacked me and ran. I chased him and caught up with him but he froze my foot in the mud, see?” Mocha gestured to her right footpaw, on which now dried mud still clung to. “Then he ran off, but he left behind this…” Mocha withdrew the coin that had once been sealed in ice. It had since thawed. She placed in on the counter. “Sorry I didn’t get any more back from him.”

The heatmor picked up the coin and stared at it for a while, not speaking a word. Mocha stood uncomfortably in the silence, fidgeting and shifting from foot to foot as she waited desperately for some kind of response. “... Keep it,” he finally responded before flicking the coin back toward Mocha, who was quick to catch it with both forepaws. “If you’re telling the truth, you deserve some kind of reward for the attempt. And if you’re lying… Well you don’t seem like the type, and at the very least it was an entertaining story.”

Mocha was momentarily stunned, but quickly recovered. “Uh, hey, thanks! But uh, are you sure? You kinda lost everything—”

“Bah! I’ll make it back one day. I’m not too worried. I’ll take this as a lesson, not to keep anything valuable in this here junk pile,” the heatmor responded gruffly as he pounded a fist on the counter top. “Now run along, I’m sure there’s plent of other fools needing saving from petty thieves.”

Mocha nodded energetically. “Thank you again! Be careful now! See ya around!” The zangoose then set off to continue her patrol, with newly inspired determination.

» Link to the original bio: https://pmd-roleplay.forumotion.org/t5726-up-for-adoption-mocha-the-zangoose
» Levels of existing characters: Solus 14, Maxie 6, Rex 5 (Got a thread tho)
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Adopting Mocha the Zangoose Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adopting Mocha the Zangoose   Adopting Mocha the Zangoose EmptyMon Jan 28, 2019 9:52 pm

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