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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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The Solution - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyMon Dec 28, 2015 6:54 pm

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---- Group's Current State ----

The Solution - Page 2 1tke9pS

The air felt still in the quiet room; it gave off an eerie vibe. The silence, the calm, the open space.... it was all such a big contrast to what'd just happened. That coupled with anticipation was almost enough to unnerve the psychotic, fractured mind of the glaceon in the room.... Almost. If it were Sova, it would have most certainly made him feel uneasy at the very least, but as stated earlier, the mind of the glaceon was fractured. There were two pieces, and the one currently in control was not going to be so easily intimidated by a mere room.

S.S. began to grin in anticipation nearing the center of the room. He could hardly restrain himself from carelessly dumping the contents of his bag to get at the music box and wind it up. Instead, he decided to lay down in the center of the room as he waited for the rest of his group to catch up. Maybe they needed a break.... but did he really care? He stuck his injured paw into his bag.... then paused for a moment. He didn't know quite how bad the little paw injury was since he'd been suppressing his pain reflex. He didn't know if he was making it worse, and he didn't know if it could take the stress of his constant romping around.

Of course, the pain was still there. He'd just been.... ignoring it. Suppressing it. He decided to really feel it for a moment, just to check, and.... well, it hurt. However, it mostly felt sore, not like it was about to break. Now the rest of his body was a different story! His entire body stung from some of the hits he and his weaker half - mostly said weaker half - had sustained. He felt a bit tired still despite having allowed himself to relax too, but that part wasn't news. He wasn't in the greatest shape in the world, but there it wasn't too severe as far as he could tell. Most of the injuries were minor, they just.... added up. The only major ones were the paw and a cut under his right eye that he could feel stinging despite it having been a while ago. This settled it; Sova had just passed out from exhaustion coupled with shock due to pain. Or.... well, was it really passing out?

Either way, all that mattered was that his body was still capable of fighting for him, which it was. He wasn't in perfect condition by any means, but after a short rest, he'd be capable of fighting just as well as usual. Although he still didn't know for sure whether any more fighting would be done or not. He very much wanted to find out, though, which led his thoughts back to the music box. His paw was already in the bag, so.... he just.... went right on ahead and pulled the box out. He stared down at the box, temptation to wind it up rising, but he resisted. Just a few more minutes and he'd be able to sate his desire.

It interested him so much, in fact, that he no longer cared about tormenting Jak.

(So, you guys wanna have a timeskip for a silent, awkward break, then wind the box up? Or just a few posts of chitchat? I'm hoping I'm not the only one who doesn't fancy spending a whole lot of time on this. Could just have this be a short, 4 post thread.)
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Lord E V
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Lord E V

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The Solution - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 30, 2015 1:32 am

S.S. realized he was wrong in his initial assumption that this dark entity was the enemy when he was given a name of the supposed real enemy. Giratina.... he barely knew of this name, even with his shared memories from Sova. One thing he was pretty comfortable in believing, though, was that the thing they were talking to was telling the truth. Then, just as he was beginning to wonder how he was supposed to find a legendary deity, it happened. A loud.... roar? Screech? A sound, and one that seemed to shake the entire chateau. Then the ghost-like figure revealed its allegiance was to "Giratina," which meant it was still an enemy.

The glaceon figured this meant they were going to fight now, but it seemed no one else agreed. Literally, NO ONE. His "allies" were busy talking about GLUE, and his new playmate was apparently leaving! Well, he wasn't going to have this, he wasn't going to stand for any of it! This was about more than fighting; he didn't want the world he lived in to fall to ruin while he was still alive!!!! "You IDIOTS! He just said he's on the other side; he's gonna help ruin the world and you two are just gonna let him get away in favor of talking about glue!?" he questioned- no, more like SCREAMED at the other two, with hostility more than evident by his tone.
How was it that something so bad even he didn't want it to happen was being so easily shrugged off by the two he'd been stuck with?

