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 Gangs of Insane Pokemon!

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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 22, 2016 4:40 am

First topic message reminder :

Energy: 48 - 5 (dungeon) = 43
√ Stamina Band
Trawl Orb (5)
Vulpix Tag: (Raises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each) -Reduce Pokemon Rolls by 1

Lumina padded through the short grasses on the edge of Pecha Forest. The influx of darkness had affected the once-peaceful area. It seemed that pokemon were getting more and more dangerous as time passed. She was doing two missions for the guild this day; one a plea for help from a piplup, who seemed to have been mobbed by insane pokemon, and another from a pancham, whose friend had joined a gang!

She looked over her shoulder at said pancham; the client had insisted on coming with her to confront his old friend. She had warned the pancham that she was on another mission, and to hang back and hide if she ran into the insane pokemon before his "friend's" gang.

"Be careful," she warned the pancham seriously. "We're entering the dungeon proper. Things are going to get dangerous, quickly."

The pancham nodded. "Right ya are, Miss Lumina. I reckon mah buddy is in th' middle of th' forest. Tha's where the gang attacked us i'fore."

Missions Taken:
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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 24, 2016 3:46 am

The seeming to be leader of the group, the Panpour, told them that this isn't any of their business, so they should just buzz off. Bolt was insulted at this and was about to protest, but Lumina stepped in and told them that is was, and that they mugged her client less then 5 days ago.

The Panpour started sneering at her for her introduction, and that she's going to bring justice to the monkeys. With the Panpour replying that he and his gang would wipe the floor with them and steal their items on top of it. Making a strange motion the monkeys minions stepped up behind him and got into a fighting position. The Pancham reluctantly did the same thing as well.

Before Bolt knew what was happening the battle had commenced. Lumina let out a burst of flame at the elemental monkeys, making the Panpour come after her. While, the Pansage and Pansear went after him. Oh great, two monkeys to take care of how fun, he thought sarcastically.

The Pansage was the first to attack, using bullet seed firing it straight at the blitzle. Bolt barely avoided it, although a seed hit him before he could do anything. Bringing up his rear he gave a mighty blow to the Pansage with his double kick, looking like he was temporarily unconscious.

Using fire spin, the Pansear attacked right after Pansage was knocked to the ground. Hit square on Bolt felt the pain flare through him. Charging toward the Pansear with quick attack, he knew it was risky but decided to do it anyways. With the fire-type waiting for the blitzle to come closer, Bolt went charging up right to it. The Pansear started to use scratch as the blitzle stopped and readied his double kick. Ignoring the pain he brought down his blow to the fire-type.

I hope that took care of him, I wouldn't want to deal with that again. But, sadly it seemed to have only knocked him to the ground. Oh great.
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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 24, 2016 4:16 am

Energy: 38 - 23 (Stamina Band + Vulpix Tag) = 15
√ Stamina Band -Reduce all rolls by 2
Trawl Orb (4)
Vulpix Tag: (Raises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each) -Reduce Pokemon Rolls by 1
Petrify Orb (5)
Blast Seed (4)
Swift Seed (3)
Stick (5)
Pecha Berry
Pink Gummi
Green Gummi

Lumina streaked towards the panpour, leaping on top of the monkey and wrestling him to the ground. She bared her teeth at him, before sinking her fangs into his shoulder. The panpour let out a cry of pain and kicked at her exposed belly. Lumina yelped and rolled off of the monkey pokemon.

The water type hissed and shot another blast of steaming water at her. Caught off-guard by the blow to her belly, Lumina wasn't able to recover herself in enough time to dodge it. She whimpered as the scalding hot water washed over her, drenching her fur. She growled lowly and raised her tails up, the tips of her tails curling around themselves. Ghostly purple orbs formed around the tips of her tails, and then she launched the orbs at the panpour.

