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 Glittering Pond

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Glittering Pond Empty
PostSubject: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond EmptySun Jul 31, 2016 3:01 am

((NOTE: For sanity sake, this thread takes place before the darkness events… Describing the same old dreary darkness gets old… Now let’s start))

Another day at the pond nearby the town of Grassveil. The sun shone above in the bright blue sky with a gentle breeze the blew across the land. The trees that surrounded the area blew gently as the leaves were tugged upon lightly in the wind.

A Pikachu had been walking along the pathway towards the pond, planning on spending the day there. “Another day at the pond, yeaaaaah! Hehe… I’m glad I’m on break!” the Pikachu said happily as he traversed the path. He carried his supply bag along with his guild ribbon pinned to the bag. The ribbon was yellow in color with a blue bolt of lightning sewn into it. The bow was tied onto the bag that he carried, clearly visible as he walked.

There were a few places along the path that had patches of flowers as he passed by. The dirt path was fairly simple to follow towards the pond. The Pikachu followed the path all the way to the pond.
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Glittering Pond Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond EmptySun Jul 31, 2016 3:58 am

Lalna continued walking in the direction she was told to walk in to reach a point near Grassveil-- She had been lost trying to find some sort of proper direction for so long she felt like she might as well have been able to map out where she'd been. She shielded her eyes from the sun as she walked forward, but she hadn't been paying attention infront of her and she tripped over a branch. After tripping, her Cyan Scarf fell off her head and she started rolling forward down a small bit, approaching the pond but instead hitting a tree on the slant, hitting her head and making a squeak.

Last edited by 8BitSky on Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I wrote myself into a corner, and Coaster suggested an edit. Thanks, Coaster.)
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Glittering Pond Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond EmptySun Aug 07, 2016 5:48 am

Joey continued along the path at a decent pace, just reaching the pond a few minutes later. As he arrived, he heard a high pitched screech as someone came rolling down a hill from the side of the path. The yellow blur that rolled down the hill went straight a tree, right before Joey’s eyes. The whole thing looked rather painful… It wasn’t something most would enjoy, that was for sure.

“Huh?” Joey wondered if they were alright. That looked like it hurt… he thought to himself as he watched the whole scene unfold. Joey decided to head on over towards the pichu to see if they were alright.

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Glittering Pond Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond EmptyMon Aug 22, 2016 8:04 pm

Lalna used the tree to stand up, rubbing her head heavily while groaning internally. (meaning no noise.) This hurt pretty bad, but she was fine for the most part. She stumbled a bit when she got up, and she felt pretty dizzy, but she leaned against the tree and looked around. She noticed  some pokemon, but not alot-- Except for a Pikachu walking towards her. Then she realized. She looked around quickly, looking for her scarf-- Which was on a higher up place, just out of her view. She continued looking, looking down behind the tree and up in the tree and around where she landed, not looking at the area above.

NOTE: Sorry for shortness. per usual. Also didn't do much. Per usual.
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Glittering Pond Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond EmptyFri Aug 26, 2016 5:43 am

As Joey approached the pichu, noticing the pichu was a little panicked as they appeared to be looking for something. Joey slowly approached, “Are you alright?” Joey asked as he stopped a few feet away from the pichu. He looked around to see if there was any obvious thing that may have been dropped as he asked the question. Whatever the pichu was looking for, it wasn’t visible from his point of view at that very moment.

From where Joey and the pichu were, the wind blew gently over the hill towards the pond. A small gust could perhaps catch the scarf that was left at the top of the hill.
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Glittering Pond Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond EmptySat Sep 03, 2016 6:40 pm

Lalna continued attempting to find it, jumping when someone from behind asked her something. She span around on the spot, taking a second to think out what she was going to say. "I'm alright thanks for asking I just lost my scarf somewhere when I tripped back there but that's about all that's wrong right now thanks for asking" She quickly went back to searching, climbing up the tree and looking around.
The breeze slightly picked up the scarf, Lightly sending it on its way to Complete a grand quest the pond, the Scarf landing just beside the very edge of the pond.