As S.S. spoke, the air around him began to freeze and a current of wind blowing toward the throne room whipped up. Halfway through his little speech, all the fur on his body suddenly flash-froze into his trademark spiked battle-armor. He was NOT going to let this thing get away so easily if it was planning on destroying his playground! The wind began to swirl around him, freezing some of the water in the air into ice crystals as it did so. Then, all at once, the air all blew forward with enough force to propel him and knock anyone who wasn't prepared to the ground. He didn't care whether or not he hurt the two idiots he was with; all that mattered was stopping this creature from getting away!

He bolted into the throne room, moving faster than he had even in the previous fight thanks to Ice Shard plus the boost from the wind current he'd made. He leaped onto the table that stretched across the room, an orb of black energy forming in front of his face as he did so. The orb suddenly turned to a dark red color before flying forward toward the dark creature, showing he'd put a lot more negative energy into it than usual. At the moment.... he had a lot of negativity to spare.

Whether or not the orb were to hit, he would then attempt to reach the dark figure and attack it in melee range with his tail and Frost Breath. If it were to disappear too quickly, he would then simply break through the chair it was leaning on and fall to the ground.
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The Solution - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 30, 2015 1:47 am

Darkrai merely chuckled as the glaceon screamed at its friends, disappearing in a wisp of smoke as the Glaceon charged and allowed it to crash into the chair. There was a ominous laughter that echoed through the halls.

"I have no interest in fighting the likes of children, and I have no interest in helping you guys get this glue you speak of. Your friend is right, you're going to need something much stronger than glue feather-fluff," the voice echoed, "So do "uncle" a favor and get some rest...for eternity...Tata~"

As the voice finished its phrase, dark orbs seemed to rise up from the ground. The trio would be unable to move their feet if they tried to get out of the spheres that rose upward from the ground, swallowing them slowly as it took its dear sweet time in sending the three into an eternal slumber.

However, a pink orb suddenly darted into the room the orb of energy disappearing to reveal a cat-like creature levitating and looking around the room with a determined look. It looked to the trio and gave a quick twirl in the air three times, creating three pink tinted bubbles that shot towards the dark orbs just as they were about to swallow the group whole and the darkness dispersed as soon as the pink orbs touched the dark.

The flying psychic type seemed to glare at the group before mumbling, "You're lucky I was prepared for this!" before rocketing off into the sky through the hole created by Darkrai without even waiting for a question or response.

--End of Event Encounters--
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NPC Rper

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The Solution - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 30, 2015 12:29 pm

Varda flinched as the Glaceon screamed, the air growing colder once more as icy winds blew across the room. The wind swirled around Sova, but the whitish little specks of ice twinkling in the air did not seem to be quite able to push away all the odd, dark mist.
"Aah, Sova, don't–!" The bird called out once he saw his friend darting in the direction of the strange Pokémon, jumping on the table and attempting to attack it… But it disappeared. Like it had appeared, in just a moment, it had turned into nothing and, well. Floated away? Varda didn't know. What he did know was that the crash that echoed through the room came from Sova as he was now attacking the chair the dark stranger had been on just a moment ago.

But they weren't going to get any help. Even though the creature had disappeared, its voice could still be heard. The only thing that really stuck out to the Altaria at first was that they needed something stronger than glue. What was stronger than glue? He really tried to think about it, but couldn't really come up with anything on the spot…

On the spot indeed. When he attempted to lift one of his legs, he realized he couldn't. Looking down, an odd dome or darkness was rising from the floor right below him, gluing him in place! ...Was that maybe stronger than glue? He couldn't say. Varda looked at his friends to see if they were seeing what he was seeing, but alas, the rest seemed to have suffered a similar fate. Slowly but surely, the orb rose, forcing more and more of the bird to be immobile the more of him it managed to touch. Because of that, the bird did try to keep as much of him outside the odd energy thing as he could, but, well… It was kind of a losing battle when he couldn't even move despite his struggles.