The shadowy orbs connected with the panpour's body, causing the water pokemon to give a cry as they surrounded him in an eerie purple glow, damaging his mind as well as his body. The panpour worked through the pain and ran towards Lumina, claws unsheathing. He sliced at her as he neared the fire pokemon, and Lumina dodged to the side, unleashing another stream of fire from her mouth.

The panpour met her fire with a wave of his own water. The two attacks fought against each other, the fire causing the water to go up in steam and the water denying the fire fuel to keep raging. The two attacks took turns overtaking each other before their owners had to let go of the attacks, the strain being too much to keep up. Lumina stared across at the panpour, who was breathing as heavily as her, meeting her glare with a scowl of his own.

Meanwhile, the two pancham were still going at it. "What was I supposed to think, Lyle? You attacked me with those brutes; and then I come here to find that they're mistreating you because of some debt you owe their boss? Again; why didn't you just come to me? You know I have money; I could have helped you out!!" Russ was exclaiming.

Lyle growled, turning away from his friend. "It was embarrassing!" he burst out. "I was ashamed; I wanted you to admire me and think I was awesome.... I couldn't tell you that I owed pokemon money and needed to do menial labor and... unsavory things... to pay off my debt!"

Russ sighed. "I wouldn't think less of you because you made mistakes, Lyle. I don't think less of you, even now. You're still the awesome, amazing guy I met five years ago. Look; why don't you just tell me who this guy you owe money to is? I'll help you deal with him, I promise. Maybe we can work together and get this guy to forgive your debt."

Lyle laughed with no real humor in his voice. "Hah. That's a good one. This guy won't be persuaded, Russ. He's a really bad guy."

"Who is he?" Russ coaxed his friend.

Lyle sighed. "It's this guy who calls himself 'The Aerial Outlaw.' I don't know his real name, or even what pokemon he is. When I met him, he stayed in the shadows. But he's really strong..." The pancham rubbed his shoulder in remembered pain. The fur on his shoulder was shorter than the rest of his fur, as if it had been burnt or cut off.

Russ laid a hand on his friend's other shoulder. "We'll deal with it, ok? Together."

Lyle looked at his friend and gave a small smile. "You really mean it..." he said, a hint of wonder in his voice.

Russ nodded, a smile on his face. "Of course I mean it."
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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 25, 2016 1:29 am

0 + 1 = 1 energy

The Pansear shot a couple of flaming balls using incinerate, hitting Bolt on his spine. Pain seared along his back as the scorching fire balls hit him, making him stagger. With the Pansear seeing this as a perfect time to attack, it charged at the Blitzle reading its fury swipes.

Bolt had no time to react to the charging Pansear. For the next thing that happened, was it swiping at him like crazy. Ouch! Agh, I can't keep this up much longer unless I gain the upper hand.... That's it!

Pretending to collapse to the ground, his bag was right next to his mouth. Right where he wanted it to be.... The Pansear put one foot one him, looking down with a sneer. "Ha! You can't even stand up to me, what a terrible explorer you must be! Then again that works for us, so why complain?" While the Pansear jabbered on about how the zebra couldn't take the monkey on, Bolt nudged his way into the bag. Finding an Oran Berry he gratefully ate it, feeling his strength returning.

Easily throwing the Pansear off of him, Bolt neighed "Think again." Since the fire-type was already tired from earlier it was easier to attack him. Kicking it in the stomach the monkey was sent flying backwards. "You just don't learn don't learn, do you?" scowling as he slowly got up.

Feeling something hit him from behind, he quickly moved out of the way to see what it was. The Pansage that he had knocked out earlier was back on its feet, ready for revenge. Oh great, can my luck get any worse? Apparently it could, as the next second he was hit by bullet seed. Stumbling back, the blitzle was in shock and pain.

Slowly recovering from the shock, an idea was forming in the blitzles mind. Taking out a Swift seed, he swallowed it. Immediately the seed took effect, Bolt felt faster then before. It was like he could outrun any enemy, win any race, or even outrun his father. Testing out his new speed he found out he twice as fast as he was when sprinting.