Note: One problem with having a character with small text, is that posts seem shorter then they are.
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Glittering Pond Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond EmptySat Sep 10, 2016 3:56 am

Joey blinked a moment when the pichu spoke and described their situation. The pichu didn’t even mention the fact that took a hit to a tree. “Oh, um… ok” Joey responded as he looked around the area for a moment. He remained in his spot as he just caught a glimpse of the item that was described by had just gotten caught in the wind, blowing towards the pond.

Joey proceeds to walk towards the pond, not too far from where they were at the moment. Joey picks the scarf up and walks back towards the tree from which the pichu had just climbed. “E-excuse me… would this be it?” Joey waved the scarf in the air from down below.

Note: The small text is unnecessary .__. please just use a color, I hate resizing text just to read it. (But you may continue as you wish ;-; as long as it is readable)
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Glittering Pond Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond EmptyTue Nov 15, 2016 7:10 pm

Lalna looked around a bit more, mentally cringing at herself while searching, not noticing the Pikachu walking towards the pond. She was more looking towards up the small incline she rolled down, trying to see if it was up there, when she heard the Pikachu speak again from below, asking if it found the scarf. She looked down from the tree quickly, before noticing the Pikachu did indeed have it. "Thank you, that's it! Thank you for helping me find it.... whoever you are, I appreciate it." She awkwardly took the scarf after saying that quickly, wrapping the scarf around her head again.

She looked at where the pikachu found the scarf-- a small-ish lake with pokemon swimming in it and relaxing around it. She awkwardly rubbed the back of her head looking out at the lake, before back at the pikachu. "Ehm.... Do you know where we are? I've been just wandering around for a while, and I've been looking for.. whatever the name of the town near here is." She awkwardly looked away, feeling slightly embarrassed at having to ask the question.

Note: I'll still use small text, but I'll make it bigger then it is at this moment. Tell me if this is fine or not.
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Glittering Pond Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond EmptyThu Dec 15, 2016 10:19 pm

((Terribly sorry for the lack of response, it was a combination of things that prevented me from posting… Work, more work, and keeping the site running as smoothly as possible WHILE working. And forgot about the thread))

“Your welcome” Joey said with a bright smile on his face as he handed the pichu’s scarf back. It was a simple gesture helping the pichu find their scarf. Joey knew that if he had lost something that he cared about, he would be upset as well. He was glad that he was able to help out the pichu with their lost item… even if it wasn’t too hard to find for him.

“Oh? We’re at the small pond… Just outside of grassveil. Um… are you lost?” Joey responded along with asking whether or not the tiny mouse was lost. If it was, he was sure he could try and help point it in the right direction, or even help it get to its destination if needed.
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Glittering Pond Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond EmptyMon Jan 02, 2017 4:12 pm

(It's all good, Coaster. I haven't been to good about posting, either. c:)

Lalna thought about the pikachu's question for a second. She had been looking for quite a while for grassveil, and if this place is right outside of it, then she's surprisingly gone the right way. She internally celebrated, Smiling to herself in a very small way. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, turning towards the pikachu again.

"Ehm... I've been wandering for a while to try to find grassveil, but I guess if this small pond..? Is right outside of grassveil, I've been going the right direction, surprisingly. so I guess no I'm not lost? Even though I've sorta been..." She quickly ran this out, rubbing the back of her head again. She looked around the pond in the meantime, still keeping an ear on if the pikachu says anything, taking in the view of the pond as it reflects the sun.
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Glittering Pond Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond EmptyWed Feb 01, 2017 8:43 pm

((Oh god, I'm alive! /shot))
((Sorry bout that :3))
The wind slowly began to pick up to a gentle breeze. The grass blew gently along with this breeze as the pond seemed to ripple subtly. It was a rather nice day to be there.

Joey listened to the pichu’s somewhat rapid response to his question. He didn’t even realize that she may have been nervous given the cues within her speech. “So she isn’t lost, at least I don’t think” Joey thought to himself.

Joey looked around for a moment, looking at the grass blow in the gentle breeze. “Oh, I haven’t gotten their name yet!” Joey realized after a moment of watching his surroundings.

“Soo, what’s your name? I’m Joey” asked just before introducing himself with a bright smile.
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PostSubject: Re: Glittering Pond   Glittering Pond Empty

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