And even his struggles felt a little weak. His body just didn't seem to be quite as it had been, though he was injured and tired. So tired, actually, that not moving was kind of nice. If there wasn't so much to do, maybe he would have allowed his eyes to close… Well, for more than a few seconds, as he was finding it quite hard to fight that. When he tried to speak, not much came out. The Altaria's head started to droop despite him trying to keep it away from the darkness.

He could have sworn that he saw a brighter light through his eyelids – and that was when he realized he had once more closed his eyes, forcing them open to see another creature in the room. This one wasn't big and dark like the last one, rather a small, light Pokémon that could dash through the air like a bird without wings. Varda almost felt like he might have been dreaming, staring at the pink light that approached him before flopping over on the floor.

Then it got quiet. And dark. Because he had closed his eyes, again. He was breathing, his chest rising and lowering in a steady rhythm. And… He could move his legs. They were free once more.
"Sova…? Jak?" The Altaria called out quietly to his friends.
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PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 30, 2015 10:29 pm

As Jak had shook his head in disbelief about the bird’s question. Jak had been too focused to realize what the dark type had said. The warrior being called bit had completely missed him, even though he had heard it. He certainly didn’t think much of it at the time. However, when the ice type immediately lashed out at him about the dark type stating he was on the other side. Jak immediately turned towards the entities direction.

It was gone, where did it go? He noticed the glaceon had jumped towards the throne during this time, just noticing the fading of the darkness in that spot. S.S was going after it before it got away! “No wait!” he shouted, before it was too late. The voice rang out from around once more, stating that it wasn’t interested in fighting children. It also stated that it had no interest in helping them.

As the last words weard said, about them doing a favor. Jak froze stiff at the final words. What does he mean by this… he thought to himself. He quickly went to try and move, but found that he was stuck in place. A dark aura had surrounded his feet and was moving up his body to form a bubble around him. He was trapped, nothing he could do to stop this now.

Everything around him began to fade in his view. The darkness quickly surrounding him. After what seems like an eternity, there was a bright flash of light within his sight. He felt himself fall to the ground, without realizing he had been lifted off it in the first place.

As Jak’s vision returned to him slowly, he briefly saw the pink Pokémon floating in front of the group. It spoke words that just barely got through to him. It stated they were lucky… and why was that? Just realizing that they had almost died, he was about to ask what happened… but was too late. The Pokémon had flown off and Jak was left staring into empty space.

A hint of irritation shot through his mind as he realized that the ice type almost got them killed… That thing was leaving and he had to provoke it?! The moment his vision returned to normal, he looked around for the ice type. He was prepared to scold someone he shouldn’t scold. It didn’t matter to him at this point.
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Lord E V
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Lord E V

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The Solution - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 30, 2015 11:38 pm

S.S. began to wonder why exactly he was trying to protect the world around the time he crashed into the chair, but it was a bit too late at that point.  He began to pull himself up almost immediately, but he was suddenly stopped halfway up as he body.... locked in place.  He.... couldn't move his legs, as if they were weighed down to the ground.  The voice's condescending tone infuriated him, but there wasn't really much he could do about it.  Then the order to.... sleep.... came through, and at first, he was a bit confused.  His questions were cleared up rather quickly as a dark aura began to creep up over his body.

His mind began to feel hazy, like he was about to pass out.  However, from what the dark entity had just said, he suspected the "sleep" would be permanent if he let it get to him.  So, of course, he tried to fight it, but it was quickly overcoming him.  "Heh...." he quietly laughed to himself as his eyes began to feel heavy.  This was it, then?  It was all over, just like that?  It made him mad, unimaginably mad, but at the same time.... it was funny.  He'd always thought Sova would be the one getting them killed, not him.  This irony was so funny to his warped mind that in his last moments, it was all he was thinking about.  "Heh.... eheh...." he laughed once more, even quieter this time.