Using this new speed, he added quick attack, making it almost impossible to track his movements for more then a second or so. Because of this, the monkeys had no idea where he could strike next. Stopping in front of the Pansear, it let loose a Fire Spin, only for the blitzle to easily get out of the way, making the fire hit the Pansage.

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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 25, 2016 7:28 pm

Energy: 15 + 1 (page) = 16
√ Stamina Band -Reduce all rolls by 2
Trawl Orb (4)
Vulpix Tag: (Raises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each) -Reduce Pokemon Rolls by 1
Petrify Orb (5)
Blast Seed (4)
Swift Seed (3)
Stick (5)
Pecha Berry
Pink Gummi
Green Gummi

Pokemon Yet to Encounter:
Exeggcute *Poison* x3
Murkrow x2
Tangela *Sleep* x2
Nidorino *Poison*
Nidorina *Poison*

Lumina bared her fangs at the panpour, who looked unimpressed by her show of hostility. She growled, low in her throat. Her flamethrower was useless against the water pokemon, who shrugged the fire off like it was nothing. Her hex had done little as well, it seemed. The panpour was clearly quite the strong pokemon. But Lumina wouldn't let this outlaw win the day! She raced toward the panpour and leapt on top of him again, biting down with her fangs onto the panpour's already-damaged shoulder. The panpour howled with pain, to Lumina's satisfaction.

Then the monkey pokemon did the unthinkable. He reached up with a hand and grabbed a handful of her tails, pulling down harshly, throwing Lumina off-balance. His feet were freed and he kicked her off. She tumbled to the ground, stunned. Three of her tails were still in the monkey pokemon's grip, and he tugged at them harshly, sneering down at her. She snarled and sliced at his arm, causing him to let go of her tails or be de-armed.

Lumina was furious! That he had dared to touch her tails, let alone pull them, was the ultimate crime to a ninetales such as herself. She closed her eyes, focusing her psychic power and throwing her full mental force behind the attack. Her eyes snapped open at the sound of high-pitched screams. The panpour was on the ground, clutching his head in pain as he rocked back and forth. Gotcha! Lumina thought triumphantly. She continued to push against his mind with hers, increasing the pressure behind the attack. The panpour howled in renewed pain, his legs scrabbling at the ground, the claws in his feet creating long scores in the earth.

Lumina winced, but kept up her mental assault. She couldn't let this outlaw go unpunished for his crimes! Her tails were the source of her power, the culmination of her being! They were OFF-LIMITS, to ALL pokemon, even her friends! That this outlaw had touched them at all was the ultimate insult! That he had pulled on them, using them against her... Lumina snarled, unable to think on it more, instead increasing her mental assault once again.

The panpour wailed. "S-sto-oop! P-ple-eease!" Tears were running down the pokemon's cheeks now. Lumina gritted her teeth, refusing to let up on her mental assault. Her pride was hurt, and she was in a rage due to the assault on her tails.

Meanwhile, the pancham had made up, hugging each other quickly. They turned their attention to the battles raging around them, and noticed the blitzle being attacked by the two monkey pokemon. "Two-on-one? That doesn't seem very fair to me," Russ stated, looking over at Lyle.

"Naw, bro, it doesn't. How about we even the odds?" Lyle agreed, and they converged on the pansage, who had just got hit by a fire attack from its friend.

Russ hit the pansage with a karate chop, while Lyle rushed in and gave the pansage several hits with the palms of his hands. The pansage growled and launched bullet seeds at the fighting-type pair. The pancham dodged the seeds easily enough and returned to assaulting the grass type in martial arts.

After a few moments, the pansage let out a cry and fled into the forest, abandoning the fight. The two pancham exchanged high-fives before turning to see what was happening in the rest of the clearing. They noticed that the blitzle had defeated the pansear before noticing the writhing panpour on the ground, Lumina standing over him, looking furious.
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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 26, 2016 1:20 am

1 + 10 (Oran Berry) = 11

With the Pansage eliminated thanks to those Pancham, he only had to deal with the Pansear. "I'm gonna get you good, and grind you to a pulp once I defeat you," scowled the monkey. "Just try," stomped Bolt before sprinting once again. Unable to detect his movements the Pansear was at a loss of what to do.

