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 (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle

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(Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle Empty
PostSubject: (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle   (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle EmptyThu Feb 11, 2016 7:37 am

» Name: Kell
» Sex: Male
» Gender: Male
» Species: #013 Weedle, the Hairy Bug Pokemon
» Affiliation: Aspiring Guild Member

» Level: 5
» Energy: 16 (11 Base)
» Ability: Shield Dust: Damaging moves used by the opponent will not have an additional effect.
» Moves:
- String Shot (Start)
- Poison Sting (Start)

» Natural Feats:
- Stinger: Weedle have a 2 inch long stinger that secretes a potent poison.
- Smell: Weedle have a strong sense of smell that they use to find food.

» Personality: Despite his small size, Kell is ambitious. He dreams of becoming powerful, capable of protecting the world and it's inhabitants. He likes to imagine himself like a knight, protecting those who need protecting without ever faltering. In reality, it's unlikely that he'd be able to protect anyone. Young and untrained, he probably couldn't manage a petty thief, much less something that was threatening the world. While he usually keeps reality at bay, having things go wrong allows doubt creep into him. When forced to face reality, he struggles to stay positive and loses his drive. However, even when he feels defeated, he clings to hope. Kell doesn't take long to recover and return to his optimistic self, and with a renewed sense of purpose, he comes out of defeat emotionally stronger.
Kell is extremely timid, but his determination always conquers his fears. The world is scary to him, and more often than not he's dreading what's around the corner, but he always pushes forward. He has a sense of purpose that drives him and drowns out the many doubts he has. In intense situations, he's likely the most afraid, but also the first to take initiative.

» Likes:
Stories: Especially stories about underdogs becoming heroes, he likes to imagine himself in them.

Relics: Pieces of lost civilizations and properties of long dead adventurers fascinate him.

Adventure: Kell can't handle a normal life, he needs to be discovering, saving, or fighting something to feel fulfilled.

» Dislikes:
Reality Checks: Kell doesn't handle the reality of his situation very well, he prefers to imagine himself in a more fantasized light.

Boredom: He can't handle boring situations. If he becomes even a little bored, he'll desperately look for something interesting to do.

Hopelessness: Kell can't tolerate a lack of hope from others, it saddens him to no end. There's always something to be hopeful about, and he'll be the first to remind anyone who forgets.

» History: Kell was hatched among many others in a Beedrill colony. He never really knew his biological parents, as all the adults in the hive took on a parental role. He struggled to fit in, as he preferred to explore outside the colony tree rather than adamantly defend it at all times. It earned him many scoldings from the adults, but he never seemed to care. He wanted to experience more than what the colony had to offer. On one of his trips, he met a rescue team traveling to a job. After explaining that he wasn't a threat, they let him sit by their fire while they regaled him with tales of adventure. The stories were romanticized to say the least, but Kell was inspired by them anyways.
Despite his begging, the rescue team refused to take Kell with them. They told him if he wanted to join up, he should head for Grassveil's Exploration Guild. He was found by some of the colony members soon after. They gave him the harshest scolding yet, but it all seemed to pass over his head. All he could think about was joining a guild and forming a team. The next morning, he set out towards Grassveil Town to do just that.

» Other:

Last edited by Flavors on Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2014-05-16
Location : Right behind you with a knife.

(Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle   (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle EmptyThu Feb 11, 2016 8:55 pm

Sorry, your Character Bio cannot be approved due to the following reasons:

1. PERSONALITY While I like this character and the personality, I have a bit of a problem with them being described as both 'timid' and 'brave'. These are complete opposites of one another and thus can't really be in the same personality. Maybe a better word to use than brave is 'determined'? I get that they are fearful but push on anyway, but that's really determination to me rather than bravery.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message any of the Secretaries. May it be through the Chatbox or through Private Messaging, we will tend to your concerns as soon as we can. Please fix your bio accordingly so that we may be able to approve it. Once you have completed your edits, either bump this thread or message us.

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(Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle   (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle EmptyThu Feb 11, 2016 9:55 pm

Yeah, I was iffy on that but I was struggling on how else to describe it. Determined works perfectly though. I'll change it right away.
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Posts : 1730
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Join date : 2014-05-16
Location : Right behind you with a knife.

(Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle   (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle EmptyThu Feb 11, 2016 10:15 pm

(Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle Tumblr_lqxfdcef571qmj8beo1_400

Character has been APPROVED!
Please head over HERE to create your Character Records.
Once you've completed that, go have fun and roleplay!

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Join date : 2012-11-18
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(Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle   (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle EmptyThu Oct 17, 2019 10:38 pm

Character Put Up For Adoption
Pokemon has been put up for adoption due to inactivity
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(Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle   (Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle Empty

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(Up for Adoption) Kell The Weedle
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