Then there was a flash of.... pink?  Suddenly, the tired feeling was gone and he could move again.  He lifted his injured paw and moved it in front of his face, just to check and make sure.  It was indeed mobile once more.  He looked in the direction of the voice to see.... another creature he couldn't identify.  Just like the shadow-douche, he had no clue what this little pink thing was.  Whatever it was, it'd saved him, which he hated.  It'd also sassed him, which he hated as well.  But, before he could think to attack it as the oh-so-intelligent glaceon he was, it flew off, presumably after Edgy McDarkGuy.

His ears picked up another voice not long after that.  The bird.  The annoying bird.  He slowly turned back toward the doorway and started off toward the chamber-room, his insane smile creeping back onto his face.  The bird was calling out.... for Jak.... and Sova.... but....  "Sova isn't home," he responded.
The thought of hiding his identity for the sake of using Varda against Jak no longer appealed to him.  He may have been smiling maniacally, but he was furious about this situation.  The fury just happened to be.... funny.
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NPC Rper

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The Solution - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 31, 2015 12:32 pm

At first, Varda didn't hear a response of any kind. That was… Kind of worrisome, making the bird want to get up. He stirred from his spot, rolling over carefully as he then attempted to push himself on his feet with the aid of his wings. But this was when he actually got a reply, Sova's voice ringing in his ears. Of course, he claimed that Sova wasn't home, which was a really strange thing to say! The bird blinked as he looked at his friend's direction, seeing the smile on the Glaceon's face. Oh. Maybe it was… A joke? Maybe Sova was trying to cheer them up by saying silly thing?

"Oh," he just chirped as a response, now more worried about Jak due to not hearing anything from the lizard. But there he was, just to the side, seeming to be fine? Just… Quiet. Varda certainly was puzzled, but maybe everyone was still in a bit of a shock. He had been shocked himself!
"Um, I'll just leave a note to him, okay?" The Altaria flicked his gaze back in the direction of the Glaceon, seeing if he could get through to his friend while still playing along.

Quickly looking at both of the Pokémon before looking up at the large hole that was still in the ceiling, showing the darkening clouds. It was awfully silent and still outside – and there was no sign of the pink Pokémon.
"Did… You two see that? The odd Pokémon? Who was that?" Varda asked as he looked back at his friends, wondering if it all had just been his imagination, just a dream… But if it was, how were they all free from the darkness now?
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PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 31, 2015 9:40 pm

Jak locked his eyes on the ice type. He gave a firm glare as he noticed the twisted look on the ice type’s face. He watched the ice type as it stated that Sova wasn’t home. Why wasn’t S.S concealing itself now? It had before, but he wasn’t entirely sure if ever did care about hiding itself. Jak was a bit infuriated at what S.S had done, having almost gotten them killed. Does it even care about whether it will live also?

“Hey! Sova or not, that was plain stupid!! You almost got us all--” Jak growled in anger just before being cut off by the ice type. The ice type came towards him at a high rate of speed, causing him to reflexively brace for some form of impact. He raised his arms, knowing he wasn’t going to be able to get out of the way.

((Note: Jak is fairly vulnerable as he isn't very fast in his current state... He will however endure what hits him... question is, for how long?))

Note: Collaborative post made with sova to leave an opening for reaction. Was told how S.S was going to move and an idea on reaction, also told where to cut off dialog for the reaction.
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Lord E V
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The Solution - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 01, 2016 3:11 am

The glaceon's smile seemed to struggle to get larger, though his face simply would not allow it. Anger was funny.... fury was funny.... failure was funny.... death.... was funny. He could tell Varda had missed his point, but he didn't really care much in favor of what his other source of entertainment was currently doing. "Keh," he snickered before bolting toward the Fire-type with pupils shrinking in pure mania.
After thinking long and hard for about the time it took Varda to finish talking and Jak to start up, S.S. had decided....

He was sick of hearing these two speak.