Stopping behind the monkey, it didn't notice the blitzle. Kicking the Pansear, it stumbled and fell gritting its teeth, "You're gonna pay for th-" Bolt took this as a chance to attack, using his double kick one last time the monkey was blown back by sheer force. Checking, the blitzle slowly went up and prodded the monkey, now fainted.

Noticing the Panpour at the mercy of Lumina, he ran over. The Panpour was crying, wailing desperately for her to stop. Not being able to stand it he asked calmly and kindly, "Lumina, can you please stop? I think you've done enough, can't you see the Panpour is broken, and in enough pain? Please stop Lumina."

funnylollipop1 carried out 10 launched of one Pecha Forest :
Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 HUdHrl3 , Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 4LTlrqA , Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 DZNZaz3 , Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 HUdHrl3 , Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 PH4C7tP , Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 WYrEDCu , Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EE1XNfK , Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 WV50R87 , Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 W6tXtbK , Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 D79y4LB
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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 26, 2016 1:30 am

Energy: 15 + 1 (page) = 16
√ Stamina Band -Reduce all rolls by 2
Trawl Orb (4)
Vulpix Tag: (Raises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each) -Reduce Pokemon Rolls by 1
Petrify Orb (4)
Blast Seed (4)
Swift Seed
Stick (2)
Pecha Berry
Pink Gummi
Green Gummi

Pokemon Yet to Encounter:
Exeggcute *Poison*
Murkrow x2
Tangela *Sleep*
Nidorino *Poison*
Nidorina *Poison*

Lumina's concentration was suddenly broken by the calm voice of Bolt, asking her to stop, pointing out that the panpour was broken and in a lot of pain. She took a deep breath, and released her mental assault. The panpour's body relaxed, and he stopped crying out, instead whimpering weakly, laying on the ground, limp.

Lumina let out a growl under her breath. It wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to see the panpour in pain. He had touched her tails, had pulled on them! She snarled again and closed her eyes, summoning a power from deep inside of her. She opened her eyes, and they were glowing, turned purple instead of their normal red.

"Panpour. This day you have earned the eternal hatred of all ninetales. Not only did you touch the sacred tails, but you pulled them, causing their owner pain and suffering. From this day forth, you will be forever cursed. No endeavor of yours will succeed, no friend you will make, no happiness you will find. It is done." Lumina's voice was strange and hoarse, and it seemed to have a slight echo to it. When she was finished speaking, her eyes closed and she crumpled to the ground. A flash of purple light flooded through the clearing, and then all was silent.

After a few moments, Lumina groggily opened her eyes, feeling weaker than she had ever been. "Uhhhg... w-what... what happened?" she asked, looking up at Bolt blurrily, his face swimming in and out of view.
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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 27, 2016 12:08 am

Glad that the Ninetales stopped tormenting the poor Panpour, Bolt took a deep breathe. Wonder what she was so mad about.... I don't think she would attack it that badly without a good reason. Pondering about this, Bolt didn't notice the quiet growl.

Only when Lumina snarled, did Bolt realize that something was happening. Watching Lumina intently, he saw the change in her eyes. Huh? Why are her eyes changing colors? She spoke in a strange, hoarse voice. In that ominous voice she seemed to curse the Panpour, so that he would find no happiness and that no endeavor of his oils succeed. When the Ninetales finished speaking in her new voice, her eyes closed, and then she crumpled to the ground. The color in her eyes drained away, leaving a bright flash of purple light, and then it was gone.