Just as he reached the mouthy charmeleon, he spun and lifted himself onto his front paws, essentially cartwheeling and uppercutting the lizard with his mace-like tail with enough force to knock someone of that weight back and off the ground. However, the type of knockback he was hoping for didn't happen due to Jak bracing, which displeased him; while the charmeleon was pushed back a bit, it was nowhere near satisfying enough. Then the second phase of his attack kicked in; the air displaced by the quick movements of his tail suddenly turned into a burst of freezing wind, as if he'd cut right through the air. It blew in the same direction his tail had moved in, which was forward and upward, and it held enough force to lift the weight of the charmeleon off the ground. "You don't seem to get it," he muttered, though his voice had a hint of shakiness in it, as if he were straining himself.

This attack was something he'd yet to use even once, and thus he had no clue what to expect. It was working as intended, but.... the drain it was putting on him was unbelievable. He instantly felt weak.... his body wasn't ready for something like this, and he would risk passing out if he tried to keep it up. But he didn't care, it was WORTH IT! Jak's mouth lit up with fire in preparation for a counter-attack, but he wasn't going to just sit there and simply let someone hit him. He spun and cartwheeled once more - this time forward - and slammed his tail down on to Jak as hard as he could. Once more, after a moment of delay, a freezing-cold shockwave of wind formed from his attack. This time, it slammed into the ground before dispersing with enough force to threaten even Varda.

His body felt so heavy that he almost collapsed to the ground rather than finishing his cartwheel. However, he forced himself to remain standing where someone with less twisted determination would not have. Sova.... would have been down for the count by now, and he knew this. He was risking his own safety by pushing himself so hard, but he didn't care, he JUST. DIDN'T. CARE. He didn't care if he upset Sova, he didn't care if he hurt himself, he didn't care if the world was ruined! This was something he'd forgotten how to do for a brief time, with the thought of the world ending and whatnot, but now that it was back.... he felt amazing. No amount of strain on his body was going to change that.

"The only reason you're still alive in the first place is because I say so."

(Note: What he said. Collaboration 'n whatnot.)
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NPC Rper

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The Solution - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 01, 2016 10:37 am

Varda didn't get a reply. His friends didn't seem to be too interested, so maybe… It was a dream, after all. Just a figment of his imagination. A hallucination. Had the dark dome under them all been just that, then? Was it some kind of a hallucination attack while the dark figure prepared to leave? Maybe, that seemed like a proper explanation now that the bird was left to his own devices. His friends, after all, seemed to be more interested in–

It all happened so fast that the Altaria couldn't even quite register what what happening before well after the fact. When Jak talked to Sova – and he had to admit, it wasn't very nice to call someone's plan stupid in this situation… Well, he didn't still think that gave the Glaceon the right to attack! A tail slammed at the lizard who seemed to be taking it, but all three of them were quite tired after everything that had happened. Then, a freezing wind blew, forcing Varda to fight against it and try to use his wings to protect himself.

But he couldn't just stand back! Things were getting really out of control! When the bird got over his initial shock, he mustered enough strength that was left in him to spread his wings and fly closer to the pair, landing right between the fighting Pokémon.
"Stop! You can't fight now!"
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PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 01, 2016 6:25 pm

Jak held his ground as the Pokémon rushed him. After being hit and knocked back slightly, he started to build up a flame. However, before he could do so… he was blown into the air and immediately slammed back down towards the ground. Jak was now on the ground, wincing slightly from the pain. The hit was hard, and it knocked the wind out of him. He lied on the ground for a moment as the ice type spoke over him. It repeated what it had said earlier, that he was only alive because he said so.

Jak eventually started to push himself up. He ignored all the pain as his adrenaline was kicking in. He wasn’t going to take it anymore, he wasn’t going to allow this thing to beat him around. His body started to glow with warmth as his body began to change shape, eventually forming the body of a dragon like creature… a charizard! As he stood up, he was now fully evolved and gave the ice type a harsh glare. “No... you are not the reason.” he stated in a plain tone. The anger that simmered within him was partially hidden by it. He felt as if he had more control over this anger at this point, but still having its power that it may give. His tail burning fiercely as he waited for the glaceon’s next move. At this point, Varda seemed to be between the two… however Jak was fairly certain that wasn’t going to stop the ice type at this point as he kept guard.
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Lord E V
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PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 01, 2016 7:39 pm

S.S. merely grinned at the downed Fire-type before him, and it persisted right through Varda's little intervention. He had no intention of stopping, and he wasn't planning on leaving the bird out of the fun.... Upon seeing a light, he knew exactly what was happening, and he began to giggle maniacally once more. Jak was continuously being Jak, which was thrilling him so much that his giggles turned into full-blown cackling. Oh, how thrilling this was.... now maybe he could have a fair fight for once. As fun as it was being cheated by a living legend, or wrecking things far weaker than himself, a fair fight was something he never got to experience.... Sova was just the right amount of weak and pathetic to get into fair fights, but him?

"You're right, Varda," he paused his laughter long enough to say.
Then the giggling started back up as he jumped back, away from the two. He wasn't quite agreeing in the way the bird wanted, but he was agreeing all the same.... How rude of them, to fight without inviting their.... friend.... He dug a paw into his bag and pulled a seed out, shoving it into his mouth and biting into it. A Reviver seed. He was, in fact, too exhausted to keep going. But this seed would fix it. Sova would just have to forgive him.... or not; he didn't care.

He then lowered his head a bit and spread his legs into a fighting stance as he prepared to really cut loose. He was DONE holding back to try not to kill things.... these two could take his attacks, he'd already seen that, so he was going to test just how much they could take. Both of them. "We shouldn't be fighting.... Not without you," he continued.
Then nothing. No more words from him.... Now, all that was left for him to do was attack, and for once, he was going to go all out. It was going to hurt his body, it was going to cause severe damage to his surroundings, it was liable to put the lives of everyone in the room at risk. He didn't care.

The air around him began to chill as his energy returned to him; ice crystals began to form, reflecting the light of the candles. The ground around him was being coated over with frost already. He took in a slow breath, one that was audibly shaky from anticipation. He held it for a moment, and ignored anything either of the other two would try to say. Then he blew out a freezing mist, as cold as he could muster. If Varda didn't move and didn't fight back.... well, that wasn't his fault.
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NPC Rper

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The Solution - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 01, 2016 8:07 pm

Varda's chest was rising and falling, but it looked like he actually got through to the pair! There was no fighting and he was in the way. A smile appeared on the bird's face as he adjusted his feet slightly, straightening his neck and folding his wings. He had just flown there so abruptly, his feet splayed and posture odd. But now it was better. The bird nodded first to the Glaceon, then looking back and nodding to Jak as well – before taking a second quick look when he realized that he was just looking at a rather large belly rather than the lizard's face. Was… Jak always so tall? Varda squinted and tilted his head slightly. Something was… Definitely off…

But Sova seemed happy! The Glaceon was laughing. Loud. And a lot. But that was fine. The Altaria looked back with a smile, finding his friend giving them a bit more room and releasing some of the tension, at least. Now that they had come back to their senses, they had a lot to talk about. The odd shadowy figure, the odd pink thing that might have been his imagination, the state of the world, the evil that had been mentioned, the thing that was stronger than glue and would fix the broken teacup…
"Okay, now we should–"

Varda started to talk, but his words were cut short when the air got colder again. Oh no, another one of those icy ghost thingies? The bird looked around him, but he couldn't see anything. He was certain that all the ghosts in the room had left just a moment before, too! But despite that, when he looked back at Sova, a icy mist was already coming at him.
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PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 01, 2016 9:00 pm

Jak 5

Jak continued to watch the ice type as it started to back away. He paid no attention to Varda’s words as the bird began to speak again. He heard what the ice type had said, and he wasn’t going to allow him to hurt Varda if he could help him. He noticed the ground began to flash freeze around the ice type, causing alarm to Jak. “Varda! Move!” he quickly ordered the bird as he quickly built up a flame. He took a step past the bird and let loose his torrent of flame towards the ice type, holding back as to not reach the ice type. He only put enough power to disperse the icy breath the demented fox was unleashing.