Running over to Lumina, watching as she slowly opened her eyes. Apparently she did not remember what had just happened, so Bolt decided to tell her. "You just cursed that Panpour for life. Saying that no endeavor of his would succeed, he will make no friends, and no happiness he would find."
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Location : Right behind you with a knife.

Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 29, 2016 3:10 am

Energy: 16
√ Stamina Band -Reduce all rolls by 2
Trawl Orb (4)
Vulpix Tag: (Raises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each) -Reduce Pokemon Rolls by 1
Petrify Orb (4)
Blast Seed (4)
Swift Seed
Stick (2)
Pecha Berry
Pink Gummi
Green Gummi

Pokemon Yet to Encounter:
Exeggcute *Poison*
Murkrow x2
Tangela *Sleep*
Nidorino *Poison*
Nidorina *Poison*

Lumina frowned at the zebra pokemon, raising an eyebrow. "What?" She stated flatly. "I... I wouldn't do that... Heck, I don't even have the power to do that!" she said. Though, now that she thought about it, an old legend she had heard from her mother niggled at the back of her mind. It was a legend about ninetales, and their ability to curse whoever had the gall to touch their tails. Lumina snorted, shaking her head. It just wasn't possible! And even if it was, she'd remember doing so... wouldn't she?

"Lumina, 'e's tellin' th' truth," Russ spoke up, eyeing the ninetales oddly. His friend, Lyle, was staring at her with wide eyes, a trace of fear in them. "Ya kinda freaked out... Yer voice went all spooky and yer eyes turned purple... it was nerve-wrackin', t' tell ya th' truth."

Lumina narrowed her eyes at the pancham, and then took a look at the panpour on the ground a few feet away. The irrational rush of anger was gone upon looking at him, and she felt somehow like justice had been served, even though upon releasing the water pokemon from her mental assault, she had still felt like he deserved so much more. Were the others telling the truth? Did she really go nuts and lay a curse on the panpour?

She felt so weak all of a sudden, as well. She felt as if something had taken a huge chunk of her energy and ripped it away. Was that a result of the "curse" she had supposedly placed on the panpour? She struggled to her feet, swaying a little as her paws held up her weight again. "Well, curse or no curse, there's nothing we can do about it now," she said finally. "He still needs to be taken into custody for blackmail and theft."
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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 30, 2016 12:06 am

The frowning Lumina told Bolt that she wouldn't curse the Panpour, that she didn't even have the power to do that! "You sure about that? I just saw it happen and so so did Lyle and Russ," pointing over to the two Pancham. Those two backed up his statement when that agreed with him and told her that he was telling the truth.

Bolt watched Lumina struggle to her feet as she brought up the fact he still needed to be taken into custody. "Ya," the blitzle neighed in agreement. Noticing the Ninetales was... droopy to say the least, he searched through his bag to find an Oran Berry. "Hey, lumina you seem tired, want this?" offering the Ninetales an Oran Berry.
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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 11, 2016 4:29 am

Energy: 16 + 10 (oran berry) = 26
√ Stamina Band -Reduce all rolls by 2
Trawl Orb (4)
Vulpix Tag: (Raises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each) -Reduce Pokemon Rolls by 1
Petrify Orb (4)
Blast Seed (4)
Swift Seed
Stick (2)
Pecha Berry
Pink Gummi
Green Gummi

Pokemon Yet to Encounter:
Exeggcute *Poison*
Murkrow x2
Tangela *Sleep*
Nidorino *Poison*
Nidorina *Poison*

Lumina nodded gratefully at the blitzle, accepting the oran berry. She chewed it quickly, wanting her energy back. The healing juices flowed into her system, giving her a boost of energy. She was now able to stand up steadily. She flicked her tails as she looked over the fallen outlaw. She pawed at the stamina ribbon around her neck, pulling the ribbon around so that her Guild Badge was showing. She pressed the button in the middle of the badge and then placed her paw on the outlaw. Her badge gave a flash of light, and the panpour's form shimmered before disappearing, being teleported to the closest Police Station.