Jak let out a growl of annoyance as he got ready for any more tricks from S.S. He was through with it and was not letting it win, not this time. Despite how helpful it was being earlier with the issues that arose earlier with the mob of Pokémon. S.S was far more dangerous in its current state and had to be stopped. The question was how to do so without causing too much harm.
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Lord E V
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Lord E V

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The Solution - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 01, 2016 11:15 pm

"Keh-heh-heh-heh," came the strained laughted of the fox as he watched the fireworks.  It was too bad; he wasn't being allowed to hit Varda, it seemed.  Oh well.  It was time to start the game.  "I like you," he spoke slowly, purposely standing his ground as he could tell the fire wasn't meant to reach him.
It was disappointing to be tied to Sova; these two weren't taking him seriously enough.  They weren't willing to kill him all because they didn't want to hurt Sova....  He wondered how hard he would have to try to convince them to go all out.

His body wobbled to the right as if he were about to fall over from dizziness, and just before it reached that point, he suddenly jolted in the other direction and broke into a run.  The way in which he was moving was purposely difficult to predict and sporadic; he was actually making an active effort to make random idle movements then decide his own movements at the last second just to make it harder for the others to predict him.  "I like you enough to break Sova's rules!" he shouted as he stopped, then exhaled another breath of freezing mist, this time directed at the newly evolved charizard.
But he didn't stop there; he wasn't going to sit around and wait for Jak to counter his attack and strike back.

S.S. then bolted to the right toward the opposite side of Jak, before charging head-on toward the overgrown lizard.  Jak followed him and prepared to block much like last time, as expected.... but this time, that was what he was hoping for.  Instead of attacking, he dropped to the ground at the last second and slid under the charizard's legs, with the ice armor covering his body helping.  Once behind Jak, he exhaled and blew yet another cloud of icy mist at the lizard.  As he did so, the flaming tail of the beast came down on him in a crescent sweeping motion, swatting him in the side just as he rolled onto his paws.

The force of the impact was enough for him to be knocked back and have to force himself to slide to a stop, but it hadn't taken him off his paws. Surely, a charizard could do better than that.... He couldn't help but feel like Jak was still holding back on him, and he was sick of it! How could he motivate himself to give it his all if his opponents wouldn't do the same!?
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The Solution - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Solution   The Solution - Page 2 EmptySat Jan 02, 2016 12:03 am

Even though Varda had been told to move, he didn't have the time to get out of the way! The mist was spread so wide that there was no way he could just jump out of the way like that! But still, despite that, he hopped to the side, perhaps hoping that the attack would miss somehow. Or at least not hit him head on. Luckily for the bird, he had a large fire-breathing dragon Pokémon on his side, responding to the ice with a powerful flamethrower, melting the ice crystals and clearing our the mist.

But then again, he was close to a large fire-breathing dragon that could easily step on him if they both weren't careful. As the warmth of the flames reached the Altaria, he realized he should be taking a few steps back. He didn't understand why this was happening, though! They were friends and did missions together, they were here to save the world, yet… It had come to this. Them fighting for no reason. The ice made it really difficult for Varda to jump in, knowing that he would be frozen in seconds! Maybe. It was really cold.

"A-Ah, watch o–!" The bird tried to chirp to Jak when he snapped out of his thoughts, noticing how Sova used his smaller size to his advantage and slid between the larger Pokémon's legs, followed by yet another blast of cold air that caused even Varda to cover himself with his wings. This wasn't like Sova at all! ...Could it be? It couldn't, right?
"Jak!" He called out, looking very worried,
"Is… Is Sova losing it? Like all those other Pokémon?"
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