Lumina then beckoned the two pancham forward with a paw. She pulled out another badge from her bag, this time a badge given to her by the Guild so that clients could go home once the mission was achieved. She handed the badge to the pancham, and after a moment, they shimmered as well before disappearing back to Grassveil Town. They would either wait at the guild to deliver her reward or give her reward to the Guild to give to her.

After the other pokemon had left, Lumina turned to the blitzle. "Well, that was the easy mission, believe it or not," she said grimly. "The worst is up ahead, unfortunately. This mission... well, the client is a piplup, and if the threat is what I think it is..." she trailed off for a moment, her eyes going dark. "Well, let's just hope it's not what I think it is." she shook her head. "Anyway, the piplup is being attacked by some wild pokemon."

Silver carried out 1 launched of one Mission Dice :
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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 11, 2016 4:45 am

After Lumina ate the Oran Berry Bolt he had offered, she pressed a button on a badge. Bolt assumed that it was a guild badge, he had heard of one a couple times but never seen one. The badge gave a flash of light as the Panpour disappeared. Wonder where it went, probably some prison or something. At least everyone's alright. Then she beckoned the two Pancham forward, giving them another badge. Handing the badge to one of the Pancham, disappearing like the Panpour did.

With that leaving only Lumina and himself, she turned to the zebra. With a grim expression on her face she said that the worst was up ahead. Adding that the client was a Piplup and the threat was large, apparently some ferals were attacking it. "Well, I'm sure we can handle it, should we get going?"
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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 11, 2016 5:05 am

Energy: 26
√ Stamina Band -Reduce all rolls by 2
Trawl Orb (4)
Vulpix Tag: (Raises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each) -Reduce Pokemon Rolls by 1
Petrify Orb (4)
Blast Seed (4)
Swift Seed
Stick (2)
Pecha Berry
Pink Gummi
Green Gummi

Pokemon Yet to Encounter:
Exeggcute *Poison*
Murkrow x2
Tangela *Sleep*
Nidorino *Poison*
Nidorina *Poison*

Lumina nodded. "I merely wanted to warn you. Be prepared for fighting ahead. We don't know how many pokemon there will be to fight. And we will need to protect the piplup, don't forget. By now, it's unlikely that he can fight for himself." She warned, padding forward. She lifted her head and sniffed at the air.

"The mission slip didn't give a clue to where the piplup would be, but I know that a river runs through the forest. It's likely that the piplup would try to reach there for the water advantage," she said, leading the way through the forest.

She knew vaguely where the river was in the forest, relative to the center of the forest, which is where they were currently. She stepped carefully through the undergrowth, listening for the sounds of a fight. If the feral pokemon were infected with the darkness like she feared, they would certainly be very loud in their pursuit of the piplup.
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Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gangs of Insane Pokemon!   Gangs of Insane Pokemon! - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 11, 2016 5:59 am

The fox nodded, just wanting to warn the zebra, and also mention that the Piplup probably can't fight. The blitzle gave a slight nod in response, looking up towards the sun. It was getting dark, so Bolt was ready to go, not wanting to stay here much longer.

Setting off, soon they were in the undergrowth again, surrounded by trees and bushes. Silent as it was, it wasn't the eerie silence that had engulfed them earlier. This was more like a calm silence, although Bolt was still weary. A feral Pokemon could still jump out at any time, causing them harm.

After who knows how long has passed, Bolt saw a striped figure dart into the bushes. Stopping his eyes darted around, each moment that passed seemed like a hour. After a couple of seconds the creature darted towards Bolt leaping at him, quickly sidestepping it missed by a few inches. It seemed it was a zigzagoon, hissing menacingly it jumped at him again, not missing this time. Stumbling backwards from the impact, Bolt reared his hind legs and gave a blow to the zigzagoon who soon delved into the bushes.

Taking a look where the normal type had hit him, it seemed it was a slight bruise on his withers. Not too bad, I'll manage. At that he started to trot silently into the wilderness once more.
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